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Bad Night in Spookavania is the 29th Episode of Season 3A of the SpongeBob and Friends Adventures Chronicles series. Spookavania is a world of monsters that was thought to have been safe from prosecution and prejudice from normal society thanks to the electromagnetic space storm that surrounds their world's planetary system. However, there is one who is NEVER detered by anything, not even space storms that can cause ships to shut down. That someone is Monz Star, the de facto leader of an independent monster-hunting group founded by Tricorn called the Monster Hunter Brigade. While it is true that Tricorn has been made momentarily reasonable, she still can't truly trust an entire planet of monsters and has been a concern to her even before she was made a cyborg, though it arguably made her even more determined. Monz has been trying to find and destroy Spookavania for years because of Tricorn's misguided determination to prevent monster problems that are known to cost lives. In Monz's eyes, the idea of an entire community of monsters hiding on one planet is intolerable. And now, Monz Star was able to pinpoint it's location with the use of a lost, and previously prohibited, High Council artifact known as the 'Worldfinder Map' which was capable of locating any known world throughout the UUniverses. Tricorn has given him her experimental monster-hunting ship called The Helsing Craft, and gave him permission to do what he wants with it, which lead to the ship being upgraded to be immune to the space storm, and be fully-completed by whatever means possible, often having to resort to questionable and illegal actions and the use of questionable and contraband technology, even that of the Grox and Villain League technology. And after making questionable deals with those where he got it from, it was proven worth it in the end as the Helsing got through the space storm unaffected, and is getting ready to order the entire military aboard to commence with the invasion and destruction of Spookavania. After a few minor attacks, it might provoke the ruler of the planet, Count Vladula to finally trust a questionable renegade wraith named Horrorshow and his anti-normal fanatics and defeat Monz and declare UUniversal war on all normals. And thanks to Icky momentarly disabling the teleporting beacon from eating chocolate he got from a planet of candy, it will be up to the Lodgers to find a way to make their van immune to the space storm in time with help of an unlikely savior of the planet: A renowned and enhanced monster-hunter who used to work for Tricorn named Craig Vesling, who had quit serving Tricorn and Monz long ago when he realized they were using him for monster genocide, and started to agree that unlike Transylvania, Spookavanian monsters pose no true threat unless provoked or corrupted by the influence of his worse enemy and old friend, Horrorshow, who was essentially responsible for him working for those two in the first place. So with life on Spookavania hanging in the balance, our heroes and Craig need to stop Monz and Tricorn from irresponsibly dragging the UUniverses into a war destined to be more disasterous than even the Cartoonian Wars.


Intro (Becky G- Problem)


Becky G - Problem (The Monster Remix) Lyrics

Intro Theme

Chapter 1: Looming Trouble for a World of Monsters

(This song is played as not just the people of Halloween Town sing it, but new monsters, as well as other monsters from other movies such as Monsters Inc and Hotel Transylvania)


This Is Halloween

Beginning Song

  • Vampire: I'd like to thank all of you for another great time of Halloween. And I'd like to thank Jack Skellington and a few other friends of his from other worlds for joining in.
  • Jack: Oh, it was nothing, Vladula. Drac, Sully, Mike, and their friends have been pretty close to me for a while.
  • Mayor: "This certainly gave this year's halloween more oopth. And with that upcoming "Goosebumps" Movie, I think we have some compition later down the road. (Turns head around to sad face) It's ashame our creator Tim Burton didn't get to have anything to do with the production like the attempt that had him with failed because of issues."
  • Clown: "Yeah, and I have to be nit-picky here. Why is Jack Black playing R.L. Stein? Isn't Stein still alive? Why can he just play himself?"
  • Jack: "I imagine it's suppose to be an alternate universe sort've deal."
  • Dr. Frankenstein: "Maybe that, and because Stein probuly doesn't have an acting bone in his body. Or because Jack was made newly found popular thanks to "Kung Fu Panda".... And/or in a lesser extent, that odd movie about Jack Black becoming a spanich wresler."
  • Mavis: Well, at least me, Dad, and his friends have had the spotlight recently with our sequel. They said it held a BIG box office record, and grossed over $48.5 million.
  • Sully: And as for our sequel, that was just 2 years ago. Odd how both our movies have one same voice actor.
  • Wayne: Yeah, I never liked that Randall guy despite us sharing the same voice actor.
  • Vladula: I'm just glad that it shall be Halloween soon, and it'll be the time when we do our common tradition of scaring kids for fun. Sure it's a risky tradition, but let's remember that not everyone can take a scare and it's important to know when to stop. Otherwise you have people like that ridiculous Monster Hunter Brigade that a certain friend of ours have defended Spookavania's location from.
  • Drac: Ah, yes, Craig is a hero to both normal people and monsters. He makes sure that both sides are balanced out, and he has done a great job since he quit that Brigade.
  • Sully: "Speaking of which, hey kids, who wants Ol' Jacky to re-tall the story on how the Monster Hunter Birgade almost were able to actselly waste Spookivaina?"
  • Monster kids began to pester Jack over this.
  • Jack: "Ok, ok, ok! But remember. The story gets alittle intense every once in awhile. And, also alittle odd. Witches, ster up the magic pool."
  • The two Witches did that.
  • Jack: "You see children, earlier in October, there was a mean old human with a scared eye, and science gifted abilities beyond even our imaginations that hunted for a speical lost High Council map soughted after by forces darker then him. He wanted to use it to get to Spookivaina. And one day, he was able to get it."
  • The Witches' sterring eventally opened a viewing portal to the past.
  • Jack: "He found it in a place no one would've fought to look in.... A lost vessal of a pirate ship."

In the viewing portal.

  • An old Pirate ship is seen.
  • A Group of punks simular to the dragon rider teens with weaponry are seen.
  • Snotlout-look-a-like: "..... That's where Old Crazy Monty said the map was? Has that old coot lost his marbles?"
  • Ruffnut-look-a-like: "Totally. There's no way the High Council's gonna neglect one of their toys and leave it on some pirate's boat."
  • Fishlegs-look-a-like: "Actselly, the lost ship of Captain Bluebeard, the second most infamous universe traveling pirate behind Taiklar Blackheart, has been said to stolen a powerful map from them during a ship transfering from a war-torned planet, and stolen the Worldfinder Map for the purpose of his own misuse to find nearly all the highest treasure planets and become enturnally rich. He cursed the map with a pirate's curse that he will come to life and haunt all of the universes with enturnal plunder and pillaging if the map is ever taken from him."
  • Tuffnut-Look-A-Like: "PFFT! That stupid old legend? Give me a break?! Bluebeard was a one and done deal after he ate a poisoned chicken. That curse never became a proven fact."
  • Fishlegs-Look-a-like: "Because, nobody was able to find the map or the ship.... Until us....."
  • Hiccup-Look-a-like: "Look, it's obvious that the legend thing is just an old rumor. Monty expects us to get that map, no excuses."
  • Astrid-look-a-like: "Exactly. The only thing we should look out for, is the ship's traps, and the fact that we're not the only ones who want the map. I saw several left behind Pirate camps, including one that belongs to Bluebeard the 100th. Obviously wants to inhereit his great grandfather's secret of being a very bad ass pirate."
  • Hiccup-look-a-like: "Pirates, boobytraps, and an old myth are the least of our concerns. Are we gonna be able to get that map or what?"
  • Fishlegs look-alike: Ok, ok, no need to get so snippy, Burp. (They enter the shipwreck as they searched through it, encountering several human and fish skeletons)
  • Hiccup look-alike (Burp):... Hmm... I don't really see any booby traps.
  • Snotlout look-alike: I hope these traps aren't like the ones set by that pirate in the Goonies. Those must've taken years of studying physics.
  • Astrid look-alike: Well, Phlegm, Bluebeard has been known to be an expert in physics. This place isn't the first he set up with booby-traps.
  • Tuffnut look-alike: (Scoffs) You said 'booby'!
  • Burp: Nutter, please! Let's just find this map and get it over with.
  • Astrid look-alike: Isn't that it over there? (They see a small metal tablet with a glowing blue magical screen-like surface)
  • Burp: "...... Ok, you think the map would like a magical piece of paper, but.... Ok, I'll take mteal tablet."
  • Fishlegs look-alike: Let's get it- (Tries moving)
  • Burp: (Stops him) Hold it, Snapper! Remember there might be booby-traps. (Puts his hand in an open light, and it triggers a hidden trap door with stalagmites on the bottom where skeletons laid)
  • Fishlegs look-alike (Snapper): WHOA!... Well, thanks for that Burp.
  • Aster:... How do we get past that, then?
  • Burp: "Wait a minute......"
  • Burp picks up a piece of broken board and tosses it across the room and it hits the Map, only for it to fall down and break like glass!
  • Burp: "I should've known..... The old "fake treasure" gimmick. An old Pirate trick to trick idiots like them to die for a fake prize. I knew the real map wasn't a metal plate."
  • Phlegm: "So, anti-climaticly, it is a piece of paper, but with magic? Honestly, that isn't very creative for an anichent map."
  • Burp: "Perhaps, but at least it's more realisticly assusiated with pirates then what, that metal thing over there? Come on guys, I think I know where our tecnecolored bearded friend hid the real map."

The Room of Bluebeard.

  • The Skeletal Body of Bluebeard was seen with the REAL map in his hands, a seemingly regular piece of paper with an exception of the occational odd glow. Around the corpse of Bluebeard were a series of his dead crew around the table he sat at.
  • Burp and his team entered.
  • Phlegm: "Ok, let's claim the anti-climatic thing and get it over with."
  • Snapper: "But the curse-"
  • Burp: "Would you relax? There's no pirate curse! Pirates are not capable of magic!"
  • Snapper: "But Taiklar had magic."
  • Burp: "He was probuly an exception. Now I want no more word about the curse thing, alright?" (Tries to grab the map, yet the skeleton came alive) YAAHH!!
  • Phlegm: Hey, to be fair, it's not really yours, pal, you just stole it from the High Council of Old.
  • Phlegm: Well, I'm not scared of it. We've seen skeletons all the time when it comes to monster-hunting.
  • Bluebeard Skeleton: This be yer' last chance, lads! Leave this place or me and me crew shall awaken and go into eternal pillaging for the rest of eternity! Not even you will be spared!
  • Phlegm: Oh, I'm SOOOO scared.
  • Aster: Phlegm, don't!!
  • Phlegm: Why? We found what we came for, so let's just take it from him!
  • Snapper: I warned you all about the curse! We need to get out of here.
  • Bluebeard Skeleton: Yes, listen to tubby, lads!
  • Snapper: HEY!!
  • Phlegm: Oh, I'm peeing my pants screaming! You think you're so scary, you big bag of bones? GO, TO, HE--(The Skeleton glows in blue spiritual fire) YA-HA?!
  • Burp: "Oh great, now ya cheesed him off, Phlegm."
  • Nutter: "Litterally."
  • Burp: Not to worry, we have ways to deal with spiritual creatures. We'd better switch to ghost rounds. (They take out their high-tech pistols and spin a revolving mechanism to 'ghost') This ammunition should send this spirit back to the afterlife.
  • Aster: I hope so! (The group fired as the Bluebeard Skeleton took a few hits, and he starts to fade into dust)
  • Bluebeard Skeleton: YAAAHHH!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!? AAAHHHH!!! AAAAAaaaa...(He completely fades away as the skeleton itself fell apart on the floor)...
  • Snapper:...Yikes.
  • Burp: (Grabs the map) Well, it looks like we've completed our mission, everyone. Let's get this map back to the boss.
  • The group leaves, but they are unaware that the eyeholes of Bluebeard's skull began to glow.
  • (Jack): The map was officially in the hands of the Monster Hunter Brigade. And upon Monz' possession of the map, all heck started to break loose.
  • Tri-Corn was doing paperwork.
  • Jamica: "Uh, Senator?"
  • Tri-Corn: "Jamica?"
  • Jamica: "I don't know how to say this, but a weird old human has come and requested your audience. He claims he was part of a millaterry team you made and-"
  • Tri-Corn: "Ah, yes. You see, I founded that team prior of you being hired. I entrusted him and a few others for... Private matters. Allow him to see me and, do some errends to pass the time."
  • Jamica became unsure.
  • Jamicia: ".... Very, well."
  • Jamica let's a silluette stranger in and leaves.
  • Stranger: "Tri-Corn.... (Brings out an anichent map) Have I got big news for you...."
  • Tricorn:... Is that...
  • Stranger: It is. It's the Worldfinder Map that belonged to the High Council of Old. It was used to identify and locate ANY world in the UUniverses. With this, we can finally locate the world of monsters, Spookavania.
  • Tricorn: Well done, Monz, well done! I knew one day we'd find... (Suddenly remembers the last few times she tried eliminating monsters)... (Sighs)
  • Stranger (Monz): Is there something wrong, Senator?
  • Tricorn: It's just that... (Sighs)... I've been thinking about what we're doing, and-
  • Monz: That's dangerous. This is what you've been aiming for ever since that beast made you a robotic freak. We can finally find Spookavania, and destroy all the monsters inhabiting it.
  • Tricorn: I know, but... I think it's best if we called the whole thing off.
  • Monz: WHAT?!?
  • Tricorn: Look, I'm sorry, but a few... Unpleasant situations... Have made me see things another way. Maybe not all monsters have to be killed, just the ones who... Are actually true monsters.
  • Monz:... (Laughs) I always thought you had no sense of humor. (Laughs) I... (Tricorn looks at him seriously)... Oh, God, you CANNOT be serious!
  • Tricorn: Is that a problem?
  • Monz: You'd better believe it is, Tricorn! Monsters are very dangerous things! They're just nothing but accidents that do nothing but cause suffering and chaos. Isn't that what you said to me when you founded this team?
  • Tricorn: Yes, but you don't understand. Some monsters are not all the same. They could either be innocent victims of bad luck or just ugly creatures looking for friendship. I learned such a fact the hard way.
  • Monz: (Sighs) Is this because of that whole Tiki mess years ago?
  • Tricorn: That's only part of the reason why I am changing a new mind, but otherwise yes. Has anyone ever told you that you can't judge things by how they look? Would you shoot the monster members of the Shell Lodge and expect to get away with it?
  • Monz: "Uh...... Funny thing is, sometime last year, I once tried exactly that."
  • Tri-corn: "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"
  • Monz: "Now now, Tri-corn, they never found out I worked for ya. They just thought I was some nut."
  • Tri-corn: "Just because they didn't found out then doesn't mean they'll never figure out?! They're smart misfits.... Well, the ones actselly smart anyway. Your most likely wanted by them, Monz! If they find out your part of a millaterry based group, under MY orders, they're never gonna let me live this down!"
  • Monz: "..... Tri-corn, what happened to the senator that wanted to kill monsters?"
  • Tri-corn: "I was only like that because I couldn't control my tragiic feelings..... And realisticly because I was processed by a dangerious Glitch that is momentarly offline and has yet to come back."
  • Monz: "But you founded this group BEFORE the glitch!"
  • Tri-corn: "Correction, while that's true, I didn't had anything against monsters to an extent the glitch and a tragity caused. I originally meant for you and the birgade to be a preventive measure. I only ended up encouraging your worse nature because, again, the stupid Glitch."
  • Monz: "But senator?! The most troubling thing about Spookivainia, is that we don't know the extent of their true nature! I mean, with the likes of Halloween Town and the Montrotropolis world and that, "Tranvilvainia Hotel" world, you can get those monsters are truely afraid or are too stupid to be a true threat to us normals, but what about Spookivainia? What is their true allinement? Are they like their evil twin Transvilvainia, or they another wimpifived monster world? Casue remember, monsters played a role in the Cartoonian Wars.... Which war was it is debateable, but they had a hand in it."
  • Tri-corn: "That was mainly the Transvilvainian monsters, Monz, and they have been long punished with exsile to their own world."
  • Monz: "Aye, but how much do we know the extent on what the Spookivainians are like? You know well enough that monsters are not a predictable sort, espeically not ones we know nothing about."
  • Tri-corn: "I'm just saying that, we're better off leaving this alone. We clearly never had a problem with them before, so why give them any shit for virtally no real reason?"
  • Monz: "...... It seems some sense needs to be brought back to you."
  • Monz snapped his fingers and two brutes appeared behind Monz.
  • Monz: "You remember Atlas and Omlar, Tri-corn? They here to hold ya still while I make adjustments on your head."
  • The two brutes grabbed and held Tri-corn down!
  • Tri-corn: "STOP!? WHAT'RE YOU DOING!?"
  • Monz removes the false skin!
  • Monz: "Simple.... I'm getting the Tri-corn I liked back. And if it means waking up this "Glitch-corn", then so be it. Time to put me millaterry hacking skills to work."
  • Monz: You've gone too soft on monsters for too long, Tricorn! I'm just going to make sure it isn't an issue again. No more Mrs. Nice Dragon! (Opens a small compartment in Tricorn's head)
  • Monz: I'm afraid it's too late, Senator. There's no going back this time. (Prepares to pull a wire)
  • Tricorn: NO! NO! NOOOO--(The wire is pulled)


  • Jamica was seen slithering down the road.
  • She is suddenly surrended by Birage men.
  • Jamica: "..... Can I, help you gentlemen?"
  • Burp and his friends appear, seemingly relucent.
  • Burp: "..... Miss, we are so sorry for this, but... Your gonna have to come with us. And please, do not make this harder then it is emotionally for me and my friends."
  • Jamica: "What, wha, what you talking about? What happened to Tri-corn, what's going on?!"
  • Burp: "It's mainly confiddentsially. All you need to know is that Monz needs to reason Tri-corn out of wussing out on monsters, that's all."
  • Jamica: ".... I must warn you that I do NOT like the sound of that! I am going to have to alarm the Lougers over this, I-"
  • A familier Night-Fury shaped shadow loomed over Jamica as it intensely stared down at her, both with regret and warning of not doing anything she'll regret.
  • Aster: We're so sorry miss boa, but I'm afraid that cannot happen. This is for the good of socity, and the MHB. (The Night Fury shows itself to be Heartless)
  • Jamica: This is treason! What've you done with Tricorn?
  • Phlegm: Let's just say Monz is gonna wake her wake up and smell the monster blood. And no, I didn't mean that gross abominable gak abomination from the Goosebumps universe.
  • Jamica:... Oh, no... You didn't! Tell me you didn't switch her to Glitch-Corn again.
  • Burp: We're sorry, it's not our idea, it's Monz's, and we don't like it as much as you do. But we have no choice but to obey him, and now that you know, you cannot be allowed to reveal it to anyone. Please know, it's nothing against you, it's just orders.


  • Jamica: (She is thrown into a cell) TREASON!!! THIS IS TREASON!! LET ME OUT OF HERE IMMEDIATELY!!
  • Monz: And who's going to make me? This is nothing personal, Ms. Boa, it's just business. 
  • Monz: Oh, I assure you, Ms. Boa, we already have.Tricorn's in the right path now. Now if you'll excuse me, we have an invasion of a monster world to start. (They head out, and as Monz was the last one to leave, he gives one last nasty look to Jamica in smug victory, shuts the door)
  • Jamica:...(Sighs) Tricorn, what were you THINKING making the MHB?!? I didn't trust Monz from the start! Hell, I don't even know why he HATES monsters because he always stays shut about it. (Sighs) What am I gonna do?
  • ???: You don't have to do anything, Ms. Boa. (An unknown figure appears in the shadows and flips into the cell room, revealing himself to be a black human in a standard MHB uniform, with slight exception of the lack of a badge and scratched-out MHB symbol, and sunglasses)
  • Jamica: (Gasps) Craig Vesling! I never thought you'd show up.
  • Craig: "I never thought Monz would snoop so low.... Corrupting his own boss and throwing her good friend and assistent in jail because he calulated that you might be an issue. Please know that, outside of Monz' men, Burp and his friends have no true proudness and loyalty to the kind of man Monz is. They're just trapped to be bound of being good soldiers."
  • Jamica: "I know, but, they clearly look like they're capable to make their own desidions. It's just that they're afraid of what Monz and Tri-corn in her horrorable state would do to them for mere disobedience. We need to make it that neither Monz and Tri-corn can't hurt them for finally choosing the right thing over obedience."
  • Craig: You'd think the guys would have the muscle to defend themselves with those dragons they have. From what I heard, that black one's species is considered the most powerful and destructive.
  • Jamica: Oh, that Night Fury has been with the MHB for a while. Monz said it was previously controlled by Heartlesses and Heartless masterminds until the Lodgers and the Dragon Crew of Berk rescued him.
  • Craig: But in all honesty, even something as powerful as a Night Fury is no match for the firepower of the MHB. Believe me, I've seen dragons twice as big as he is that were shot down by MHB firepower since...you know, they technically count as monsters.
  • Jamica: You mean they count as monsters when they're unable to be controlled.
  • Craig: Yes, that's what I meant. Listen, even with dragons, if they tried to quit, Monz would have them killed, almost like I was when I quit the MHB. But even I know loyalty is fleeting. It would take Monz making a mistake even they won't tolerate to finally do what's right. (They were unaware they were being watched by a camera, and a silent alarm was turned on)
  • Jamica: So... What do we do, then?
  • Craig: Well, I think we're gonna need some help. Should I go fetch the Shell Lodgers to come rescue you and help stop Monz?
  • Jamica: Or you can rescue me yourself.
  • Craig: I would, but the locks can only be opened by DNA recognition. They only recognize an MHB employee's hand. I try it, the alarm will be raised.... And I just realized that the alarms are silent.
  • Jamica: WHAT?!? (MHB soldiers stormed inside)
  • Monz: STOP RIGHT THERE, VESLING!!! You're not laying a hand on that prisoner! Surrender now, or we will open fire!
  • Craig slowly raised his hands.... Only to quickly reveil smoke bombs and dropped them before Monz and his goons could react.
  • BOOM?!
  • The sound of a jail cell breaking apart was heard.
  • Monz and his goons were coughing as the Cell was seen destroyed and Jamica was gone.
  • Monz: "...... Clever boy.... I taught him well..... TOO well for the sake of this organisation's safety."
  • Atlas: "What do we do now, boss?"
  • Monz: "..... We're gonna have to move quick. Forget about capturing those two for now. It'll be too late by then. We're gonna have to make our escape quick."
  • Omlar: "Well, luckly for you, Tri-corn's speical ship was already finished in advance."
  • Monz: "Ahh, yes, her gift for when I finally find a way to get to Spookivainia... Now's a very too good time to use it to it's potainional. Men, we leave in 100 hours."
  • Atlas: "Is that millaterry talk for something or-"
  • Monz: YES, OF COURSE IT IS!! It means we leave in this very minute!? Prepare the Helsing Craft for planetary assault. Hopefully we'll make it there in time and cross that planet's system's electromagnetic space storm before those Lodger fools can catch us. Not even THEY will be able to get through in time. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!! (The soldiers moved as Monz got a communications device) ATTENTION ALL MHB PERSONNEL! YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO REPORT TO THE HELSING CRAFT AND BEGIN THE RAPTURE INITIATIVE!! WE'RE PLANNING AN IMMEDIATE INVASION OF THE PLANET SPOOKAVANIA, AND HURRY!! CRAIG VESLING IS ON THE MOVE!! GO, GO, GO, GO!!!

Chapter 2: The Helsing Craft/Craig Vesling


  • Monz: (Watches as several soldiers entered a giant space cruiser labeled 'Helsing Craft' armed with assault rifles and have strong armor)
  • Tri-corn, in her corrupted state, arrived.
  • Tri-corn: "You should know I added a few things to enable you to get through the storm in Sppokivainia. Care for me to explain?"
  • Monz: "Save it for when we're all in the ship, Senator. I just apologies we have to leave so soon, but you know how troublesome both Craig and the Lougers can be."
  • Tricorn: Indeed. And you sure the ship's electromagnetic safety measures have been tested?
  • Monz: We tested it just yesterday. It works like a charm. This thing is armed, set, and ready for a one-way genocidal trip to Spookavania. Those lousy monsters won't know what hit them!
  • Tricorn: Excellent! This is the day I've long awaited, for the world of Spookavania to crumble for good.
  • Monz: (Chuckles) Indeed! They'll surely pay for oppressing normals like me! (The last of the soldiers entered the ship's mini-deployment tanks)... Well, the last of the soldiers have entered the deployment tanks. As soon as we enter that planet's atmosphere, all 250 of those tanks will be deployed and release all the troops.
  • Tricorn: How many soldiers are in each one?
  • Monz: Well, a deployment tank can carry over 100 soldiers, so I should say that this ship will carry up to...(Counts and does math)... 25,000 soldiers.
  • Tricorn:... Well, Monz, you never stop impressing me. 25,000 soldiers mean that any monster within their range will be exterminated.
  • Monz: Indeed. Now let's get inside the ship. Craig and Jamica will be half-way to the Lodgers by now! (They entered the ship)
  • Voice: All personnel has been accounted for. Helsing Craft, prepare for launch. 10... 9... Other numbers... Liftoff! (The Helsing Craft began to propel itself into space and it started to enter hyperdrive)

Dragon Temple

  • SpongeBob: (The Lodgers have just finished watching the latest MLP episode as half of them are in tears)...That...was the most tearjerking episode I've seen thus far!
  • Shifu: (Briefly sheds a tear)...Yes, I'm glad the Crusaders will no longer try getting themselves killed gaining their cutie marks, and instead help other ponies find THEIR cutie marks.
  • Batty: I'm not gonna cry, I'm not--(Starts crying and blows his nose on the Thief's robe)...Oh, sorry.
  • Thief: ("Yeesh, looks like the rodent hasn't heard of wiping himself. But then again, he's from a world where nothing but fairies and humans wipe themselves.")
  • Trixie: "..... Am I, the only one actselly surprise about Diamond Tiara? And wouldn't what she said in the "Rarity's Lawsuit Revenge" episode become, incredability ironic?"


