SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki
Eta Universe Map

Eta Universe Map

The Eta Universe is considered to be the most exotic of the universes. From an entirely asian sytile system, a system of toys, the then infamous Xenaros, the mighty Xaro race, the Gruids, the Avatans, Oranos, Warboth, The Bakudan homeworld, the conflicting worlds of Briggle and an AUU Gamerene, an entire system at war with machines, a planet in an outsider termoil, the system that is home of a famous De-Extinctioner, the Weeviods, and many more exciting stuff waiting to be explored. However, if there's any residents one might wanna be avoident off, is the Pharcums and the Grutts of the Isgeegus secter.


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Eta Universe Timetable

Eta Core







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Eta Core Sector

The Eta Core is the most honor-bound of the Eta Universe, if mainly for the asian part of it. It can also be where you can locate the system of sentient toys, another God Zone (Though cut-off like the rest), the infamously "tragic" Xenaros, the Dark Radical hideaway planet, the mighty Xaros, the fisty Gruids, and other note-worthy places.

Eta God Zone

  • Eta Prime- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Paradis Torx- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Gloryon- (Framers, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Bame Troenus- (Crafters, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Celestion- (Godly Centre World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Nexion Flux- (Prodigies, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Cirkunse Wi- (Hierarchs, TBC...) Moons:
  • Pathocyrus- (Tartaric Gas Giant, TBC...) Moons:
  • Parto- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:

Satta System

  • Tavren- A semi-temperate desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Sothle- A semi-temperate desert lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Fike- (AUU Gravity Falls) A temperate planet with colorful skies due to it's small concentration of noble gases, beautiful forests, rivers, and waterfalls, large rock formations, mountainous terrain, and some signs of land reefs. It is a world well known for being an immigration spot of several interdimensional anomalies around the world that are sealed off by it's own weirdness magnetosphere. It has two primal figures, their leader Surrealis the king of the planet and it's chaotic interdimensional setting, and the banished interdimensional demon Khaeo who had been aiming to spread the chaos of Fike across the AUU for having a hatred for restrictions and natural laws. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Bosrath- A rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Viritam- A black-and-blue gas giant (AUU Tron, TBC...) Moons: ; DC:

Phantijo System

  • Hajirika- A Japanese semi-temperate mountainous planet that has a light-purple sky due to the blend of krypton and nitrogen, has a sustainable amount of plants and animals, and has ancient Teadr 6 civilizations that belong to an entire community of kingdoms that use the energy that flows through all living things, and can be wielded to use magic. As such, this world wields this energy to it's utmost potential, and spawns several warriors both good and evil to maintain the balance of this world. Though sometimes, wielding this energy too much can damage wildlife exponentially and even be fatal, and it can also be tempting and corruptive, which is what spawned the many dark lords of this world that light warriors have to deal with. This planet has 5 continents, several islands, and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:314d
  • Usuka- A Chinese temperate jungle planet which has different seasonal weather changes than other worlds, as there is sometimes snow and rain, wind, and others that commonly occur, and the temperature changes. This is because the planet is in a different axis than other worlds, and it's moon rotates diagonally. This world is in a Teadr 6 society where martial arts police forces protect the world from harm, and lives in a totalitarian empire where an Emperor rules above all others. Though there are some separate kingdoms that try to take over the world, but the many heroes have to put a stop to it. The planet has 6 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:354d
  • Casjiro- A Japanese temperate planet with a red sky due to it's small amount of neon, it's larger weather activity, it's colorful wildlife, and for being founded by human pioneers. Though when they left, this world became populated by sentient animals that learned self-defense moves, and over 98% of this world's population knows self-defense moves. This has resulted in this world being the most well-prepared for any invasion, including that of the Villains Act which wanted this world to kidnap it's inhabitants to be their army before the Starbot Series began. All known martial arts in the AUU can be learned here. The planet has a large supercontinent and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:389d
  • Fijit- A Japanese semi-taiga planet which is strictly prohibited due to it's high concentration of dark and spiritual activity. This is a world that has remained cursed with spiritual forces since the AUU First Cartoonian War as a prison world for the AUU Gods against people that have done nasty sins, and was later captured by their enemies and used as a prison for ancient heroes that have dared to stand against them. Prisoners here have lived forgetting their true memories, and are now doomed to never find them out, making this a prohibited world for many mages, wizards, and sorcerers across the AUU because arriving here can guarantee that you get trapped here for all eternity. The planet has 9 continents, 132 islands, and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:424d
  • Veujhu- A Chinese taiga planet which has been a world of enchantment since the AUU First Cartoonian War. This world has been ruled by a council of fighters called the Zodiac Masters, consisting of members of the AUU Zyaūar Zodiac animals. All these masters dominate their own province in a territory of ranged cultures, economics, and power. This world has had it's own history of darkness during several dark times in the AUU, fighting off people that are corrupt for power of any kind, and so many members of the Villains Act have failed to conquer this world. The planet has 12 continents, several islands, and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:465d

Ollochrome System

  • Maguella- A temperate desert lava planet and the first in a system with 3 suns, one blue, one red, and one yellow. (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Fush- A stormy lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Summerworld- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Regulae- A red gas giant (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Sepha- An semi-ecumenopolis moon belonging to Regulae. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ehmber- A lava moon also belonging to Regulae. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Axis Mundis- An ecumenopolis planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Victora- A temperate planet . This is the Ollothean's top military colony, and has (TBC...) . Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ollotheom Oex- A temperate planet that has , , , , , , , , , , and . This is the home planet of the Teadr 1 annelid beings known as the Ollotheans, who . (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Locus- A temperate barren moon belonging to Ollotheom Oex. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Torquer- A rocky stormy temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Virtue Lera- A quarter-ecumenopolis planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Hyperbola- A semi-ecumenopolis planet . It is a world where the Ollotheans developed a specialized teleportation device molded to the core of this coreless planet, allowing them to teleport to any location on this world. (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Epyllion- A white, orange, red, and blue helium planet . (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Cis- A temperate planet belonging to Epyllion. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Approxima- An ecumenopolis ice moon also belonging to Epyllion. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Jannah- A jungle moon also belonging to Epyllion. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Stanzene- An orange gas giant twice the size of Jupiter/Oerum . (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Dare- A 75%-ecumenopolis moon belonging to Stanzene. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Artillera Yong- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Stanzene. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ga- A barren volcanic poisonous moon also belonging to Stanzene. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Iollon- A barren moon belonging to an uninhabitable plasmatic stormy sub-brown dwarf called Geon Tong. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Trajectra- A rocky treacherous-terrained cloudy planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Valto- A stormy snowy planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Luxor Vosae- A temperate ice planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iambica- A blue ice giant . (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Axiom Vu- An ecumenopolis belonging to Iambica. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Xallarap- A stormy ice planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Allax- A frozen ice planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Himtiba System

  • Todder- A temperate planet that has large amounts of colorful fauna and flora, active weather, large mountains, ranging climates, and large rock formations. This is a world where people from Playmes went to in order to escape the oppression and the past of their home world, and even wished to restore the toy profiteer business before the evil ruler ruined it forever. The toy business was naturally restored despite anti-toy activists attempted to stop it had it not been for the Globex Confederacy of Corporations dubbing the ruler's acts as abuse of power that infringed the profits the world was best at for so long, thus forbidding their interference. As a result, the world continued to restore the system's toy-manufacturing business for good, free from the oppressive treatment of each other's people. The planet has 7 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:263d
  • Playmes- A temperate planet that has large forests and elegant playgrounds, much of them being destroyed and in ruins, a purple sky filled with nitrogen, less-active weather, introduced fauna and flora, and magically-altered toy-based territories and war-torn graveyards. This is a world that was formerly a toy-marketing world for the AUU and made millions in profit. However, all toy sales were ended forever after an evil ruler declared toys illegal after having to have claimed of being crippled by one, then it ended up causing an accident that made toys themselves come alive and declare war with the evil ruler, coming alive as the result of a mage under the ruler's servitude deciding to punish him for his harsh law after he harshly penalized her children for breaking the law. Thus, a war broke out and after the two sides declared a truce, yet the evil ruler died of infection through war wounds, the two were thus separated and under prejudice for centuries to come. The two hate each other with a burning passion, yet they tolerate each other by living side-by-side as the mage's descendants in the form of her kids' children urge them to do so to avoid starting off another war. Regardless, the two fail to acknowledge that toys were all but oppressed and had a reason to come alive because of a cruel ruler. The only ones who tolerate and live with the living toys are children much to the adults being against them and forbidding them from interaction with them, as this ultimately lead to a child movement that stands up for them and even abandons their parents for their wrongful prejudice. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:341d
  • Muder- A wetland jungle planet that has large jungles, savannas, temperate environments, active weather, synthetic fauna and flora, flying islands levitated by magnetanium, large Teadr 2 cities, monuments, and ruins, and war-torn graveyards. This is a world where toys from Playmes relocated to avoid the oppression, and ended up becoming a world of giant war-like toys that went through 17 periods of attempted revolution, constantly evolving every period it occurs. The toys here are often comical and, like the toys of Playmes, have personalities that match their common themes and archetypes. Though the forces of Playmes constantly stopped them from making the prejudice worse through their revolution campaigns. This world prefers to stick to their own kind like a world under oppression should, and only goes into common mortal territory when necessary and for their own preservation. The planet has 6 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:395d

Dounbe System

  • Iridia- A desert oasis planet covered in futuristic Teadr 2 cities with gray, silver, and brass buildings with durable glass windows, a teleportation grid of other-worldly origin, an AI network throughout the many buildings, screen/holographic displays and propaganda, a 56% abundance of plants, and air or ground vehicles. There are also large military bases, outposts, and fortresses. The planet contains a strong military empire, and has been considered a great candidate for the USRA to own. The main inhabitants, a species of agile sapient Teadr 2 cats called Irids, are excellent combatants and experts in several military powers, and thus are employed in many of the USRA's military powers for it. The planet is also one of the many to form a rebellion against the Villains Act. This planet has 8 continents, 3 oceans, and a large icy, crystal, and rocky planetary rings similar to Saturn's. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:317d; Capital City: Iroede City
  • Argox- A swampy humid planet populated by dozens of sentient and unsentient animals, living in various Teadr 4 cities. The planet also contains many poisonous pools as well as tar pits. It is named after it's sky being purple as the result of having a small percentage of argon, and a core and crust containing argon. The people that lived here have used argon to develop various advancements in lighting, medical, and molding technology. Their city buildings' metals contain 47% argon, and they have even developed a type of laser battery which uses an unstable atom called 'Argon 886', which has allowed the atomic blasts used in a weapon to home in on heat-signatures like a heat-seeking missile. The planet has 10 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:376d; Capital City: Axiar City
  • Iovivus- A mountainous rainforest planet with an atmosphere so moist, water can be found almost everywhere. The Teadr 2 cities, which have the same architecture and appearance as the cities of Argox, only with much more advanced qualities, have some technology inherited from Argoxians, and metals inherited from the Iridians. The main species, a race of lizard-like Teadr 2 frogs called Iovons, are well-known allies of the Irids, and have even formed an alliance with the Argoxians as well. They also have a rebellion that fights against the Villains Act. The planet has 8 continents, 4 oceans, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:434d; Capital City: Tarroe