  • Tiara: "(Sighs), Because we're meant to be THIER conflict. To motivate them to raise up the better of us. That's what always happens in these kind of shows. We're another part of a trend. And until Hasbro desides we're not nessersary to push them anymore, we... We have to stay their enemies. Cause we tried to friend them up now, canon would force us to wreck it again."


  • Gilda: "Actselly, it pretty much does. I used to remember when Hasbro didn't gave in to fan demands, and now, head-canons and fanons turned into... Well, just canon. And I think it all started with Princess Twilight.... And in a sense, your CANON return."
  • Lord Shen: "Well, tecnecally, it started as a seed with Luna given a canon return, albeit alternate then her Season 1 form. But I beleive since the Twilight hours of Season 3, 4 and 5 seemed to grow into becoming, well, the fan catering series. That's not to say they're entirely acctreate to what Fans intended, but it's there."
  • Trixie: "..... That actselly kinda freaks me out. I didn't think it was possable."
  • Icky: "Well it certainly surprised the producer. It lead to one future episode of this series to be rewritten and another lost-drafted."
  • Trixie: "And on top of that, not making Suri Tiara's mother was actselly a right call, cause we ACTSELLY seen Tiara's mother."
  • Squidward: "Well that certainly would've been a nightmare to recreate the episode had it still kept the "Suri is Diamond's mother" thing."
  • Sandy: "So, I reckind that means MSM deffently made a good call there."
  • MSM: YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DID!!! (Everyone was stunned)...Sorry, reflex.
  • Iago: "...Yep. I bet the five have already started to become real friends now."
  • Viper: "I believe this means we owe them our congratulations."
  • Icky: "And make them honorary heroes.... And thank them for finally stop risking their necks for something they now already had."
  • Spongebob: "All in favor of doing that now?"
  • Lougers: "Aye!"
  • Spongebob: "All against."
  • Ignitus came in.
  • Ignitus: "Forgive my brashness, but.... I have to oppose."
  • Shifu: "..... And in concern as to why, does it concern a problem?"
  • Ignitus: "(Sighs)..... Look, I know you want to give your condolenges to the Crusaders, but I'm afraid it'll have to wait.... I'm afraid it concerns Tri-corn, and yet another of her antics backfiring on her."
  • Ignitus: "More like.... What she did long ago. Come with me, Jamica and a very speical hero want to meet you."


  • Craig: (The Lodgers arrived)... Greetings, Shell Lodgers.
  • Icky: Whoa... Hey, Jamaica, what's with the Blade ripoff in a cool-looking purple outfit?
  • Craig: My name is Craig Vesling. Former major commander of the Monster Hunting Brigade, and defender of the relations of both normal people and monsters alike.
  • Ignitus: Craig here is someone who's been against Tricorn's prejudice against monsters for a while. And what they just told us concerning her requires your assistance.
  • Boss Wolf: Okay, what did the b**** do this time?
  • Missing Link: And who, may I ask, is the Monster Hunting Brigade?
  • Jamica: (Sighs) It's a military-grade taskforce that Tricorn approved even before her first injury in Equestria.
  • Banzai: Whoa, whoa, you mean she's hated monsters since BEFORE Glitch-Corn?!?
  • Jamica: Not in any degree your likely thinking is assusiated with actselly involving the hate borned from Glitch-Corn. It was more that she was concerned about the unpredictability of monsters in general. He founded the group and hired what would become it's de facto leader, Monty Zoshua Star, nicknamed, "Monz Star", an extremely prejudicial man with a hate for monsters.
  • Craig: "You lougers might remember him better as the crazy old man who tried to kill your monster friends awhile back last year."
  • Missing Link: "Aw, what!?"
  • Dr. Cockarouch: "Oh no, this Monz Star character was THAT nutcase?!"
  • Ginormica: "Oh great, our psyco had a name AND he has an army with him?! I liked him better when we thought he was just a lone nut."
  • Icky: "Figures, just figures. What drives that guy to even be like this?"
  • Jamica: He never told us what made him so hateful of them, but I can say, assumingly, it was worse than what Craig here went through in the past.
  • Alex: Does that involve your former classification as a member of that little organization?
  • Craig: Yes. You see... I joined because I was at one time just like Glitch-Corn, prejudicial against monsters. And it's tragic for me because I was raised by them.
  • Puss:... So you're an orphan?
  • Craig: Yes. I still don't know what happened to my real parents. But since I lost them, I was raised by the monsters of a world called Spookavania...


  • (Craig): On a place populated entirely by monsters of all kinds, it's easy for a human child to get used to adult situations such as death and the Devil. And that's who I am. As a child, I was a strong-hearted soul. I was basically a hard kid to scare. I was literally fearless. And I seemed to be great friends with a majority of the monsters, who were okay about a human child living on their planet. One of them was a wraith that many Spookavanians know as Horrorshow. (The wraith himself appeared)... He seemed to get along with me just fine. We did a few great things together. But there was something... Off about him. Something that was just... Untrustworthy. But it didn't really bother me. Now I know it should've been a red flag that his name was "Horrorshow" and that he was an extremely unpopular wraith, but I didn't knew better, I was a kid after all. I was fearless, I didn't say I was the spawn of Albert Enstein. So as the years passed, I grew to be caring to monsters of all kinds. But Count Vladula had always told me that, someday, I would have to go back with my own kind. So, he sent me to the nearest human world where I could try and adapt to a new life. But at first, it didn't go well for me. All I heard was harsh comments and prejudicial claims about monsters. Luckily, when I told people that I was from a world of monsters, none of them believed me. But at the same time, they also thought I was nuts, so, mixed blessing there. All they did was hit me with mean words about them. Too be fair, the world was called "Judgementala", and was porbuly not the finest world to introduse me to, but again, neither me or Vlad knew better at the time. After constantly hearing this everywhere I went, I finally broke down and returned back home. I felt more comfortable being with monsters. But when I returned... A horrible truth would change my life forever... Horrorshow, was never really my friend. At least, not in a more morally acceptable conspect. He and a gang of monsters he turned to his side attacked the very human world I was in, and had every single human slaughtered and turned into spirital slaves thanks to a witch assisent he had. He claims it was to avenge me and that he was the one who tricked Vlad into allowing this and that I wasn't meant to go to Judgementela to begin with, I was meant to go back the world that was troubled by the world I went to, named "Understandica", and some unclear claims about my parents concerning some war it was with on the place, I didn't get the full detail, I was still in shock and it was all so he is able to make me into what he wanted me to be. A weapon against humans. I turned him down and thought that what those stupid humans said monsters were right, and I ran away. I assumed that Vlad caught on to Horrorshow's sceme and gave him due punishment. So, I ended up being taken in by the Birgade and Monz. I was trained to become a fighter and was desten to cleansed the universe of monsters.... But, then, I discovered another truth. Humans are not any better. (Monz burns down an innosent monster home and laughs insanely). I was reminded by how humans were not any better. I made a mistake to become one of them. So, I made amends to it. I quited. And I almost lost my life to it.


  • Craig: "And now, I ain't entirely sure who's the monsters at this point. But whoever's the monster, it doesn't matter! As long as an innosent needs protection, I'll be there."
  • Gilda: "Wow. Horrorshow sounded like a real flip-flop."
  • Craig: "At least, currently, unlike Monz, I understand why.... He was once a normal himself."
  • Po: "Well, obviously. I mean, ghosts started out as people until they die."
  • Craig: "Yes, but it's besides the point. I mean as in, he knew all too well that humanity is disgustingly flawed.... And I think it was why he wanted to turn me against humans...."


  • (Craig): "His name as a normal was Elias H. Threepword, he was born on a farm in Kansas in 1839 who hated the farm life since there was so many things wrong with it, such as tornadoes, infectious bugs, diseases, and countless others. Aside from that, he never liked anything, and thus became anti-social, never caring about any material possessions including money. He possessed harsh and cynical views on the world around him and always believed that no matter what happened, society was still a ruined mess every day. However, his only real values was his best cow Betsy and his prized golden-egg-laying goose. But because this value could attract attention from undesirables who routinely harassed him for the goose for obvious reasons, the worst he did was threaten to alert authorities. It deterred many undesirables, but there was a greedy marketing tycoon who was too determined to let a typical threat of enforcers deter him. So he had his goons murder Betsy as a warning to make him more 'welcoming' to people like him and kidnapped his goose. However, instead of alerting authorities of the crime, he only went into a rage, grabbed his scythe, and pinned down the location of his goose's kidnappers thanks to the questionable choice of advertising the goose at the market plaza. Upon discovering the place, However, when he realized that the advertising lead other greedy people to come after the goose, he ended up killing any who were blind to his pain and came after it. He caused what was known as the Great Goose Massacre and earned him an infamous reputation. It deterred criminals permanently, but he gained a new problem with the law. While Elias explained why he did it, it wasn't a good excuse for the many kills he committed trying to protect his goose. Thus, the judge sentenced him to death by hanging. Following his death, he became the prejudicial wraith known as Horrorshow. He began haunting his own country for years thanks to their actions on him until 1975 when paranormal experts threatened to destroy him, forcing him to retreat to Spookavania where he would attempt to start a monster revolution."


  • Craig: "..... And I was almost dragged into it."
  • Craig: "He told me about that nickname."
  • March Hare: "Well, that ghost surely has some serious issues."
  • Mad Hatter: "I'll say they're serious. They're very very serious indeed!"
  • Dorm Mouse: "Very, very serious indeed."
  • Craig: "Well fortunately, his attatude was what made him normally untrustable to sane monsters, and those who learned to forget about the idiotcy of humanity and moved on with their lives."
  • Shifu: "Perhaps, but how long will that be the case if he learns of the Birgade?"
  • Craig: "He already knows, but even then, that isn't enough, because normally, they are not able to become a problem thanks to the planet's space storms, and that the place isn't exactly well documented in normal socities.... That is, until he found two things to get around that."
  • Lord Shen: "And those would be...?"
  • Craig: "A ship said to be ammuned and capable to even ignor the space storms, and as for finding the place, he managed to get a magical map capable to find any world. Something about it being from some dead pirate named "Bluebeard"."
  • Merlin:... Are... Are you talking about the Worldfinder Map that belonged to the High Council of Old?
  • Craig: Afraid so, appearently. The MHB is capable of taking on any kind of monster known thanks to their technology. They developed all kinds of weaponry to deal with even ghosts. With technology like that, and with the space-storm-proof ship capable of carrying up to 25,000 soldiers, they'll ANNIHILATE Spookavania! So... Is it fair to ask that you guys have a way to get past the space storm?
  • Lord Shen: Oh, of course. We have a portal device that we can-
  • Icky: Uh, yeah, about that...
  • Lord Shen: "...... You did something stupid again, did you?"
  • Icky: "Not intentionally, but.... Well, I was still covered in chocolate from Gobstopper following our recent trip there, and I forgot I had the portal beacon with me and-"
  • Lord Shen: "How, bad, is it?"
  • Icky: Well...basically the whole beacon is covered in chocolate. It'll take a few days to clean it and make it work again. Sorry.
  • Icky: COME AT ME, FAN-ASS!!!
  • Shifu: ENOUGH!! Look, Shen, we can't blame him for an accident.
  • Lord Shen: Why not? There's an entire world of monsters that need us, and their greatest defense will be our greatest obstacle!
  • Shifu: There ARE other ways to get past that storm!
  • Lord Shen: Like what?
  • Shifu: "Well, Monz obviously has a simular idea. Simply make the van capable to ignor and withstand the storms."
  • Lord Shen: "Hmm.... Use the same stragity as the threat, only use it for good. Yes, but I'm afraid we knew little of what they are using."
  • Craig: "I spied on Monz and his forces for awhile, but.... You might not like what you'll hear. Monz made Tri-corn commit to, alot of scecthy deals."
  • Icky: "They're bad, aren't they?"
  • Craig: If by bad, you mean trade contraband technology from people like the Grox and the Villain League, then yes, it's bad.
  • Sparx:...Well, f***, using the same strategy is out of the picture.
  • Kowalski: And believe me, we once got stuck in a similar space storm....And no, I'm not talking about the one we created from the toxins of our Fhurro machine because our van WASN'T in that one, I'm talking about the one we got caught in years ago. Our van was nearly torn apart. I have since been trying to perfect an EMP module that will make our van immune to similar space storms. But every model I tested failed....And YES, I'M STILL PISSED THAT VILLAINS ALWAYS GET THE GOOD STUFF!!! (Beats his head on the wall)
  • Craig:...Is he always like that?
  • Skipper: You get used to it. You should see him when he was still lamenting on his previously-broken up girlfriend....Come to think of it, since our movie, he's got TWO girlfriends now. Doris and that snowy owl in the North Wind.
  • Kowalski: Yeah, I was worrying about that for a while. That's why I'm trying to keep the two away from each other until I can choose who to be with.
  • Craig: So, this portal beacon is ruined, and we can't use the same method the MHB used to get past the storm.
  • Spyro: Wait a second, can't Tricorn do something?
  • Jamica: Oh, that's something I've been meaning to tell you. Monz hacked into her brain and awoken Glitch-Corn, and now she's prejudicial of monsters again.
  • Spyro: Oh, no!
  • Sparx: Sheesh, we teach her a lesson about monster sympathy, and now she has been manipulated into being that prejudicial b**** again by another prejudicial maniac? Sheesh, the day that xenophobia dies will be one of GRANDEST celebration.
  • Lord Shen: "Perhaps, but I doubt it'll happen in our lifetimes anytime soon."
  • Icky: "Well, why don't we do something simular to the MHB's method, but also different? Like, instead of bad guys, we get the stuff we need from places like the Galactic Feds, Kratos, and Furtureasia?"
  • Lord Shen: "..... Wow, you borh damnate and redeem yourself in one episode?"
  • Icky: "I have done that before."
  • Lord Shen: "I meant in litterally a matter of minutes. You normally take longer then that."
  • Icky: Oh, well, great. I'm just glad I don't get beaten up for this now.
  • Gilda: Well, I doubt Kratos has the technology needed for passing through space storms despite their space-travel technology. But there is a good chance that Futurasia and the Galactic Feds have that.
  • Shifu: Especially since Futurasia is technically a world under the rule of the Galactic Feds because of the fact that some of it's alien races, including the Balcorans we fought last adventure, inhabit it.
  • Craig: Well, that's a very good plan. No wonder you guys are very popular.
  • Shenzi: Being a hero helps when you're clever. Now let's stop standing around and get moving to Futurasia. (The Lodgers, Jamica and Craig enter the van and blast off)

Chapter 3: A Monster of a Problem


  • (Jack): Vladula and the monsters of Spookavania had no idea of the horror that was soon to come until it was too late. But when it was noticed, it caught the interest of that very wraith that betrayed Craig. (A red reptilian monster with a Sauron-like eye, sharp teeth and claws appeared in Vladula's throne room)
  • One-Eyed Monster: Count Vladula, we have trouble!
  • Vladula: What is it, Hiver? Has Horrorshow been at it again?
  • Hiver: No, worse. Our observatory has caught something in the sky. It seems like a glowing bright light. Do you know what a second shining light in the sky often means?
  • Vladula:... A spaceship is coming?
  • Hiver: Yes. I think our fears have been realized!
  • Vladula: "I think you are exaggerating. Ships have never been able to surpass the space storms before."
  • Hiver: Well, I think our observer monsters have been able to take clear pictures of it. Take a look. (Shows Vladula some pictures and sees the pictures of the light in the sky, and what it looks like from a greater distance, showing it to be the Helsing Craft)
  • Vladula:...'Helsing Craft'?...Oh, no! I recognize that architecture! IT'S THE MHB!! THEY'VE FINALLY FOUND US!! But...how did they get through the space storm?
  • Hiver: I have no idea. They must've developed a machine that can nullify it's effects.
  • Vladula: Maybe. I can't remember how many monsters were lost through their actions last year. It's people like THEM that make our scaring traditions this time of year difficult.
  • ???: So I take it we're finally agreeing to my beliefs here? (A familiar wraith appears from the shadows, and it appears as Horrorshow)
  • Hiver: (Gasps) Horrorshow!
  • Vladula: What are you doing here? Get out of my palace! And how were my ghost guards unable to deter you?
  • Horrorshow: I'm a wraith. You should know very well that wraiths are able to become invisible to even ghosts, and even send them to the afterlife as much as we can kill a mortal by just touching them, and by using their screams to paralyze people.
  • Hiver: Well, what're you doing here?
  • Horrorshow: Well, I couldn't help overhearing that the MHB have finally planned an invasion. This is the kind of thing I have been talking about. Normals are, and have ALWAYS been, the real monsters.
  • Vladula: Horrorshow, if you think that this situation is going to make me finally acknowledge what you're saying, then you've got another thing coming. It doesn't matter if the normals are hateful to us monsters. It's people like YOU who make their prejudice grow. And was it not YOU who lead to them gaining a rookie that thankfully quit at the last second?
  • Horrorshow: Oh, please, Craig was just worthless to them either way. Craig's wasting his time doing what he is now.
  • Hiver: Hey, he's doing a great job protecting us. Without him, some of us monsters and normals would've been dead by now. Both monsters and normals are hating each other to the point that they fuel each other's hate with crimes such as what certain monsters did before. Remember Snurgo the Snarling? He's an example of why normals hate us. He framed children for actions they didn't do such as inappropriate pranks, and their parents instantly placed the blame on them.
  • Vladula: Exactly. That's why we had no choice but to banish him to that very world he wronged. You are no different than him. You haunted your own homeland for several years, killing innocent people with your deadly touch and paralyzing wailing. It didn't take you until the arrival of paranormal investigators that you had no choice but to leave. You brought that on yourself.
  • Horrorshow: Maybe, but they're the reason why I'm a wraith! I wanted to show normals what true pain was. They never understood me.
  • Hiver: Actually, they did. They only hanged you because you were a mass murderer. You had a normal life yourself, and you blew it.
  • Horrorshow: Oh, please, that life was lame! All the times when tornadoes hit, the diseases, corn beetles, everything at a low-grade society. It sucked ass! THIS is way better!
  • Vladula: Well, it does explain why you hate normals so much.
  • Horrorshow: So what I came here for is to ask you to help me stop this invasion.
  • Vladula: And why would I team up with the likes of you? You've killed so many normals, and disappointed so many monsters, that no one wants anything to do with you. Even your former monster assistants saw how unforgivable you were.
  • Horrorshow: "That's not to say I don't have followers anymore."
  • Vladula: "Oh, right, your ill-gotten ghost army from your mess in Judgementela. You ruined an entire planet over a rotten goverment. That could've been resolved peacefully by the High Council."
  • Horrorshow: "Hey, I did that other world it was attacking a huge favor. And besides, it's called 'Understandica', so they're not bothered by it."
  • Vladula: "True, but it's still a bad exsample of Spookivainia and monsters in general! Besides, even if your ghost army is great, they seldom do little to be a true threat to the Monster Hunter Birgade. They're armed heavily with unexplainable weaponry that can hurt even a wraith like you!"
  • Horrorshow: "Oh, but my momentarly allience with that witch had a benifit. I can now turn normals into ghosts with my newly updated scythe I had since my life as a spirit started. I can simply turn every single normal of that genisiding group into ghosts! That proves that I am your only hope in this! Craig is likely either dead or made the idiotic desidion of trying to ask for outside help, like anyone would believe him. Either way, we're on our own here. And what these Birgade terrorists are threatening is an act of war! A war on monsters which ALL normals espire for! I shall use this power to it's advantageous potential, if you ask me to do so."
  • Hiver: Well, forget it, stripe-butt! After all the crimes you caused, we'd NEVER allow you to make mortals into ghosts. That would make the situation even worse.
  • Vladula: Hiver's right, Horrorshow. Turning normals into ghosts technically counts as killing. That's no different than what you did on your homeland.
  • Horrorshow: Well, I don't see how you all can stop this invasion.
  • Vladula: My friend Jack Skellington knows some heroes that can assist us. I'm sure they can be of help.
  • Horrorshow: And how will THEY get through the space storm?
  • Hiver: I'm sure Craig can lend a hand to that.
  • Horrorshow: Yes, but they'll never perfect their transport to resist the storm in time. By then, we'll have been partially exterminated. Face it, Vladula, I've got the only solution here.
  • Vladula: Well, the answer is still no! Turning normals to ghosts will make the prejudice grow bigger. If we're going to avoid the prejudice of normals, then we need to avoid anything that will just pile up on it. All you've done is nothing BUT that. The monster followers you had before ended up trapped in freak shows, or killed thanks to you. Remember that Spookavania is a world that protects monsters from prejudice, and not to serve as a impenetrable fortress for us to terrorize normals from.
  • Horrorshow: Oh, as if you're not doing it already with your scaring across the UUniverses.
  • Vladula: That's different. We do that because it's a Halloween tradition. There are people out there who appreciate monsters and enjoy a good scare. And there are other monster worlds out there that have improved upon this act. Monstropolis for example has been relying on screams as a power source until a crisis lead to a conspiracy that the Lodgers stopped, and they fixed the crisis by convincing the monsters there to make peace with humanity by making them laugh. We monsters need to be reasonable and set good examples to normal people, or else they become intolerable to us. Why is it that people like you can't see that?
  • Horrorshow: "Because it seems hypocritical to the whole "We should never prevoke humans" philosify! Shouldn't it tecnecally include not scaring them even when it's appresiated on certain days?"
  • Vladula: That's why we had to change our traditions' standards. Now we can only be allowed to scare families that are not of the prejudicial variety. Sure this tradition is a risky one and some monsters have died from it a few times, but it's basically what we monsters do, and it's what makes Halloween so special. Where would Halloween be without us?
  • Horrorshow: A PEACEFUL Halloween for them for all I care. They can celebrate Halloween even WITHOUT us. They don't need us to acknowledge it.
  • Hiver: (Sighs) You're talking about "Real-World Halloween". In the fictional world, Halloween originated from the significance of monsters. We monsters have been acknowledged and remembered through many worlds since our origination in the First Cartoonian War. All monster worlds in the UUniverses are supposed to represent times when fear is something that can be fought off, and with help from us, they can learn to be fearless.
  • Vladula: That's right. Craig is proof of that. He was raised here all his life, and it made him use to fear and adult situations such as gore and violence. By playing a part in this time of year, we help children conquer their fears, and make them move on with life. People just have not yet accepted that fact.
  • Horrorshow: And perhaps they never will because nothing is going to convince them.
  • Hiver: Yet we might in a few more generations. The children we helped will grow up and have generations that will accept monsters for who they are. That's what we aim to do. To make a generation where normals and monsters can live in harmony.
  • Horrorshow: Say anything you want, but we'll all be dead before that dream is accomplished. The least you can do is to let me deal with those invaders myself.
  • Vladula: I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Horrorshow. The Shell Lodgers are sure to surpass the storm and get here in time to defend us. Guards, show Horrorshow out if you please. (Two ghosts grab Horrorshow and escort him out)
  • Horrorshow: Just you wait, Vladula. You'll come crawling back to me when all seems lost. I swear it!
  • Vladula: We shall see, now won't we? (Horrorshow is escorted out)
  • Hiver:... (Sighs) Do you think we'll ever be appreciated by normals, Count?
  • Vladula: Well, I admit, it is a slow process, but we monsters are as patient as Gods given our long lifespans. I'm sure we'll live long enough for this dream to come true. But our concern should be on this invasion. We'll need to evacuate as many monsters as we can before that ship arrives.
  • Hiver: I'll alert the ghosts to begin the evacuation, sir. There's no guaranteeing that all of them will make it, though.
  • Vladula: I'm sure the Lodgers will deal with those that are at the mercy of the MHB. Let's move.
  • Hiver: Yes, sir! (Runs off and sees a black cat) Hi, skunky. (Leaves)
  • Vladula: (Sighs) Please tell me you can make it in time, Lodgers.


  • Craig: (They land on a launch pad in a large futuristic city)... So this is Futurasia, huh?
  • Jumba: Yep. A world where tomorrow is today. The Galactic Federation has had it's influence on this place for a long time.
  • White Rabbit: Now where do we go to get some stuff to enable us to pass an electromagnetic space storm?
  • Craig: I'm afraid that's just one of our problems. The MHB is trained to combat even the largest of teams. If we're going to take down a whole armada of MHB soldiers, we'll need-
  • ???: SOME WEAPONS!! (A blue alien in a high-tech suit and hosting in a vendor with guns appeared a few feet on the left) If it's an adventure you're seeking, then you'll need a great load of firepower to deal with a 'whole armada capable of taking on massive teams'.
  • Pleakly: Oh, no, it's Fast Kitt.
  • Mad Hatter: Who's that?
  • Pleakly: A marketing official for the Wrummel Weapons Emporium, the Galactic Federation's main source of weaponry. He's annoying as he is often helpful.
  • Fast Kitt: That's me, my good man! And anyone has the right to bare arms, especially since it's a dangerous world out there! (Pleakly and Jumba begin lip-synching with his words) The GF Defense Initiative ensures that anyone can carry a gun, even the elderly, the infirm, and little children! Just... Just make sure you follow the regulations that follow, otherwise some people might sue me! (Chuckles nervously)
  • Tigress:... Well, we appreciate your offer to help, Mr. Kitt, but-
  • Fast Kitt: "JANG JANGLE DO, WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOUR SURROUNDED BY A GROX ASSASSIN FORCE?! Well I got just the solution: The Mega Mag-Pulverizer!! (Pulls out a bad-ass looking gun) It's a railgun-like weapon which fires electric bolts that strike with the force of lightning, and has the same effect. Will not break, it will not- (The gun explouded)..... It broke."
  • Icky: "Pffft, this guy reminds me of that mercent dude from the start of "Aladdin"."
  • Iago: If they made him an alien...and gave him guns.
  • Fast Kitt: "How's about this? (Brings out a box) Say hello to the exspearimental blast in the box!"
  • Patrick: "Why call it that?"
  • Fast Kitt: "See for yourself." (Patrick takes it and opens it, and gets blasted in the face by a huge lazer, as he appears with no head)
  • Fast Kitt: "Ahh, still good."
  • Patrick: (Grows another head) "I don't get it."
  • Squidward facepalms!
  • Icky: "Buddy, as hilarious you are, we don't nessersarly need to beat our problems with violence."
  • Fast Kitt: "Ahh, I see, you prefer the more peaceful route. Well, I believe you'll be most rewarded to consider, (brings out a blue pistol) this. The newly-released pacifist gun. All the brutal force of a gun but the stunning quilities of sleep darts. This baby uses neural-based energy blasts to reduce even an entire army to sleep in minutes, and it comes with a charge function for maximum knockouts. Each product is a buck each."
  • Tigress: "Look, listen, we're not here for weapons. Half of us either have our own weapons or can manage find without such. We're just here for a place to gain equitment to upgrade our van to become ammuned to space storms."
  • Fast Kitt: ".... Sorry, just me being over assumsuious again! I have a friend who's a master ship upgradesmen. Awesome little lizardman by the way! You'll find him in the shack a mile from here. Just find the one labeled 'Lexicon's Ship Shack'. But like your friend said, it's not enough to just get past the storm afterwards. Those MHB guys sound like a tough force. It uh, wouldn't hurt to up your skill roaster."
  • Craig: "He has a point. We need to make ourselves an equil power to MHB. Our natrol skills and weaponry would only do so little."
  • Lord Shen: "Hmm..... I suppose. Very well, Kitt. We'll take some of your selection. But under condition that not all of these weapons are gun or gun based. Some of us prefer a more, melee approuch."
  • Fast Kitt: "Ohhh, I see a guy that likes to make a "Point", across!"


  • Lord Shen: "..... I take it your the sort that takes his humor too seriously."
  • Fast Kitt: "Now that's a real oxymoron in your sentence! I mean, "Humor"? "Seriously"? I didn't think those two would meet!"
  • Trixie: "(Wispers to Gilda) Wanna bet this guy's is this world's variation of Pinkie Pie?"
  • Gilda: "(Wispers back) Yeah, only even more of a goofball.... And with guns."
  • Trixie: Hah! I bet he goes trigger-happy when someone scares him.
  • Fast Kitt: Actually, I do, sadly. I'm just a little jumpy these days.
  • Fast Kitt: AAAAHHHH!! (Grabs a GFed-style assault rifle and starts shooting randomly) GET AWAY, FILTHY GROX BEFORE I BREAK YOUR EVO SUITS!!!...I...(Sees there's nothing there, and slumps to the ground in relief)
  • Sparx: Just kidding. Nice reaction time, though.
  • Fast Kitt: NOT FUNNY!!...But you're at least lucky I'm still offering to do business with you. I indeed have melee weapons here. Take a look at the patented Chainblade! (Shows them a blade with a chainsaw on the end) This weapon was developed to be a shredding classic to many heroes coming from the Planet Gapan. A battery-powered marvel.
  • SpongeBob: Hmm...I don't know, too violent. What else have you got?
  • Fast Kitt: A shockwave hammer. Learn how it feels to wield Mjolnir.
  • SpongeBob: Cool. Let's see the rest and see which ones we'd like to choose.
  • Fast Kitt: Yes, sir! (Presses a button and a vending machine with several melee weapons appears) We've got an electric whip for a shocking experience. There's also a thermal sword which you can use to melt others' melee weapons, or even living flesh for that matter, to slag. Plus there's the extending energy-chain flail, the combat wrench for grappling and heavy work, a Futurasian vibrodagger for vibrating pain, along with a few Futurasian vibroknives, and a staff that serves as a blade and a gun...not that you might want one or not. I've also got a few throwing weapons such as vibrodiscs for vibrating strikes, (Po was in awe of this), some psychokinetic throwing discs for automatic guiding strikes, and some nifty self-guiding vibro-boomerangs from those nifty Intensifier-givers from Narcoonia.
  • Sandy: Oh, to hell with choosing, let's just take all of them.
  • Fast Kitt: ALL OF THEM?!? Wow, you are surely good for our business. That'll be 145 Sporebucks.
  • Jumba: Oh, crap, we forgot about the Galactic Federation's currency being Sporebucks.
  • Chi Fu: Relax, the Feds had that covered on Costacus a long time ago. 1 Sporebuck equals $1.35.
  • Spyro: Well...Mr. Krabs, you may as well have to pay for our weapons.
  • Mr. Krabs: Aw, barnacles, not again!
  • Lord Shen: Hey, you're the richest of us, get over it.
  • Sparx: Say, wait a second here, Kitto. Do we have to pay even when we're only going to be using them temporarily? We'll bring these things back as soon as we finish this mission.
  • Fast Kitt: Well, the Defense Initiative does have a clause that states that you only have to pay half the original cost for a 2-day use.
  • Dodger: Say, that's a good deal.
  • Mr. Krabs: Great, so that means I only get to pay half?
  • Fast Kitt: Appears so, yeah.
  • Kowalski: Then I guess that's... (Gets out abacus)... $96.75, right?
  • Fast Kitt: (Does work on calculator)... Yep.
  • Mr. Krabs: Well, goodbye to some of me money, I suppose.

At A Ship Shack...

  • Lizard Alien: (He appears in a white-and-gray jumpsuit with blue sunglass-like visors, and he is seen in a shack called 'Lexicon's Ship Shack' working on upgrades in a ship until the Lodgers arrive in their van)...Ooh, I think I've got customers! (He comes out of the shack, surprising the Lodgers) Welcome to Lexicon's Ship Shack! I am Lexus Lexicon, and I'm pleased to be in your services. Would you be interested in my new soon-to-be-patented Solar-Weapon Wing Systems? It's a Sunskaran-engineered weapon system that replenishes ammo through solar power.
  • Kowalski: A solar-powered weapon system?...Why didn't I think of that?
  • Skipper: Because then our van would look like a hybrid between a satellite and a van, that's why.
  • Lexus:... I'll take that as a no, then?
  • Lord Shen: "We're here on other forms of business. We need an upgrade to our van to be able to withstand Space Storms."
  • Lexus: "I see. Well, it depends. What kind of space storm are we talking? Magnetic storms? Solar winds? Ice clouds? Radiation bursts? Plasma storms? Space hurricanes? Space tornadoes?"
  • Gilda: "..... There's such a thing as space tornadoes?"
  • Lexus: Well, yeah. It's quite simple. It forms in a similar way to real tornadoes, though it looks like a funnel going up and down in space. It forms when cold matter meets with warm matter, and--
  • Rico: BORING!
  • Shifu: Actually, we're looking to pass through a planetary system surrounded by an electromagnetic space storm.
  • Lexus: Hmm...the rarest of space storms. Said to only form when the central star's orbital forces burst as the result of a billion years of interfacing with their planet's magnetic poles, and it makes a strong electrical storm cloud when reaching the end.
  • Mr. Whiskers: Is THAT how that kind of storm is made?...And I never knew there were so many space storms.
  • Kowalski: Well, duh, space has a lot of elements to it the same way a planet does, so it basically functions the same way.
  • Lexus: Well, if you're looking for upgrades to resist an electromagnetic space storm, then Lexus is your guy. And you seem to be in luck because I've only got one upgrade left on the market until I restock.
  • Melman: Oh, thank God!
  • Mr. Krabs: And for the record, someone else is paying for it because I've already done my part in paying for all those weapons.
  • Lexus: Weapons? Hey, you've seen Fast Kitt, haven't you? Great friend. We went to school together. Sure he was crazy, but he was fascinated with weaponry as a kid. His dad even let him have a gun before he could walk.
  • Brandy: His dad gave his infant son a gun...knowing how dangerous it was?
  • Lexus: You don't know anything about Wrummels, do you? They're so skilled in weaponry, they can literally learn how to use one by watching others use them. Their brains are much more developed than all of you, so they have improved coordination.
  • Ed Otter: You know, we should check out Galactic Federation worlds more often. We know so little about the alien races these days.
  • Lexus: So, your order comes out to be...12 Sporebucks.
  • Lord Shen: Okay, is there anyone else rich here since Mr. Greedy Krabs isn't willing to pay for more s***?
  • Icky: "Lucky for you guess, I was lucky enough to practice the art of infestment. Sometimes waiting for Kuzco to renew my privilages has it's, downsides, so I learned on how to invest in all sorts of money, earthly and alien."
  • Icky brings out a big safe from nowhere and enters it.

Icky's safe?

  • Icky walked down an unrealisticly big hallway filled with lockers that held many forms of money.
  • Icky: "American dollars, Equestian Bits, Berk's privitive coin thing, Halloween town's scream bucks, Kuz-coins, and finally, Sporebucks."
  • Icky opens the locker and reveils a butler.
  • Butler: "How much is it required?"
  • Icky: "Just 12 for today, James."
  • James gives him 12 Sporebucks.
  • Icky: "Just one more year from retirement, James."
  • James: "Indeed sir."
  • Icky closes the door and leaves.


  • Icky comes out to everyone's surprise.
  • Icky: "I love making use of that freaky inside giant locker from that spongebob episode that showed it."
  • Spongebob: "I thought that locker looked familier."
  • Icky: "Yeah, well, since your show has a bad habit of not being very canon savy, I desided to "Borrow" this from the Nick Studios warehouses and take it and use some Kuz-coins to sprouse up the place. I even hired servents like James to make it more organised."
  • Spongebob: "But isn't that stealing nick property?"
  • Icky: "It's not stealing if they're never gonna use it again. It's more so borrowing and reporposing it."
  • Lord Shen sighed annoyed.
  • Lord Shen: "We'll talk about this yet another both redeeming yet moronic factor AFTER we deal with the problem at hand. Just give the good man the money and purchese the upgrade."
  • Icky: That's what I'm doing, dude. (Gives Lexus the Sporebucks)
  • Lexus: Great. Now just bring that...(Looks at the van)...flying van...into the garage, and I'll have the upgrade installed quicker than you can say 'eureka!'
  • Francis: So, how long is this going to take? We kinda need to get this upgrade pronto.
  • Lexus: You can't rush engineering. Now, this process usually takes about 30 minutes. Of course, I haven't seen a vehicle like this, so it might take a few more minutes for me to find the circuitry.
  • Kowalski: I should probably help you, then. I've done some handy work on this van since we first got it.
  • Lexus: Well, this is a pretty odd vehicle. And it's of immense size. Good thing there's a workshop here big enough for it. Does it run on fuel?
  • Kowalski: Well, yeah, it used to run on song, but--
  • Lexus:... Seriously?... It's original fuel source was singing?
  • Kowalski: Yes, I know it sounds stupid, just roll with it. The Atlanteans that built it thought fossil fuels were counter-intuitive.
  • Lexus: So singing was their best choice?
  • Skipper: Look, iguana-lips, are you gonna give this van a tune-up or not?
  • Lexus: Yes, of course! Penguin, if you want to assist, knock yourself out. (The two enter with the van)
  • Icky: "Try not to take too long, huh? We're kinda needed to go an an extremely impourent mission, considering preventing a rouge millaterry group from doing something that'll end up causing a hidious dishastor in the making."
  • Lexus: I assure you, this won't take too long! Sheesh!


  • Horrorshow: (He arrives at an old rusty park and goes through the ground to arrive in a hidden water-logged cavern where several ghosts resided)... Well, my ghost followers, it seems that Vladula thinks he can hold this invasion off by himself. He wants to evacuate the entire planet. What a stupid idea. He'll never evacuate them all in time.
  • The Ghosts moan in endless pain.
  • Horrorshow: "Exactly. He'll come crawling back sooner or later. He'll start seeing things in my perspective soon enough." (A ghost moans)... Oh, he won't? And what makes you say that? (The ghost moans)... I KNOW he doesn't like me and my manipulations. Trust me, it's what made me lose my monster followers. (The ghost moans)... Because he'll have no other options as soon as this invasion starts getting worse. (The ghost moans) What do you mean that's not likely?!? It's going to work perfectly. (The ghost moans)... Yeah, you're probably right. Those Lodgers have been known to surpass odds before. At that rate, Vladula will NEVER heed to my words.... And even if I somehow desided to distrupt their arrival, it would be impossable! I'm not much of a magic user! Heck, it's more so, ghost powers then anything else! So I have to do something else.... Or do I? Do I really need to do anything? I'll just let Monz do all the work. He's been known to be so nasty and dispicable, even Vlad can't hope the Lougers will make it in time! Even a head-strong vampire like Vlad will crack and become desperate when the usual saviors can't arrive on time. He'll let me do whatever I want, just to avoid looking like a stubbern, hopeless and uncaring ruler to the people.
  • The Ghost moans.
  • Horrowshow: "I know it's risky just hoping a head-strong vampire like him would crack, but trust me.... Monz is dispicable enough that even the most tolerent monsters lose their nerves. It's only a matter of time."

Helsing Craft.

  • Monz came in to a part of the ship that resembled a holding pen.
  • Monz: "Burp, how's your training with your teams' dragons coming along?"
  • Burp: Well, I won't lie, it's, a sort've mixed result. I mean, you said it was possible since there was this one tribe in another region of Berk who are masters of it, and their influence has been able to spread, but not to OUR region. Our region is like a thousand miles away. By the way, are you sure making us ride dragons which are technically monsters isn't a form of hypocrisy to you?
  • Monz: Well, these dragons have been proven to NOT be monsters since they are basically treated as people... Or at best tameable beasts.
  • Burp: But the thing is... You make it sound like all monsters can't be trusted, as in all that LOOK like monsters can't be trusted. Don't you feel like... Monsters have as much will as us?
  • Monz: We've been over this, Burp! Monsters have been causing destruction and panic wherever they went. These particular monsters we're after have terrorized children at night every October. In our history files, one teenager had a heart attack when a monster frightened him. Not to mention one file about a monster who framed children across the UUniverses for things like peeing in condiment bottles, breaking vases, leaving toilets unflushed, trashing houses, even fatalities! Kids that were blamed were either grounded, disowned, and even sent to military school for things they didn't do! Monsters are what they are, and that's all there is to it. THAT is why we're doing this. Is that understood?
  • Burp:... (Sighs) Yes, sir.
  • Monz: Now back to training. We'll be at our destination in approximately 45 minutes.
  • Monz left as Burp frustraightedly groaned.
  • Burp walked up to Heartless.
  • Burp: ".... I bet you didn't had to put up with psycos like him. (Heartless moans)... (Sighs) I wish I could understand you. And... I wish I knew why Monz was so hateful against monsters.
  • Monz: (Has several visions in his head of him being stuffed in an animatronic as a kid, him in a hospital as a kid, and him being abducted by aliens)...(Sighs)...

Training Grounds.

  • Burp and Heartless arrived, seeing some the others struggling with their dragons.
  • Aster: "(A Deadly Nadder was snuggling too much) Gees! What is up with this bitch?! Ugh!? I thought these were suppose to be monsters, not petting zoo animals?!"
  • Snapper: Yeah, and yet even when they're monsters, Monz makes us use them. What a hypocrite.
  • Burp: (Sighs) I'm not sure if I agree with Monz' intentions either. But I guess he's the one who helped us get a connection with something happening thousands of miles away from us, I feel we owe it to him to serve him.
  • Nutter: Not to mention he has been known to kill those who are against him. What a jerk. What could've possibly happened to him to turn him into such a xenophobe?
  • Burp: Nobody knows. But whatever it was, it must have something to do with the monsters of Spookavania...or maybe even monsters in general.
  • Aster: Frankly, I don't care by this point. I feel like he should be stopped either way.
  • Snapper: But what can we do?
  • Aster: Nothing. We can't do anything at this point. Personally, I hope Jamica and Craig get somewhere because I'm starting to hate being somewhere else other than Berk. (The Deadly Nadder cuddles her again) UGGHH, GET OFF!!! Sheesh! If you're going to be my companion, at the very least, don't be too much like an oversized dog.
  • Burp: You might as well have to deal with it, Aster. That's how dragons have been ever since that famous tribe began taming them. Half of the dragons in our region have been migrated from there. Whoever these guys are, they must be damn good at what they do. (Heartless moans at him)...What is it, Heartless? (Heartless moans)...(Sighs) Once again, you need to communicate through things other than moans and all that crap. Otherwise, you just sound like...well...a dragon.
  • Gutter: And I always thought that Night Furies were a rare species. Whatever made them that way, it must've been tough.
  • Nutter: I'll admit, we've only had these jobs for over a year, and yet we still have no idea how these flying lizards think.
  • Burp: Well... Then I guess if we are to be let go from this job, we go on a trip to find these famous dragon-tamers, and see if we can get somewhere.
  • Aster: Count me out. I don't want anything to do with dragons. They're not exactly as menacing and tough as I thought they were. (The Deadly Nadder cuddled her) D'OH!! (Falls to the ground)... YOU BLASTED REPTILE!!!
  • Burp: Now, now, Aster, calm down. If you could only take my advice for once since we broke up, take it now. Just get over Hurricane Air's affections. She can't help it.
  • Aster: I don't think I can. This spike-tailed beast is up in my face 24-7.
  • Burp: Well, that's probably because you've never given her some appreciation of your companionship. I've only had Heartless for a while, and even I know that. Just trust me.
  • Aster:... (Sighs) Fine! (Rubs the Deadly Nadder named 'Hurricane Air' in the chin, and it enjoys it)...There, are you happy now, you lousy lizard?
  • Burp: Just keep doing that whenever it comes up to you, and I'm sure it will leave you alone.
  • Aster: I hope so. I don't think I can spend all day tolerating it's bad breath.
  • Burp: Trust me, it'll work... Hopefully.
  • Snapper: "To be honest, I would've appresiated an over-active dragon, cause, well, Lughead, even for Gronckle standerds, is beyond, lazy. He even sleeps while flying."
  • Burp: "Tecnecally, it's a commen Gronckle trait, but I get where your coming from."
  • Phlegm: As for Inferno, he's not so comfortable to sit on. He ignites himself even with me on him, and I end up screaming louder than Tom. (Inferno the Monstrous Nightmare ignites himself as Phlegm was leaning on him)...(He Tom-screams loud enough that it could be heard from Spookavania) HOT HAND, HOT HAND, HOT HAAAANNNDD!!! (Puts it in a water bucket) Aahhhhh!...
  • Inferno growl laughs at this.
  • Nutter: As for Gas and Blast, I think they're pretty calm at this point.
  • Gutter: Oh, are you kidding? YOU stepped on his eye last week!
  • Nutter: Hey, that was only because you were distracting me with your annoying singing! When you sing, you sound like a cockatoo with an aneurism! (With an humorous dry squeaky tone) HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT, WHY DON'T YOU HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT, FIRE AWAY!!
  • Gutter: Is that so? Well, when you yell at me, you sound exactly the same way! (With similar tone) GUTTER, SHUT THAT F****** CRAPPER OF A MOUTH UP BEFORE I SHOVE A STICK OF DYNAMITE UP IT AND LIGHT IT!!! I'M TRYING TO FOCUS ON FLYING!!!
  • Nutter: THAT'S IT!! (The two end up fighting at the Zippleback was aggravated by this and ignited gas on them to get them to stop as they were burned to a crisp)
  • Gutter:...See, even our dragon hates us!
  • Burp: Actually, I think it was trying to get you to stop fighting.
  • Aster: Though I hate it when they do. It gets funnier every time they do it.
  • Burp: "But we're pretty much useless as Dragon Riders. My Night Fury's a moper, The Deadly Nadder's a cuddle seeker, Lughead's, abit more then standerd implies, Inferno's pretty much a jerk, and Gas and Blast seem to have a superiory complex and lack of tolerence to idiots. Then again, alot of people seem to have that when you two are around."
  • Aster: "Let's be honest. Monz is gonna declare us unworthy to hunt down the monsters, much less even get involved with what he wants to do with Sppokivainia. Though that last bit is argueably a good thing."
  • Gutter: "Well his own fault we just got pretty much dollar store verity dragons. These guys aren't like, that Hiccup Dude's dragons."
  • Burp: "No, but that doesn't mean they can't be approved apawn. We can't risk looking like amatures to someone with just questionable motives."
  • Phlegm: "Are you kidding? HOW, are we ever gonna improved our standing with these things?"
  • Burp: "Look, it wouldn't hurt to better establish things with them, alright? I am far from thrilled what Monz is doing, and what he did to Tri-corn was espeically messed up, but what choice do we have? The best we can do, is just get over it and hope it doesn't get to enjoy true damage."

Chapter 4: Spookavania's Barely-Lucky Break

Vlad's castle.