Fantar-Gorra System

  • Fantar Prime- (Modern Zyaūar Master Society, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Fanar- A moon belonging to Fantar Prime (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Sosh- Another moon belonging to Fantar Prime (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Gorra Prime- (Modern Zyaūar Master Society, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Vink- A moon belonging to Gorra Prime (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Fantasmo- A semiarid temperate desert planet that has , , , , , , , , , and. The Zyaūar Masters that colonized this world harnessed 4 magic orbs to terraform it and keep it's habitable landscape in checks, as the elemental powers of this world are determined by the state of these orbs, each governing one of the four classical elements: earth, fire, water, and wind. During the age of the Zyaūar Masters, the Avons, a race of magical bird people, used the Power of Wind to craft airships and an AFT community, but their abuse with this orb caused the Wind Orb, called the Windu Orb, to go dark and cause violent storms to sink a massive shrine that served as the center of an ocean-based civilization and caused the Water Orb, The Wurwen Orb, to go dark. The Earth Orb, The Gemus Orb, and the Fire Orb, The Firsia Orb, followed afterward, thus plaguing the planet with raging wildfires, and devastating the agricultural of many lands and endangering the lives of the people there, as the plains and vegetation decayed. Some time later, the sage Lurch tells of a prophecy that four Light Warriors will come to save the world in a time of darkness, and in time these warriors, named Zesty, Saung, Floa, and Dayne, were able to restore peace and stop the grief-driven descendant of the one responsible for the event, Ceoson, from using the orbs to set things right in the wrong way. The planet has 3 large continents and 3 large oceans. (TBC...) Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Mythryma- A temperate jungle lava planet that has hellish geothermal rock formations and wastelands, Ehaexon wildlife and monsters, a red sky filled with small amounts of neon and boron, semi-technological villages and dystopian modern cities, and powerful storms. This world is one where the Emperor became evil due to an Ehaexon artifact that merged his DNA with that of an Ehaexon giving him hellish abilities that turned him into a mad unchallenged conqueror that summoned legions from AUU Hell to take over the world. Only 4 unsung heroes stood in his way: Fyron, Mariah, Dude, and Cion, reincarnations of pure heroic angels destined to stop the Emperor, and eventually come close enough to curing him by sealing him to a hellish pocket dimension until he can be cured, which is still in progress to this day. The planet has 10 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Wight- A temperate planet that, during the age of the Zyaūar Masters, became noted when a group of greedy colonists found a floating continent high above the surface of the planet and built a technologically-advanced civilization seeking to sought to harness the power of the four elemental crystals of light that, unlike the orbs of Fantasmo, are crystalline and have minds of their own, and thus they did not realize that they could not control such fundamental forces of nature as they refused to allow themselves to be so, and as punishment, they were ordered to separate into four kingdoms in their complete command to quell their lust for power as everything went their way for the Masters' own good. But as time passed, the angered masters ended up turning these crystals dark in treason so they can continue what they sought out, unaware that they were repeating the history of their creation, as all crystals had split sides to represent the good and bad of the elements they represent. Thus the dark sides awoke and lead to the kingdoms' destruction. Thus the world was left with no rulers as the survivors spent over a thousand years in the dangers of the darkened crystals until the world was saved by four 'dark' heroes who restored the light side of the crystals at the cost of their souls which were bound as the new light sides since the last ones were destroyed by the darkening. Struggling to recover from the reduced ruin, the leaderless society remained and thus a civil war between these four former kingdoms broke out, though their floating continent remained as remaining Empirids, now dubbed Wiseminds, sought to find four souls who would, as they predicted, stop history from repeating itself, and a year before the Villains Act, they came in the form of four unlikely friends: Lune, Erek, Reefera, and Onger. The planet has 5 continents, a giant archipelago of thousands of islands located just underneath a flying continent levitated by lodestone, and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Blumex- It consists of a surface world, called the Overland, and an underground world, called the Underland. The Overland is the richest while the Underland is the poorest and thus the more crime-driven as they pester the Overland for it's wealth and resources as their setting has done it for so long they rely solely on this to remain standing. An artificial moon of Zyaūar Master origin orbits the planet since a war destroyed the last natural one, upon which the Luns, owl-like alien beings and original surviving inhabitants of the destroyed moon, live. The remains of the destroyed moon are now the asteroid belt surrounding Blumex, and are identified by a moon-shape crest on their foreheads. After the Zyaūar Masters created the artificial moon, they resided there until a time when they believed their kind can co-exist with the natives. However, a second natural moon orbits the planet as well, and this is where rogue Luns live with the goal of conquering Blumex to take revenge for the destruction of their moon, and thus have almost done it until they were stopped and destroyed by twelve heroes: Cicel Harver, TaKane Hightower, Ryde, Telten, Edvent vin ger Murk, Rosea Forrell, Yong-Tong Leviren, Palo and his twin sister Pory, Widen Vollmer, Edger Grine, and a deviating member named Lylax. The planet has 6 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. (TBC...) Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Voia- A quarter-ecumenopolis temperate planet that has shining magical cities, semi-technological villages, alien biota, flying islands levitated by lodestone, and an average atmosphere. One millennium ago, a powerful mage named Enteo imperiled the world using the power of an evil entity called the 'Nothingness' after being tempted by it's power. The people retaliated by using twelve legendary weapons to vanquish him. However, the Nothingness itself, as an outer god, could not be destroyed. Consequently, the people split the world's four elemental polycrystals into two sets, effectively creating two worlds, light and dark, sealing the Nothingness into a dimensional cleft between the two worlds. Nearly a thousand years passed without incident and both worlds prospered due to the powers of their Polycrystals of Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. New kingdoms and towns flourished, and travel by ship acted as a critical means of commerce and communication. However, a sinister force was stirring in the dark world. Ever since the Nothingness's imprisonment, malicious demons called Unnaturals had gained a new vanguard sealed inside a tree in the Great Forest of Moorn long ago. This vanguard, Exdoom, became determined to find Nothingness and become stronger. When he attempted to claim the world for himself, a group of heroes called the 'Warriors of Virtue', Gaule, Xesta, Dorgan, and Kel, sealed him into the same prison using the Polycrystals, and peace returned for another thirty years. The planet has 14 continents and 8 oceans. Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Jegess- A world where it is said three feudulent Magilo Brothers battled eachother in an endless war over who can be the master with magical beast creatures named the Cespers, it ended up turning a once normal planet into a mixed climent planet with a heavy enfluence in magic. After the war where each brother ended up emtrapping themselves to the Magilo Dimention and still fight eachother to this day, the Cespers have established a Cesper realm where they aim to bring their respective masters back and resume their war. However, a human maiden who fell in love with a Cesper accsidently interfeared with the ritual and ended up getting suck to the Magilo Dimention, where her daughter from another family was left orphan, accusing the Cespers of meaning to do it and ran away, where she was so consumed with sadness she cried herself into a coma, where she was found by her grandfather, the emperor of the Jegression Imperial Empire, Emperor Jegessnu. Apawn learning his daughter's fate, and what the Cespers aimed to do, The Emperor fell into a self-corrupting fury of wanting to make the Cespers suffer for trying to bring back the anicent "War of Brothers" back to the world, and has since subugated the Cespers to harsh exspeariments which empowered the empire's tec. In so, the Emperor became a dark and depressing force, and began to punish people harshly for sympathising with Cespers, even with their plans to bring back their warring masters in mind. It doesn't help that he grew numb in trusting a netourious extremest, Bozoka Clownzo, his once happy jester and his grand daughter's cousin, distaught by the loss of a family member twisted him into the love child of Joker/Kefta Palazzo/Pennywise/Virtually any evil clown trope and takes punishing defecters of the empire to a harsher extreme, and the emperor, dominated by his sadness for his granddaughter, along with being tainted by unhealthy curiousity for the Cespers power, has grown tragicly numb of what he and Bozoka have become. Thus, the Emperor's Granddaughter, Corra Blenfind, has since served as vanguard against the ever rising rebellions in the planet. But one day, the Jegression Empire's reign will be challnaged by something even the planet's famous Magiltec can't fight off.
  • Ientasy- A large temperate planet with ranging environments, color-changing skies due to small amounts of noble gases, fauna and flora from all over the AUU, Zyaūar Master and Teadr 1 monuments and ruins, strong weather and storms, magic pools, tar pits, war-torn wastelands, and deserted mining mines and mining pits. According to what was initionally claimed, It is a world discovered first by Teadr 1 beings and later Zyaūar Masters for it's rich amounts of a many-named eco-resource called Müko (Modernly dubbed Muko), which, while renewable, was considered to be "The Planet's Blood", thus making the planet effectively paler and paler with each harvesting, thus effecting the evioment in unpleasent ways, meaning that the planet was tecnecally dying of "Blood Loss" with the Muko reshroce being harvested unregulatedly. It didn't help that the leaders of those times weren't exactly considerate to the evioment due to very outdated ways of thinking and specticisum of Muko being impourent to the planet untabbed. it was ruled by two rulers: Teadr 1 ruler President Ulucord Vor Ientasy and Zyaūar Master leader, Master Gasprim Tola Țhreatwellș, who were both doing great things for their people, but were both fueding over who gets harvest rights onto the Muko, and both failed to acknowgedge the legitiment concern in the planet, Ientasy being with the outdated mindset that the planet can't be harmed from having Muko harvested and that it's just blamed on typical climent change, while Threatwells deems the idea of Muko being "Planet Blood" the words of madmen and scoffs away any evidence of otherwise. Either way, the planet gotten into a position so bad that it is no longer excuseable by global warming, the leaders falling victim to mass revolts lead to both their deaths. Afterwards, harvesting of Müko was all banned, and the world slowly recovered. However, millennia later, a new president who deemed the abandonment of Muko to be an econamoic bad thing, President Cornsby, removed the Muko ban for the good of the ecomimy and had offitcally declared the claims of Muko being the planet's blood outright banned to speak about and once again deemed the previous issue as climent change shenanigans and bad timings. Thing is, Cornsby is actselly right in this reguard. Ientasy was going through an extreme global warming problem when the times of the muko mining cowinsidently started to happen, and that both people of each side were just over-reacting, and had the revolts not happen, the planet would've returned to normal on it's own and Muko mining wouldn't've been banned. It has, however, not detered a deluded and paranoid extremeist group from forming and rising to destroy any attempt to get Muko mining back on the map, naming themselves as Ientasy's Saviors, who are powered by Muko and used these powers to attack Ientasy mining corperations and scare away outsider investers and any interested in building a busiess here involving Muko. By all means, it stopped illegit businesses like CrimeTech from ever wanting to invest in Muko, but it scared away legit business like Globex and Exxoron as well, detering alternate fuel dreams in the process. As such, Ientasy's Saviors are quickly dubbed as Eco-Terrorests who are both ruining Cornby's economic recovery plans AND are hypocritically more harmful to the evioment as in thanks to Muko being denied in the markets because of Ientasy's Saviors' excessive violence, fozzel fuel, oils and gases have to become an accepted commodaty and bring back that same climent change that caused the Muko ban ever since those times, which was originally disposed off by Cornbys' magnifisent Climent Re-Adjuster device, which sadly fell victim to the Saviors in deeming it an illution machine. This machine is still being rebuildt dispite the troubled ecomnic evioment it has. Top it off, Cornsby struggles trying to get the public to re-reckindise that the prior problems with the Muko Harvesting was with an inconventent case of global warming that coinsided with Muko Harvesting from the fact the planet was naterolly hotter then what was expected and that his machine resolved that problem, but because the Ientasy' Saviors were mistook to be heroes, Cornsby is at his wits end. The planet has three large continents, one small ocean, one global ocean, and a large icy, crystalline, and dusty planetary ring. Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC: ; Capital City: Mesagard
  • Saveara- (Final Fantasy VIII, set on an unnamed fantasy world with one moon and two suns. The game primarily consists of modern elements, but does contain some futuristic elements. The planet contains five major landmasses, with Esthar, the largest, covering most of the eastern portion of the map. Galbadia, the second-largest continent, lies to the west, and contains many of the game's locations. The northernmost landmass is Trabia, an Arctic region. Positioned roughly in the middle of the world map lies Balamb, the smallest continent, the island on which the game begins. The remaining landmass is small and mostly desolate, riddled with rough, rocky terrain caused by the impact of a "Lunar Cry", an event where monsters from the moon fall to the planet. The southernmost landmass includes an archipelago of broken sections of land that have drifted apart. Islands and marine structures flesh out the rest of the game world, and a handful of off-world locations round out the game's playable areas. The six primary protagonists of Final Fantasy VIII are: Squall Leonhart, a loner who focuses on his duty to avoid vulnerability; Rinoa Heartilly, an outspoken and passionate young woman who follows her heart; Quistis Trepe, an instructor with a serious, patient attitude; Zell Dincht, an energetic martial artist with a fondness for hot dogs; Selphie Tilmitt, a cheerful girl who loves trains and pilots the airship Ragnarok; and Irvine Kinneas, a marksman and consummate ladies' man. Temporarily playable characters include Laguna Loire, Kiros Seagill, and Ward Zabac, who appear in "flashback" sequences, and antagonists Seifer Almasy and Edea Kramer, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Gaera- (Final Fantasy IX, takes place primarily on the four continents of a world named Gaia. Most of Gaia's population reside on the Mist Continent, named so because the entire continent is blanketed in thick Mist. Lands outside the Mist Continent—the Outer, Lost and Forgotten continents—are uncharted territories not explored until midway through the game. Several locations in the parallel world of Terra and the dream land of Memoria round out the game's areas. The Mist Continent features four nations: Alexandria, Lindblum, Burmecia, and Cleyra. Alexandria is a kingdom to the northeast of the Mist Continent ruled by a monarchy located in Alexandria Castle. The technologically advanced Lindblum, governed by a regent, is nestled on a plateau to the southwest where airships regularly fly by. The Kingdom of Burmecia, whose capital is showered by eternal rain is to the northwest and nearby to the isolated Cleyran civilization, which is nestled in a giant tree in the desert, protected by a powerful sandstorm. Treno, a large, perpetually dark city, heavily populated by both aristocrats and paupers, is located in the southeast part of the continent. The Mist Continent is extremely mountainous resulting in a natural barrier between many of the ruling nations. Gaia is inhabited by humans and various non-human races. Alexandria, Treno, and Lindblum are populated by a mix of humans and anthropomorphic animals. The Burmecians are anthropomorphic rats who value dance, thus accounting for their general aversion to footwear, and live in both Burmecia and Cleyra. The Cleyrans split from the Burmecians when the latter started to appreciate "the art of war." The dwarves are short humanoid creatures who appear as inhabitants of the village of Conde Petie on the Outer Continent. There is also a village of black mages that have gained self-awareness, who reside in the Outer Continent, as well. The Genomes, an artificial race of soulless vessels inhabit Terra; they will house the once-dormant Terran souls when Terra assimilates Gaia. Summoners are similar to other humans, but with a horn on their forehead. In the story, only two summoners remain (Garnet and Eiko); the others were exterminated when the Terran warship Invincible destroyed their homeland of Madain Sari. Lastly, the Qu are large, seemingly androgynous humanoids, who are recognized as great gourmands. They inhabit marshlands throughout the world where they catch their primary source of nutrition: frogs, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Wya- (Final Fantasy X, is set in the fictional world of Spira, consisting of one large landmass divided into three subcontinents, surrounded by small tropical islands. It features diverse climates, ranging from the tropical Besaid and Kilika islands, to the temperate Mi'ihen region, to the frigid Macalania and Mt. Gagazet areas. Although predominantly populated by humans, Spira features a variety of races. Among them are the Al Bhed, a technologically advanced but disenfranchised sub-group of humans with distinctive green eyes and unique language. The Guado, which are less human in appearance, with elongated fingers and other arboreal features. Still less human are the lion-like Ronso and the frog-like Hypello. A subset of Spira's sentient races are the "unsent", the strong-willed spirits of the dead that remain in corporeal form. In Spira, the dead who are not sent to the Farplane by a summoner come to envy the living and transform into "fiends", the monsters that are encountered throughout the game; however, unsent with strong attachments to the world of the living may retain their human form. Other fauna in Spira, aside from those drawn from real animals, such as cats, dogs, birds, and butterflies, include the gigantic, amphibious shoopufs (which are similar to elephants); and the emu-like chocobo, which appears in most Final Fantasy games. Spira is very different from the mainly European-style worlds found in previous Final Fantasy games, being much more closely modeled on Southeast Asia, most notably with respect to vegetation, topography, architecture, and names. There are seven main playable characters in Final Fantasy X, starting with Tidus, a cheerful young teenager and a star blitzball player from Zanarkand, who seeks a way home after an encounter with Sin transported him to Spira. To do so, he joins Yuna, a summoner on a journey to obtain the Final Aeon and defeat the enormous whale-like "Sin". Journeying with them are: Kimahri Ronso, a young warrior of the Ronso tribe who watched over Yuna during her childhood; Wakka, a blitzball player whose younger brother was killed by Sin; and Lulu, a stoic black mage close to Yuna and Wakka. During the journey, they are joined by Auron, a former warrior monk, who worked with both Tidus' and Yuna's fathers to defeat Sin 10 years prior; and Rikku, Yuna's cousin, a perky Al Bhed girl and the first friendly person Tidus meets upon arriving in Spira, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Aeana- The setting of Final Fantasy XI is the world of Vana'diel, a rich world with diverse climates, ranging from northern glaciers and southern deserts, to ethereal realms and sky landmasses. Vana'diel is divided into a number of regions, which are subdivided into areas known as "zones". These zones are available for exploration and consist of outdoor areas, dungeons, cities, and towns. Players are able to explore a portion of Vana'diel, including the Middle Lands, Near East, and with the release of Seekers of Adoulin, the near west. Six city states exist in the available lands, The Republic of Bastok, The Kingdom of San d'Oria, The Federation of Windurst, The Grand Duchy of Jeuno, The Empire of Aht Urhgan and the Sacred City of Adoulin. While most areas are accessible by walking, various modes of transportation, ranging from the classic Final Fantasy Chocobo and airships to special spells, facilitate movement across the game world. Ancient lore states that Vana'diel was created as a playground for the Gods and their children, who themselves were spawned from an enormous and sentient Crystal. Eventually wishing to be one with the Gods, the children constructed a pathway to paradise. They were smote down for their insolence, however, and their cities cast to the bottom of the sea. After seeing the destruction of her children and filled with sadness, the Goddess Altana wept five tears that gave life to the five Enlightened Races of Vana'diel. The God of Twilight, Promathia, condemned her weakness, however, and the life that arose from it. Promathia cursed the five races with eternal conflict amongst themselves by bringing forth their darkest attributes: the apathy of the Humes, the arrogance of the Elvaan, the rage of the Galka, the cowardice of the Tarutaru, and the envy of the Mithra. He created the Beastmen, commanding them to forever fight the people of Vana'diel and occupy their minds, so these children would never have time to group together and construct a pathway like the ones before them. The creation lore's sentient Crystal, Gods, Children, and the truths behind them feature as major plot points in several Final Fantasy XI expansion packs, while the Beastmen are some of the game's main antagonists. The events of the game are set 20 years after the Crystal War, a devastating war where the Middle Land nations of Bastok, San d'Oria and Windurst fought and defeated the Shadow Lord and his army of Beastmen. Players deal with the aftermath of this conflict in the original story, and may travel back in time to aid in the war effort with the expansion pack Wings of the Goddess. Several parallel worlds are available, such as Dynamis and Abyssea, in which the beastmen won the Crystal War and conquered the land, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ivallonica- (Final Fantasy XII, is set within the land of Ivalice during an age when "magic was commonplace" and "airships plied the skies, crowding out the heavens". At this time, magicite, a magic-rich mineral, is commonly used in magic spells and in powering airships—a popular form of transportation in Ivalice. Ivalice is divided into three continents: Ordalia, Valendia, and Kerwon. Ordalia is located in the western part of Ivalice. The Rozarrian Empire makes its home in the vast inland plains of this continent as the eastern portion of it is largely desert and "jagd"—lawless regions so rich in Mist, the ethereal manifestation of magicite, that airships cannot function. Valendia is the home of Imperial Archadia, where lush highlands dot the landscape. Central to the story is Dalmasca, a small kingdom between the two continents and empires. Located in the middle of the Galtean Peninsula of Ordalia, Dalmasca is surrounded by an expanse of desert. The temperate climate of Dalmasca differs from the cold environs of Kerwon to the south and the lush plains of Valendia and Ordalia. During this time, Ivalice is beset by the pending war between the forces of Rozarria and Archadia. Caught between the two powerful Empires, Dalmasca and a number of smaller nations have already been subjugated by Archadia two years before the game begins, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Grania- (Final Fantasy XIII, is set on the world of Gran Pulse (often simply called Pulse). Central to the story is Cocoon, a massive artificial sphere that floats above Pulse's surface and is ruled by the Sanctum, a theocratic government. The two worlds are controlled by fal'Cie /fælˈsiː/, mechanical beings with godlike power. The Cocoon fal'Cie are responsible for keeping Cocoon floating, as well as providing light and water to the people that live inside. Each fal'Cie handles a specific task. The fal'Cie have the capability of marking the humans that live in Pulse and Cocoon as their servants. These servants, called l'Cie /ləˈsiː/, are branded with a symbol representing either Pulse or Cocoon and are given a "Focus"—a task to complete. If the l'Cie complete their task in time, they are transformed to crystal and according to legend gain eternal life; otherwise they become mindless monsters called Cie'th /siθ/. The l'Cie are not explicitly told their Focus, but are instead given visions that they must interpret. Several hundred years before the events of the game, a battle known as the War of Transgression took place between Pulse and Cocoon. During the battle, l'Cie from Pulse attacked and ripped a large hole in Cocoon. Eventually, the l'Cie completed their focus and were turned to crystal. The hole was patched with material lifted from Pulse, and Cocoon's citizens have since lived in fear of another invasion; this fear is used by the Sanctum to remain in power. The Sanctum oversees two military branches: the Guardian Corps, responsible for keeping order on Cocoon, and the Public Security and Intelligence COMmand (PSICOM), the special forces in charge of dealing with any threat related to Pulse. The fal'Cie have given the humans advanced technology, including flying airships and mechanical creatures, and a form of magic also exists. This magic is normally only accessible to l'Cie, fal'Cie, and various monsters in Cocoon and Pulse, though distilled chemical forms can be used by normal humans through the use of Manadrives, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Eoron Zin- (Final Fantasy XIV, takes place in a high fantasy setting. The main location is Eorzea, a continent on the larger planet Hydaelyn: this contrasts Final Fantasy XI which uses one name to refer to the entire world and its regions. Eorzea is broken up among three main powers: the forest nation of Gridania; the desert-based Ul'dah sultanate; and the thalassocracy of Limsa Lominsa, Eorzea's dominant maritime power. Other important locations include the scholarly city-state of Sharlayan and the Garlean Empire, a hostile northern power with highly developed technology. Five years prior to the start of the game, the Garlean Empire invaded the land of Ala Migho, but were prevented from conquering Eorzea by the attacks of the ancient dragon Midgardsomr and his dragon hordes. In response to the Empire's threat, the three nations of Eorzea reform the Grand Companies, comprehensive centers of command which combine the cities' military and economic assets. The Grand Companies attracted people from all walks of life, who take up the mantle of Adventurers. The player character is a customizable Adventurer avatar taken from the five main races of Eorzea. The playable races are the human-like Hyur (ヒューラン Hyūran), the elf-like Elezen (エレゼン Erezen), the physically-imposing Roegadyn (ルガディン Rugadin), the diminutive Lalafell (ララフェル Raraferu), and the feline Miqo'te (ミコッテ Mikotte). Playable Roegadyn and Miqo'te are gender-locked to male and female respectively. Aside from these races are the Beastmen, tribes who worship ancient gods called the Primals, which require aether-rich crystals and whose presence damages the planet, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Zoeneo Eos- (Final Fantasy XV, takes place on the Earth-like world of Eos, which is divided into three continents: Lucis, Accordo, and Niflheim. Lucis, located in the northeastern part of Eos, is a kingdom in possession of a magical artifact known as the Crystal, gifted to the reigning Caelum dynasty by the world's deities in antiquity and accessed through the hereditary Ring of the Lucii. Accordo, located in the southern part of Eos, is an island nation formed through a union of free trading cities. The western continent is home to the technologically-advanced empire of Niflheim and the nation of Tenebrae, which is ruled by the Oracle—a priestess with the ability to commune with the world's deities and halt the Starscourge, a plague that absorbs all natural light and allows nocturnal monsters known as Daemons to roam the world. Central to the lore of Eos are the Astrals, six divine beings who serve as the guardians of the natural world and are divorced from human affairs, and the True King, a legendary figure prophesied to appear when darkness threatens the world. For centuries, Lucis has been at war with the militaristic Niflheim, who has subjugated most of Eos; Tenebrae retains limited political autonomy due to the Oracle's influence, while Accordo is free to conduct its own affairs provided that they do not interfere with Niflheim's interests. Meanwhile, Lucis’ capital city of Insomnia remains unconquered due to the Wall—a magical shield powered by the Crystal that keeps Niflheim's Magitek army at bay, but drains the king of his life-force. At the game's beginning an armistice is declared between the two nations, and as part of the peace agreements, a marriage is arranged between Prince Noctis of Lucis and Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Ressus System