  • Vladula was pacing.
  • A Robed Cthulhu-spawn appeared to him.
  • Vladula: "Tentagus, any words on the Lodgers?"
  • Tentigus the Cthulhu-spawn: "They're still only coming. It might not be before the MHB start to make casualties. But don't worry. I'll cheat expectations of fate and send all citizens to the safe zone dimention while this madness begins."
  • Vladula: "Tentagus old friend, I really appresiate this."
  • Tentagus casted a spell, and all civilian monsters are sent to the dimention.
  • Tentagus: "Now.... That only leaves those willing to fight."
  • Vladula: "Our armies won't be enough...... Tent, I'm, I'm afraid we're gonna have to...."
  • Tentagus: "..... I understand..... But make him royal promise he will not use this to declare a new war against normals. Should he violate that, then he'll become the burden for the spirits."
  • Vladula: "But, since he's a spirit himself, having him break a royal promise will have him taken away to the afterlife. Isn't that, too extreme?"
  • Tentagus: "It is. But Horrorshow will just continue to make more problems otherwise, with or without exsamples like Monz Star."
  • Vladula: ".... If, this is what must be done, then... Fine..... But tell me this. As an exiled Cthulhuan for developing a soul, you know everything. Tell me.... Why is Monz so hateful, even beyond just being afraid of us?"
  • Tentagus: "..... His hatred doesn't even involve monsters actselly being involved... As least, not real ones. He was more the victim of Humanity's own self-inflicted cruelty then anything even the likes of my own people would even WISH to have done."
  • Vladula: ".... It's bad, isn't it?"
  • Tentagus: Yes. You see, he was raised in San Francisco... (Shows him a magical view portal)


  • (Tentagus): As a kid, he was the most tormented of his siblings. Especially since his siblings were... Kind of jerks to him. They enjoyed the horror genre, and used it to torment Monz because they viewed him as an unwanted addition to the family... Also out of sadistic pleasure. They forced him to watch horror movie after horror movie against his will, strapping him to a chair, and taping his mouth shut and his eyes open doing it. But because they were well-behaved in front of peers, nobody believed him when he claimed what they were doing, and thought he was just trying to make his brothers look bad. It helped little that his brothers ended up becoming friends with some like-minded bullies who had the same appreciation for horror. They too bullied him the same way, and nobody believed him. Especially when he started believing that monsters existed in a world where none existed. But... Things got worse when this new horror-themed pizzeria opened and became a huge hit. They wanted to bring him along. But of course, the poor child didn't want to go, and he tried to get his parents to talk some sense into them, but...
  • Monz' Mother: They're taking you to Dracula's Fang-tastic Pizzeria?... That's actually rather nice of them.
  • Monz' Father: Yeah, not only do you like pizza, but it can help you get over your fears.
  • Young Monz: No, you don't understand! You know how much I hate horror! Especially since my brothers have been forcing me to watch it all my life!
  • Monz' Mother: (Shrugs) Monty, I don't want to hear it anymore! Your brothers are not like that.
  • Young Monz: Because you've never seen who they REALLY are! They're taking me to that place to be jerks! You have to believe me!
  • Monz' Father: Why SHOULD we believe you? You've been trying to make them look bad since Day 1! They are honest, caring, and well-behaved children. They've never hurt anyone in their lives.
  • Young Monz: Mom, Dad, please! Don't let them do this!
  • Monz' Mother: I'm sorry, but I feel like this is for your own good. You're going there, and I don't want another word.
  • Young Monz: But-
  • Monz' Mother: NOT A WORD!!!
  • Young Monz:... (Cries upstairs)
  • (Tentagus): Once again, they didn't believe him. They forced him to go with his brothers to that place, thinking it would help him overcome his fears. Monz didn't enjoy it one bit. His brothers made him see everything. But what changed Monz' life forever... Was when his brothers and their bully friends decided to make Monz give the animatronic Dracula 'a kiss' by shoving his head in the animatronic's mouth, which was the kind of Animontronic that had the upper part of the head to go up and down, so it's plauseable to put his head in there. It was amusing to them to their wicked heart's content, until..... (Monz started screaming in agony and the pressure from the mouth started crushing his skull, sending his brothers and the bullies shocked, as well as the kids screaming and the employees shocked)... The brothers and their bully friends' true colors were finally exposed, and revealed to their parents. They were arrested for child endangerment, and sent to prison with plans for military school. As for Monz... Well...
  • Doctor: (Comes out of the room after Monz' parents were sitting worried)... Well, Mr. and Mrs. Star, the surgery went well, and we repaired his skull. But... Well...
  • Monz' Mother: What?
  • Doctor:... His frontal lobe was too damaged. We couldn't repair it.
  • Monz' Father: Is he at least alive?
  • Doctor: Yes, but... Well... His personality is much different. He's not as scared of 'monsters' as he used to be. Now he's saying that he hates them. I'm afraid without his frontal lobe, he's lost all the will to be scared.
  • Monz' Mother:... No!... (Cries and hugs her husband) This is all our fault! If we had just listened to him, this wouldn't have happened!
  • Doctor: Don't blame yourselves, you two. It's Monty's brothers' fault he's like this. I'm afraid he might as well be like this for the rest of his life. (Monz' mother cried harder)
  • (Tentagus): So... Indeed, Monz was made fearless. Not only that, but he had become a full-on xenophobe by adulthood. His 'crazy delusions' prevented him from getting a job. He was made homeless. He was an outcast.
  • (Vladula): But... How did he reach the Dragon Realms and meet Tricorn?
  • (Tentagus): He was abducted by aliens a few years later. They wanted him for some research. After probing, they decided that, as part of their experiment, they drop him off at the Dragon Realms. So after he was sent there, he got used to the unfamiliar creatures once he realized they were not as much monsters, yet they proved that monsters were indeed real. He eventually met Tricorn, who was already concerned with the dangers that monsters could make. And what Monz told her...made these concerns worse, especially after her injury. He has since been the founder and de facto of the MHB, and has been trying to hunt down Spookavania, as well as any other monster world, ever since.


  • Tentagus: The rest you know.
  • Vladula:... So... Monsters didn't do anything to him? It was all because his teasing brothers wanted to bond with him through something he didn't like, and only got him brain-damaged?
  • Tentagus: I'm afraid so. He's only like this because without a frontal lobe, he's nothing but a discriminating genocidal xenophobe who kills monsters for the sake of being rid of them for good. He never told anyone what made him like this, not even Tricorn or the MHB. All he wants is for monsters to be gone for good.
  • Vladula:... I had no idea!... Honestly, that's abit unexpected from a full-on monster hater. You'd think it was because a monster sluaghtered his family or something, but nope! It was really nothing more then humanity's own cruel twists and turns. Why, I bet if the rest of the MHB found out about this, even the most loyal would lose interest to serve him if they knew that he was more the victim of a freak accsident that doesn't at all concerns monsters and- WAIT! THAT'S IT! Maybe we don't need Horrorshow after all. If we simply tell the MHB about his history, then they'll certainly turn against him. This helps plenty! Get the forces prepared! We need to-
  • Tentagus: Actually, I don't think simply telling them will work. Think about it, why would monster hunters listen to things they're supposed to be against? It's just not possible. They'll either end up thinking we're lying out of fear and desperation or trying to trick them to betray their loyalty to their leader.
  • Vladula: Then we'll simply tell the Lodgers. They'll certainly talk some sense into them.
  • Tentagus: "Well, you and I are needed to lead our soldiers into battle. But I have someone who can help."
  • Tentagus sommons forth an imp playing some Gameboy.
  • Tentagus: "..... Lazgo!?"
  • The Imp Lazgo freaks out and fumbles!
  • Lazgo: "TENTAGUS SIR!?"
  • Tentagus: "You have a mission. You need to alarm (conjures up a picture of the lougers) this heroes of the truth concerning Monz Star. We need them to make sure the entire MHB forces lose loyalty to Monz and realise him for the true sorry soul he is."
  • Lazgo: "Yes sir! But uh.... The misfits have a known mistrust to demons, even whether or not they're darkspawn, of which I'm diffently not! Darkspawn aren't even a real race, it's just, a title they think is badass meant to "Abvertise their evil more", I mean, I get demons aren't suppose to be saints, but HAVE SOME STANDERDS, WILL YA?!.... Sorry boss, I was ranting again."
  • Tentagus: It's quite alright. Are you sure you can pull this off?
  • Lazgo: I got this covered like the back of my- (Trips on a bended rug and starts falling down the stairs!).... Ow.
  • Tentagus sighed.
  • Lazgo's voice: "I'm OK!"
  • Tentagus: ".... Don't be fooled by his awkword appearence, he works better alone once he becomes self-aware enough. That's how Spookavanian imps work. They are quick and agile enough to avoid even the toughest of obstacles. Trust me, he may be small, but he'll get this job finished easily."
  • Vladula: Well, I guess it's better than to rely on advice from a questionable Wraith. (Horrorshow watched this and groans angrily as he rushed off unnoticed)
  • Horrorshow: "If that's how it's gonna be played, then fine! I'll have to stop this threat, with or without that ungrateful idiot's permission?!"


  • Lexus: (He and Kowalski continue upgrading the van)...Plasma fastener! (Kowalski hands him that tool)...magnetic modulator! (Kowalski hands him that tool)...Fusion torch! (Kowlalski hands him that tool)...
  • Kowalski:...Should I help with the tinkering, Lexus?
  • Lexus: Oh, trust me, Mr. Kowalski, this is a very advanced procedure that even earthly geniuses like you couldn't comprehend. No offense.
  • Kowalski: PSSHH, that's not the first alien to say 'we aliens are more intelligent than Earthlings, and your puny brains couldn't possibly overcome these facts without it having to explode'! Seriously, when will aliens realize that brains are not incapable of learning advancements.
  • Lexus: Oh, that's exactly what my last human customer said. It's just an emphasized way of saying that it could take a while for those who are unfamiliar with alien technology to understand. Some aliens think it's a very funny joke.
  • Kowalski: (The two laugh) So...is it done yet?
  • Lexus: I should be done in about 1 minute, and then it should be smooth sailing across the electromagnetic space storm. But I must warn you that even with an immunity, going through a space storm will still be difficult. Your ship can still suffer some damages, minor or major, because of the grueling electric bolts that streak across the clouds.
  • Kowalski: We can handle it. We can handle about anything these days.
  • Craig: Hold on!...I'm sensing something. There's a monster that teleported nearby. It's--
  • Lazgo appeared at the center of the Group in a huge puff of red smoke!
  • Lazgo: "SAZAM?!"
  • The Lougers and Lexus freaked out!
  • Lazgo: "I, am Lazgo! An Imp from Spookivainia! And FYI, I'm NOT darkspawn, so none of that hassling me for having demon origins, buckos!"
  • Shifu: "..... Oh, alchourse. We figured we would've been sent a messinger. We, just didn't expect a surprise from it."
  • Lazgo: "It's october, what did ya expect? Telegram?"
  • Icky: "Ok, wise-guy. What's up?"
  • Lazgo: It took me a while to get this teleportation spell to get me in the right spot. WHEW! At least I got here. Vladula had sent me here to tell you something about Monz Star.
  • Craig:...Is it his origin?
  • Lazgo:...You figured that out on your own, did ya?
  • Craig: Well, yeah. I remember you being a yesman to our local soothsayer Tentagus.
  • Lazgo: Yes. You see, Vladula wants you to know this origin because you might need it to stop this invasion. Monz isn't hateful towards monsters because they did something to him. It was only the result of a freak accident caused by his bitter three brothers that made him lose a frontal lobe and turned him from a tortured monster-fearing child to a xenophobic fearless jerk.
  • Icky: "You mean all this time it was a case of the guy being "Bite of 87ed"?"
  • Kowalski:... And by 'losing a frontal lobe', you mean that literally? Because I thought it was impossible to live without a portion of your brain.
  • Lazgo: Well, the surgery needed to fix his head was a rather expensive one. But yeah, Monz was never wronged by monsters. He was actually afraid of them until brain damage made him a xenophobe.
  • Craig:...I always wondered why he never flinched when I pointed my guns at him. So he's as fearless as a dodo?
  • Mr. Dodo: Hey, I resent that!
  • Skipper: It's a hard truth, Dodo, live with it.
  • Lazgo: Yes. And I think it's a good idea that the rest of the MHB and Tricorn should know.
  • Shenzi: Damn right! We need to get on that cruiser and talk some sense into those creeps.
  • Lazgo: "Chances are, that ship may likely already be on the planet, but don't worry, Tent managed to send everyone not much of a fighter to a safe zone dimention."
  • Shifu: "Yes, but Monz is still capable to do damage their. Lexus, your gonna have to make that minute go faster!"
  • Lexus: "You want me to rush the thing?! If I do that, the device will either malfuntion or not work properly! I mean, I respect you people need to stop an invadion, but at best, the civilians are pretty safe from those invaders, so I think you people can risked being fastionly late, huh?"
  • Lazgo: "Yeah, the worse Monz can do is take the lifes of brave soldiers and wreck a few homes at this point. No rush. And Tent knows well enough to make that if anything happens to him, the safety dimention will never open for Monz."
  • Craig: "They're lucky that Monz is foolish enough not to believe in alternate dimentions and recklessly rejected plans for an alternate dimention traveling machine, many times to the point that his top sciencetists quit growing tired of his ignorence."
  • Shifu: "It's not the civilians that worries me anymore.... It's Horrorshow."
  • Craig: "..... Alchourse.... That hard headed Wraith's gonna do something stupid!"
  • Lexus: "Ugh.... Ok, fine, I'll speed things up. But on the grounds that I have to inform you people that I can't be held respondsable if it doesn't work properly. You brought it to yourselves."
  • Kolwalski: "We'll give the proper adjustments during our way their to avoid such insodent. We apologies for this, preventing a horrendus unjust attack drives us to make this go quickly."
  • Lexus: "Fine. I'll be ready in a sec." (Does some quicker work on the machinery)...Just a little tweak here, and there. Circuits go here, conduits are stabilized, just need to link the conduits to this tiny spot here, and...EUREKA! Your ship is now able to fly through the space storm without problem. Just remember that it can't prevent your ship from suffering damage from the intense winds and electricity. But don't worry. The upgrade comes with makeshift gravometric stabilizers so you can freeze your ship in place when getting caught in the winds. And, a word of advice. When you see red glowing lights in the clouds, brace yourself because that's a sign that an intense bolt of lightning is ready to burst and do some serious s*** to your vehicle.
  • Tigress: We'll be okay. Thank you for your services, Mr. Lexicon.
  • Lexus: Don't mention it. Come back any time if you need more upgrades.
  • Kowalski: Actually, we scientists can cover improvements ourselves.
  • Lexus: Well, I think you may be interested in checking out my website. It'll give you high access to any of my upgrades and improvements, and you can purchase them online. Trust me, you won't regret it.
  • Kowalski:...Well...thank you, Mr. Lexicon. We'll keep that in mind.
  • Craig: Well, let's get going. Monz is sure to know about the safe dimension, and activate those quantum devices. One of our big priorities is to destroy them before they can drag the monsters back. And don't worry, I've been on the Helsing Craft during it's construction and should have an acute knowledge of what's inside it, so I think I have a plan of attack.
  • Lazgo: Great! I should go tell Tent and Vladula the good news that you guys are on your way and about your plan.
  • Craig: Well, we might as well have to tell it to you because...I think I have a way for Vladula and his friends to participate...you know, just in case Horrorshow ever becomes a problem, which I'm sure he will.
  • Lazgo: Oh, indeed he will. Vladula's thinking about having him do some killing work if we fail to stop the MHB, as hard as it will be. But if you guys can make it this far with your missions, I'm sure you can do it.
  • Craig: Oh, we will win. Horrorshow is not going to get away with killing this time. He's done too much to threaten the safety of my home. We're going in. Lazgo, once I explain this plan, you need to get Vladula, Hiver, and Tentagus in on it.
  • Lazgo: You can count on me, Vesling.
  • Craig: Great! Okay, here's the plan...


  • Horrorshow: (Arrives in his hideout again)... Well, my ghost followers, it seems Vladula ISN'T going to be taking my option into consideration. (The ghosts wailed)... There's only one thing we can do! We must destroy that armada, with or without Vladula's consideration!

He sings this, only being called 'All Normals Must Die' with different lyrics


The Lion King 2 - My Lullaby (Male Version)

  • Horrorshow: And I've saved the best for last. If all else fails... My pet will be very hungry for the agony of my targets' souls! (Cackles as the ghosts wailed in excitement)

Chapter 5: The Space Storm/The Great Horror Oak

Space, Outside Space Storm Layer

  • The Van arrived.
  • Icky: "Aw great Giza. That does NOT look like a great day at Disneyland over there."
  • Brandy: You THINK? (The electromagnetic space storm let out a loud thunderclap of red lightning)
  • SpongeBob: So...we have to go through...THAT?!?
  • Squidward: No, there's a shortcut, there's a hole in the storm that we can easily get pass though, and we can safely get to Spookavania and rescue all those monsters, OF COURSE WE HAVE TO GET THROUGH THERE, STUPID!!! Is there any other way through?
  • Patrick:...We're doomed.
  • Dr. Cockroach: Look, we got the upgrades necessary to survive the intensity of this storm. Gravometric stabilizers, improved energy shields, the warnings of intense lightning bolts, I'm sure we'll be fine.
  • Mad Hatter: Indeed. It's just a silly storm. It's not like those have done some serious s*** before, right?
  • Gloria:...You're joking, right?
  • Mad Hatter: I'm mad, I don't joke that much when it comes to being dangerously retarded.
  • Mr. Dodo: Just let me handle this--(The intense winds begin pushing the van) WHOOOOAAAA!!! (The van spins out of control as everyone screamed)
  • Ed Otter: (Is about to barf, but swallows the vomit)...Oh, I'm getting sick already.
  • Kowalski: Not to mention the g-forces are starting to take effect. (Gets dizzy)
  • Mr. Dodo: Engaging...gravometric stabilizers! (Presses a button, and the van freezes in place as the Lodgers slumped to the ground dizzy)...By Jove!
  • Lola Boa:...Aye-aye-aye, that was some doozy!
  • Mr. Dodo: Alright, our van is frozen in a mini gravitational field, but it only lasts for a full minute. We can still fly through this, but when the stabilizer effect wears off, we'll be vulnerable to the winds again.
  • Boss Wolf: Then DRIVE, bird-brain!
  • Mr. Dodo: Okay, fine! (They start moving again as the ear-piercing thunderclaps were heard everywhere in the cloud)
  • Sparx: Sheesh, all this noise is more aggravating than Squidward's clarinet playing.
  • Squidward: HEY!
  • Sparx: Again, it's a hard truth, just live with it. (Suddenly, a red electric glow appears in one spot of the clouds)...Uh, guys, I don't like the glow of that spot right there!
  • Skipper: EVASIVE- (An intense red lightning bolt streaked past the van as it flattened one of the van's tires, scorched part of the side, and left a few dents)
  • Skipper: HOOVER DAM!!! That almost hit us!
  • Mushu: Yeah, and it left a few dents, burns, and a flat tire.
  • Cynder: "Lex wasn't lying about that thing still being a problem even WITH the upgrade!"
  • Pleakly: Oh, God, we're gonna die out here!
  • Mr. Dodo: "Keep calm everyone! I have braved and surpass the worse of storms in Wonderland and beyond during my travels! I surpassed and survived against the worse of them! This storm is just a Thunderstorm given emmensene steriods! Nothing to worry about!"
  • Bill: (Another lightning bolt flies by) AAAAHHHH!!! (Runs around screaming) WE'RE DEAD!! WE'RE DEAD!! WE'RE IMMUNE TO THE STORM, BUT WE'RE DEAAAD!!!
  • Mr. Dodo: CALM YOURSELF, BILL!!! We'll get through this! (The gravometric field wears off)...And our gravometric stabilizers wore off. (The van starts blowing off across the wind again, sending everybody screaming)
  • Melman: AAAHHHHHH!!!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!
  • Alex: This could be it, Marty! I just want you to know that you're--
  • Marty: Oh, hell, no, you didn't break another belonging of mine, did you? Because it feels like you did.
  • Alex: Actually...I broke Kairi's iPhone!
  • Lord Shen: WHAT?!?
  • Alex: I couldn't find your new one, and it was still for a human's hand!
  • Lord Shen: YOU BLASTED CAT!!!
  • Alex: Give me some credit, I tried to buy another one!
  • Lord Shen: With what money? You can barely afford your own meat!
  • Marty: Besides, I think we should worry about DYING!!!
  • SpongeBob: Oh, God...(Barfs)...I'm too young to die! There's so many things in life I haven't gotten to do!


  • SpongeBob: (In a wedding with Sandy) I do!


  • Mr. Dodo: Please remain calm, everyone! The stabilizers are recharging. They'll be ready at any mom--(A lightning bolt strikes the van as it did some significant damage, malfunctioning the gravometric stabilizers)...Oh, dear. That's not good. It would seem Lexus was right about the malfunctions these things would suffer.
  • Mr. Dodo: A true adventurer gives a hearty laugh in the face of advisity! Besides, we're used to facing dangerious situations 24/7, why, I'm surprise everyone here is panicing! Kowalski, looks like you'll have to repair the gravometric stabilizers so we can't end up vomiting our stomachs out.
  • Kowalski: I don't think I can in these conditions!
  • Skipper: Kowalski, our lives are at stake, here! We need to do something! (Icky was seen spinning and barfing at the same time getting vomit all over the place)
  • Kowalski: Okay, I'll do it so I won't get covered in vomit...or at the very least stop my head from feeling like it's gonna explode! (Reaches the hatchet where the malfunctioning stabilizers are found)...Wow, I don't think even my tools are enough for this. This looks like something only aliens can repair!!
  • Icky: "So that's why perfection can't be rushed."
  • Lord Shen: "I suppose we owe him for faulting only ourselves for putting ourselves into this mess."
  • But before Kolwalski can do that, the storm began to spin the van endlessly around until one push sent it spinning and corrending straight into the planet!


  • The Van crashes into the middle of nowhere!
  • Icky: "...... Well, we're here at least."
  • Squidward: ".... Well.... We're here. And you know what? I think the van is in poor shape! And you know what else? WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!? (Echos)"
  • Spongebob: "You wanna know what else else? We probuly should've just let Lexus do what he needed to."
  • Cynder: "..... Squidward, what have we say about using Karma words in anger?"
  • Squidward: "..... Fishpaste."
  • Merlin: "Oh, worry not. I can fix it with my magic, remember? So a situation like this is only a minor inconvinence."
  • Craig: "If I could be alittle honest Lougers, I, kinda figured you would've handled that better."
  • Jamica: "Trust me, they can do better. It's just, they really didn't want the villains to be given too much of a head start and, make do with what we can.... Sometimes, Karma never let's them catch a break...."
  • Craig: ".... I knew I should've gone with the avgeners."
  • Icky: "Well they're busy doing high budgeted movies, so, your out of luck."
  • Craig: ".... Guess your better then nothing."
  • Lazgo appeared.
  • Lazgo: "Wow, did you people have a bad entry. Looks like your gonna be stuck here for awhile."
  • Lord Shen: "Ugh.... If the portal beacon was just operational, we would've avoiding bring an un-nessersary causalty onto our van and bring use to a flawwed protection device!"
  • Icky: "Hey, it was an accsident! I forgot I still had the thing with me!"
  • Lord Shen: "An accsident that was made known at an inconvinent time! Honestly, this stupid monster planet would be WAY better off without that acursed storm!?"
  • Craig: "Hey now, that "Acursed Storm", protected this "Stupid Planet", which is my home by the way, from being long destroyed by monster hunters, let alone the MHB."
  • Lord Shen: "..... Oh. I pologies. I say things when enraged."
  • Shrek: "Well, we might as well make the most of this. Litterally no turning back in more ways then one. We may as well scearch for whoever's in charged and-"
  • Hands bursted from the ground as moans are heard.
  • Zombies rose.
  • Icky: "Oh great. Zombies. Normal undead zombies, not the mutant ones assusiated with Hank's senanigens."
  • Craig: "Oh great.... Lost ones."
  • Icky: "You guys named your zombies here?"
  • Craig: "They're more then just zombies. They're beyond even the standerds of normal zombies. They're servents of the Great Horror Oak. A great, undead tree that bleeds the Pool of the Undead. They're mindless, never thinking for themselves loyal servents of the Oak, created for one thing: Turn any normal that dares set foot in Spookivainia, into zombies."
  • Missing Link: "..... B.O.B., your a genlatinious glob born from a tomato from an exspeariment gone way wrong. In the eyes of humans, you are a monster."
  • B.O.B.: "..... Oh yeah...."
  • Cynder: "You said you were borned here, Craig. Clearly these things would know that your not an issue."
  • Craig: "Two problems: One, only Vlad can reason with the oak, and two, my momentarly mistake to join the MHB, remember? To them, I'm a traitor now!"
  • Dr. Cockarouch: "Well, as a monster myself, I'll be able to negotsiate with these gents."
  • Craig: "They, also work against Monsters that assusiate with humans more then what's actselly needed too."
  • Ginormica: ".... So, I'm guessing that's gonna work against us."
  • Jamica: "Any other plans?"
  • Craig: "(Brings out smoke bombs) Yeah, we have to turn tail and run! Fighting's no good! Eventally, they'll overwealm us!"
  • Lord Shen: "I am general of the Shell Lougers and the lost Prince of Gongmen! I never retreat from battle, even with overwealming odds, for I am- (Poke).... Sleepy."
  • Lord Shen falls down, reveiling to had been poked by a sleep dart from Soothsayer.
  • Soothsayer: ".... As you were."
  • Craig drops the smoke bombs as a huge blast of smoke appeared, confusing the Lost one Zombies as the heroes escaped!
  • Icky: "(As the smoke fades and the zombies went from slow moving to faster) Ok, why would the tree have such an issue with normals?!"
  • Craig: "Why did you think the Oak created the space storm awhile back? It was a victim of the original race of Spookivaina, humans! Of which has since became a larger portion of the Lost Ones! I can't explain now!?"
  • Brandy: "THEY'RE CATCHING UP?!"
  • Icky: "SOMEONE SAVE US?!"
  • ???: STOP! (Vladula flew in as a bat, turned back to normal, and the zombies halted their attack and faced him)...(Sighs) Typical of the Horror Oak to see these people untrustworthy.
  • Lazgo: Sir! I thought you were handling Horrorshow!
  • Vladula: Well...about that...he wasn't at his hideout.
  • Everyone: WHAT?!?
  • Vladula: He's gone. I think he left before we can confront him. He's probably on his way to the Helsing Craft to do nasty things without my consent! He was always stubborn when it comes to doing what he wants. (The zombies moaned) Lost Ones, I must speak to your master about these people.
  • Zombies: (Moan in obedience.)

Great Horror Oak Location

  • Vladula: (They all approached it as it was massive and had a face on it, as well as surrounded by green glowing sap that was bleeding from it's side)... Great Guardian of Spookavania, I must speak to you! (The tree awakens)
  • GHO: Count Vladula. Why have you brought these trespassers here?
  • Vladula: Well, they're not really trespassers, they're friends of Jack Skellington. They're heroes that want to help stop Monz Star's invasion. Has he landed yet?
  • GHO: Not yet. They're trying to find a place where even the Lost Ones can't follow.
  • Icky: "So they're trying to find Zombie proof grounds, eh? Smart move when dealing with re-animated corpses."
  • GHO: And how do I know I can trust you? You brought a traitor of our world with you.
  • Craig: Uh, with all due respect, great one, I have protected this world for a long time. I was only a member of the MHB because Horrorshow did some nasty things that caused me to not think straight. If anyone's the traitor, it's him.
  • GHO: (Chuckles), You see a "traitor", I see someone who just knows better. Granted though.... Perhaps Horrorshow should've been a better representation for all Spookivainia monsters, but at least he meant to turn you away from Humanity, AND avenged your family from the cretins of Judgementela, you ungretful primate. I never trusted you ever since you first came here. You're a human. And you were raised here without my consent.
  • Icky: Sheesh, is this thing racist or what? (Lord Shen smacks him) OW!
  • Lord Shen: Don't mind him, great one! He's just an idiot.
  • GHO: You're lucky I do not take those accusations seriously... At least, not to the point I forget my mannors and just have the lost ones throw you into the pool.
  • Vladula: Well, great one, with all due respect, holding on to thoundson year grudges is not just unhealthy, it's not helpful to our situation. I'm afraid that these heroes will bring some greater hope, because they have a secret that can turn the entire MHB against Monz.
  • GHO: Oh, really?
  • SpongeBob: Yeah. Tentagus got us all to know about his origin that he was in fact a victim of his horror-loving brothers who ended up causing an accident that made him lost part of his brain, turning him from a 'delusional' coward to a 'delusional' xenophobe. A secret like that is sure to turn the entire MHB against him for good.
  • GHO: "Oh please, Horrorshow when he was spying you both Vladula and Tentagus already knew that WAY before you clowns caught on!?"
  • Craig: "Figures."
  • GHO: "Besides, grounds where the Lost ones can't tread would only be useful for as long as they stay there. Once they leave, then they are doomed. So your foolish friends are both un-nessersary and unwanted."
  • Vladula: Look, Great One, your zombies aren't enough to stop the MHB.
  • Lazgo: Yeah, to be fair, zombies, while powerful, can only do so much against certain people. I mean, remember our local bully Dreck? HE'S been able to handle an entire horde of zombies by himself. And even with all that skill, he can never hope to handle all enemies. I once broke a family antique by accident, and I survived.


  • Lazgo: (A large and menacing muscular gibbon-like hairy monster with various features let out a massive roar as he tried to tackle Lazgo) Look, Dreck, I didn't mean to break your prized antique! Maybe we can work something out! (Dodges Dreck's attack) I can buy you a new one! (Dodges) Ask someone to fix it? (Dodges)... Anything? (Screams as Dreck constantly tried to tackle him)
  • Dreck: (In beastly voice) THAT GODDAMN ANTIQUE WAS THE BEST IN THE FAMILY!! NO REPLACEMENT CAN EVER MATCH IT!! (Lazgo continues dodging his attacks as he roared in aggravation)
  • Lazgo: Face it, Dreck, I'm an imp. We're good at dodging bullies like you. (He continues dodging him)


  • Lazgo: We had to give him a little intervention. Sure it didn't change him since that accident long ago can never be wiped from his mental scars, but it still proves that you'll need some high-experienced fighters to deal with the MHB.
  • Lazgo screams like a little girl!
  • Lazgo turned into a worm!
  • Pain: "Yikes. Is THAT what we were like, Panic?"
  • Panic: "Oh, it's like looking into a mirror of shere embarrisment."
  • Icky: "Jesus Christ man, why the nasty attatude?"
  • The Heroes looked at the bleeding wound on the tree.
  • Po: ".... You mean, that was never there before? I mean, come one, wounds heal."
  • GHO: "NOT, for trees. Never, for trees. A tree like me ever gets a wound like this, it'll be around forever, bleeding and rotting excessively."
  • Icky: "So your eturnally stuck with a gapping hole at your side. Big whoop. Your a victim of some incompident lumberjack."
  • Icky: "Oh, that's REAL typical for a tree to hate people. "Because somebody wanted to cut me down"."
  • Zombies growl at Icky's snarky comment.
  • Lord Shen: "Prehistoric one, BEHAVE?!"
  • GHO: ".... My hatred for humans, stems more then just this wound...."


  • (GHO): "I always hated on how morally incompident humans can be. They pollute the land they're in, like the world's their trash heap. (Beautiful streams turn into rivers of garbage) Innosent trees get cut down in favor of space hogging eyesore cities?! (Forests get cut down as cities rise) Humans discriminate just about everyone, even each-other!? (Humans are seen fighting each-other, and other cultures and creatures over trival and mundane and unjustly things)... Often for trival and meaningless things. I would've ignored all of that with my wistom and see the good in others, had it not been for TWO unrightious idiots?! Idiot number one.... Land Defelupter Tomas Heyfields."
  • A Human Land Defelupter is seen leading Lumberjacks to GHO. This was Tomas.
  • Tomas: "All right boys. The future site of the greatest amusement park ever is right where this ugly old oak tree is. But we're gonna need more then just axes. We're gonna need, the Bullzinhower!?"
  • A machanical bulldozer-like monstorsity appeared by the side of the GHO.
  • Tomas: "Bullzinhower, COMMENCE CUT?!"
  • The Bullzinhower began to stab the GHO with it's ax arm!
  • GHO began to bleed the green sap that becomes the pool of the undead.
  • Tomas: ".... Did that tree just, screamed?"
  • GHO looked horrorfived and trumatised of what happened.
  • GHO: "...... Why, have you done this to me?"
  • Tomas nerviously laughs, as the Lumberjacks and the Bullzinhower began to slowly leave backwords.
  • Tomas: "Uh.... I, wanted to cut you down to make room for my new amusement park, "Hollowland"? (Nerviously chuckles)."
  • GHO: "...... You, were going to kill me, OVER AN AMUSEMENT PARK?!"
  • GHO roared as he used it's branch to grab Tomas and hung him over the pool of the undead.
  • GHO: YOU DARED TO DISRESPECT YOUR OWN ENVIRONMENT BY CUTTING IT DOWN! AND FOR THAT, YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!! (Drops Tomas as he falls into the pool, and emerged as a zombie, scaring everyone off. While some didn't make it due to the GHO's branches, others were able to make it either with wounds or others)
  • (GHO): Tomas is now and forever a part of the Lost Ones. And as for Number Two of my list of idiots, it was a dirty and sour marshal across the country named Marshal Erkstein. (A military officer appeared) This guy was what crossed the line, and what made this world how it is today. He was this world's VERY FIRST XENOPHOBE!! And his influence on the human military lead to them declaring martial law, leaving him in charge of their government. His first ruling: DESTROY ALL MONSTERS!!! I had to put a stop to that.
  • The Lost ones destroyed Erkstein's kingdom and captured the humans, as Erkstein quickly turned into a pathic cowerd!
  • Erkstein: "MOMMY?!"
  • The Lost ones grabbed him!
  • Erkstein: "LET ME GO?! LET ME GO!? (CRYS LIKE A BABY!?)"
  • Erkstein and the other humans are brought to the GHO, as one by one, they were all shoved into the Undead Pool and turned into zombies!
  • GHO: "You seemed pretty determined to destroy monsters, you lier?! I do NOT trust liers?!"
  • Erkstein: "No lie, please, I meant every word, you have to believe me, I-"
  • The Lost Ones prepared to toss Erkstein in!
  • Erkstein was tossed into the pool and became a Zombie!
  • (GHO): "I have since had my lost ones capture every single human in this world and have them turned into Lost Ones as well, and didn't stopped until they were all zombies. And to make sure no future humans come here, I created the "Space Storm" that served to be so troublesome on your arrival, and that of other humans as well. And any normal that crashed here, becomes a zombie as well."


  • GHO: And I have been protecting this world with my hold on the Underworld, my earthly abilities, and my control of the Lost Ones ever since.
  • Donkey:... So... This world wasn't always populated by just monsters?
  • GHO: No. They built all the cities you see around this place, and we monsters claimed them as our own upon my changing them to Lost Ones. All zombies you see on this world are what remains of the sins humanity brought on this harmless world.
  • Lord Shen:... Wow... That's kind of dark, isn't it?
  • GHO: This world is SUPPOSED to be dark.
  • Shifu: Listen, great one, we appreciate that you were only trying to protect your home, but at the very least, you need to know that not all normals are bad. That's what people like Horrorshow refuse to accept. You're unknowingly allowing yourself to be like him. And you know how much he's caused to make prejudice on your monster kin even worse.
  • GHO: "You dare expect me to just FORGIVE humans after what they done to me and what Erkstein tried to do to all of monsterdom?! And does it honestly matter what humans think of us? Even when we do nothing at all, they would hate and ridicule us like we have no right to existence, treat us like second class citisens and scapegoats because of their own primitive weaknesses and faults?! Tomas wanted me dead for an amusement park?! Erkstein wanted to make Spookivainians extint for human dominence?! HUMANS ARE GREEDY POWER HUNGRY ABOMINATIONS?! THEY'RE THE TRUE MONSTERS?! IT'S THEY THAT DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST?!"
  • Icky: "Wow, that is one angry tree."
  • Craig: "Great one, listen to reason-"
  • Vladula: "But-"
  • Vladula: "BUT-"
  • Vladula: "..... (Sighed defeatedly)..... As the Great Horror Oak, commands."
  • Shrek: "Oh come on, we just got here and-"
  • Shifu: "Listen to reason, Oak, you're making a rash desition and-"
  • GHO roars as the planet began to quake!?
  • Icky: "OK, OK, YOU BIG WOODEN BABY!? We're out of here?!"
  • GHO calms down as the quake stops.
  • GHO: "Good. Now, get out of my sight. All of you."

Vlad's castle.

  • The Van was being repaired by repairmen spirits.
  • Vladula: "Lougers, I am so sorry you came here for nothing, please, the Great Horror Oak can't help himself, he means it when that wound doesn't heal. Please don't let this be your periment imprintment for all of Spookivainia, I-"
  • Craig: "If he doesn't want our help, fine. I know when I'm not wanted. I never should've come back."
  • Vladula: Craig, listen, I'm sorry.
  • Craig: For what? Letting that discriminant plant banish your only hope of stopping this invasion?
  • Vladula: I had no choice! He has control of the planet and it's Underworld! If I were to disobey him, the punishment would be catastrophic.
  • Craig: Oh, sure. He'll destroy his own home and commit suicide just to get someone to obey him. It's one thing if he hates normals, but when he threatens to let Horrorshow become ruler, that's where I draw the line. It's people like THEM that make humanity rash against them. Well, if he wants us to leave, fine! Let him rot! Let him learn things the hard way. And you know what, when he calls for us, WE WON'T BE THERE!! (Everyone gasps)
  • Hiver:...Craig...how could you say that?!?
  • Craig: I said we're leaving! Come on, Lodgers! We're out of here. I don't want anything to do with this place or MHB ever again! We'll just let them both handle this themselves.
  • Po: We can't just leave this world defenseless!
  • Shifu: I'm afraid we have no choice. If the Oak is going to refuse to trust us and wants to ruin this world to get it across, who are we to risk it?
  • Tigress: But who will stop the MHB?
  • Crane: They'll destroy everything, and everyone!
  • Shifu: "If we stay here, it'll be destroyed quicker by a tree who fails to let go of his pain?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!?"
  • Tigress: "..... No master."
  • Shifu: "(Sighs)..... I'm sorry for yelling. Our presence here would only serve to make this world even more in danger. Do you all understand?"
  • Jamica: "But, what about Tri-corn?"
  • Shifu: "We'll have to hope that good enough souls will be able to help her out."
  • Jamica: "But, but, are you sure leaving Tri-corn to suffer at the hands of a monster hateing maniac and a human hateing wraith is worth making an unappresiative undead oak tree happy?"
  • Icky: "If that tree is capable to destroy the entire world and leave thoundson of innosent monsters trapped in a safety dimention without homes, then I'm sorry, but Tri-corn brought this to herself when she desided to play monster slayer."
  • Jamica began to cry.
  • Jamica: "Please, don't leave her like this, you all know I love her?!"
  • The Lougers stopped for a minute and remembered that.
  • Vladula: "But aren't you both female?"
  • Icky: "Very long story pal."
  • Jamica: "Please, I, I don't want that tree to destroy the world over disobience, but, I don't want Tri-corn to die over something she never would've done otherwise, and, and, (Breaks down crying)?!"
  • The Lougers and Craig realise this and start to rethink everything.
  • Alex: "...... You what? If that stupid tree wants to destroy his own home over not having us to leave, then let him!? We're gonna help this place if he wants us to or not!? And if we die in a fire for doing what is right, then so be it?!"
  • The Lougers cheered!
  • Craig: "..... That's what I've been forgeting all along.... Love. And that's what made me still defend this place dispite everything.... I love this place as my home.... And if the Oak doesn't appresiate that, then forget him. We're gonna stop Monz whether he likes it or not."
  • Vladula: "But, but, The Great Oak has a violent temper, he will not be happy and-"
  • Craig: "For Frankenstein's sake, Vlad. Look at the poor snake."
  • Jamica was seen still crying. Vladula started to feel more sympathic with each viewing.
  • Craig: "Those are legitament tears of remorse and love she has. She seems to truely care for the Senator. The great oak obviously refuses to see that, and Horrorshow probuly won't bother even giving it a glace or a second thought. Please, don't let this be her fate enturnal and to be forever seperated from her loved one."
  • Vladula:... Well... I don't know if the Great Oak will accept this. He's not going to be happy that you defied him.
  • Soothsayer: "He is clearly only like this because he is trapped with an enturnal injury. I do sense he has good, but thanks to the human Tomas, he has only forgoten that good. And the actions of the Marshal have only worsen it."
  • Shifu: "In otherwords, the tree is not in his right mind. And it may be because of his never healing wound."
  • Gilda: "So, your saying he's like this because he's in pain?"
  • Shifu: "Yes. And that he threaten his own world which would end his life, is because he wanted an excuse to put himself out of his misery."
  • Soothsayer: "But the tree also knows that he doesn't want to hurt the monsters he swore to protect, so he created the storm to not just protect them from those that'll harm the world, but to protect them from himself and his pain to one day finally force him."
  • Lord Shen: ".... I see.... It's all because in his pain, he made a rash desidtion to protect the monsters from not just those who prosicute them, but to hide his pain from others to avoid sympathy? I imagined that great mighty trees are too prideful that if they ever feel pain, they would go great legnths to hide it."
  • Merlin: "You couldn't be more right. Great Trees like the Oak don't want those under their grace to know that they can feel pain too. Feeling pain means they can have weaknesses, weaknesses that evils far greater then xenophobic fools can exploit and use against them."
  • Cynder: "I see..... The poor thing is just ashamed of himself that he can feel pain like the beings he wants to protect."
  • Shrek: "Well what he's doing is NOT gonna make that pain go away."
  • Puss: "Then I vote we do something to rid him of that pain and get him to make sense again."
  • Merlin: "But it would take great magic to treat an injury of a great tree like the Oak."
  • Icky: "But wouldn't it have to be like.... Nature based magic?"
  • Trixie had a realisation.....
  • Trixie: "....... I think I know something that could help! Remember Springtime Eve?"
  • Gilda: "The Nature Alicorn from Ham-Dam island and momentary leader of the resistence of the rebelion against Gazzy? Oh yeah. She and the Nature ponies are back at full swing and made Ham-dam even more beautiful."
  • Trixie: "Well, I imagine she has powerful nature magic. She could help us heal the Oak."
  • Squidward: "Hey, that might be crazy enough....."
  • Mr. Krabs: "Let me guess, Mr. Squidward, to get us all killed?"
  • Squidward: ".... No. To actselly work."
  • Vladula: "Are, are you sure this Springtime can help?"
  • Trixie: "Alchourse. We saw her gardens, so she knows how to treat her plans."
  • Gilda: "I'm proud of you, Tirx. That's a very Twilight thing of you to do."
  • Trixie blushed.
  • Trixie: "Please, try not to feed Trixie's ego. It'll, end up soil a tender moment."
  • Private: But...how do we contact her?
  • Skipper slaps Private!
  • Skipper: "Don't soil the good moment, Private?!"
  • Shifu: "We don't need to contact her. We'll just simply have Tentagus teleport us to her back in Ham-dam. In a way, it'll both give the Great Oak what he wants, and the added benifit of letting our two villains distracting themselves with eachother. Sometimes, heroes win by letting two conflicting villains attack themselves then risk giving them a commen goal that'll risk uniting them even dispite their obvious hatred for eachother, then only to intervine when one of them is at their weakest."
  • Private:...That is actually a good strategy. I used the same one once.
  • Craig: "You mean letting Horrorshow do the work for us? Well, he's likely to do it anyway, so why not? Save us the trouble of going through a clichéd getting captured by them and slowly winning some of their minions to our side. Plus, we avoid making Oak becoming a doomsday waiting to happen."
  • Jamica: "But, what about Tri-corn?"
  • Vladula: ".... Don't worry. I'll send some bats to keep their eyes on Tri-corn and warn me of defelitments."
  • Jamica: "... Do you, promise she'll be alright?"
  • Vladula: ".... You have a vampire's word, neither Monz or Horrorshow will harm a skale in her body."
  • Craig: Great. It'll at least be great that, if we do this right, the Great Oak will lift his ban on me as soon as he is no longer in pain, and I won't have to worry about no longer being this world's hero.
  • Vladula: And not just that, but the Lost Ones will be...well...Lost Ones. They'll have no master, and they'll just live in the Underworld where they belong.
  • Peng:...So...zombies aren't much civilians here, are they?
  • Vladula: Nope. They're basically brain-dead drones who do nothing but tackle, moan, and crave brains. They don't even speak. Besides, monsters take a joy of beating the living man-s*** out of them. You know, like that Dreck guy.
  • Lazgo: Don't worry, Lodgers. We shall fix this. You go get the Alicorn to cure the Great Oak from HIS prejudice, while we make sure that the fight against Horrorshow and the MHB is clean.
  • Spyro: You can count on us.
  • Tentagus: Alright, I'll teleport the van as well so we can make sure that the Great Oak can't feel it's presence any longer. It'll be his knowledge of whether you're gone or not. And remember, I'll make it so that you have 1 hour to complete this goal, and you'll be brought back here. I can't have you teleported back here when you find this Alicorn because we need to wait for the right moment.
  • Cynder: Great. Let's do it.
  • Tentagus: Brace yourself, Lodgers!...(The whole group and their van are literally twisted and they teleport away)
  • Vladula:...Now the rest is up to us.
  • Hiver: We'd better find where they landed and fast!

Chapter 6: Horrorshow Ruins Monz' Trustworthiness/Healing the Great Horror Oak

Landing Site of the Helsing Craft.

  • Monz gathered around his armies and stood next to Tri-corn.
  • Monz: "...... My friends..... Today is a glorious, grand new oppertunity. A chance to-"
  • ???: "DIE!?"
  • Monz and Tri-Corn looked to see ghosts forming around the entire area, surrounding and surpassing even the great army of even the MHB.
  • Horrorshow appeared.
  • Horrorshow: "..... Vlad dared failed to see the chance to reckindise that normals are unredeemable. For that, I'm gonna have to prove it, by destroying you sick hunters, AND the Senator to offitcally declare war!?"
  • Monz: "(Chuckles smuggly), Oh, it's a war you want, freak ghost? Well look no further. We're prepared for anything you can dished out!"
  • Horrorshow: "HA-HA-HA?! You think just settling things with an army to army fight is all I thought of? And you dared called yourself an intelliegnt hunter?.... Then again, this is to be expected, from someone who got his frontal lobe bitten off, BY A CHEESY PIZZARIA ANIMONTRONIC!?"
  • The Soldiers become confused.
  • Tri-corn's head glitched apawn hearing that.
  • Tri-corn: "........ Is.... Is that what happened, all this time?"
  • Monz: "..... No, nononononononononononononono! The Wraith is CLEARLY lying! He's trying to demoralised you!"
  • Horrorshow: "Oh, I'M the lier Monty? YOUR the one who didn't told everyone that monsters did NOTHING in your life!? You were the victim of yet another exsample of humanity's idiotcy, as by three of your own kin, and their idiot friends, tossed you into the mouth of an animontronic character! YOU ONLY HATED MONSTERS BECAUSE YOU WERE TORTURED TO BE MADE TO WATCH MOVIES ABOUT MONSTERS AND CRIED LIKE A BABY AT THEM?! WAA, WAA, WAA?!"
  • Tri-corn: "...... I, got corrupted, into approving a reputation destroying geniside of a legitamently harmless monster planet, BY SOMEONE WITH FAMILY ISSUES!? I HONESTLY THOUGHT YOU WERE THE VICTIM OF MONSTERS, TURNS OUT, IT'S ONLY METATHORICLY?! I trusted you, and you tricked me?!"
  • Monz: "Senator, please! He's obviously lying! I never even been to Dracula's Fang-Tastic Pizzaria!"
  • Horrorshow: "I didn't say the name of that place."
  • Monz realised his error.
  • The Soldiers began to complain!
  • Burp: "..... I almost risked, releasing an angry pirate ghost, for him?!"
  • Monz: "........ Uh, I.... Uh...... Oh come on, so my story's, anti-climatic to my character? Does it matter if real monsters ruined my life or not? If I have been honest on one thing, is that cretins like him are still the monsters here?!"
  • Tri-corn: "One problem! I heard of that Wraith! He's only an uncreditable outcast! But it's clear if there was ever a time where he became creditable, it's just now?!"
  • Horrowshow: "I am not just momentarly creditable, I am also gonna make sure, (Points his sythe at the ship, and fires a death ray that destroys it) NONE OF YOUR ARE LEAVING HERE?!"
  • The Soldiers ran away!
  • Monz: "......... BURP, GET ON THE DRAGONS AND-"
  • Burp and his friends already retreated on the dragons!
  • Monz: "..... I guess it's just you and me Senator, I-"
  • Tri-corn smacks Monz down!
  • Tri-corn flew away!
  • Monz: DON'T LEAVE ME!! YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!!! (Horrorshow stared menacingly at him)... Stay back! (Takes out his obsidian-colored sword) Don't make me use this! You know what a sword like this can do!
  • Horrorshow grabs the sword from him.
  • Horrorshow: "I, have embraced powers that enabled me, to do THIS!?"
  • Horrorshow eats the sword, and inside, Horrorshow digests it and the sword's power becomes one with him and the sythe.
  • Horrorshow: "Now, I am ammuned to the type of sword it was, forever?!"
  • Monz: "..... Well, fuck."
  • Monz gets up and armed his guns at him?!
  • Horrorshow smacked them away with the sythe and sent them out of reach.
  • Monz: "...... You don't get it, do you? I am above fear now. All you did was made things more interesting."
  • Horrorshow: "Actselly.... I just made you an easy prey, for my dear pet."
  • A roar was heard.
  • A puff of smoke appeared and flipping upword was a Hellhound simular to this as it pounce on to Monz!
  • Horrorshow: "Atta girl, my pet! Now finish him!?"
  • Monz struggled to keep the Hellhound from finishing him off.
  • Horrorshow: "Yes, my dear Flamebane, yes?!"
  • Horrorshow laughed victoriously!
  • Monz, while holding the beast's mout with one hand, reaches for a smoke bomb in the other, and uses it to cause a distraction and escape!?
  • Horrorshow: "...... You can run, human..... But can never hide......"