  • Sersyst- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ijercoma- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Zozone- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Mecreystea- (Lawless World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Rocob- A rocky jungle planet . (Flintstones Biotics World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Odoserker- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Odo I- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Odo III- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Jeohiri- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Jerel System

  • Horbillia- A soiled planet populated by sentient and unsentient worms. Some are microscopic, some are visible. Many of the worms are carnivorous. This planet has no cities, but the worms have developed tribal communities. Some of the worms that live here have been able to form like multi-cellular organisms, and they can take any form or shape. This makes the planet worthy of study by flying Globex facilities. The planet has 69 small lakes, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:271d
  • Easmone- A jungle planet which is one of the many worlds colonized by the Zewinsaurs. This planet was colonized for it's renowned anomaly activity. It took 52 years for the Zewinsaurs to discover that they originated from the many radioactive crystals that lay under the planet's crust, and this radiation produces so much energy, it forms a chain reaction with the planet's gravitational field and creates these anomalies, which have random effects on whoever enters them, ranging from ticklish sensations to temporary scrambling of one's genetic code which causes random mutations. These anomalies are harnessed for magic experiments, and can appear anywhere on the planet, including the Teadr 5 cities of the Zewinsaurs. The planet has 8 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:292d
  • Nicilica- An ecumenopolis planet with Teadr 2 cities that are so small, they can house creatures that are only 1-2 ft tall including insects and small rodents. The cities' buildings are made of a tough substance called theonium, allowing them to be indestructible from human-sized visitors. This is among the many planets that have developed shrinking technology. The sentient animals have created a democratic monarchy, and once had a fascist war in the past. The planet has 7 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:301d
  • Lexicon- A semi-tundrous mountainous planet which is not that cold, so there is no need for domed cities, and oceans make up 60% of the planet's surface. The Teadr 3 cities have been made out of a titanium-uranium alloy and is lighted by argon-neon lighting technology, and has a 36% abundance of plants, holographic display and propaganda, and flying vehicles. The planet's main inhabitants, a race of Teadr 3 lobster-like pseudoscorpions called Lexibites, have been known to be a Roman-like diplomatic race which has a habit of using their mastered quantum technology to record information from across the AUU either through traveling through time as invisible astral-projections and quantum supercomputers, but also for using this quantum technology for other uses. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:353d

Gorvina System

  • Xenaros


    Xenaros- An arid, rocky desert planet with a low amount of water, sparse plants, and extremely rough terrain. This planet is inhospitable and has become an ideal hiding spot for some villains after the Villains Act fell. It was once home to a race of Teadr 2 insectoid-like bird-lizards called Xenoids. They lived for a long time until Gordon the Animal biologically terrorized the planet, reducing the entire planet from a lush humid oasis world into an arid desert wasteland planet where only a few savannas and sandy forests are present, and turned all the Xenoids into mutated Xenomorph-like monsters called Xenaratinoids. It has 3 continents, a small poisoned ocean which only the Xenaratinoids can survive, and a large rocky, crystalline planetary ring similar to Saturn's. However, great heroes would soon uncover something VERY unexpected about this planet. Moons: None; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type III; DC: 21hr:286d
  • Goalax


    Goalax- A swampy planet populated by sentient and unsentient animals. The Teadr 3 cities are massive, having an architecture similar to Indian Mughal architecture, and made of tough silver metals. The planet is owned by the USRA, being populated by all the USRA races, as well as being the home-planet of a race of Teadr 3 lizard-like beings called Chrogtons, as well as a few other sentient races. This is the birthplace of the infamous Dark Radicals, which were a sophisticated team of villains dedicated to restore the rule of villainy after the Villains Act had fallen, and evil is treated more like a business as supposed to, as a more extreme exsample with the unfortunate name choice and implications surrounding it, a terrorist organization. None of the police forces on this planet have been capable of locating the DR's main temple, The Radic Temple, which has been built in a hidden underground cave. The planet has 6 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:416d; Capital City: Asirad
  • Quiorex- A dinosaur-populated rainforest planet where the fruits are organic, and genetically sparse. This planet is twice the size of Xenaros, and has massive Teadr 3 cities with golden buildings with neon lights and durable glass windows, a 73% abundance of plants and land corals, flying vehicles, holographic display and propaganda, and vast underground catacombs for evacuation in case of emergency. The main inhabitants, a race of militant sentient Teadr 3 velociraptors called Quioraptors, are intelligent and carnivorous. They are fast, have incredible fighting skills, and are often hostile against other-worldly beings. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: NE:462d; Capital City: Quiatarra
  • Dimbos- A tundrous planet populated by sentient and unsentient mammals and birds with vast Teadr 3 cities with black, chrome, and brass buildings with virtual rooms and holographic windows, holographic display and propaganda, a 61% abundance of plants, and ground vehicles guided by light roads, and complex cultures and religion. This is a USRA planet that is populated by the dominant races, and have established Globex facilities that research temperature-regulation technology. Storms on this planet are so cold, Globex had to invent the Thermsuit, a temperature-controlled high-tech coat that can withstand about -40 degrees. The fluctuating temperatures on this planet have forced cities to be built inside domes. The planet has 4 continents, 3 oceans, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:508d

Elementyze System

  • Seclypso Zime- A desert canyon planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oinope- A desert lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Resnyke- A semi-temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tascinda- A lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Qiuge- A moon belonging to the uninhabitable toxic planet of Fochoth. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Koila- A moon also belonging to Fochoth. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Teolea- A semi-temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Qethiolia- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Hepliophus- A temperate jungle planet which has large colorful jungles filled with an infinite amount of fauna and flora consisting of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, flying islands, mountains, and rock fields levitated by loadstone, a colorful sky due to it's small amounts of noble gases, it's large rock/water/lava formations, it's lava/geothermal/toxic valleys, it's active weather, it's energetic clouds consisting of small energetic creatures, it's ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins of unknown origin, it's rich amounts of resources, rare or otherwise, it's magical anomalies, it's war-torn graveyards, and it's semi-temperate society. This is a world which has inhabitants that have limited knowledge of the world outside their system, and are at war with magical elemental forces called the Elementyds, left behind by an unknown Magelian evil named Warlement eons ago and banished eons ago until released again, and thus they have fought the people of the system for thousands of years. The forces have relied on a famous corporate magical augmenter named Loxleymone Goch Vorcebrew, who founded the widespread Vorcebrew Elixirs business to give the people the strength to fight against their enemies. This was a complete success as magic was taught and sold to those who could do good with it, warping their physiology and create heroes that defend the system from the Elementyds or others that wish to use the magic energy for evil. However, Warlement eventually died of an overdose of his breweries as they were not only addictive, but had toxic fumes, and thus his death lead to the last of his forces to die, and the world started to slowly recover. The planet has 6 large continents, 877 islands, 3 oceans, and a large icy and dusty planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Oetereom- A wetland rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Quyzuno Obs- A rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Eproitis- A deep-blue gas giant (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Murby- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Hechuothea- A purple gas giant (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Zock- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Osliatune- A red-orange gas giant (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Mustuna- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oirili- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • ???- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Freezuno- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Vuelea Gom- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ospiri- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Xaroootey System

  • Xarota- The Homeworld planet ruled by the Xaro race, a powerful, no-nonsense bulky lizard race that are known by their motto: "If a war starts on us, we'll finish it", showing that they will fight and win against any threat that challnages their power. The Xaro race own the entire system as a result.
  • Xacaro- A planet that serves as a place for weapons refinery and is a heavly restricted area, to the point of only higher ranked Xaros are allowed in. Xaros are very cautious of their weapons, knowing the power it processes.
  • Xaca- The housing planet of the Xaro's best war-beasts. They gathered, tamed and trained some of the most fearsome beasts the AUU has to offer. The Xaros have even managed to truthfully tame and gained the trust of a Gladiozont, of which has been named Xartroyer, a heavily trained and battle-worthy beast.
  • Xeemaaa- The Xaro breeding planet to build their perfect warriors. The perfect are embraced while the imperfect serve as caregivers to future generations. The Xaros are all about making sure only the strong are the best representives of their might, while the weak are kept from being embarrisments yet still provide a purpose to the race.
  • Xratos- The weapons facility of the Xaro race, and the birthplace of many Xaro weapons powerful enough to even put the entire Huncus series to utter shame, thus earning a competitive rivalry with another race that has weapons that can shame the entire Huncus line, The Garganulas, who have fought eachother at times.
  • Xazz- The testing range of the Xaro race. It also serves as an exicution site for enemies and traitors. Again, Xaros are known to finish any serious fight started with them and this planet is PROOF that they mean business.
  • Xeros- The warrior retirement planet for the Xaro race, where retired warriors live the rest of their days fighting the native beasts until they day they found the one who congures them, or die from old age. Yeah, even in retirement these guys are badasses.