  • As the MHB armeda escape from the onslaught of ghosts, the left the zombie proof grounds, as the Lost Ones began to rise from it.
  • Omlar: "What do we do now?! We don't have a leader to tell us what to do?!"
  • Tri-Corn came from nowhere doing an epic land flip!
  • Tri-Corn: "YOU HAVE ONE NOW?! We fight to the last fighter standing!? Neither zombies or ghosts would take us without a fight?! WHO'S WITH ME?!? (The others cheered as they began arming themselves and stood against the zombies and ghosts) ATTACK!! (They did that as they began using the appropriate ammo in their guns to deal with the ghosts and zombies, sending the ghosts to the afterlife and ordinary bullets for the zombies)
  • Omlar: Hopely enough for this to be fun forever! (Takes out an assault rifle)
  • Atlas: (Takes out another assault rifle and sets it to 'ghost rounds')
  • Tricorn: All units use whatever ammo necessary for these creatures! (They began firing at the zombies and ghosts, some using bullets that set their zombie targets ablaze and spreading it across other zombies, and others using rounds that sends ghosts to the afterlife)
  • The forces continue fighting the zombies and ghosts.
  • Dispite their efferts, the soldiers slowly get over-wealmed by the ghosts and zombies!
  • Tricorn: (Breathes fire on all the zombies burning them to a crisp)...There!
  • The Ghosts were still an issue.
  • Tri-corn: "...... I assume that ghosts can't be burned, so, someone give me a gun?!"
  • ???: STOP!! (Vladula, Hiver, Tentagus, and Lazgo arrived with an army of Vladula's Ghost Forces)
  • Vladula: Guards, deal with these blanket-butts! (The ghosts wailed) Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to sound racist. Just get them! (The ghosts began fighting with each other as the MHB and Tricorn made a run for it)
  • Lazgo:...Nice move, Vladula.
  • Vladula: Remember, we need to keep both sides standing until the Lodgers get that Alicorn so she can heal the Tree.
  • Hiver: But how do we do that when Horrorshow practically destroyed their only means of protection and defenses?
  • Lazgo: Well, you gotta give him credit, he did destroy everything Monz needed to accomplish his nonsensical mission. He's practically defenseless now.
  • Vladula: Yes, but that doesn't mean he can't defend himself. He's an enhanced soldier who is more than capable of killing anything if given the chance. We need to make sure he doesn't become an issue any longer.
  • Tentagus: Not to mention without the Craft, the rest of the MHB can't hope to defend themselves against Horrorshow or the Oak's forces.
  • Lazgo: Dear God, they'll never make it in time!
  • Vladula: Then we need to find a way to protect the MHB and Tricorn without letting the Oak know about it.
  • Hiver: How? The Lost Ones are practically everywhere, so there's no way we can protect them without having one of those zombies rat out on us.
  • Lazgo: "..... What if we don't need to? We need to find those Dragon Rider guys."
  • Hiver: "Two of the are girls."
  • Lazgo: "You know what I mean!"
  • Vladula:...That's...actually a great idea. But how are we supposed to find them? They could be anywhere at this point.
  • Tentagus: Lucky for you I have the ability to track them down with my magic powers. Just let me meditate for a while, and my visions will tell us where we can find them. (Sits down and meditates)
  • Lazgo:...How long is this gonna take--(Tentagus slaps him) OW!
  • Tentagus: I'm working on it, don't rush me! (Continues meditating)...
  • Hiver: (Softly laughs and stops when Lazgo looks back)
  • Vladula: Guys, we'd better wait. His meditative visions usually take time and concentration. (We go into Tentagus' mind and he sees that the Dragon Riders are heading for some unknown mountains)
  • Tentagus:...Oh, dear. This isn't good. It seems they're heading for Banshee Mountains.
  • Hiver: Oh, crap, that's where a whole crap load of banshees live!
  • Vladula: Yes, we all know how banshees are. They're born from people who have the most tragic pasts, and this pain is so strong, it makes them so powerful. Their screams can kill in an instant. And the worst of them...is Sinistra.
  • Hiver: (Gasps) The terrible exile who orchestrated deaths as soon as she gave warnings of them to mortals?
  • Vladula: Yes. I not only had to bring her here, but I had to exile her to the Banshee Mountains for her own good. We need to get to the Mountains and rescue those Dragon Riders before they enter ANY banshee territory. Tentagus, do you think you can teleport us there?
  • Tentagus: Indeed. But I must warn you that Sinistra's bandit exiles don't take kindly to strangers like us. Especially since you're the one who did this to her.
  • Vladula: I'm perfectly capable of talking to her without trouble. She's at the very least grateful to me for saving her life from those paranormal hunters, even if I refused to let her live in the city for her crimes.
  • Tentagus: Then let's go! (They all teleported away)

Ham-Dam Island

  • A Thriving Nature Pony village is seen.
  • Banana, Longzu, and Eyes are seen.
  • Banana: "Wow. This place is beautiful. The Nature ponies really sprouse up the place."
  • Jaggearo came in.
  • Jaggearo: "I never seen this part of the jungle ever so beautiful before..."
  • Longzu: "Miss Springtime has outdone herself."
  • Eyes: "I see untold beauty...."
  • Jaggearo: "..... We have GOT to teach that camealian to speak proper sentences."
  • Banana: "Tell me about it."
  • Tony's roars are heard.
  • Banana: "Well, sounds like Chuck is still messing with Old Tony again."


  • Chuck: YEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAH!!! (He is seen riding Tony as it roared) GET ALONG, LITTLE REPTILE!! (The Lodgers and Craig arrived and they saw Chuck riding Tony)
  • Lord Shen:...Well, at least we know Chuck is having his times with Tony.
  • Chuck: (Sees them) Hey, it's our home's saviors! (He is able to strap Tony to a large trap, and gets off him as he roars trying to get him) You guys are going to like what we've done with this place since you saved it.
  • Cynder: Yes...a lot has changed for us, too.
  • Chuck:...Hmm...you sure sound like it. What's new for you?
  • Spyro: Well, long story short, Cynder finally found her long-lost mother.
  • Shifu: The rest is really not important to explain for now. Right now, we require the assistance of Springtime.
  • Chuck: Oh, her. She's really spruced this place up since the last time you were here. Now the whole place looks like an entire garden of life. What'cha need her for?
  • Craig: Well, we need her because my world is in trouble in the form of a wounded magical tree who banished me for not trusting me. We need to have the tree healed or he'll just doom my world and risk it's destruction.
  • Chuck: Hmm...well, I must say, you came to the right person to fix this problem. (Tony roared behind him)
  • Spyro: Uh...are you sure Tony's restrained enough?
  • Chuck: Oh, absolutely! He's never escaped even once, and we've had such fun!
  • Icky: "That thing clearly doesn't look happy."
  • Chuck: "Oh, you know Tony. He has serious anger issues. But he's really a pussy cat once you get to know him."
  • Iago: Oh, yeah, I'm TOTALLY convinced he hasn't bitten someone's finger off. So, how are the others?
  • Chuck: Oh, the others are doing quite well. Springtime has become this place's ruler, and created this entire village, which we named Eden, and she has made this place sprout like wildfire. Jaggearo and his friends have been doing well, and the others have been busy with their new jobs. I've been busy training a few dinosaurs to fight for Eden, Tony included. Rebecca is the captain of Eden's police forces, Wajinga is the magical mage and is currently looked after by her reformed father, Shamus...resumed his career as a pirate, and--
  • Sparx: Follow-up question, did you find out how he could breath underwater yet?
  • Chuck: Actually, we did. Turns out, one of his ancestors was cursed by an old sea hag to forever be unable to survive out of water after polluting her aquatic home with alcohol, and he ended up banging a mermaid who gave birth to an ordinary human who could breath underwater, and, you can pretty much guess what happened over the next few years.
  • Spyro: What about Narwhus?
  • Chuck:... Well...


  • Sparx: (They saw Narwhus' grave near the beach)... Well, I knew that was coming, the old guy said he wasn't going to live that long anyhow.
  • Cynder:... I seem to feel bad that we weren't here to mourn for him.
  • Chuck: Yes, his death was quite a tragedy. And as for the others, they've gone pretty well. Birdy is still our best form of entertainment and is still considered a wise and knowledgeable one, and no one's going ape-s*** on anyone who crosses him since he's sane now, those singing Flytrap Brothers, they've gone pretty well now that they're no longer what they used to be. They're now part of the herbarium and even provide some musical numbers along the way. The Aztec-alopes and the Mythic Creatures here live in perfect harmony under Springtime's guidence. And we all just saw me still having my fin with Ol' Tony.
  • Spyro was emotionless.
  • Spyro: "...... Narwhus......"
  • Lord Shen: ".... At least he went after he gotten his justice on Dead Sea, Spyro. He went, with having peace."
  • Spyro: "Yes, but, Dead Sea clearly won't stay a child forever. What if he is told of his past with Narwhus and wanted to make amends with him, but then....."
  • Cynder: Spyro, he's going to be raised differently. I'm sure by the time he reaches adulthood, he'll understand and visit this grave in the future.
  • Spyro:...I sure hope so.
  • Chuck: Well, are you guys coming to see Springtime, or what? (The Lodgers follow him as Spyro took one last look at Narwhus' grave)


  • Phil: (The Lodgers took a look at the village of Eden as it was infested with garden plants and flowers as Phil picked one and ate it) Yummy! Dandelions are the tastiest this season.
  • Sparx: Oh, hell, yeah, those delicious bugs from Phil's Island! (Eats a few)
  • Spyro: Sparx, don't, you know those things make you gassy.
  • Sparx: Hey, I can't help it, they taste like chicken... With cheese. (Burps loudly)...Come to think of it...these things are a different species, aren't they? The ones I tried last time were like jalapeno cheese and chicken. Yummo!
  • Craig: We're not here to consume the environment, we're here to get Springtime, remember?
  • Sparx: Oh, hold your horses, pal, we know that!
  • Eyes: I see our saviors. (Points them out for Jaggearo and his other friends)
  • Banana: WOW! You guys are back? And you just missed Narwhus' funeral... Sadly.
  • Jaggearo:... And who's the black human with you?
  • Craig: I'm someone who needs help. The Lodgers are asking for Springtime to help a problem with my homeworld.
  • Longzu: "I am correct to assume it's, plant-based."
  • Craig: Yes. I was raised on a world of monsters, and I've been protecting it since...certain situations...but it's guardian, the Horror Oak, just banished us because it doesn't trust us because it has an open wound doomed to never heal and he has been turning trespassers into zombies.
  • Jaggearo: So...you think that Springtime can fix this 'wound' this oak has?
  • Boss Wolf: Yep.
  • Banana: Wow, a world of monsters. How fitting considering the time of the year. We've got a Halloween Carnival going on at Derek's Kingdom on October 30th, and we get to help kiddies go trick-or-treating. YAY!!!
  • Spyro: Oh, yeah, Marenia is still making a living here.
  • Gloria: Yeah, we haven't seen her since that Discord Dilemma fiasco where we sailed to Draconequua.
  • Jaggearo: Yeah, Marenia's been doing great on that island. She's recently been thinking about having kids, but she wants to wait until they're ready. Plus...this is kind of her first Halloween.
  • Gilda: Well, technically no, Equestria has Nightmare Night.
  • Jaggearo: Oh, that's right. But... I don't know if an underwater city has ever been attacked by Nightmare Moon because... You know, Equantica hasn't been in Equestria at that time. And to avoid confusion here, Discord caused problems first, several decades before the Nightmare Moon fiasco.
  • Shenzi: So basically, Marenia's never experienced a horror-themed holiday, huh?
  • Jaggearo/Longzu/Banana: Nope.
  • Eyes: I see disagreement.
  • Icky: "..... Word of advice: Take the dude to see Birdy and get him to speak full sentences."
  • Banana: "Already on my mind about that."
  • Longzu: "Agreed."
  • Jaggearo: "Would you like us to take you all to see Springtime?"
  • Spyro: Yes, that would be nice.
  • Longzu: Well, she's at the palace. Come on, let's go.

Eden Palace

  • Springtime: (She was seen in a throne decorated with flowers and plants, and a room decorated with the same thing as some animals are seen taking care of them)...Hmm, I guess that time with Tony and Chuck was pretty short.
  • Lizard: Yeah, something must've come up. (The Lodgers and Jaggearo's group arrived)
  • Springtime:...Hey, it's the Lodgers! We haven't seen you since you rescued us. What kept you from visiting this place?
  • Lord Shen: Being great and famous heroes means you basically have to be busy 24-7. When we finish one adventure, there's another one just around the corner.
  • Springtime:...I see. And I can tell that a lot has changed for you.
  • Sparx: You're telling me, Cynder here finally found her mommy. One of our long-time enemies turned out to be manipulated by people from another UUniverses into--
  • Springtime: Tell me later, because I feel this visit might not be because of a reunion.
  • Craig: Well, it certainly isn't. I'm afraid we'll need your assistance for a problem I'm having on my homeworld.
  • Springtime: You do?
  • Longzu: They say it concerns a rogue magical oak who banished these guys because a wound gave him too much pain to not think straight. They believe that you can heal this wound.
  • Springtime:...Oh, I certainly can. I can heal even the worse of plant injuries.
  • Banana: And I hope you're in a fearless mood because this tree happens to be on a world of monsters.
  • Springtime made a surprised face.
  • Springtime: "..... This tree is the Great Oak of the world Hollow, isn't it?"
  • Icky: "It goes by Spookivainia these days, but, yeah, pretty much."
  • Spongebob: "You already know about him?"
  • Springtime uses her magic to teleport a book to herself.
  • Springtime: "Not just known about him. I studied many great magical plants of this world and beyond. The Great Oak of Hollow, or, appearently, "Spookivainia" now, is among the most infamous. You see, a wreckless land defelupter human named Tomas Heyfields and a later down the road Marshal Erkstein have-"
  • Craig: "Have both done something stupid to upset the tree and have inadvertingly caused it to hate humans and normals in general. Yeah, he kinda already told us himself, before he banished us."
  • Springtime: "Oh, I see that's already covered."
  • Lord Shen: "That's why we need to fix what a careless would-be carnival tycoon and a war-monger have wrecklessly reaped."
  • Springtime: "And I'll be more then glad to help. But I have an assumtion he won't accept my help so easily, let alone not ordered his zombies on me. So I need help to keep the Great Oak still to avoid getting harmed in the progress."
  • Squidward: "Well we're gonna need GIANT help to keep an anichent monster tree still!"
  • Susan: "Ahem! What am I, chopped liver?" (Insectasaurus roars)
  • Springtime:...Oh, yes, you two larger monsters.
  • Susan: Well, technically, I'm not a monster, per say, I'm actually the only Human Superior in the UUniverses.
  • Springtime:...Oh, right, as in a Kratosian Superior. I learned about them when studying their Negation Plant. Nasty carnivorous beasts they were.
  • Icky: And as for Insectasaurus, his size means it's difficult to carry him along for trips, and we decided to use a shrink ray we used on one of our...'buggy' adventures...to make him a compact size.
  • Springtime: Well, we certainly need a monster like him for such a situation. I read that the Horror Oak is capable of controlling Spookavania's underworld through the undead ooze that, from what I heard, eternally bleeds and makes a pool that turns people into zombies.
  • Craig: Exactly. And we feel that because of that oozing wound, the eternal pain is making him unable to be trusting to normals like most Spookavanian monsters. We need it to be fixed so we can rescue the world from a situation involving a monster-hunting police force and a xenophobic wraith. And with that tree banishing us before we could have the chance, we feel that healing him is the only choice we have, otherwise he might just be stupid enough to kill himself by destroying the entire planet.
  • Springtime:...Wow, I know he's under a lot of pain, but I never thought he'd stoop to suicide.
  • Eyes: I see that's what comes with being in so much pain. I see when you're under severe pain, you either stoop to illogical things such as drugs or suicide.
  • Longzu:...Wow, he might actually have a greater vocabulary than we thought.
  • Eyes: I see that, stupid! (Banana laughed out loud)
  • Longzu: Not funny, Banana!
  • Banana: It's funny because you got BURNED! (Laughs)
  • Springtime: Guys, will you please? He does have a point. People who are under eternal pain do have a tendency of suicide.
  • Craig: So, will you help us?
  • Springtime: Of course. My parents would want me to protect life in any way possible. I just wish I get to visit them in Equestia.
  • Icky: "Wait, they're still around?"
  • Springtime: "Yes, but not as the Alicorns they once were. My mother turned into a great tree and my father turned into a powerful life Stag."
  • Gilda: "A stag? You mean like, those big bulky deer?"
  • Springtime: Yes. I have heard as of late that they had another child. Though...(Sighs) Alas, I never had the chance to meet my little sister as of yet. The Alicorn of Nature and the Life Stag are known to be the guardians of Equestrian life. Though I've never actually met them, I've heard of them in stories. Wherever they are in Equestria, they're still out there keeping all life in Equestria alive. Someday...I'll be reunited with them.
  • Skipper: Yeah, not meaning to sound like I don't care about your tragic life story, but we're only made to remain here for an hour before we teleport back to Spookavania.
  • Springtime: Well, at least you got to me in time. How much longer do you have?
  • Icky: (Checks a stopwatch)...10 minutes.
  • Springtime:...I take it that it took you a while to get here?
  • Spyro: Indeed. Luckily you guys pinpointed your village's location through signs.
  • Woodpecker: You're welcome!
  • Icky: "Now let's get this monster show on the road!"
  • Pleakly: Are you sure things won't go wrong? I mean, what if we do something wrong, and the Oak destroys Spookavania?
  • Springtime: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. As a manipulator of life, I can take away the source of that power by shrinking his eternal roots. Once that happens, he'll be unable to do such a thing. But shrinking them to it's one location takes a lot of power, that I still don't have the power to do. I can only shrink his roots until they're up to a 1-mile radius, meaning that he'll only cause a few earthquakes in the surrounding area.
  • Sparx: Well, that's a good thing.
  • Craig: Oh, but I'm sure that won't last. He has admitted before that he can regenerate his roots if let out of check for too long. He'll regain his planet-destroying ability if you left it unchecked. So...you might have to hold it long enough for you to--
  • Springtime: Oh, dear...well, that changes the whole equation. I can't cast two spells at the same time. I'm still trying to learn that magic Alicorn technique. I'm afraid we'll need another equally-powerful source of magic in order for us to accomplish this.
  • Icky: "Aw come on, really? Where else are we gonna find a powerful magic hotshot on such short notice?"
  • Merlin clears his throat!
  • Icky: Oh, believe me, Merly, I knew you were skilled with that stuff. I just thought that--
  • Merlin: That I wasn't POSSIBLY that powerful? (Laughs) I didn't destroy entire Darkspawn-cursed plant weapons during the Second Cartoonian War without having a ton of power. I tore them apart like paper. I've fought monsters equally as powerful, and you don't think I can seriously take on a powerful oak with the ability to destroy it's own home?
  • Icky:...(Chuckles)...Of course I didn't. Go you!
  • Merlin: Sure you didn't. But I have to be honest, I'm not powerful enough to shrink eternal roots to only a 1-mile radius since it takes WAY more power than even I have. But I can say that I can hold magic effects for quite a long time. Just long enough for you to cast your spell, Miss Springtime.
  • Springtime: Great! Then I guess we're ready to move then. Let's go!
  • Merlin:...And I think I may have an idea to make our arrival unexpected. We already established that the Oak can sense the van when it's on Spookavania, right? So...what if we DIDN'T bring it with us?
  • Smee:...You're saying you want to leave our van behind?
  • Merlin: It'll teleport back anyway. It'll give us a good opportunity to sneak up on the Oak and get the job done.
  • Boss Wolf: Uh, pal, didn't you say you can't do off-world teleportation?
  • Merlin: Yes, but I can when given supporting magic.
  • Springtime: Of course. I can't do off-world teleporting either. Otherwise I would've already met my parents. But if we can combine our energies, we can sure as heck do it without a sweat.
  • Sandy: Well, then, what're we waitin' on, let's do it. (The two magic-users amplified a teleportation spell, and they all teleported away)


  • Springtime: (They all teleported to a nearby secluded area near the Great Oak)...There it is!...Dear God, it's wound is much worse than in the picture.
  • Po: It gets worse! There's a whole ton of zombies watching over the Oak. (They see several Lost Ones crawling around the tree, some doing guard duty until they are aroused by a female zombie)...At least we know they're stupid.
  • Monkey: And that's still not going to help. If even one sees us, we're busted. We need to keep this as sneaky and stealthy as possible.
  • Merlin: Okay Springtime, are you ready to do your stuff?
  • Springtime: As I'll ever be! We'll start in 3...2...1...NOW! (She casts a spell on the ground which makes it glow, and all the GHO's roots underground start un-growing quickly as the spell was cast, and then it all stopped in a close enough range to the GHO, and Merlin was able to hold it all in)
  • GHO: What the?...What was all that tingling in my roots? Why do they feel like they've shrunk?!?
  • Craig: (They all teleported in front of him) Alright, Great One! You've gone too far with your selfish actions!
  • GHO: You! How DARE you all defy me?!?
  • Craig: With all due respect, great one, you're dooming this world by refusing our help. Your wound is inflicting so much pain on you, you're not thinking straight.
  • GHO: I am perfectly justified with my choices.
  • Craig: Yeah? Well, what do you call turning an entire population of humans into zombies instead of just exiling them like you did with me? Maybe that would've changed a lot of things.
  • Kowalski: He has a point.
  • GHO: HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY ACTIONS?!? (Roars as he quakes the entire area knocking them all off their feet) You all will be punished GREATLY for your defiance, starting with Craig! (Zombies start overwhelming the group, and Craig is grabbed by a root popping out of the ground and is being dragged towards the Pool of the Undead) Now you shall watch as Craig becomes a zombie for good and forever!
  • Springtime: (She breaks free from the zombies' grip, and blasts energy at the GHO's wound, slowly changing his mood)
  • GHO: "GAAAHH?! MY WOUND?! MY....... Hey actselly that doesn't feel too bad. Stings alittle, but otherwise-" (Springtime fires a healing beam on the wound which slowly heals it, and GHO slowly changes, and releases Craig before he could even touch the Pool, as the zombies sunk into the ground thanks to the fall of a master)... What... What happened?
  • Craig:... Great One, say something?
  • GHO:... Craig... All I can say now... Is thank you, for healing my pain.
  • Sandy: YEE-HAH! We did it!
  • GHO: I apologize for my harsh actions. You now have my full confidence and trust for rescuing me from being someone I'm not. I am now confident that you will save us from danger.
  • Craig:... Thank you, Great One. I will do whatever I can to stop Monz and Horrorshow before they make both sides worse.

Chapter 7: The MHB Dragon Riders' Escape

Banshee Mountains

  • Burp: (The MHB Dragon Riders were riding their dragons across the mountains)...
  • Snapper: Uh, Burp, are you sure you know what we're doing?
  • Burp: I don't have a plan yet. We just need to find a safe haven until we can figure out what to do. With the Helsing Craft destroyed, we'll need another way off this rock.
  • Aster: But where do we find a good place to hide?
  • Burp: I don't know yet. We'll just- (Distant screeching was heard)
  • Nutter:... What was that?
  • Gutter: Maybe it was you.
  • Nutter: SHUT UP! (Slaps him, and the wailing grew louder)
  • Snapper: Oh, no! It sounds like the wail of a Spookavanian Banshee! They're all-female spirits who are born with the most tragic of backstories, and their wails don't just warn of deaths, they CAUSE deaths.
  • Phlegm: Then we'd better fly as fast as we can so they don't- (A banshee appears in front of them screaming, and the entire group screamed)
  • Burp: OPEN FIRE!!! (The group fired at the banshee with their guns, but the Banshee was too fast for them to shoot)
  • Snapper: (Looks down to see more banshees flying towards them) Uh, guys?!?
  • Aster: (The banshees began swarming the group as they effortlessly tried to shoot them until they ran out of ammo)
  • Gutter: I think my gun is broken.
  • Nutter: It's out of ammo, retard!
  • Aster: Uh-oh, I've run out, too!
  • Burp: WE'RE ALL OUT!! We'd better replenish before- (The banshees scared them off their dragons as they fell down towards the ground, and they ended up sliding near surfaces safely, and they tumbled into a field full of skeletons)
  • Snapper: YAAAAH, SKELETONS!!! COLD CLAMMY DEAD HANDS, GET THEM OFF!!! (The banshees surrounded them as a menacing misty-gray banshee with floating hair appeared)
  • Nutter: YIPES!!! (The Banshee Leader notices their uniforms, and gets angry)... What's she looking at?
  • Gutter: Maybe she's looking at your ugly face!
  • Nutter: I SAID SHUT UP!!
  • Snapper: "I, don't think it's our facial features....."
  • Phlegm: "Wow, I didn't know Banshees are so judgemental on looks, considering they aren't exactly beauty queens themselves."
  • The Banshees look offended from this.
  • Burp: "Da-ba-da, you just made it worse."
  • Nutter: "Nice, these guys only wanted to kill us as MHB members, now they want to kill us for more personal reasons."
  • Gutter: "What's next, are you gonna say their clothes are all raggity and disgusting? (The Banshees' get more offended) Oh, maybe your bad mouth their hair? (The Banshees' get offended) Oh, better yet, say that you don't buy their crap about being from "Tragic Pasts" and that they're nothing but whiney cry baby ghosts!? (The Banshees screeched apawn that!?!)"
  • Aster: "GUTTER, YOU IDIOT!?"
  • Burp: And we're dead. (The Banshee Leader shrieked at him, scaring him, and they prepared to scream them dead)
  • Suddenly, Heartless and the other dragons intervined and roared at the Banshees!?
  • The Banshee leader reattempted to scream at them, but Heartless breathed fire on the Banshee Leader's robes and set it to flames!
  • The Banshee leader screeched in panic as the fire drove it to freak out and not pay attention to where it was heading!
  • A Hungry Ecnoplasum-drooling Venus-Flytrap like plant sees the Leader Banshee struggled to get the fire off, as the plant chomped on her in one bite and swallowed her, to the shock of the confindence dwrindling Banshees and Burp and friends.
  • Snapper: "Yikes. The one thing that can actselly hurt ghosts. The Afterlife Flytrap. Any left-behind spirit's worse enemy."
  • The Cowerd-bound Banshees quiver in fear of the gang and their dragons!
  • Phlegm: "Yeah that's right! We'll say whatever we want about you, because we got dragons!?"
  • Heartless and the other dragons breathed fire and scared the other banshees off, never to bother them again!
  • Burp: "How, were you able to set a ghost's robe on fire? That's not normally suppose to be, a thing!"
  • Phlegm: "How cares?! It saved our asses! Now let's beat it!" (They all flew away as this was all watched by Vladula and his friends)
  • Vladula:... Wow... Poor Sinistra.
  • Hiver: Yeah. I'm starting to question where that Afterlife Flytrap came from. It wasn't there the last time we came here.
  • Vladula: Perhaps it was always there, but it was hiding because it was waiting for it's prey: waywording spirits. And it ended up getting that chance. Well, at the very least, Sinistra won't be a bother to any stragglers anymore. She has had a rough life ever since she was left to die in a snowy alley after her parents were beaten to death, she lost her friends as the result of an accident, and she was left homeless. The poor girl tried to orchestrate a global suicide as a result. I had to stop her and banish her here for it. But she still had a grudge against them, but now... (Sighs)... It would seem she'll be in a better place.
  • Lazgo:... I feel kinda bad for her.
  • Vladula: So do I. But there's nothing we can do about it now. We just need to follow those riders and see if we can catch up to them.
  • Hiver: "You sure that's a good idea? Because we didn't get to save their butts, they'll never trust us."
  • Lazgo: "Yeah, maybe it be best if we just leave them alone and let them handle themselves. They may not be Monz bad, but, it's clear they otherwise have no true love for monsters."
  • Hiver: "Yeah, they're still not exactly above hurting anything that they'll assume is a threat to them because they're afraid their uniforms would send a wrong message to us."
  • Vladula: Then what do we do in the meantime?
  • Tentagus: I'm afraid the only choice we have now is to track down Monz and stop him. And make sure that Horrorshow doesn't kill him.
  • Vladula: What about the Lodgers? Have they cured the Oak yet?
  • Tentagus: (Gets visions)...Yes, they have. The Oak's wound has been healed, and all the Lost Ones are no longer following a master and instead live in the Underworld where they belong.
  • Vladula: Then we'd better find them. We'll need their help in case stopping Monz will be difficult.