Citi System.

  • Citi Superior- The home planet of giant lumbering rock-covered creatures at impossable scales that roam across the entire planet, espeically being living mountains. The huge dinosaur-eqsed creatures are buildt to go without food and water for a millenda, only ever feasting on rocks and stone, and whatever stone it doesn't eat, it places on it's body. The creatures themselves are moble ecosystems and even primitive civilisations on their mountainious backs. It is home to creatures that either feed on the moss and planets that grow on the giant creatures or eachother. The domient sentience is the Citimites, antthromorthic insectiods who live in peaceful communities and are commenly herbavorious and live in a socity where they live in anichent civilisations and deemed the giant creatures, called the "God-Beasts", to be sacred. However, sometimes these mighty collosal titanic beasts would die from old age or from being exhuasted by giant parasitic tick monsters that eshausted their life lidquid and forced the animals and the Citimites to travel to a new creature and start live anew. It's usually an uncommen accurence, for as long as the "God-Beasts" remain healthy, they can live a pretty long time relitive to size. The Giant creatures and sand surfing horrors make attempts to build civilisation on the planet itself impossable, the giant creatures would end up unknowingly destroy the civilisations from stepping on them or from being threaten by the lights, mistaking them as a start of a fire or the glow of a rival (Sometimes the titanic creatures have bioluminssent moss), while sand horrors would tend to devour anything smaller then the giant creatures, and this would includ attempted colonises, thus any aim to colonised the planet is ruined by Citi Superior's native fauna. Under normal circumstances this world would be best left alone, but Citi holds mounds apawn mounds of "Super-Rarium", A strain of Rarium even more valuable and beautiful then even basic rarium. Thus, colony attempts are often by those after the Super-Rarium, but it always ends the way you guessed, the attempt ruined by Citi's creatures.
  • Citi Inferior- The Alternative place for colonies aiming to get the Super-Rarium. Citi Inferior, Citi Superior's Moon, is a planet of treasure hunters, prospecters, exbitditionests, and others who aimed to get the Super-Rarium for their respective factions or often themselves. Some parts are orderly, while others are abit wild-west/piratey/other forms fo lawless, as unsurprisingly the Super-Rarium is attractive to undesirables as well. Citi Inferior has no main goverment as it's mainly just a-pre-exdiious world for those aiming to collect the valuable super-rarium, so adventurers at every form have to be cautious and do their mission at their own risks. The independently funded enforcers warn against coming back to Citi Inferior with Super-Rarium, else it risks exciting the less or zero-lawfull at a free shot, unless it was an emergency.

Ryomea System

  • Glaqenia- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Zoshi- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Gona- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Becryria- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Xylok- (AUU Ryzom, Unlike normal planets, Atys is an enormous tree large enough to sustain an atmosphere and multiple ecosystems on its surface and within immense networks of branches and roots. Player characters come from one of four distinct humanoid races, collectively called "homins". The 'Matis' are a proud and noble race of forest dwellers. They have mastered the art that is a fusion of botany and genetic manipulation, and consequently they have constructed their kingdom and castles from massive trees grown for that very purpose. The 'Tryker' are a fiercely independent and fun-loving race of lake dwellers. They build large floating cities on their lakes, and networks of wind-powered water pumps around them. The 'Zoraï' are a spiritual and tranquil race of jungle dwellers. They build their temple-cities within naturally fortified areas of the jungle. Finally, the 'Fyros' are a tough and obstinate race of desert dwellers. They have mastered fire technology, which they like to build into their weapons and architecture. Interacting benevolently with all four homin cultures, but hostile towards each other, were two additional and far more advanced races: the magical Kami and the technological Karavan. The Kami are depicted as elusive, chaotic, playful, and highly protective of Atys, while the Karavan are more secretive and have never been shown outside their environmental suits or far from their machinery. The Matis, and to a lesser extent, the Tryker, cultures tend to ally with the Karvan, while the Zoraï and Fyros tend to side with the Kami. In the game year 2481, the homin races were decimated when the hostile, insect-like Kitins were accidentally released from their home deep within Atys's root system. Surviving refugees from all four homin cultures began working together in 2485 to rebuild a single, mixed society in relatively remote areas. Soon came the added threat of the "Goo," a spreading infestation that renders areas uninhabitable and drives wildlife mad with rage, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Bua- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Luu- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Eru- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ovu- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Iora- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:

Bituna System

  • Seraph- A rocky desert planet where oceans cover up 49% of it's surface. There is over hundreds of small rainforests and grasslands, give or take a few land reefs, that make up the environment of this planet, and there are also cities that range in Teadr level. Beautiful god-like Teadr 1 cities have been built by the Angellans that first colonized this planet, while Teadr 3 cities that contain chrome buildings with durable glass windows, screen displays and propaganda, a 67% abundance of plants, metro systems, and ground vehicles, and are powered with flywheel-energy cells located underground. The Angellans used to be prevalent here until an unsettling and violent feud erupted between them and the Teadr 3 sentient animals which lead the Angellans into exile, and left the sentient animals to colonize these cities. This world lives in a democratic oligarchy, being run by 10 individuals that are voted for every 5-8 years. The planet is also noted for it's rich amounts of precious jewels, which are traded to the AUU Currency Troupe and often profited by criminal syndicates. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:304d; Capital City: Amethyst City
  • Sequentus- A plateau grassland planet with sparse jungles and tall mountains. This is a world which is rich in valuable gems and gemstones, and thus has been mined by it's sentient animal inhabitants for years. It is also the second richest source of rarium in the AUU. This world is also a minor colony for the Chrysins, who introduced the sentient inhabitants to crystallic fusion, giving them a renewable power source for use, and was luckily within legal boundaries because the sentient animals were in a Teadr 2 society and have been running low on fossil fuels. Now all cities are powered by underground crystallic fusion generators. These cities are made of tough brass metals with colorful neon-argon lights, durable glass windows and holographic rooms, screen display and propaganda, a 48% abundance of plants and land corals, and ground vehicles guided by light roads. This is also a USRA planet populated by the USRA races, and having Globex facilities researching more forms of renewable power. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:369d; Capital City: Solor City
  • Bensor IV- A canyon desert moon belonging to the orange gas giant Bensor. This is a USRA moon, being populated by the USRA races, as well as a few sentient and unsentient animals. The Teadr 3 cities are tall and huge, and have amazing architecture, containing black buildings with durable glass windows, screen/holographic displays and propaganda, metro systems, underground catacombs for holiday rituals and for mining the precious gems inside, a 61% abundance of plants, and ground vehicles. This moon has developed a parliamentary democracy, and has even established a few Globex facilities which research various fields. The moon has 56 small lakes. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 342d
  • Bensor VI- A desolate moon also belonging to Bensor. It has many Teadr 2 cities with the same architecture and appearance as those of Sequentus, but it actually has a criminal history to it. This planet's many underground catacombs contain bases belonging to The Dark Radicals, providing them with weaponry, medicine, and resources. They also have a large supply of precious valuable gems and metals for profits. The moon has 41 lakes varying in size. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 488d
  • Korbitex- A tropical planet where 90% of it is covered in water, and there is several tropical rainforests, wildlife comprised of mostly semi-aquatic and aerial animals, and several land reefs can appear a few times. This world is widely known for having been a victim of several global warming events throughout it's history which melted the polar ice caps and caused sea levels to rise and several cities to be submerged under miles of water, which actually doesn't seem to bother, and in fact favored and helped evolve, the planet's main inhabitants, a race of Teadr 4 semi-aquatic lemurs called Korbiquats. These beings are aquaphiles who still retain their ancestors' fascination with undersea life, and thus have benefited from the flooded cities. These mostly-silent beings also welcomed sentient animals onto their home and allowed them to build resort cities on the remaining sources of land. The planet has 5 small continents and 2 vast oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr;617d; Capital City: Kortex City

Gnurtux System

  • Skogucury- A lava planet which is sparsely uninhabitable, and consists of safe-treading terrain, yet high amounts of volcanic activity. It is so close to it's red star, it has an intense nearly-intolerable temperature. The only Gruid activity here is found in large AFTs containing huge metropolises. At the bottom of each AFT is a mining establishment run by Thabes as they assist the Gruids in collecting gemstones, metals, natural gas fuel, and many other resources from the planet's surface. The planet's atmosphere is tolerable to the Gruids due to their imperviousness to toxins as their tracheas evolved to filter poisons out and bring in oxygen, as the Gruids do not need that much oxygen unlike other lifeforms. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type III; DC: 20hr:279d
  • Iticia- A desert lava planet which has oceans of lava filled with moisture, an orange sky due to it's small amounts of neon and sodium, large rock and lava formations, large lakes full of clean water, there is vast amounts of introduced Gruyan wildlife and fauna consisting of zooplantae, there are large amounts of geyser fields and toxic valleys, and there is active weather. This is a colony for the Gruids where they have created large megalopolises, cities, towns, refineries for the metallic composition inside the lava, moisture farms, agricultural colonies, mines for laserum and rarium, and weapon factories of their own. This is where the Gruids grow all their crops and trade them across the AUU through the AUU Currency Troupe on Inorbon. This world was a site of many war battles against multiple races, which is why ships graveyards can be found all across the planet. The planet has 8 lava oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 3; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:304d
  • Poatis- A desert planet that has hundreds of small lakes, red soil, common sandstorms, a smoggy sky, abandoned Teadr 2 ruins, large amounts of long grasses and introduced fauna from Gruy, and large amounts of weather. This was a colony for the Gruids which was highly corporate and ended up causing too much pollution that caused global warming and turned the planet into a nearly-uninhabitable wasteland. Toxic valleys were formed due to this mass-corruption. Now this world serves as the capital of the corrupt Gruid Black Market, which sells stolen weapons from all across the AUU and selling them to the highest bidders. The Black Market's security forces were extremely top-notch, and had over a hundred main bases spread across the AUU. The planet has 890 lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:334d
  • Veplion- A semi-temperate lava planet which has large lava and rock formations, fauna from Gruy and flora consisting of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, an orange sky due to it's small amount of helium and sodium, crystal-clear waters, ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins, and active weather. After being a mining colony for the Uridians until exhausting it's resources, this is now a colony for the Gruids where they developed military training camps and arenas to build the most perfect fighters for their battles throughout the years, giving them knowledge of gun arts, martial arts, and other forms of combat which made them a force to be reckoned with. This is also where the Armatage and Huncus Corporations test their weaponry and other military products, using them within their own test arenas as volunteering Gruids offer to test them at their own risk. A dangerous job, but one the Gruids can easily walk away from due to their healing factors and difficulty to kill. The planet has 6 continents surrounded 4 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:389d
  • Tascade- A semi-temperate planet with introduced fauna and flora from Gruy, large flying islands, mountains, and rock fields levitated by magnetanium, large bizarre rock formations, geothermal and toxic valleys, orange-tan-to-brown soil, and ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins. Once being a colony for the Uridians, this is now a Gruid colony as well as a the capital of the Armatage Corporation, which was founded by Geeshus Qau Armatage, who, like his corporate rival Teel Gosa Huncus on Gluxatoch, was a human raised by Gruids who also enjoyed weapons and military equipment, and thus dedicated his life to it. The two since went into a 190-year feud with each other until differences were settled. This world was once where over a hundred Gruid battles took place during their wars against other-worldly forces. The planet has 13 continents, 8 oceans, and a large crystalline, rocky, and dusty planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:406d
  • Gruy


    Gruy- A semi-temperate planet which has a red, orange, and blue sky due to it's small amounts of neon, sodium, and xenon, large rock and lava formations, flying islands and mountains levitated by magnetanium, as well as large aerial rock fields levitated by the same metal, large mountains, fauna consisting of insects, crustaceans, and other invertebrates, and flora consisting of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, active weather conditions, geothermal and toxic valleys and extinct/less-active volcanoes, a high concentration of oxygen in the air which allow insects to grow bigger, and bizarre rainforests. This is the home planet of a race of larva-like Teadr 2 warlike beings called the Gruids, which evolved permanently with a body of a larvae, giving it orange and smooth skin, and come in 6 breeds. These beings are among the strongest military fighters in the AUU, according to the races' three USRA opponents in pre-USRA times, the Cunones, the Rabodans, and the Xurons. These beings have built large megalopolises, cities, and towns, large munitions factories, scientific facilities, shipyards, space stations, a teleportation grid, mines and refineries, and a lot of other colonies across the AUU. These beings stood tall against danger and fought during the Exo-Wars as either allies or enemies, and defended themselves heavily during the Interuniversal War. They even formed a powerful rebellion against the Villains Act. The planet has 6 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:425d; Capital City: Gruxotond Prime
  • Ruemia- A semi-temperate planet which has ancient Teadr 1 Uridian monuments and ruins, large flying rock fields and mountains levitated by magnetanium, introduced fauna and flora from Gruy, crystal-clear water, and large rock formations. This is a colony for the Gruids where they established hundreds of megalopolises with crowded populations, as well as large military and mining colonies. There was once a rumor of uridium being discovered here, but no other sources of this Uridium-manufactured energy resource was ever found. The megalopolises are connected through underground metro/road systems. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:345d
  • Waywei- A temperate uninhabitable planet which has introduced Uridian fauna and flora that are tolerable of the toxic air and radiation. There are intense electrical storms, ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins, a lack of an ozone layer, rock and lava formations, lava/geothermal/toxic valleys, and tainted water. This world used to be an Uridian colony until a gamma burst from a nearby planet-less star unleashed a gamma burst that fried the ozone layer and caused the world to burn into a partially-uninhabitable wasteland. This forced the Uridians to retreat. This world is now being scavenged by Gruids for technology and artifacts. The planet has 14 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type III; DC: NE:376d
  • Bustruotania- A temperate planet which has large genetically-engineered wildlife and flora consisting of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, large mountains, large rock and lava formations, toxic valleys, Teadr 1 monuments and ruins of Uridian origin, a colorful sky due to the small amounts of noble gases, active weather, crystal-clear waters, beautiful views, and a few introduced lifeforms from Gruy. This is where the Gruids have some training and experience through discovering the darkness of combat through the planet's rich amounts of genetically-engineered mutant wildlife. The chances of surviving these tests are 50/50, and those that come out are made high-level commanders. This world is the home of several Gruid science facilities where all the genetically-bred wildlife was created as a means of training. Huncus and Armatage even colonized this planet in order to create weapons using the rich amounts of laserum on the planet. The only forms of civilization is one large continent isolated from all other dangerous continents called the Haven Zone, whereas the rest of the world is linked together completely and thus the genetically-bred wildlife expands all over the globe, called the Dead Zone. The only known Gruid activity in the Dead Zone are safe haven sanctuaries, military camps, mining colonies, and bandit colonies. The planet has 9 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 36hr:402d
  • Soss III- A terrestrial jungle moon belonging to an orange-and-red gas giant called Sossgoter. The moon has introduced fauna and flora from Gruy, high elevations, large amounts of flying islands, mountains, and rock fields levitated by magnetanium, a fair amount of native genetically-engineered wildlife, large rock/lava formations, toxic valleys, an orange sky due to the small amounts of neon and sodium in it, highly-active weather, rare signs of superstorms, and ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins. This is a world that was abandoned by the Gruids as a living colony since the biggest superstorm they have endured, turning their cities into space cities that now inhabit the rings of the gas giant. But this world is still kept for it's agricultural dependence, as it's soil is perfect for genetic farming, as it was for the Uridians before them, containing amino acids and traces of their phase essence that enrich the nutritional value. Though despite this essence, no uridium has ever been found here. The moon has 6 continents surrounding 2 small oceans. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 56d
  • Soss XXV- A semi-temperate toxic desert moon also belonging to Sossgoter. This moon has introduced wildlife from Gruy, has toxic pools and valleys, large rock and toxic formations, geothermal valleys, a green sky due to it's small amounts of radon, has little-to-no signs of Uridian interaction, and it has less-active weather. This moon is a Gruid colony that, despite being toxic to most wildlife, they can naturally tolerate it due to their evolved respiratory systems. They came here to establish refineries for the toxic pools' rich amounts of gemstones and metals. The Uridians beforehand saw little-to-no use of this moon due to it's toxins and brief barrenness. The moon has 8 slime oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 86d
  • Ciathea- A wetland temperate planet which is rich in introduced wildlife from Gruy, has large murky swamps, alien forests, large mountains, active weather caused by the humidity and high amount of water vapor in the sky, and have tar pit/toxic valleys. This is a colony for the Gruids where they have established agricultural colonies. This world is very rich in gemstone-filled underground wet caves, and thus this world is high in gambling and crime, syndicates being run by beings like the Grutts. The planet has 8 small continents, 3 oceans, and a moderately-large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 38hr:442d
  • Qolue- An orange gas giant which has been known for having a countless amount of AFTs built by the Gruids which form an ecumenopolis-like society as all AFTs have gray structures with computer-interface windows, red, blue, yellow, white, and cyan lighting and pigmented platings, a police force consisting of red-and-brown-armored Gruids that either use Armatage weaponry (Major Class) or Huncus weaponry (Minor Class) and are lead by a Commissioner-in-Chief, has large hover vehicles and airships, large supplies of introduced fauna and flora on artificial continents, islands, and mountains, intense yet non-threatening storms, often-strong hurricanes, screen/holographic display and propaganda, robotics and AI, factories and mining colonies for gas fuels, cantinas, casinos, and arenas. This world has a lot of influence, that it attracted other corporations such as the Yuruns' C&C Consumers Fast-Food Corporation, other weapon-manufacturing companies, and many others. The planet has over 923 artificial continents, 99,808 artificial islands, 104,500 AFTs, and a large icy and dusty planetary ring. Moons: 5; DC: 70hr:893d
  • Gluxatoch- A soiled jungle planet which is noted for it's brown soft soil, it's Gruy-native introduced fauna and flora, it's large rock formations, it's mountains, it's geothermal valleys, it's mercury-filled blue sky, and for it's active weather. This is the scientific capital of the Gruid Empire, as they have specialized in a ton of technology including cybernetics, robotics, vehicles, armor, and weapon technology. They even share this planet with the Huncus Corporation as the Gruids were well-known benefactors for the company since Teel Gosa Huncus was raised by Gruids, being raised on this very planet, and thus becoming the Huncus Corporation's capital. This also quickly became an Armatage Corporation colony since the hundred-year feud between the Huncus and Armatage family as the company's founder, Geeshus Qau Armatage, was also raised by Gruids and worked in the same business as Huncus, being business rivals. Though the Armatage Corporation has a huge influence on this planet, the Huncus Corporation is the one that stands tall as this planet was their home and remained their capital even after the 190-year Armatage-Huncus Feud. The planet has hundreds of weapons facilities and factories, as well as some for robots and military technology. The planet has 10 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 41hr:484d; Capital City: Tochxoch
  • Oyge VII- A temperate moon belonging to the red gas giant Oygenus. This is a moon which has native flora consisting of oddly-colored plants and zooplantae, native wildlife and introduced wildlife from Gruy, large mountains and mostly-extinct volcanoes, large rock formations, crystal-clear waters, and highly-active weather. This is a colony for the Gruids, as well as Armatage and Huncus as this is where the two corporations did their feud battles inside large virtual modules using their own technology as well as clones. When the feud ended, these arenas continued to be used by the cities for entertainment purposes. Criminal syndicates like to profit from this by placing bets in a gambling ring, as this act of gambling has started to rub off on the people of this moon, and thus casinos were built in the many cities. The moon has 88 small lakes surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 196d
  • Oyge XXII- A barren moon also belonging to Oygenus. This is a world that has an extremely thin atmosphere with little oxygen and native flora that produces very little oxygen, as well as introduced fauna from Gruy as well as native alien wildlife. It has large valleys of hills and volcanoes, stalagmites, and little caverns. This is a moon colonized by the Gruids as they colonized it to be a penal colony for over a hundred war criminals in the Gruids' colonies. There are also a few towns that belong to escaped criminals that form a corrupt criminal empire that has a habit of sabotaging, stealing, and terrorizing the penal colonies, easily being able to avoid the authorities by building their towns in secluded areas. They even allowed CrimeTech to do business on this planet, allowing the criminal empire to become as strong as the authorities, thus making both sides evenly-matched. They have done this for centuries and still do to this very day. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type IV; OT: 261d
  • Oyge XXX- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Oygenus. This is a world with a global city containing gray buildings with computer-interface windows, screen/holographic display and propaganda, touch-screen/holographic mobile devices and computers, a 68% amount of flora decoration consisting of Gruy flora, virtual underground catacombs, hover/ground vehicles, a teleportation grid, and AFTs of multiple shapes and sizes. This is the first ecumenopolis built by the Gruids, as it was roughly the same size as Gruy, and it was easy to terraform. The global city has 4 levels underground and each are filled with more crime the deeper they go. CrimeTech, as well as the Gruid Black Market, is able to prosper down here and easily kill any investigators that come down to the levels of the moon. There is very little Huncus and Armatage activity, but their products are used all the time here. The moon has 9 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 289d
  • Mewer- A cold desert planet which was one of the earliest colonies for the Gruids. It has large zooplantae oases filled with moderate amounts of water and geysers, foggy mornings, a krypton-filled white-blue sky, hostile wildlife, and large gray dunes. The Gruids used this world for various purposes. Their first purpose for this world was a banishment site before the foundation of the penal colonies of Oyge XXII. Later on, this world was a testing world for weapons, and is now a world where the descendants of banished victims that went crazy due to the weapon tests. They have since formed a new bandit group known as the Fog Raiders, or more-commonly Fog People, which have been able to discover uridium and use it for rituals, as well as for creating weaponry using either the crystals or their slaggy byproduct, considering the substance as holy and are incredibly hostile when others steal it. This criminal tribal society is known for raiding the facilities enough to improve themselves despite their regressed Teadr level. The Fog Raiders, being similar to the Tusken Raiders of Star Wars, they are disfigured due to formerly going through a life of inbreeding, as they not only camouflage themselves with the fog and dunes, and they even possess the famed phasing powers that the Uridians possessed, viewing the Uridians as gods due to primitive nature, and their homeland is known as the Junulund Wastes, which is noted for it's rich amounts of Uridian monuments and ruins, as well as slag pools and moisture farms. They commonly travelled through sailboards and were instinctively tinkerers, and were excellent hunters that strike fear in prey with the use of their discovery of uridium and it's byproduct. The planet has 18 small lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 44hr:502d
  • Pesmotch- A snowy ice planet which has a large amount of lichen-based plants, introduced wildlife from Gruy, ancient Teadr 1 Uridian ruins and monuments buried underneath the large icy layers, a deep-blue sky due to it's small amounts of actinium, highly-active snowy weather, and frozen oceans going a thousand feet deep and is inhabited by native invertebrate wildlife, most being predatory. This is a world that the Gruids inhabited thanks to the assistance of the Huncus and Armatage Corporations. This world is noted for being where the Armatage and Huncus Corporations had the most violent feuds that lasted for most of the feud's 190-year lifespan. They even almost accidentally created a superstorm that nearly destroyed the civilization of the planet, which is what stopped the violent feud to begin with. However, there are still Huncus and Armatage ancestors that live in towns that feud with each other, and are entirely isolated despite the end of the feud. The planet has 19 oceans surrounded entirely by icy land yet are connected through underground tunnels and caverns, which are inhabited by semi-tribal Gruids with the same primitive war instinct as ants, all descending from Gruids alarmed by the rumors of the superstorm caused by the Armatage-Huncus Feud ending up causing them to get caved in for years. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 48hr:565d

Torcherek System

  • Torcher- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iae- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Sostoythea- (AUU Torchlight, Crystals that grant magic power, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Sos- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Plajoter- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Metroaria- (Ecumenopolis, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Slojaturn- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Prometisi System

  • Satao- A semi-temperate mountainous desert planet where several lava formations, geothermal valleys, mesas and canyons, and has a yellow sky due to it's small concentration of sodium. The planet does keep a fair amount of plants to make the planet breathable, and there are introduced Promen wildlife that make up the ecosystem. This is a world where the Promenans have created several large megalopolises and mining colonies for the rich amounts of valuable resources which they trade with the AUU Currency Troupe. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:285d
  • Promen- A semi-ecumenopolis lava planet which has miles of desolate lava fields and geothermal valleys, and the sky is red due to it's small concentration of neon. It was ruined by global warming and exhaustion of resources. Though the planet was still stable and had a breathable atmosphere, it was still often dangerous. The planet has lost most sources of large wildlife due to the ruined climate, yet plants and smaller animals still exist to keep the planet breathable and stable, and all other wildlife was thankfully relocated to other planets in the system. The planet is the home world of a race of human-like Teadr 2 beings called the Promenans, which were close to a Teadr 1 society, yet had to wear body-covering suits as the result of years of genetic experiments leaving their immune systems destroyed and forcing them to wear life-support suits at all times, covering their true appearances, yet giving them greater strength, senses, and intelligence. The planet has several lava oceans, small bodies of water, and a dusty and icy planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:304d
  • Tinogar- A temperate planet which is the planet where most of the old wildlife of Promen which could no longer thrive in their original home planet are found. The planet is similar enough to Earth, or Marbon, to have the appropriate amount of environments for all the wildlife to thrive in. Though the blue sky, instead of being comprised of xenon, instead has mercury. The Promenans that have colonized this planet have been at least happy to be in a world which flourishes in life like the old days of their exhausted home planet. They have built several large cities across the planet, and some of these monuments are found on giant AFTs. The planet has 9 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:349d
  • Ophemitus- A large semi-lava planet which has a half-amount of native and introduced wildlife to make it prevalent, and much like Promen when both it's habitable and semi-inhabitable days combined. The planet also has a red sky as the result of it's small concentration of neon. The Promenans have made this planet their scientific capital of their colonies since their scientific evolutionary period had ruined their home planet and themselves, and it's where they have been studying Teadr 1 technology across the AUU ever since. This is where some scientists have been trying to find a cure for their destroyed immune systems with no success through their new artificial evolution experiments. The planet has 11 continents and 7 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:393d
  • Gemeo V- A desolate canyon moon which belongs to the purple gas giant Gemeo. This is a world similar to Promen today, though keeps a sustainable environment for former Promen wildlife to thrive in, as well as it's own natural plant life. The Promenans that colonized this world mines it for it's underground caverns that contain vast amounts of valuable metals and gemstones, and trade them to the AUU Currency Troupe. The moon has 6 large continents surrounding small oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 281d
  • Gemeo VIX- A lava moon also belonging to Gemeo. This world's surface is too inhospitable for colonies, and is very difficult to terraform, even for the Promenans. So this moon remained unbreathable and contained only large air-locked AFT cities, and their inhabitants travel around through teleportation grids. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type III; OT: 333d
  • Gemeo XV- A temperate canyon lava moon also belonging to Gemeo. This is a world similar to Ophemitus, though it is much smaller, and contains much more wildlife and volcanic formations. The Promenans have colonized this moon and made it a suitable place for agricultural business. They trade their crops across their own colonies as well as the AUU Currency Troupe. Ever since this world was ravaged by a supervolcano, there has not been any other volcanic eruptions for millions of years. The moon has 5 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 386d

Vacuo Nebula

  • Astri- A rogue planet that rests inside a large nebula rich in astrofauna and the result of an immigrated alternate timeline version of New Mewni. But after circumstances, reality was altered so that it could have it's own name and it's own original history in the AUU when it merged into New Mewni around the same time the AUU was formed and the Mewmans became a new race called the Astamans, who all have a powerful link to their own souls and can connect to other souls, as well as breath in space or any unbreathable conditions. This occurred when Astra Cosmofly decided that, with how unused to this new world humanity was after a chaotic election between Echo Creek's former mayor Mayor Sasha Thornsbottom and a daydreaming fantasy-loving woman named Magaz Galanis, and the Dark Radicals when Sasha ends up insulting them by calling the Villains Act a weak movement, she would have to alter New Mewni's fate by making it an original world to the AUU and even alter herself from being another alternate counterpart of Star Butterfly, in the process chasing the Dark Radicals out and effectively gave them one of their more costly defeats. (TBC...)
  • Groovity Lounge- An asteroid suspended in place by a ring of space dust where inside is a disco club alongside several other attractions like a photo booth and run by a groovy jellyfish-vaxie named Halo Bouncer, and littered with space predators on the outside. This is a place of zero-gravity so that everyone can walk on the surfaces.
  • Gamestar- A Las-Vegas-style gambling city of great attractions, theme parks, and so on, built inside a giant shattered planet.
  • Stigia- A fractured planet where on its surface lies a massive ecosystem of cnidarians like corals, all of which primarily have stingers, most of which are nonfatal.
  • All-Mart- A gigantic planet-sized space castle that has a magic that allows it to become the Vacuo Nebula's hub for retail.
  • Allworld- A rogue 'quantum planet' where the setting and the theme constantly changes due to the world's relatively harmless quantum fractures.
  • Clearwater Prime- A planet split in half as the upright side is inhabited while the rest is a fractured mess. This world is in the midst of a stabilized rift in spacetime allowing for the planet's richness in cosmicium, which is a matter form of spacetime, particularly as a liquid that appears in waterfalls and boiling geysers. These waterfalls create what is known as "clearwater", or liquid windows that allow the inner being of the one who drinks it to see other dimensions.
  • Neverendworld- A rogue slightly-fractured planet in the midst of a space anomaly that spreads literal shards of time that scatter across the surface. This makes time unstable here and can change reactively, but thankfully not in a fatal way. Deaths caused by these shifts of time are temporary.
  • St. Hole's Rehabilitation Rift- A powerful black hole that leads into the domain of a rogue Xzar of the same name, proper/former Xzar name "Xole", who aimed to prevent interdimensional empires by wiping individuality from mortals and gods until Xole had to reevaluate the otherwise unchanged aim with help from former prisoners that deserve a second chance.
  • Space Sea- A literal ocean of stars filled with water suspended by rifts.
  • World Tree- A cosmic tree rooted inside a sun that, on its branches, holds hundreds of worlds, many of which were once the Vaxy homeworld, Stigia, and so on. The species is widely known to be Yggdrasil verseus, a World Tree, which is a common crop plant for Outer Gods.
  • Temporas- A dead planet that has become a nest of literal temporal worms, all of which spread temporal anomalies across the world and are where the Vaxies discovered temporal spells, as well as how to master spacetime itself. It is run by an eccentric worm elder named Tempor.
  • Phasetentiary- Also called the Phase Penitentiary, this is a very stormy ice giant with many rings running around it that houses thousands of fractured pieces of land in its zoeosphere that have crystalline formations and served as the previous prison site before St. Hole's, and is still in use today.
  • Astrofauna Kingdom- A kingdom of magically-intelligent astrofauna found on a slightly-fractured dwarf planet.
  • Cosmic Archives- The incredibly restricted region of the Nebula which is situated on an extremely stormy and unstable gas giant littered with functional or dysfunctional megastructures like ringworlds, Alderson disks (Alderion disks in AUU terms), Micro-Dyson spheres (Micro-Dyscon spheres in AUU terms), artificially roboticized moons or planets, and any level of Teadr 0-1 structures. This is ultimately where the Archive Tower resides, governing and protecting the Nebula's more dangerous secrets and spells, found in the center of the nebula and containing the most quantum spacetime anomalies.
  • Megastructure Graveyard- A large debris field of Teadr 0-1 megastructures that orbit the same vicinity of the Cosmic Archives and is littered with dangerous criminals.
  • Void City- A large city comprised of artificial terrain of many forms that form complex cities for Vaxies. The city's size is hard to determine due to the magic anomalies that occur here.