Hide-out cave.

  • Burp and the gang landed in the cave and proceeded to get off the dragons.
  • Burp: "..... Oh man. That was close. I think those Banshees will learn to fear anyone who brought down their leader like that."
  • Snapper: "They might become afraid of anyone without their leader."
  • Burp: "Well, if those Banshees were an actual problem in this world even to monsters, then I personally believe we did them a favor and got rid the root of their problems."
  • Aster: "This is all Monz fault! We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him!? I hope that crazy Wraith manages to kill him!?"
  • Phlegm: "I second that!"
  • Nutter and Gutter: "No complaint from us."
  • Snapper: "Yay varaly."
  • Burp: "Well, I, wouldn't exactly wish death on him, but.... I...."
  • Aster: "Burp, he's pretty much the reason why we're stuck in a world filled with monsters that want to kill us!"
  • Burp: "Look, how's about, we change the subject? All right? Now, let's all talk about on how we can escape here."
  • Snapper: "Well, they have a teleport chrsital in Vladula's castle that can enable us to leave. But we need to make it periment so we won't end up teleporting back here. We'll have to set it to "Exsile" Teleportation to do that."
  • Nutter: "Well this is one club I'm glad to be kicked out off."
  • Burp: "Well, luckly, he and the other monsters are likely very distracted, so let's ride!"

Vlad's castle.

  • A Huge teleport christail is seen.
  • A wall explouded and Burp and the gang came in on their dragons.
  • Burp: "There it is. Now, what to do with it."
  • Phlegm: "I vote we use it to go back home. I have ENOUGH, of universeal travel for one life."
  • Gutter: "Oh yeah, totally. The sooner we're away from Monz the Loser, the better."
  • Aster: "Wait, does anyone know how to use it?"
  • Snapper: "Oh! Let me. I studied this thing alot from the Monster books."
  • Burp: "Well do it and make it quick! I can't bring myself to trust how truely deserted this place seems."
  • Snapper got to the controls and pressed certain buttons, and a portal to Berk is seen.
  • Snapper: "I have set it to banishment settings."
  • Burp: "Good, now let's beat it!"
  • ???: Hold it right there! (The Lodgers and Craig appeared)
  • Lord Shen: We're not going to let you get away without so much as a reason other than you just want to get away from that Monz guy.
  • Icky: Wait a minute!...Is that guy with Heartless? (Heartless hides upon being noticed)
  • Aster: Hey, look, we don't want any trouble. We just want to return back to Berk. We've had just about enough of this sucky job and want to move on with our lives.
  • Craig: Well, you still have to face up to the crimes you committed during this job, including the manipulation of a senator, AND for imprisoning her assistant.
  • Nutter: Monz told us to, blame him for all that! PLEASE just let us go!
  • Lord Shen: We can't do that just yet. You still have crimes you need to make up for.
  • Phlegm: "Go fuck yourself, turkey boy!"
  • Lord Shen: "TURKEY BOY?!"
  • Burp quickly tossed a smoke bomb as it explouded with smoke that disorianted the Lougers and Craig!
  • Burp: "Guys! Quick?!"
  • Burp and the gang go through the portal and escaped!?
  • Soothsayer: Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. They were not happy with their jobs anyway.
  • Spyro: But what was Heartless doing with them?!?
  • Soothsayer: He was captured by Monz following us curing him from his corruption in the hands of Jing and Ding. Those people were from Berk, living in a region a thousands miles from Hiccup's village. They've been trying to learn to understand dragons since some that the Dragon Crew tamed have migrated all the way to their region.
  • Sandy: Then why in tarnation did they join the MHB?
  • Craig: Monz probably gave them a chance to understand the dragons.
  • ???: Just let them go, Lodgers. (Vladula and his friends appeared)
  • Vladula: They're not worth it. They only did those things because of Monz. He's the real criminal here.
  • Hiver: He's right. Those guys were just pawns. Our top priority should be to take care of Monz and Horrorshow.
  • Spyro: Where are they?
  • Lazgo: We have no idea. But Tent probably does.
  • Tentagus: Well, Monz is still alive, yet he's still being hunted by Horrorshow and his hellhound.
  • Sparx: A hellhound? Pfft, please, just a measly dog? What could possibly be so terrifying about a hellhound other than the fact that it's from hell, and- (Hiver shows him a picture of a Spookavanian hellhound) SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP!!! THAT'S ONE NASTY MUTT!!!
  • Vladula: I'm surprised he was able to even acquire one of them. They're supposed to be guardians of the underworld and the afterlife, and since you guys basically cured the Oak and left the Lost Ones without a master, the hellhounds will now be entrusted with making sure nobody goes in or out the Underworld without consent.
  • Tito: Oh, so what? It's just a giant monster dog. Nothing we can't handle, right?
  • Vladula: Have you ever SEEN a Spookavanian hellhound in action? They're not considered the best guardians for nothing. They are vicious killers with supernatural strength and speed, a durable hide, long sharp claws and teeth, an ability to camouflage itself in the dark, and their putrid odor of rotten flesh can make anyone get disorientated or sick. Plus, they're twice as dangerous when they're in a pack.
  • Lazgo: But... We're only handling ONE hellhound.
  • Vladula: Yes, but still, dealing with a hellhound is a challenge even to the MHB OR monsters. Their only instinct is to destroy anything that tries to sneak in or out of the world of the dead.
  • Craig: Then how was Horrorshow able to tame one of them?
  • Vladula: Probably because of the power of his scythe allowing him to control that hellhound to his every whim. Hellhounds are dangerous when in the wrong hands.
  • Icky: "Ok, so where Horror-Dogshow's hiding at?"
  • Tentagus: "They were last seen heading torwords Spookivainia's iconic bottomless ravine."
  • Kolwalski: "Well, tecnecally, there's no such thing as a bottomless ravine or pit or casum. It's just that they're so far down that the light can't reach them and-"
  • Icky: "Easy on the logic, enstein, it tends to make things less exciting then they should be. Let's agree that falling into a ravine, bottomless or just a really long fall, is not survivable, got it?"
  • Kowalski: Yeah, should've thought of that.
  • Vladula: Well, if any place should be the perfect place to kill a mortal for a Spookavanian, it's the Bottomless Ravine. It's a large, intensely-windy, and massive chasm where no person or monster has ever gotten out alive. The wind inside is too intense for flight, so it's basically impossible to not fall to your death. It's a grand monument to those in the Underworld, and is a forbidden location because of the danger it brings.
  • Gilda: Oh, great, ANOTHER Abysmal Abyss. Places like that are like a hell-hole! You get killed no matter what you try.
  • Icky: You mean... If he falls in... Then we can't rescue him?
  • Vladula: Nope. I suppose the only way to survive that fall is to grab onto one of the view-holes from the Underworld. But even then, it wouldn't help because of the hellhounds killing intruders.
  • Gilda:...Actually, maybe we won't have to. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie weren't unicorns which made whatever they were doing more difficult. We can just teleport him out before he can hit the ground. HAH! As if that Ravine was going to be unstoppable at this point! I laugh in the face of conflict.
  • Tentagus: ".... Did we neglect to enform you that due to the underworld's enfluence due to the view holes, it has a strong anti-magic presence in thanks to anti-teleporting enchantments? Teleporting Monz out is sadly not a true solution."
  • Gilda: "..... And I got my face laughed back."
  • Missing Link: "Oh well, no skin off our noses if he dies in that ravine, I mean, come on, he's nothing but a psycopath anyway."
  • Dr. Cockarouch: "Link, why did you say that?!"
  • Missing Link: "Doc, this was the same guy that tried to kill us sometime last year?! Besides, do we REALLY wanna risk leaving someone like Monz alive? Our enemies will find ways to remove the "crazy xenophobic old fart" part about him and just turn him into someone who's knowledgeable about the most bad ass monsters ever! Monsters like that would be at risk of falling into the services of the Villain Leage, or the Scourge Imperials, or, dare I say it, even Team Nefarious!?"
  • Lord Shen: "..... Your right. Monz might be too dangerious to be given the generosity of being spared, unfortunate and tragic his life was and is. We're gonna have to agree that even if we made the desidion to just jail him, he'll just seek to continue his anti-monster fanacticisum, somehow manage to escape, and trick another polotisian to make the same mistake. He could just end up with an even stronger MHB."
  • Craig sighed.
  • Craig: "..... Your right. Monz is far too dangerious to be left alive. It would be reckless to spare him."
  • Vladula: "It's dark to think of this, but, your right. Monz knows how to get through the space storms, and we can't risk his knowledge being shared to others who would even greater threats."
  • Tentagus: "Then the solution is simple. We have to allow Horrorshow do what he wants with him. We all know we're too merciless to do such an act. And, I'm afraid Horrorshow's the only one capable of being merciless."
  • Jamica: "As much as I normally don't agree to these kind of ideas, I won't argue it here. I too agree that Monz is too dangerious to be left alive, not just for Spookivainia's sake, nor just Tri-corn's, but those dragon riders. Monz knows where to find them, and he would seek to interupt their lives if he is left alive."
  • Shifu: "Then we agreed. Monz is a grave mistake that must be amended.... Perimently."

Chapter 8: Saving Spookavania

Bottomless Ravine

  • Monz was still running as he reached the Ravine, with Flamebane and Horrorshow catching up!
  • Monz stopped at the edge.
  • Flamebane and Horrorshow stopped a few feet before him.
  • Horrorshow: "......... It's, over, Monz. Your fate, is sealed."
  • Monz: "...... Stupid Wraith. I am not afraid of anything. I am not afraid of you, nor your mangey mutt! I, AM, FEARLESS?! I AM A ONE MAN ARMY?!"
  • Horrorshow: "...... Then, I'll give you a one generious act, and fixed what a stupid animontronic broke."
  • Horrorshow pointed his sythe at him, and fired a green beam strem at Monz, as he was hit, as we see inside his head, his frontal lope re-generated and restored his sanity, and, unfortunatelt for Monz, his ability to fear.
  • Monz turned from the proud compident, xenophobic man, to the whiney cowerdly crybaby he once was.
  • Monz began cowerdly begging as Horrorshow stared in surprise and confusion.
  • Horrorshow: ".... Ya know, I was just gonna have Flamebane eat you and call it a night, but.... Cowerds give her an indegestion."
  • Horrorshow: "Oh, an offer for a slave?.... Pass."
  • Horrorshow bitch-slapped Monz into the Ravine, as Monz was screaming cowerdly as he fell straight into the Ravine, never to be seen again.
  • Horrorshow: "..... And thus, the tragic, and phathic, origins of Monz Star, have concluded. Come Flamebane, you can at least get to enjoy the taste of dragon."

Aftermath of the Big Battle.

  • All the MHB members have been defeated by the ghosts and the Lost Ones before they vanished into the ground.
  • Tri-corn, Omlar, and Atlas remained, bounded by chains by the ghosts.
  • Horrorshow and Flamebane arrived.
  • Horrorshow: "Hello, Senator.... You might be surprised to know, I have successfuly brought an end to Monz. I restored his ability to fear and healed his brain, then, after desided that he would be a worthless minion as a ghost and would've given my pet indegestion, I pushed him off the ravine..... A bottomless Ravine. Monz, is dead."
  • Tri-corn: "Well, good. I pretty much came to hate him now that it turned out he was a lier, a traitor and a wuss. You gotten your revenge on humanity, now let us go. I'll make Spookivainia a forbidden place for humans and normal creatures to visit and I'll began a prosicution on monster hunters for here on out."
  • Horrorshow: "A nice start.... But not good enough."
  • Horrorshow turns Omlar and Atlas into ghosts, as the two wailed in pain!
  • Horrorshow: "You, senator, are a prisoner of war!?"
  • Tri-corn: "But you basicly won the war! You managed to defeat a great deal of armies and basicly destroyed the MHB. You slayed the most powerful monster hunter ever. You have won. I swore to never threaten this place again, Horrorshow. I know your asentlly just an outcast of an otherwise clearly peaceful monster world. I will be meaningful in my promises."
  • Horrorshow: "Perhaps, but for how long until your true self re-emerges, Glitch-corn? That side of you will come back, and with your knowledge of Spookivainia, you'll just end up bring forth another Monster Hunter Birgade, you'll find another man like Monz, you'll build another Helsing Craft, and this, hidious mess, will repeat itself!? I don't like it when history repeats akin to that of a broken record player!? It's better if all ties to the destroyed MHB, are GHOSTIFIVED?!"
  • Horrorshow raised his sythe and awakened the ghosts of both his original forces and that of the fallen MHB members.
  • Horrorshow: "Now, I shall return the faver of your actions, by ending your life, and offitcally declare war on all normals?! THE ONLY WAY OUR KIND WILL EVER GET TRUE PEACE IS IF ALL NORMALS FACE EXTINTION!? And this would never have been possable, if it wasn't for you being stupid."
  • Tri-corn began to shed tears.
  • Tri-corn: "No, please.... You already won the war. There's no need for a new one. You already have my promises to never repeat this again."
  • Horrorshow: "Coming from one of the worse monster haters out there, your promises can't even convince a 1st grader?!"
  • Tri-corn: "Why, are you so, resentful to normals, humanity seemingly more?"
  • Horrorshow: "One thing should come into mind: The Golden Goose Massicure."
  • Tri-corn gasped.
  • Tri-corn: "..... You, you were the Golden Goose Massicure Ghost?"
  • Horrorshow: "EXACTLY?! Humanity never gave me a second chance, even when it acknowledged that I was a victim of ne-re-do-wells killing my dear cow Betsy and stolen and abused by poor goose over her golden eggs?! You throw one meltdown caused hissy fit that ended up punishing more then the crooks, you get panned for life?! THEY'VE BROUGHT IT TO THEMSELVES ENTERTAINING THOSE CRIMINALS' SCEME TO MISUSE MY GOOSEY!?"
  • Tri-corn: "...... Isn't a war against something you were once part of, too extreme to do, over an albeit speical goose? I am not sure if your goose was sentient or not, or at best has some sense of self-awareness, but, I'm not sure if this is what she would want."
  • Horrorshow: "..... Perhaps it's abit extreme.... But hey, your talking to someone who went into extremes before. Didn't stop then, (aims his sythe at Tri-corn), it's not gonna stop anytime soon. Get ready to become a dragon ghost, senator."
  • Tri-corn: "It doesn't have to be like this. There has been rumors of sightings of a ghostly goose laying haunted golden eggs that bring curses to the greedy! That could be her! She was never captured by the pharanormal exberts of the past. But I know someone who has been studing her for years. Dr. Jekels can capture her and have her sent here. You can have the life you lost again, and you'll never be bothered by criminals and money-nuts again for, many form of obvious don't need to be said reasons. All, I am asking is, you reconsider this. And I promise, I mean this. Whether you believe this or not is up to you, but I mean it."
  • Horrorshow looked legitamently surprised.....
  • Horrorshow: "..... You cannot be serious. You don't know her like I do! You don't even know her name!? You-"
  • Tri-corn: "Her name's Goldy and she has been reported to haunt the abandoned Threepwood farm. The finest exberts end up dealing with curses, and rotten egg smell after unsuccessful attempts."
  • Horrorshow was surprised.....
  • Horrorshow: "...... Goldy..... My, Wittle Goldy........ Ok, fine, I'll accept this under some terms. I want you to make the Lougers help this doctor capture Goldy, along with you! You do this, and the normals will not have to worry about a new war.... For now. And I have ways to seperate decoys from my Goldy, so no tricks?!"
  • Tri-corn: "You have my word."
  • Horrorshow: "Alittle something to make sure you come through!"
  • Horrorshow zaps Tri-corn with something!
  • Horrorshow: "In 10 days, you'll turn into a ghost. That should motivate you into obedience."
  • ???: "(EVIL LAUGHTER?!)."
  • Horrorshow: "WHAT!?"
  • Another wraith slams into Horrorshow!
  • Horrorshow: "OOF!?"
  • Tri-corn and the entire ghost armada are surprises.
  • Other Wraith: "Don't ya reckindise me, Wraith?"
  • Horrorshow: "...... Monz?"
  • Monz's Wraith: "No..... I am not Monz Star anymore. He is truely dead. I, am but his left-behind. His ghost. I, am now, Freakmare!?"
  • Horrorshow: "..... Freakmare?"
  • Freakmare: "Cause I am both a freak, and a NIGHTMARE?! And you've created me. Thanks in part to both your restoration of Monz's lost ability to fear, AND the mere act of touching me, I was brought back as a Wraith. Death means nothing to both of us! Why settle for having a goose back, when you can do that, AND become KING of the universes?! We can turn BOTH monsters and normals into our slaves! WE CAN BECOME GODS?! WE CAN BRING TRUE UNITY INTO NORMALS AND MONSTERS!? WE CAN BECOME KINGS OF UNIFACATION!? WE CAN MAKE ALL APPRESIATE US AT LAST?!"
  • Horrorshow was at first startled... But ultamately grinned.
  • Freakmare and Horrorshow get up.
  • Horrorshow: ".... Sorry Senator, but a slightly better deal came up. (Pukes out the Obisian Sword, and gives it to Freakmare). A gift to a future fellow king of all the universes."
  • Freakmare took the sword.
  • Freakmare: "...... That's mighty neigtberly, Horrorshow..... TOO BAD YOU WERE ALSO GULLIABLE?!"
  • Freakmare tried to attack, but Horrorshow quickly defended himself!
  • Horrorshow: "Figures! All this is but a ploy to trick me into surrendering the sword so you can resume destroying Spookivaina!"
  • Freakmare: "Oh, don't worry! I mean it when Monz and his beliefs are dead! I just want the power to control armies and the unifacation of monsterdom and humanity for myself! I also felt you aren't adiquite enough to do it considering your never-ending hatred for humans!?"
  • Horrorshow: "Oh, so I DID cured your xenophobia after all."
  • Freakmare: "And THEN my fear for monsters. But I still viewed you as a jerk cause you ruined many things from my former life as a human, so, TASTE MY STEEL!?"
  • Horrorshow and Freakmare began to fight!
  • Tri-corn, Flamebane, and the Ghost army stared.
  • Tri-corn: "...... We're gonna be here for awhile until they both tired eachother out and declare a truce and agree to share the power, are we?"
  • Flamebane nodded yes with a bark, with the Ghosts moaning in agreeing unison.
  • Freakmare: HAH! Are you kidding? We're wraiths! We NEVER tire out! We have eternal energy, and are not bound by the limited activity that normals like YOU have! I can literally do this FOREVER! (Continues fighting Horrorshow until he wounds him in the chest) HAH! Got you! (Horrorshow gets weakened and slumped to the ground)... Don't worry, my dear Horrorshow. The effects of these quantum swords don't kill ghosts. That's impossible. No, they simply send their targets to the afterlife forever. In a few minutes, you'll be forever trapped within. You'll NEVER see your precious Goldy again. Next time, you'll think twice before messing with me! (Cackles) Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an entire realm of monsters and normals to conquer. A realm without YOU!
  • Tricorn: Why you little- (Tries to attack, yet Freakmare did something to her as she briefly turned to a white ghostly gush)
  • Freakmare: Uh-uh-uh! You're under Horrorshow's curse, remember? All wraiths can control these curses. I'll be watching you closely! I'll be so joyed to watch as you join the MHB, forever bound to being a ghost.
  • Horrorshow: Uh, Freako? I still have the power to reverse that! (Tries snapping to undo the curse, but doesn't have the strength due to his injury)
  • Freakmare: HAH! Just as I thought! You're too weak to reverse the curse! Which means I win! (Cackles) It's game over for both of you! (Cackles until Horrorshow uses the last of his strength to snap, and undo the curse) What?!? (Tricorn is freed from the curse)
  • Tricorn: You were saying, traitor?
  • Freakmare: (Cackles, and snaps trying to put Tricorn under the curse again, but it doesn't work)
  • Horrorshow:... I've... Given her an immunity to the curse! You'll never win this one, Freakmare!
  • Freakmare:... YOU INSOLENT FOOL! (Tries to stab Horrorshow again, but then he is shot by one of the MHB ghosts that is carrying a leftover MHB pistol) URRGGHH!!! WHY YOU LITTLE FOOLS!!! (He couldn't do anything as he was getting shot at, and he was forced to retreat)
  • Tentagus: (They all teleported there) I sense that this is where Horrorshow and the others are located.
  • Tricorn: Guys, thank goodness you're here! You need to help Horrorshow! He's changed for the better. (They all see him as he was slowly getting sent to the afterlife)
  • Vladula:... What happened to him?
  • Tricorn: He was tricked into spitting out Monz' quantum sword, and Monz came back as a wraith and stabbed him with it. He needs to be healed, or he'll forever be trapped in the afterlife without getting to see the ghost of his golden goose.
  • Springtime:... I think this once again requires my skills.
  • Mushu: Have you ever healed a ghost before?
  • Springtime: No, and judging by how this is a 'dying' ghost, I think my powers might... Hopefully... Work on him. But there's no guarantees. (Uses a healing beam on him which, while doing nothing at first, actually heals Horrorshow's injuries and stops him from fading away, and he recovers)... Huh? It worked.
  • Tricorn:... Say something, Horrorshow!
  • Horrorshow:... (He slowly but surely got up on his scythe)... Urrrgh!... I'm still okay!
  • Vladula:... So... You're not going to be evil anymore?
  • Vladula: "Tecnecally, he was never truely evil.... He was just a misunderstood creature prevoked to become dark by humanity's own cold shoulder..... Granted, he was violent about it, but you know what I mean."
  • Horrorshow: "Well, it's.... So-n-so. I am still not gonna bring myself to trust humans or normals for reasons I'm sure you all perfectly understand."
  • Spyro: "And we won't force you. But we have some conditions of our own. You can have a thing against humans all you want as long as you drop the whole conguring thing. Uniting Humanity and Monsters, destroying humanity, or any other reason, is taboo now."
  • Trixie: "And we'll be sure to bring over your goose as a persayion card."
  • Horrorshow: "...... You will?"
  • Gilda: "Oh yeah. We have been trying to deal with Goldy for quite awhile now. You have NO idea, how often we suffer from her curses. But the thing is, we originally don't know what to do with her after we've captured her."
  • Horrorshow: "..... I, I don't know what to say...."
  • Icky: "You can start with thank-you."
  • Craig: "And telling us how to bring the MHB members bodies back."
  • Horrorshow: "..... Craig, I'm, abit surprised your not naysaying to this."
  • Craig: "Well, again, formerly unlike Monz, I understood why your like this. But still, why did you drove me into Judgementela and turned it's inhabitence into ghosts?"
  • Horrorshow: "Like I already said. I wanted to avenge your planet Understandica, your people, AND your family who were suffering from Judgementela."
  • Craig: "I already know that to be true, but, why else? Judgementela was mainly only attacking Understandica. Yes, there has been claims that Judgementela had a dictator with hopes for conquests, but, I doubted they would be able to invade Spookivainia. Unless they were planning something you were concerned about."
  • Horrorshow: "..... Ok, ok, fine! You weren't just meant to discover humanity's ugly side. You were meant to discover Judgementela's plan to steal away a machine from Understandica meant to be a portal arch through the space storms designed to defend ships. The Understandica goverment knew about the Great Oak's pain from the likes of idiots like the Land Defelupter and the Marshal, and they wanted the arch buildt so Understandica can be able to enter Spookivainia to be able to mean to the tree's wounds and restore his kind views on humans. But Tross of Judgementela, it's dictator leader, wanted the arch so he can have an easier way to invade and destroy us. Unfortunately, you only understood that the humans of Judgementela were just assholes and nothing else, so my former followers and I are forced to go by assumtion and did what we did to the Judgementelians: turned them all to ghosts!"
  • Skipper: "..... You, turned an entire planet into ghosts to protect this place? It wasn't for, revenge against humanity?"
  • Horrorshow: "Oh don't get me wrong, it was also for revenge, but priority number 1 was to protect Spookivaina from a future attack by Judgementela should they eventally finally get the Arch. Thing is, with Judgementela gone, Understandica was made to spend years rebuilding their socity and the Arch project was placed on hold. Rumor speaks that their socity repairs are nearly done and they plan to reattempt the Arch with no fears from hostile neightbers."
  • Vladula: "Why didn't you just told us?"
  • Horrorshow: "Gee, does declaring me a "Xenophobic renigade" RING ANY BELLS?!"
  • Vladula: "..... Ok, I'll admit, I should've been more considerate."
  • Craig: "...... Show, I didn't know. I, I just thought you were malicious in intent."
  • Horrorshow: ".... In, all fairness, I wouldn't call that ENTIRELY inaccreate, I..... I, had really nasty hissy fits when I can't be around Goldy. I'm, more of an animal person then a people's person."
  • Icky: "Well, we have a friend named Fluttershy who gets along better with animals, and you don't see her going crazy like that."
  • Trixie: "(Clears throat) THE BEST DAY EVER?! (Clears Throat)."
  • Freakmare was still being hit by the guns.
  • The Ghosts began to become scared and slowly moved away!
  • Freakmare: "(LAUGHS), YES, THAT'S RIGHT?! MOVE AWAY, YOU FOOLS?! (Unaware that a Afterlife Flytrap Plant was behind him) NO ONES DARES TO FUCK AROUND WITH FREAKMARE?! NO ONE?! NOT EVEN A- (A bit of Ecnoplasum drool hits Freakmare)...... Ecnoplasum? (Looks up to the Afterlife Flytrap looking very hungry and smiling with a wide Cheasure Cat-Grinch bang baby with huge plant teeth with a happy-sounding crocadilie-like hiss)........ Oh piss..... An Alterlife Flytrap..... Well, this has been, quite a week."
  • Freakmare screamed and tried to escaped, but he gets swallowed by the plant as quickly as he reacted
  • Lazgo:... Wow, these flytraps DO pop out from nowhere when they're ready to eat.
  • Vladula: That's a Spookavanian Afterlife Flytrap. Grown in the depths of the Underworld, they are mainly ways of sending evil spirits to the afterlife by eating them.
  • Kowalski:... Are there... Other ways of doing that on this world?
  • Vladula: Oh, lots! Would you like me to tell you?
  • Everyone: NO!
  • Icky: "The episode's log enoughas is, no more exposition's needed!
  • Vladula: Okay, okay, geez!
  • Private: So... This is it? Did we do it?
  • Icky: "Yep, we're done here."
  • Lord Shen: "Not quite yet. We need to go to Berk and secure those MHB Dragon Riders AND the Worldfinder Map."
  • Tri-corn: "Oh, you mean (brings out the map) this thing? Monz entrusted me as the map holder for incase anything would happen to him."
  • Lord Shen: "Yes. But it's not nessersarly to arrest them anymore. We figured a certain vengerful spirit of a thief might seek those teens out."
  • Sandy: "Then we have to move it!"