Tyghfubhjas System

  • Goholis- The primary planet of the UIS-friendly symbiotic races, The Holis and The Goh, who formed a allience with eachother and are leading eachother into the path of Teadr 1. However, one part can't think or do anything without the other, so you can never see a Goh with out a Holis or vice-versa, the Holis being large reptilian beings while the Goh are small mollisk-looking creatures. However, the USRA had been gunning to coherse the races to favor the USRA instead because the prospect of a UIS-friendly or even UIS allienced Teadr 1 race, even something as potaintionally powerful as a Symbeonic one, is a scary prospect, with it bad enough already at UIS were founded by the Teadr 1 Brainiacazzks, which the USRA races desperately tried to keep out of UIS's range at all cost. 

Haevos System

  • Vagita- A mountainous desert planet which has several grasslands, geothermal valleys, canyons, and dunes. There is also a red-violet sky due to the higher amount of hydrogen in the sky, and there are several flying islands that are levitated by magnetanium, as well as a colorful array of plants and animals. This is a military colony for the Haelics, where they famously train to be the best in any kind of environment in gravity battle chambers. This world has several large cities and most of the planet has several military government properties where military training and outposts are found. The planet has 6 large continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:266d
  • Sosan- A semi-temperate desert planet which has various rock formations, jungles, and canyons. This is a world where several hostile inter-colonial wars took place in this system, mainly for control of this planet, and it was known for housing the first dystopian empire in Haelic history until it's crumble in later years. The descendants of these imperial fighters now live in small villages and cities, and several ship graveyards can be seen amongst the dystopian empire's battles. The planet has 7 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:298d
  • Haelios- A semi-temperate planet where there's a deep-purple sky due to the small anount of nitrogen, and there's colorful plant life and animals, as well as massive rock formations and mountain ranges, and there are also floating soil platforms levitated by magnetanium. This is the home planet of a race of Teadr-2 purple-skinned human-like beings called the Haelics. These beings were fighters during the Interuniversal War against the Legion until they made peace and kept their military business to themselves. Their monarch, the Supremist, would be genetically augmented to become a superior being, and be strong enough to lead his own race. The planet has 6 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:324d
  • Noger- A swampy wetland planet which has a wide variety of toxic valleys rich in chemicals and valuable metals and gemstones. This makes this world the scientific and economic capital of the Haelics' territories. They use the metals and chemicals for their own scientific experiments, and they trade the valuable gemstones across the AUU through the AUU Currency Troupe on Inorbon. This world has been robbed several times by the Villains Act for the toxic gases that are used in their battles for AUU domination, though the Haelics eventually built powerful defenses to ensure these robberies don't continue. The planet has several lakes and oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:387d
  • Gova- An ecumenopolis moon belonging to the blue gas giant Govanine. This world was the first to be colonized by the Haelics during their rise to an advanced lifestyle, and was terraformed to sustain massive amounts of wildlife. Though the moon eventually became an ecumenopolis where several of the animals existed in parks hundreds of acres long, and some animals could be found in the concrete jungles as well. The moon has 5 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 208d

Wei-Rd System

  • Weird Planet- Weird planet is the epicenter of an Oddworld-Like Society. It has at least two moons that have been observed so far, as well as an uncountable number of continents. The primary place of many troubleing events take place on a continent called Wudos. Weird Planet is a dry planet with relatively little water compared to other planets as there are no large oceans. Instead the surface of the planet consists of countless large craters. During its primordial stage the planet's magma layer shrunk in size several times, leaving three distinct crusts on the surface of the planet. Over time parts of these crusts collapsed, creating enormous craters and caverns below the surface of the planet. Weird Planet has a total of three such layers, making for a total surface area about ten times larger than most other worlds even though the planet itself is roughly the same size. Some of these craters house massive cities such as Zolydab. The surface layer of the planet has a variety of different climates, ranging from vast deserts to lush forests, jungles and icy mountains. Naturally formed pressure wells are found all around Weird Planet and may be directly connected to the deeper caverns below the surface crust, with the pressure differential causing strong winds or vacuums. The Huge Well in particular appears to run deep into the planet surface. The caverns below the various crusts are warm and damp, with no sunlight reaching them. Swamps can occasionally be found in these underground layers. Wudos is by far the most noteworthy planet because of a very litterally terratory conflict between natives and outsiders. Its environment (as well as the surrounding's area) is at great risk due to foreign settlers. The terrain is quite rough and jagged. Wudos was originally home to just a few native species such as the Brugg tribe and the Wudokon civilization. However, after the rise of the Kluggons and other industrial species the continent has seen rapid industrial growth and exploitation of its resources. On Wudos, many intelligent self aware species exist. They are divided into two classes. The Industrial, and Natives. Native species include the Wudokons native to eastern Wudos. Appearing birdlike giving them their natural agility. Another native race are the Aquatic Naddits who have been driven to near extinction caused by Kluggons. Bruggs native to western Wudos appear salamander-like but a cultural offshoot of native Americans and ancient Japanese. The last Native race are the Sfeet. Sfeets are native to western Wudos and historically have protected the weak Bruggs. However their numbers have dwindled recently as they have been hunted down for their high sell value. Weird Planet also homes many industrial species as well. The Octeeit family, is a group of octopus like races who have become fully self aware over time. The most prominent of Octeeit species are the Kluggons. These profit-lusters practice methods of amoral capitalism. They "Buy the rights" to native races and use them to build great cities. They have also hired the Sliks as henchmen. These slug like creatures have been granted mobility through Slik Legs. The Kluggons and Sliks are both native to eastern Wudos. The Cpakkerz are the last Industrial species. Native to Western Wudos, they have adapted to Industrial customs. While progress is slow, it is clear they are modernizing fast. They appear identical to chickens as well. There is one sentient race that isn't apart of Natives or the Industrialists and they are the Outlaws who live off of taking from others. Many wild non sentient species have been seen as well. Skrabs and Marapites are the most deadly of Wild species, however have been driven to near extinction caused by Rapture Farms. Keeches were once plentiful but due to Rapture farms have seemingly been driven to complete extinction. The environment on Wudos (as well as the surrounding area) is at great risk due to foreign settlers. The terrain [besides the flora] is quite rough and jagged. Wudos was originally home to just a few Native species such as the Brugg tribe and the Wudokon civilization. But foreigners from other lands, arrived and quickly set up an industrial society, wiping out many species and putting others at risk. The Company in Question, Rapture Farms, are owned and maintain by the industry allience known as the Gogma Capital and ther partners in the Zybbers, the Zybber's Colaberation, and the Ocktinli owned Bottled Water Company, the Cekto Bottled Water Incorperated. This artificalised business driven races have formed a corperate allience known as Klusterfuck, an allience designed to protect against outsiders that would aim to bring down their businesses for "Moral Concerns", even when the Zybbers are experimenting with ideas about making cloning farms for the troubled spieces so extinction is no longer a finiancal issue. But for greater security from extremests, USRA born or otherwise, Klusterfuck joined with UIS as an allience partnership, and in return to defelupt more benevolent practices to discourage rebelions, they can enjoy UIS protection from USRA or USRA leaning forces and/or anti-corperate nuts. They had also buildt up a great dystopian-eqsed wall designed to keep the USRA from expanding to new now isolated worlds.

Isolated Systems-1

Oooomasn System

MMMMMmasn System

Faso System

  • Ovontox- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ivanox- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Se- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Omberion- (Omber Home Planet, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Geller- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Kel- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Erion- DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ryzerlox- Moons: ; DC:
  • Ryzer VI- DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Silon- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Zygon- Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Hjahs System

Secorax System (Secors (AUU Gromflomites and Rick & Morty Galactic Federation, same clothes, technology, architecture: Secor Suit 1, Secor Suit 2, Secor Suit 3, Secor Suit 4, Ship 1, Ship 2, Virtual Reality Helmet, Maximum Security Prison, Outpost, Space Stations, Presidential House)

  • Secorax Prime- The Home Planet of what is basically the AUU equivalent of the Gromflomites. Save for wild evolutionary differences, the Secors are basically one-for-one about the same as them. The Secors once had a government system known as The Intergalactic Confederation, which once had an expansive reign throughout the systems. However, when UIS isolated the systems from the grand communities, UIS had discovered the existence of this government, and were concerned that it had some very USRA-like policies and principles, and fear an Isolated System USRA aiming to establish contact with the USRA races and undermine their serious ability to keep the systems isolated. So, with help from the Ombers who had admired their aims, UIS had invaded Secorax Prime and disbanded the Intergalactic Confederation, with the president committing suicide when their native currency was made invaluable come the group's downfall. As a result, UIS went to dedicate their time to re-introduce independence into the systems, and the Zhaerthis established an embassy to re-educate the Secors into being self-reliant and away from their old values. By-in-large, this was successful save for a small insurrection in Paradxus that only served to make UIS even more firm with the Secors even when those that favor UIS insisted that the commander there was a rogue, showing how much UIS had serious issues with the USRA's overall existence that even so much as a govermental system that had similar qualities but not nessersarly the same would just trigger them. Even the Zhaerthis and their embassy grew weary of trusting the Secors completely cause of what one insurrection leader tried to do.

Parax-Stymbyx System

  • Paradxus- An ecumenopolis planet, a former Secor colony, and the Eta-1 Headquarters of the United Usurpation Force lead by a Secor named Commander Securicyzk, until his demise during a mission on Teinok to the Teinok Opbots. UIS had since proceeded to tear down the base without its leader as a result. And as punishment for the insurgency, the colony was taken under UIS property, further driving the Secors into bad terms with them. (Commander Securicyzk)

Nietzsche System (The Teinok Opbots: Morozoff, Zhovtovsky, Stoski, and Pryor)

  • Teinok- A robotic wasteland planet where robots were forced to fight to the death in a long-defunct corporation of robot manufacturers. The planet has dull-colored alien biota, active weather and storms, smoggy skies and polluted foggy lands, a semi-toxic atmosphere, and is the famed home of The Teinok Opbots, the ones responsible for the defeat of the UUF's Eta-1 Commander. Securicyzk sought to use the planet to build war machines to fight against UIS, but the Opbots, Semi-Omnicans and former robot builders, refused to let that happen after what the business did to their home. The planet has rampaging robots that despise organic beings due to their abuse and the Opbots named themselves the defenders of the planet even though they keep the fact they were once organic beings a secret until they can get the planet to see good in organic beings again. The planet has 45 oceans surrounded entirely by dried-up land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: 15hr:275d

Ghajssoan System

Gigijikia System

Dalimpir Sector

A secter founded by the Avatan explorer Lt. Dalimpir who was assigned to map out the entire terratory and inadvertingly discovered more then intended when he strayed from the path. Cause of discovering a secter, he was pardoned from AWOL. This is the system that has Oranos and Warboth.

Amph System

  • Amphton- A semiarid desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tol- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Mecrade- A temperate jungle planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Hocleyria- A semi-wasteland quarter-ecumenopolis planet (AUU Trinium Wars, the remains of Planet Earth after World War III that is now controlled by mutants. Join the fight for the rarest substance in the universe: Trinium. Support the Human forces to reconquer their home planet, which they had to leave after the devastating consequences of World War III, or join forces with the Narc, who were forced to leave their planet after depleting all its resources, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Seynia- A rainforest prairie planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Attyrmena-Zorzone System

  • Sphega Egon- A lava planet that has a poisonous atmosphere of carbon monoxide, is very volatile and scorched as the first in a world of 4 yellow dwarf stars, has a surface of mostly liquid lava, strong firestorms and heavy weather including a hyperstorm, has little to no life, has Teadr 1 colonies of Ollothean origin, is rich in valuable spices and minerals, and a red sky filled with small amounts of helium. Used formerly by the Ollotheans as a mining colony for it's spices and valuables, the volatile atmosphere overwhelmed them and forced them off-planet, leaving it's valuables on their own. The Avatans have tried and failed to mine these valuables as they are rare in the AUU, but the toxic environment is too much for even them. It's not to suggest that the aim to get these reshorces is entirely abandoned as they went to exspeariment on new ways to make the toxic evioment a non-issue, even something as extreme as making a space station designed to change an entire nature of a planet with a flick of a switch. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type III; DC: NE:25d
  • Eriion- A temperate lava planet that has large lava and water oceans, an inverted axis like Uranus, has large orgaliths, Teadr 1 monuments and ruins of Ollothean origin, war-torn graveyards, strong weather and storms, and large rock/lava/toxic valleys and formations. It is a world home to hundreds of mercenaries, criminal guilds, bandits, overlords, outlaw scientists, and basic criminals, even long before the Villains Act or the Great Stagnation. These people have been around for a long time and have mercenary groups and families that fight against one another to establish dominance, and the Avatans, upon arrival, have provided the best in law-giving through their top conglomerate military force, the Avatarian Troopers (AT), lead by their commander in chief who is dubbed the Avatar, and they do well to provide peace within this planet. The planet has 9 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 16hr:98d
  • Nesa- A barren moon belonging to Eriion. This is a moon that has large rock/toxic/lava valleys and formations, no atmosphere, Teadr 1 colonies and ruins of Ollothean origin, unstable tectonic activity, volatile storms and weather, anaerobic wildlife, no natural core and an artificial one of Ollothean origin that allows the moon to be remotely mobile, has ranging steep terrain, violent native predators, rock fields and debris, garbage fields, a televator on the side facing Eriion that allows quick access on and off the moon, has powerful moon buggy transport vehicles, and has multiple Teadr 2 energy-domed cities, and holodomes of Ollothean origin that are mainly used on this world for military combat training. The Avatans colonized this world after colonizing it as a former system belonging to their worshipped Teadr 1 race, the Ollotheans. They awakened hidden technology within this moon, and utilized it to their new civilizations since the death of their home planet of Avata. They continue to flourish on this moon to this very day. The moon has 67 lava/water oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type IV; OT: 10d
  • Macuera- A tropical ocean planet that has beautiful coral reefs of Ollothean and Avatan origin, has two moons on opposite sides of the planet and at the same orbital time, has over a thousand invertebrate species, many small islands, AFTs of Ollothean or Avatan origin, active weather and powerful storms, a sky of mercury instead of xenon, powerful tectonic activity, underwater Teadr 1 cities of Watan origin, large foggy humid landscapes, land reefs, native plant life, and large twisted terrain both on land and sea. This used to be a shared colony for the Watans and Ollotheans in the past, and was rumored to be the homeworld of a race that was the result of the two crossbreeding and is now a colony for the Avatans, as the Avatans, as holothurians, are amphibious and can breath underwater, and they have been redesigning the aquacity ruins and rejuvenating them into their own cultural fashion. This world is home to mainly invertebrates, as vertebrates are not a dominant evolution on this world, and the most intelligent life forms are the cephalopods, which on this world, are like primates of Marbon or Earth, and are potentially holding the building blocks to creating intelligent beings. The planet has 806 islands. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:188d
  • Yantis- A temperate moon belonging to Macuera. It has massive alien-like fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, a thin yet breathable atmosphere, active weather and storms, wetlands, humid air, Teadr 1 ruins of Ollothean origin, has a high level of space pirate activity of Entratonran origin, technological Avatan civilizations, and a technopunk society. The Avatans used to have a conflict between the fate of the moon with both it's pirate and technopunk tribal inhabitants until a harsh conflict lead to them living in harmony, and in a Teadr 2.5 society. The world was once a treasury for the Ollotheans which brought pirates there to begin with, holodomes of Ollothean origin were used for sports and other purposes, the Ollotheans left ancient primitive versions of themselves here which went extinct along with them and was claimed by other-worldly beings and Avatans later on, and the society is balanced in law enforcement and crime. The moon has 6 continents, 6,182 islands, and 4 oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 22d
  • Fercida- A barren desert moon also belonging to Macuera, and the twin moon to Yantis. It has large barren dry dunes, sandstorms, sturdy flora and introduced fauna, a core of pure silver and arsenic, is rich in gold and any gold-like alloys, has rocky/geothermal valleys and formations rich in spices and healthy chemicals, had little to no sentient activity before being colonized by the Avatans, has a thin atmosphere of carbon monoxide and oxygen making it half-breathable, has active storms and weather, and has a normal sky filled with mercury. The world used to be an insect moon until an asteroid strike left it void of all animals, and only plants thrived on it. This left the world open for the Avatans to colonize, as there were no Ollothean activity on the moon as, during their time, the moon was an uninhabitable wasteland. As time went on, it evolved on it's own before the asteroid strike. The debris is still apparent, and brought with it chemicals that allowed the plant life there to flourish, allowing easier colonizing for the Avatans. The moon has 8 lakes surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type II; OT: 22d
  • New Avata- A quarter-ecumenopolis planet that has large complex cities with white, chrome, gray, and black buildings with holographic/computer interface windows and red, orange, yellow-orange, green-blue, cyan, blue, indigo, violet, and pink pigmented plating, holography, and lighting, native wildlife from the destroyed planet of Avata, Teadr 1 structures of Ollothean origin, AFTs using antigravity technology, a teleportation grid, a defense grid operated by the Avatarian Troop, has war-torn graveyards, robotic services, advanced nanotechnology that can make programmable commands and near-reality manipulation and enhance commercialized products and daily lives, vehicular design, the buildings can reach normally-impossible elevations thanks to advanced modular nano-construction, an advanced connection to the Omninet, and the largest building is the capital of each of the 6 mega-states. The world itself has complex subterranean landscapes, large rock/lava/geothermal valleys and formation, wildlife that is sporadically different compared to that of Avata where it originated, a darker sky thanks to small amounts of metallic and noble gases, strong weather and storms, war-torn graveyards, ancient Ollothean monuments and ruins, a core of pure holmium, the ground is extremely rich in synthetic fertilizer, have less-occurrences of flying islands levitated by magnetanium, and the crust is far larger than that of Marbon. This is the adopted Avatan home planet Planet Avera is tagged as an ultramodern/Neo-Roman republican society, having a monarchy over the politicians lead by the voluptuous Queen Valdorra who has yet to find a king to marry, and the unified military of the Avatarian Troopers, and like their original home planet of Avata, it has 6 continents that are tagged as Mega-States: New Romana, New Devenport, South Phidilphia, North Phidilphia, Livernia and Bolterland. Each of these mega-states have large megalopolises that are connected by underground highway interstates, as New Romana has Armia, Austra, Lybera, Virgna, and Kardena; New Devenport has Chester, Midiport, Rockeberg, Cagenport, and Concordica; South Phidilphia has Luxoverg, Southbank, Cleveyland, Sarmolla, and Bronzenville; North Phidilphia has Hayvenburg, Europhea, Voland, Gamingsville, and Burkhagen; Livernia has Silvernia, Casterville, Arotica, and Champfort; and Bolterland has Calvernia, Mahalo, Dulgeria, and Tanzaria. The economy is very rich, and matches those of Old Avata, and so does much of the other qualities of their new home planet. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:305d; Capital City: Avataria
  • Thon- A barren moon belonging to New Avata. This world has a large amount of massive oxygenated energy domes tagged as 'metroscapes' that contain sprawling high-rise buildings and commercial centers, anaerobic fauna and flora, small amounts of foggy environments, large rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, Teadr 1 ruins of Ollothean origin, small levels of water, large crater-ridden valleys, a televator on the face of the moon tidally-locked with New Avata, large holodomes used by the moon's previous gambling residents, subterranean poisonous junkyards, AFTs of Ollothean and Avatan origin, powerful tectonic activity, a core of holmium like New Avata, and has a thicker crust. This world was used by the Ollotheans as a mining colony for laserum, as it was among the richest areas in the AUU for them, and they harvested most of it to the point where it is now incredibly rare on the moon itself. However, the core itself has the chemical ability to synthesize more laserum, and it only occurs every 4 million years. It is said to happen again in a few centuries, and the Avatans that colonized the moon's host planet are preparing for that event to happen, while at the same time fighting guilds like corrupt space pirates from what used to be CrimeTech in their own secret illegally unlicensed business of manufacturing hybrid weapons with the use of stockpiles of Ollothean technology and human technology, as the Avatarian Troopers have taken down 75% of these pirate splinter cells, and continue to do so to this very day. The moon has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type IV; OT: 31d
  • Averaga- An ecumenopolis planet that has a global city with the same architecture as those of New Avata, with a few minor Ollothean-based changes. It is the third planet in the system colonize by the Avatans, and it is like New Avata, being one of it's two sister planets besides Toaron which was formerly close to both worlds until a planetary bombardment act caused by the Ollotheans, only the many mega-states united to form a massive global ecumenopolis that combined all of their customs and architecture. There were sectors that complimented every single culture, and came in fluorescent and effervescent elegance, are ruled by an aristocratic oligarchy of wealthy kings and queens, many of which are bold and fight, including the strong-willed head of the aristocracy, King Futher Cuse Futuris and his son Prince Savage Veta Futuris, all descended by the same families who ruled the former mega-states the world had. There are many sectors, and there are underground holo-sectors, holodomes, holographic levels and chambers, and the core is artificial as the world itself had no core upon Ollothean arrival, building it to sustain a careful habitable stability. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding 5 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:345d
  • Agera- A temperate moon belonging to Averaga. It has a subterranean sea, massive metroscapes similar to those of Thon but much bigger, having massive subterranean civilizations, underground caverns that form a subterranean landscape, a surface of dangerous fauna and flora which is commonly used for training, strong and violent weather and storms, a higher concentration of oxygen and thus volatile air, rock/lava/geothermal valleys and formations, large subterranean land reefs, aquifers, large mountains and canyons, wetlands, one singular mantle, a core of mercury, and war-torn graveyards on both the surface and the underground. The surface has not been inhabited because the dangers are just too great, and the native wildlife is too used to sentient beings since the activity of the Ollotheans, they evolved to kill them, being a classic case of wildlife dominating urban beings. Thus, the danger drove the Avatans that formerly colonized the surface in the still-standing city of Strongrock, which is currently occupied by violent wildlife, into the subterranean paradise that has been a fairly new addition to the evolving moon. There are laserum and rarium mines, spice geysers, underground oceans and seas, Ollothean ruins and monuments that contain valued technology, and many other valuables that are being excavated for implementation in the future. The moon has 9 large continents surrounding 3 medium-sized oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 19d; Capital City: Armona
  • Gungirect Magen- A temperate jungle planet that has large flying islands levitated by magnetanium, alien-like fauna and flora of Avatan and Ollothean origin, active storms and weather, a color-changing sky filled with small amounts of noble gases, large cities and megalopolises, Teadr 2 and 7 societies, large rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, war-torn graveyards filled with dead bodies, machines, and spacecrafts, foggy nights, large land reefs, bizarre landscapes, . It has been the most powerful weapon-manufacturing colony in the AUU for centuries. The Avatans, upon colonizing this world as one of the Ollotheans' greatest past colonies and the Avatans' second colony in the system behind New Avata, where they used their scavenging career to build hybrid weapons through their grand weapon corporation of Overcharge, and it is also the HQ of the AUU's top weapon market, the Weaponistic Emporium, founded by Professor Armeus Ag Gudon, and currently head by Professor Gunson Gener. In the past, the Ollotheans left this world to be one of a medieval colony where the people all had guns, and while the Avatans would come and make it their own colony, they still kept the Gungirectans around, including their current leader, King Mugen. The cities themselves are of a combination of both Avatan and Ollothean architecture, having . The planet has 8 continents, 54,890 islands, 4,090 flying islands, and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:404d
  • Vista- A barren moon belonging to Gungirect Magen that has large war machine graveyards, long-introduced Thabe colonies, robotic graveyards, technology stockpiles of Ollothean origin, a gray sky filled with small amounts of metallic gases, strong weather and storms, large landscapes, rock/lava/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, large sand dunes, has populations of pirates, smugglers, and other criminals or amoral independent people, tar pits, swamps, ancient Teadr 1 ruins of Ollothean origin, long-dormant and extinct volcanoes, and large Avatan colonies. This is a world where the Avatans and people of Gungirect Magen store entire supplies of weapon smuggled and collected all over the AUU, and serves as the underground stock piles for the Weaponistic Emporium. The world is a front for scavengers and Freetraders who have an underground selling black market business under the stewardship of many evil regimes throughout the years, and is currently run by a Grutt named Munni the Parsimonious, who is so evil and greedy, he ensures that people who owe him favors give it to him, and does so in the most gruesome and violent of ways, whether it be explosive brain implants, bounty hunters, killers, and any worst and unforgivable way possible. He will ruin anyone's life if it means he gets his end of the bargain, and has lead for a very long time. The Avatarian Troopers have been unable to find him for 46 years, but the rest of the world is a profitable colony. The moon has 19 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 52d
  • Voslock- A blue ice giant that has dangerously toxic superstorms all over it's surface, has high concentrations of neptunium within it's core which makes it radioactive and intolerable for life, the atmosphere is dangerously toxic and volatile, ice crystals litter the rocky flying surfaces of the planet, the temperature is below freezing, and the world's icy rings are half as large as Saturn's rings. This is where the Avatans and the Ollotheans got advanced cryogenic technology, and applied it to their nanite technology, and they mine the ice giant for cryonite. Moons: None; DC: 89hr:1060d
  • Scantilia- A temperate desert planet that has an atmosphere that absorbs excessive energy that heats up the planet's surface to desert-like levels, and has a caesium core, ancient Teadr 1 Ollothean ruins and monuments, less-active weather and storms, rock/geothermal valleys and formations, an orange sky filled with small amounts of neon and sodium, cloudy skies, alien-like fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, strange tectonic activity, and large amounts of gold and other valuable metals. Currently having two major moons as one of them was destroyed by an asteroid strike, this is a planet known for its sweltering annual temperatures. Therefore the indigenous people have many dwellings that are created within hollowed-out mountain ranges and inside subterranean chambers. The Ollotheans did it on AFTs topped on large mountains until their extinction left them all to crumble, and leave modern inhabitants to inhabit the ruins, and the Avatans to rebuild them into more complex versions. There are large cities, megalopolises, and AFT cities, and underground highways and subterranean metroscapes. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:477d
  • Qrog Qa- An ecumenopolis planet that shares the same orbital location as Euster Dag, as the two do not collide in the shared orbit because of the same orbital speed. This world has the same cityscape appearance as that of most worlds in the system with a few original changes, has a copper core like it's orbital partner, underground virtual metroscape levels, a powerful teleportation grid, a colorful sky filled with small amounts of noble and metallic gases, strong weather and storms, plant life of Avatan and Ollothean origin, large AFTs that can be roughly the size of a continent, an adequate AT defense force, is known for having many factories for creating exo-drones, which are spherical robotic sentinels deployed mainly by security and the Avatarian Troopers, and has a robotic servitude and a high population of Omnicans. This is a world where the Ollotheans did powerful AI experiments, and hoped to create the most powerful AI in history, and succeeded, yet the AI was so intelligent, it became ambitious and tried to take over the planet, having been separated into several fragments that govern every corner of the ecumenopolis. The world can be seen from Euster Dag the same way it can be seen from Qrog Qa, within a Trojan points within their shared orbits. The planet has 18 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 33hr:506d
  • Euster Dag- A semi-ecumenopolis planet that shares the same orbital location as Qrog Qa, as the two do not collide in the shared orbit because of the same orbital speed. This world has the same metropolis appearance of it's shared orbit planet, a copper core, has underground highways and metroscapes, subterranean mines for rarium and other valuable substances, active weather and storms, alien-like jungles of colorful fauna and flora of Ollothean origin, rocky mounds and formations, tall mountains and deep canyons, humid swamps and wetlands, land reefs, active volcano islands, cloud and fog layers, a colorful sky filled with small amounts of noble and metallic gases, Teadr 1 ruins and monuments of Ollothean origin, AFTs roughly the size of continents, and a teleportation grid. This world is another world where the Omnicans had a World War for their freedoms and had a violent battle against the Avatans, all until they built them an AFT city for them to dwell in and have their own society. From there, the Omnicans built their society even further, yet established their own borders. They built Omnican exo-drones, have their own AT, and they share an alliance with the Avatans. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 33hr:506d