Chapter 9: Bluebeard's Revenge/Another Dragon Crew Emerges

World of Berk, deserted island.

  • Burp and the Gang are seen building a hideout.
  • Snapper: "Is this really to be our life now? Being on a run, never to see our family again?"
  • Phlegm: "Well, we ended up helping a psycopath with an anti-climatic past almost caused death of a monster world and aided in corrupting an nortouriously bad temptered senator, SO YEAH WE HAVE TO RUN FOR THE REST OF OUR LIFES?!"
  • Burp: "Well, at least we have the help of these dragons..... More or less."
  • Gutter: "Well, can't get any more worse then this."
  • Snapper: No, no, no, don't say that, or- (The water in front of them started heating up and bubbling, and blue fire appeared)
  • Aster: Oh, way to go, jackass! You triggered karma!
  • Burp: I don't believe in that stuff, actually. This is only a coincidence.
  • ???: OH, YEAH?!? (The bubbling water got more intense as the giant blue-fiery spirit of Bluebeard appeared from the water)
  • Phlegm: Oh, come on, not you again, Mr. Pirate Badass!
  • Bluebeard: Ye didn't think you would get out of this without consequence, did ye'? There be no place in the UUniverses you can hide where I can't find you! Now you be good lads and return the map to me!
  • Phlegm: Hey, pal, it doesn't belong to you! It's not yours!
  • Bluebeard: (Intensifies in blue fire) DON'T YOU GIVE ME ANY BACK-TALK, MORTAL FOOL!!! WHERE BE THE MAP?!?
  • Snapper: "Uh, one problem..... We already gave your map to our former boss, and, well, a nasty Wraith convinced everyone to turned on him and.... We, left the planet we were on without him..... And the map included."
  • Bluebeard: Well, I guess I be having no choice! YOU MUST ALL PAY YOUR DEBTS WITH YER' LIVES!!! (Bursts in blue fire)
  • Gutter: Oh, great. Now we're gonna be locked up in Davy Jones' Locker like nerds, and this ghost is the bully!
  • Burp: Look, Mr. Bluebeard, sir, uh, we can get it back for you, we promise!
  • Phlegm: For the last time, IT'S NOT YOURS- (He is blasted at by the ghost) YIPES!!!
  • Burp: Look, just give us a chance to get that map for you! Just let us- (Bluebeard burns his left foot off into charcoal) AGGH, HE BURNED MY FOOT?! (Falls to the ground)...
  • Bluebeard: NO DEALS!! I DON'T BELIEVE IN DEALS!? YOU MUST PAY FOR STEALING ME MAP!!! And this time, you no longer have any of that fancy weapons that hurt me the last time! Not that it helps! I cursed that map to always keep me here for as long as the cursed is never reserved, of which only I know, and I be not the kind of scatterbrain to speak of it in front of you fools!? Just in case there's any goody-two-shoes bystanders itching to mess with Bluebeard!
  • Phlegm: "Dude, we're pretty much on a deserted island, who else would be here?!"
  • Rico: (The van appeared from a magic portal) WE WOUUUUULD!!! (They aim modified laser cannons at them)
  • Kowalski: You gotta thank Lexus for actually being quick on developing quantum cannons. Plus, he turned our cannons into rotary multi-weapon cannons. Now we can use up to 10 kinds of firearms. Futurasia has EVERYTHING!! We need to consider seeing Lexus more often.
  • Icky: And you know what, we didn't even need to use Kitt's weapons for any situations except for fighting off those Lost Ones.
  • Bluebeard: YOU RATS STAY OUT OF THIS! THIS DON'T CONCERN ANY OF YE'! (Magically breathes blue fire at them, which they dodged)
  • Skipper: FIRE THE QUANTUM CANNONS!!! (Rico did that as it did a significant amount of damage to Bluebeard)
  • Bluebeard: YAAAAARRR!!!...(While they were fighting, the Dragon Riders flew off until they were caught and surrounded by some more familiar faces)
  • Hiccup: Hold on there, 8-balls!
  • Snapper: (Gasps) Is that...HIM?!?
  • Burp: Well, how do you like that, the Lodgers actually KNOW Hiccup.
  • Hiccup: Yes. The Lodgers told me about some people from Berk who needed our help, in more ways than one. We're at least glad we were told you have become paired with Heartless.
  • Burp: Okay, how do you guys know- (A blue fireball streaks past them) WHOA, HOLY S***!!!
  • Hiccup: Just come with us, we'll keep you safe. Especially since you lost a foot.
  • Burp: Oh, thanks for noticing!
  • Bluebeard: Ye scallywags have a lotta nerve to interfere in me affairs! Let ol' Bluebeard teach ye a lesson to not to!
  • Bluebeard keeps attacking but the Lougers dodge everytime!
  • Icky: "Gees, doesn't this guy remind you of a slightly more firey Lamistan?"
  • Mr. Dodo: Yes, and he's just as powerful, but without all the tech.
  • Bluebeard: They must all pay for costin me me map!
  • Icky: Uh, for the record, Captain Blue-Fire, that ain't YOUR map! You stole it from the High Council. And we just so happened to return it to them.
  • Bluebeard: YOU DID WHAT?!? (Bursts in blue flames)
  • Skipper: Yeah, and they're powerful enough to defend it from you no matter if you're a mortal or a big flaming skeleton-ghost! So what're you gonna do now, huh?
  • Bluebeard: (Bursts in blue flames again) YOU WILL ALL DIE WITH THOSE THIEVES!! (Fires blue flames into the water, causing the entire area to enflame in boiling water and steam, obscuring the heroes' vision)
  • Astrid: Oh, no! We can't see a thing in this fog!
  • Hiccup: Everyone get to land before we end up falling into the water by accident! (They get onto the land)
  • Burp: So, you're the one they call 'Hiccup', huh?
  • Hiccup: Well, yes. And you must be Burp, the stragglers that the Lodgers claim need me and my friends so you can understand dragons since we've been taming a great amount of them.
  • Aster: Yeah, your skills seem to have an impact on Viking colonies a thousand miles away. Now dragons are being passive and gentler than usual. (Hurricane Air cuddled her) YEESH, GET OFF!!
  • Astrid: I can see that.
  • Mr. Dodo: URRGH! I can barely see a thing in this fog! I--(They end up in the water)
  • Fidget: Oh, boy! We drifted into the water.
  • Po: But it's not making our vision of the environment anymore clearer. There's nothing but bubbles all over the place! (A blue flame struck them as the van started leaking)
  • Icky: (Touches the water, and got hurt due to the temperature) AAHH!! IT'S HOT!!
  • Skipper: Sweet and sour meatballs! He's going to drown and burn us!
  • Spyro: "Well if he's gonna be so temptermental about this, then it's time to give him the cold shoulder!? looks like I'll have to get my Ice Fury running. I'm going out there and cooling down the water!
  • Alex: But you'll let the burning water in!
  • Spyro: That's why I'm going out at the exact moment my Ice Fury is fully-charged. You all had better brace yourselves when the water hits. And, uh, Merlin, be ready to make sure everyone here can breathe underwater.
  • Merlin: Can do! (Casts the spell on everyone)
  • Spyro: Okay...(Charges up his Ice Fury ability)...3...2...1...NOW! (Jumps through the door, and for a split second as the hot water comes into the van, Spyro unleashes a fury of ice which spontaneously cools down the water, getting rid of all the excess bubbles, and the cooled water hits the Lodgers and spins them around)
  • Sandy: YIKES! He sure put us on ice! (Rimshot)
  • Mr. Krabs: Uh, why isn't the water freezing into ice?
  • Kowalski: Saltwater doesn't freeze that easily. But it's actually working since it's cooling down the water.
  • Mr. Dodo: And we can see clearly now! (The water outside is not bubbly anymore) Brace yourselves, I'm getting us out! (Blasts the van out of the water and they open the door releasing it all)
  • Puss: (He appeared wet, shakes, and puffs up)... How humiliating.
  • Bluebeard: (Breaches out of the water in blue steamy flames) Hmm, good move! But not good enough, says I!
  • Skipper: Alright, spooky! You wanna play pirate? Who am I to ARRRGH you?!? Hit the quantumness! (The quantum cannons fired at Bluebeard again, and Kowalski held the beam)
  • B.O.B.: "Wait, I thought pirates can't do magic."
  • Bluebeard: "Well, I mainly had help from an old rouge shaman whol told me this anichent enchantment and- OH-HO-HO-HO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM!? I be almost falling for that! I was this close of exposing it's secret, but I stopped meself just in time?!"
  • Snapper began to pounder and opened up a book of "Anichent Pirate and Tribal Curses".
  • Icky: "Well we STILL KNOW about the fact that it's a shaman's curse! We dealt with those kind of curses before!"
  • Bluebeard: "Aye, but never without knowing what to do about it?! And I'm too smart to fully explain it to enemies, even to soon to be dead men!? There's no WAY yer' gonna be able to figure it all out, and-"
  • Snapper: Would that shaman happen to be named 'Kobo the Visionary'?
  • Bluebeard: WHAT?!? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?
  • Snapper: It says in this book that you've obtained that curse from him years ago, and this curse can only be broken when this object was in the hands of someone pure.
  • Kowalski:... Like in the hands of THE HIGH COUNCIL!!!
  • Skipper: HAH! Looks like your curse won't save you now, flaming-beard!
  • Bluebeard:... Oh, poopie! (He was blasted with the quantum cannons again as it slowly sent him to the afterlife) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (He faded away completely)
  • Icky: Enjoy your stay in Davy Jones Locker, butt-breath! I sure hope he's cool down there!


  • Ghost of Davy Jones (Musician): (He plays the same cameo as in The Big One playing music)
  • Bluebeard:... You know, ye' seem less fearsome than what I be thinkin'.
  • DJM Ghost: Oh, if you're looking for THAT Davy Jones, he's out of town for the moment. Said he had a score to settle with some celebrity pirate or something. But while you're waiting, I can give you some nice music. (Plays music)


  • Burp:... Well... I am thankful of you guys for saving us, but does this still mean we have to be arrested for crimes we wouldn't have done in the first place?
  • Lord Shen: "Luckly for you, we desided that the realisation that Monz wasn't truely worth it was punishment enough."
  • Burp: ".... Quite. I'm surprisingly handling my burned off foot well."
  • Fishlegs: "MAINLY because your wound from the loss of your foot is charred. Some cultures believe that burning the wound is a method for healing."
  • Burp: ".... Well, I still don't feel proper without another foot."
  • Hiccup: "Well, good thing you ran into us. We have, ALOT, to explain. Espeically concerning Heartless."

Berk Village

  • Hiccup: Yes, and we've cured him from corruption due to an infestation of dark monsters about a year ago.
  • Burp:...Is THAT what you've been trying to tell me this whole time, Heartless? (Heartless skeptically nodded 'yes')...Yeesh, I DO need to understand these creatures more, starting with learning how to communicate with them.
  • Hiccup: Oh, it's not that hard once you get used to it. While you can't really understand it's language, you can actually understand them through body language. Toothless has no problem communicating with me through that.
  • Aster: Then I guess you can help US with the problems of OUR dragons. First off...(Hurricane Air cuddles her) URRGH! Why is MY dragon always up in my face?
  • Astrid: Well, when's the last time you gave her attention?
  • Aster:...Only once when Burp told me to.
  • Astrid: Oh, well, there you go. The thing about companionship is that you need to acknowledge each other. If one companion constantly tries to avoid the other, the other will demand attention and credit. And the way a dragon like yours does it, it's to try and be as nice as possible and basically be like an overgrown dog. You need to give your dragon attention if you want her to leave you alone.
  • Burp:...Well, I tried to tell you, Aster.
  • Aster: Okay I see your point. How often should I do it?
  • Astrid: Probably every time she does it. She'll do it a few times, and if you do it a few times, It'll satisfy her enough to give you some space. Go on and give it a try. Try scratching her in the chin. Many dragons like it there, especially Deadly Nadders.
  • Aster:...(Scratches Hurricane Air in the chin, and she flips on her back in joy)
  • Astrid: See? Nothing to it.
  • Snapper: What about my dragon? Any reason why it's so lazy?
  • Fishlegs: Well, Gronckles are basically known for naturally being like that. You see, they can fall asleep in mid-flight since their small wings mean that they require less energy flapping them. The way I see it, since they only wake up when touching water or when crashing into something, I'd say the best way to keep your dragon awake and active is to lower it near the sea, or lean against a wall. That'll surely get Lughead awake in no time.
  • Snapper:...Well...I guess that makes sense. (He sees Lughead interacting with Meatlug)
  • Phlegm: What about Inferno? Why does he seem to hate me enough to take pleasure in igniting with me on it? (Leans on Inferno again, and Inferno ignites, and he Tom-screams again and runs around with his burning hand as the Hyenas laughed until he dips it in water) Aaaaahhhh!
  • Snotlout: "(Laughs)! Oh man! That's hilarious! (Hiccups stares at him). Ahem! But seriously. It's basicly a cause of your dragon just liking to mess with ya. Easeing up your tensions. I mean, you clearly look like a guy who gets REALLY tensed, like, alot."
  • Phlegm: "I, came from a very tensed family. But I don't call constently setting my pants on fire a cure for tenseness."
  • Snotlout: "Well obviously it's also a case that you need to show that dragon that your his boss. You need to be firm enough that even a Monsterious Nightmare understands that."
  • Phlegm:...Have I REALLY been that less firm?
  • Snotlout: I don't know, HAVE you?
  • Hiccup: WHOA, WHOA, not THAT firm! That's not going to make it behave, it's going to make it afraid of you. You need to balance it out. Give it compassion, yet be firm when needed. Show it some forgiveness, yet make sure it learns a lesson, that sort of thing. You do that, and it'll respect you as much as Snotlout's dragon does.
  • Phlegm:...If you say so. (To the frightened Inferno) Sorry, Inferno...what do you say I give you some fresh fish? And I'll even add some new kinds like an eel--(Inferno turns away in disgust at that)
  • Hiccup: FYI, dragons hate eels.
  • Phlegm: They do?
  • Hiccup: Yeah. I found out why, it causes them severe gastric distress and nausea. I only remember ONE dragon actually eating an eel, but that's probably because it was a baby. I hope that poor thing is okay.
  • Nutter: And what about OUR dragon? It seems to hate us too.
  • Gutter: I think it wouldn't hate us, if you weren't so loud for their sensitive ears!
  • Nutter: Says the one who's equally loud! I KNOW I don't have to remind you about how we both sound like a cockatoo with an aneurism. (The two ended up fighting, and it aggravated Gas and Blast and they ignited them to stop it)
  • Gutter:...See?
  • Ruff:...You basically have the same problem we kinda do. We bicker all the time, too, and they get annoyed by that.
  • Tuff: But I guess one basic difference is that it hurts you to get you to stop fighting. Since it can't seem to get your attention even with a roar, they feel that igniting gas on you is their only form of halting the rivalry.
  • Ruff: What we're basically saying it a basic lesson: STOP FIGHTING!!!
  • Gutter: Well, I would stop if SOMEONE would stop being as loud as a fire siren!
  • Nutter: SHUT UP! (Slaps Gutter)
  • Gutter: WHY YOU LITTLE BIRD-S***!! (The two grab each other's throats and shake them until they look at their dragons' expressions, and stop)...Not that there's anything wrong with our loudmouths.
  • Nutter: Yeah. Besides, we're siblings. We can learn to get used to each other, as hard as it may be.
  • Gutter: That's what sibling are for. (The two hug)
  • Hiccup:...So...I suppose this resolves the problems with your dragons, then?
  • Icky: It'd better. Because I don't think these guys would last a second being jackasses to their own companions.
  • Hiccup: Burp?...I just want you to know that, if Heartless is going to be your companion, then you need to treat him like a brother the same way I treat Toothless. If there's one thing I learned when I first met Toothless, it's that Night Furies are going to be rough and hard to live with during beginnings. The poor thing has been suffering a lot of things since before we rescued him. So can I count on you to be as much of a great rider and companion to him as me?
  • Burp: I don't know. Besides, do you still have a solution to my lost foot?
  • Hiccup: Oh, trust me, Burp...(Shows him his prosthetic foot)...I know how you feel.
  • Burp:...You...YOU lost your foot, too?
  • Hiccup: Yep. I lost it while fighting a rogue dragon the size of a building that's been enslaving other dragons. And I think I may just have a spare that you can have. (Shows him another prosthetic)...It's the least I can do for you since...we're pretty much polar opposites.
  • Burp:...Well...thanks. (Puts the prosthetic on, and tries it out)...Wow!...It seems to work perfectly.
  • Hiccup: And I should also say that riding a Night Fury means a lot of work in physics and other stuff. So I'm going to give you a spare Night Fury saddle I've been saving in the case that I should lose my own. It's never too late for me to rebuild another one, anyway. (Hands him a saddle)
  • Burp:...Wow...this seems like a lot of confusing gear to put on Heartless.
  • Hiccup: Oh, you'll get the hang of it. I know you will. Be a great rider with Heartless. You guys are free to have your own independent adventures together. Make us proud out there.
  • Burp:...Okay, if you say so. And thanks for the help.
  • Hiccup: It was nothing, really. And, if you should know anything if you're going to begin an adventure...as much as WE currently are with a new Netflix series...then you need to know that there's several enemies out there that will take advantage of you. So, you'll need one final thing. A map. (Takes one out) I've set up highlighted areas of friend tribes or foe tribes. Friends are in green and foes are in red. This isn't a full map of Berk, but it'll be needed just in case.
  • Burp:...Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
  • Thundera: Oh, way to ruin the suspense, honey!
  • Iago: What? It was taking too long.
  • Springtime: And...I think I should probably get going to. I can't afford to let Eden go too long without me. They need me to rebuild what was lost from the criminal activity.
  • Merlin: Very well. I'll help you with your teleportation spell.
  • Springtime: Just one thing. In case we don't see each other for a while...just promise me you'll find my parents and tell them that their other daughter is okay.
  • Spyro:...We will...for Narwhus. (Merlin helps Springtime teleport back home as everyone waved goodbye)...(Sighs)
  • Cynder: Don't worry about Narwhus, Spyro. He's in a better place now. And as we said already, he lived long enough to see his traitorous friend get due punishment. And even if Dead Sea learns of Narwhus and his former life, because he'll be raised by a much nicer family, then he surely won't be as worse as he once was. It'll be okay. (Wing-hugs him)
  • Icky: "Well, that's one mission done for the day. Time to move on out."


Halloween Town.

  • The viewing portal concludes.
  • Jack: "So afterwords, the Lougers were able to recapture the Golden Goose Ghost and reunited her with a repented Horrorshow, all the ghosts were sent to the afterlife, the MHB members were given their bodies back, Tri-corn swore to leave Spookivainia alone and never to found another MHB again. The end."
  • The Monster children cheered.
  • Mike: "Well talk about a story with REAL twists and turns! Great story as usual, Jacko!"
  • Drac: "I imagine that this holloween is truely gonna be sublime!"
  • Sully: "Oh you said it. It's gonna be a party no body's gonna interupt."
  • The ground began to shake, as a giant ground digging machine raised from the ground og holloween town, surprising the Monsters of all kinds!
  • Coming out on top of the machine of a miner dressed super-villain with a tecnological pickaxe and wearing a very dirty cape.
  • Mummy boy: "OH NO!?"
  • Bat Boy: "It's The Over-Miner?!"
  • Zombie boy: "The scary combination between miner and overlord?!"
  • Monsteropolis kids: "HE'S COME TO ENSLAVE US?!"
  • Jack: "Oh, even on Holloween villains don't seem to know the definition of a break!"
  • Drac: There shall be none of that nonsense, thank you very much!
  • Jack: "I'll make sure a few friends of mine have that guy nice and wrapped up for a halloween gift for the lougers."
  • Mavis: I'm glad you said it.
  • Vladula: So, who's up for a good traditional scaring? (Everyone cheered)

Skullian Prime.

  • Architect sighed.
  • The TV screen rose up and showed Titan's face.
  • Titan: "Still upset about the Spookivainia failure, boss?"
  • Architect: "In more ways then one.... And my desidion to spy on those worthless cowerds of Halloween Town and some visitors from simular worlds, seldom helped. That mole super-villain didn't even got to be a threat! Maybe just to keep me from making another faulty idea, I should take a momentary break."
  • Titan: "Good idea. The next episode tecnecally doesn't have a villain anyway, so it's for the best."
  • Architect: "Could you PLEASE not speak post-modernly? It's an irritating reminder of those misfits!"
  • Titan: "Sorry."
  • The TV closes up.
  • Architect: ".... As soon as another villain becomes avaliable for my use, those lougers can't avoid me yet."