  • Planetores- A large temperate yet icy planet that has undergone an ice age for 300 straight years, had 5 moons until four of them were destroyed, has plains of blue ice and Ice VII, has a core of pure nitrogen, has liquid nitrogen pits, tar pits, arid and acrid plains with rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, active snowy weather and storms, ancient Teadr 1 ruins and monuments of Ollothean origin, have native fauna and flora, many of which are of Ollothean origin, and war-torn graveyards frozen within the ice. It has been a world where the Ollotheans' careful fusion of magic and technology have led to nanotech breakthroughs that greatly simplify the life of both the Ollotheans and the Avatans after them as they dwell on a world that has winter temperatures all-year round. Some of the earliest forms of advanced thrusters utilized in creating hyper-crafts that could fly from planet to planet were contrived by Ollothean scientists here on this planet. The Avatans adopted this technology into their own, advancing the society of this world to more advanced AFT-based high-elevated cities aside from the ground-based ones, and the native inhabitants have a Teadr 6 semi-technological society of Ferrans that were stranded on Planetores. The two societies briefly shared a feud in the past until they established peace. The planet has 72 lakes surrounded entirely by frozen land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 36hr:535d
  • Remog- A temperate moon belonging to Planetores that has large alien-like fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, has large cities similar to those of Planetores, has active weather and storms, is at an inverted axis, dark-red soil, large rock/geothermal valleys and formations, war-torn graveyards, Teadr 1 and 2 ruins of Ollothean and Avatan origin, underground highways, large preserved parks, underground metroscapes, a core of pure platinum, and has an eccentric orbit around Planetores. This is a world where people of Planetores relocated to when the planet suffered a cataclysmic seismic event that recovered after a hundred years, and left the planet to be given it's ecumenopolis. The moon is still inhabited to this very day, and not just by the Avatans. The moon has 5 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 62d
  • Olmra Ro- A stormy rocky planet that has a half-breathable atmosphere of carbon gas and oxygen, violent storms and hurricanes, native fauna and flora of genetic engineering origin, an inverted axis, treacherous and hazardous landscapes, rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, large tar pits, foggy environments, ranging thermal shifts, miniature hurricanes, carbon-filled water, orgaliths, subterranean treacherous caverns, rich amounts of rarium and other valuable gems and gemstones, violent invertebrate predators used to the hostile landscape, and no core. This was originally a world where the Ollotheans harvested the world's rich amounts of biological enhancement chemicals that could offer the key to experiments on artificial evolution, and exhausted it into being unstable in it's climate, resulting in the planet turning into the stormy wasteland it is today, and while certain forms of life survive, most went extinct, and all Teadr 1 ruins were all but destroyed during modern days, and thus Avatans have failed to find them on this planet. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land, and a large rocky and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; DC: 39hr:559d
  • Vaiyigon- A large superhabitable temperate planet that has massive amount of life-and-nutrient-rich waters, land reefs and jungles of zooplantae, native and introduced wildlife, ancient Teadr 2 ruins and monuments, rock/geothermal/ice/toxic valleys and formations, humid foggy environments and temperatures, strong weather and tropical storms, an environment suitable for millions of forms of life, mainly invertebrates, has ruins of Ollothean origin, a core of hydroxide, is rich in rarium, Ice VII, and other gems and gemstones, and has some signs of ancient Teadr 2 activity. This used to be the home planet of a Teadr 2 race called the Vaiyans, which were a race of nudibranch-like beings that had a brief war against the Ollotheans until they ended with an alliance, as they perished with the Ollotheans during the end of the Teadr 1 Ages. Their technology were stolen and put in a black market trade by the Grutts during the Great Stagnation and the Interuniversal War, and is now secured by the Avatarian Troopers, who are still cleaning up this illegal black market to this very day. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 41hr:589d
  • Entratonra- A humid rainforest planet that was not only a former Ollothean colony, but was also formerly a lawless space pirate world for past individuals, having large mountainous and flooded regions, mythical/alien-like fauna and flora, main transports being airships and dropships that hover above ground, rapid lakes, a large amount of land reefs, islands, has large megalopolises and cities, run-down and dilapidated or rich, technopunk and prosperous, large amounts of semi-technological tribe grounds, ancient Teadr 1, 2, and 7 ruins and monuments of Ollothean, Avatan, and otherwise origin, foggy and cloudy environments and skies, and large underground metroscapes isolated from the rest of the planet and/or system. It was also a focal planet in Freetrader society as it was one of their best colonies for business since the Ollotheans had unlimited stockpiles of technology which could be sold, and during the times of the Villains Act, they fought against the thieving CrimeTech who attempted to use them for evil, all until the Avatans colonized the system, and ended the corporate war, made easier once CrimeTech fell again. Since then, it has been broadly grouped as a Freetrader technopunk society per the shortage of technology and attire that are interwoven into the culture of the planetary residents. Some of the world's people have tribal markings on their faces or foreheads, acquired prior to birth through genetic transfers as a manipulated birth mark for identification and distinction. The central national government of the planet is rather despotic, as the autocratic dictator AI leader is so amoral, her actions can nurture the people through right and wrong actions, fulfilling people's lives along the way thanks to it's ultraintelligence. The planet has 23 continents and 8 oceans. Moons: 3; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 43hr:601d
  • Regalis- A temperate moon belonging to Entratonra. This is a world of paradise that has large jungles of land reefs, plants, and zooplantae of Ollothean and Avatan origin, fauna consisting mostly of invertebrates, active weather and storms, a sky of mercury, large mountains, rock/lava/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, metroscapes, cities, and megalopolises of both Ollothean and Avatan origin, large amounts of rarium and a rarium core, AFTs, orgaliths, multiple crusts, a televator from the moon to it's planet, and war-torn graveyards taken by life. This is where Freetraders have entire tons of stockpiles, experimental holo-labs, metroscapes, and many cities to make businesses, there are underground highways, many of which are raided by pirates, were defended wildly from Corruption Co. and CrimeTech, and is still protected from them to this very day. The moon has 8 continents and 5 oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 38d
  • Teedis- A war-torn wasteland moon also belonging to Entratonra. The moon has large rock/geothermal valleys and formations, tar pits, orgaliths, bone graveyards, introduced fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, war-torn graveyards of fallen soldiers, war machines, and ships, active volcanoes, a gray sky filled with small amounts of metallic gases, foggy and cloudy environments, wetlands, a high level of oxygen that makes the air volatile to the active weather and storms, and Teadr 1 and 2 monuments and ruins. This is a world where the Ollotheans got into a corporate war for resources until they nearly destroyed the moon due to nearly overheating it's core, causing the feud to end rather abruptly, until the business fell with little resources. Thus, the world became a metropolitan world of multiple cities and megalopolises, as well as metroscapes underground. The moon has 8 large continents surrounding 6 small oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 41d
  • Vusgi- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Entratonra. This world has the same cityscape as that of Averaga, yet has white and chrome buildings, is partially flooded, having roads replaced with water paths, having aquacity sectors, metroscapes, AFTs, different types of fauna and flora from outside the system, strong storms and weather, and a sky of mercury and xenon. This world has been a hidden aid for many periods of evil, such as wars like the Interuniversal, AUU Third Cartoonian War, Exo-Wars, and periods of hostility like the Adapting Plagues and the Great Stagnation, as well as the Villains Act, as the Erasure from Kasagon had a hand, as well as Freetraders, good space pirates, as well as investigative and combat journalists, and is economically balanced among all those time periods despite the crises of finances, and still do so to this very day. The moon has 17 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 47d
  • Kasagon- A rainforest planet that has stormy climates, ranging thermal shifts, a green sky filled with small amounts of radon, large rock/ice/toxic valleys and formations, tar pits, quicksand, orgaliths, a core of arsenic and copper, multiple crusts, introduced fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, fertile nitrogen-filled soil that allows the plants to grow bigger than average, and massive amounts of water. Like Entratonra, this world has been not just an Ollothean colony, but also a pirate colony that had a brief war against Entratonra until the arrival of the Freetraders, who made it into a world similar to Entratonra, and it later became a getaway vacation spot for the Avatans, as the massive amounts of water make the world have perfect resort cities that are flood-controlled, and it even provided a good colony for the Erasure, as people can live with new memories in a care-free world of excitement and balanced good and evil. The Avatans built multiple AFTs on the planet as well under protected holo-domes to keep it from the dangers of space pirates and raiders, and have televators that guide people to the ground safely. The planet has 3 continents, 188 islands, and 2 large oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:626d
  • Solt XX- A temperate lava moon belonging to the fire-colored gas giant called Soltaimuron. This is a world that has large lava/rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, plasma-based storms and weather, high tectonic and volcanic activity, a volatile but breathable atmosphere, pools of bromine, carbon water, is rich in volcanic gemstones and gems, large rock fields, flying mountains and islands levitated by lodestone, multiple mantles, a small amount of fauna and flora of mostly Avatan origin, and has large cities and megalopolises with tunnel highways. The world is known for running mostly on solar energy, having been built by the same people from Velve that created the solar-power absorbing space station between the 4 yellow suns of the system, and other forms of energy are hardly used and nearly extinct. The world battles greatly, has virtual playgrounds, is a prosperous colony of the Spaethan Arms that produce mainly solar-based firearms, as well as Sussles that creates different, if not similar, weaponry. The moon has 19 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; OT: 47d
  • Toaron- A white-blue-and-red gas giant that has over a million AFT continents, islands, and colonies, violent storms and weather, a cloudy and hard-to-see atmosphere of mostly hydrogen and helium, is rich in valuable minerals and gases that are harvested and mined, a high level of Teadr 1 activity, has native fauna in the form of floating hive-minded gelatinous organisms and eukaryotic aerial invertebrates, and has a high degree of Magelian activity. Originally colonized by the Ollotheans, this is a flourishing ecumenopolis gas giant that has been constantly studied for several magic anomalies that occur below the zoeosphere, as the magic below seems to have a mind of it's own, but the conditions are too powerful and deadly to offer a confrontation of these anomalies. Aside from that, the world has a society similar to that of Averaga, yet has the same appearance as the cities of Vusgi. The planet has 88 flying continents, 8,862 islands, and a large icy planetary ring. Moons: 3; DC: 90hr:899d
  • Dardisa- A temperate ecumenopolis moon belonging to Toaron that has black and chrome buildings, holographic windows, multi-colored lighting, holgoraphic display, implementation and propaganda, virtual rooms, 5 levels that are more lawless the deeper it goes, has a police force consisting of Omnican-Exodrone hybrids implemented by the Avatarian Troopers, has many fauna and flora that create a fair share of ecosystems, AFTs and televators, a teleportation grid, metro stations, hovering vehicles, AFT platforms, large funfairs and attractions, and has a colorful sky filled with small amounts of noble gases. This is a world of basic gambling for it's inhabitants, and it was actually a planetoid created by the Ollotheans since the last moon with the same name was destroyed. This gambling society still exists today, as the world has a Las Vegas-like tone, and used to have several monopoly crises involving greedy families, has several virtual wars inside holodomes and metroscapes, has virtual playgrounds, is a vastly propagated colony, and has a lot of casinos, attractions, and is another colony for the Erasure. The moon has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 46d; Capital City: Los Ogas
  • Alagantis- A tropical island ocean moon belonging to an Earth-like ice giant called Planerea Vista that was formerly inhabited until it's hyperstorm destroyed all the ecumenopolis civilization floating on it. Thus all former civilizations on the ice giant now reside on 4 of it's moons. This is one of them which has large coral and land reefs from every corner of the AUU, which was built by the Ollotheans as an ecotect experiment, there is extremely large amounts of water, islands that have colorful jungles and Teadr 2 resort cities of other-worldly origin, large AFTs of Avatan origin, the sky is colorful as the result of small amounts of noble gases, active weather and storms, large amounts of fauna and flora from mostly Ollothean and Avatan colonies, and has a large history of flooding. This world is now among the Avatans' best resort worlds as the economy is very grand, and much of it's popularity is based around other worlds in the system. The moon has 717 islands and a large global ocean. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 36d
  • Phezzoa- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Planerea Vista. This world's global city has the same architecture as Averaga, yet has a red sky filled with small amounts of helium and neon, has less-active weather and storms, an underground level of virtual catacombs, a core that was replaced with an artificial one by the Ollotheans after it was failing and nearly lead to the moon's destruction, multiple crusts, AFTs with televators to the ground, metroscapes further underground, and metro stations. This world was originally colonized by the Ollotheans to solve an overpopulation crisis, and the project was successful, and much of it's influence helped to create the solar space station between the system's four yellow suns. The moon has 17 oceans surrounded by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 45d
  • Yulba- A temperate moon also belonging to Planerea Vista. This world has massive jungles, strong weather and storms, alien fauna and flora of Ollothean and Avatan origin, as well as others, flying islands and mountains levitated by magnetanium, has multiple crusts, little artificial colonies, and a sky of mercury. This is an animal sanctuary set up by the Ollotheans, and currently operated by the Avatans, and protected heavily by the Avatarian Rangers, overseen by their exo-drones, and tours are offered by them to other-worldly visitors. The moon has 8 continents surrounding 3 oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 52d
  • Derthyon- A barren crystalline moon also belonging to Planerea Vista. This world has massive amounts of gemstones and is currently sponsored by the AUU Currency Troupe, has a purple sky filled with small amounts of argon, large rocky/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, tar pits, strong weather and storms, a crystalline core, Teadr 1 ruins and monuments of Ollothean origin, and a thin but breathable atmosphere. This was a world where the Ollotheans got much of their wealth, and does the same for the Avatans today as the massive volcanic activity ensures that more gemstones and wealth are produced. It currently serves it's purpose to this very day, some wealth being traded to the Currency Troupe on Inorbon. The moon has 19 continents and 6 oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 59d
  • Moxxox- A semi-ecumenopolis moon belonging to the orange gas giant called Gurthey. This world's global city has the same architecture of both Averaga and Qrog Qa, has an orange sky filled with small amounts of neon and sodium, active storms, a thin but breathable atmosphere, shares the same orbit as Ie, has large and often hazardous landscapes of rocky/lava/toxic/geothermal valleys and formations, has introduced fauna and flora of Ollothean origin, and active weather and storms, much of which are acidic, and the core is of pure platinum. This world is yet another that was colonized by the Ollotheans to solve an overpopulation crisis, and it was a success in certain degrees as much of them ended up in a life in the wild, but they too went extinct, and Avatans did the same in modern times, with some semi-technological tribes inhabiting their tribal civilizations. The moon has 8 continents surrounding 5 oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 18d
  • Ie- A lava moon also belonging to Gurthey. It is a world of intense temperatures and weather, shares the same orbit as Moxxox, has an atmosphere of boron, bromine, carbon, and other poisonous elements, is rich in gemstones that are mined, has a red sky of small amounts of neon, and has a core of pure platinum. Formerly a refinery colony for the Ollotheans, and currently for the Avatans, this world provides spices and gemstones for them to trade to the AUU Currency Troupe on Inorbon. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type III; OT: 18d
  • Velve- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Gurthey. This world has the same architecture and qualities of Moxxox, has a sky of small amounts of xenon and mercury, active weather and storms, large amounts of water, an elaborate underwater aquacity complex controlled by elaborate waterworks and have large metroscapes, there are large AFTs with televators, AFT platforms of many shapes and sizes, metro stations, agricultural centers, wildlife parks, and a core of platinum. This was where a space station occupying the center of the 4 yellow dwarves in the system was built by the Ollotheans in order to act as a different form of Micro-Dyscon Sphere, or the original variant which was designed to harness energy from the star, as this station, called a Dyscon Core Station, provides 24-hour power for the system, even for it's modern inhabitants, sentient animal or Avatans. This world, like Solt XX, specialized in solar-powered technology, as well as being a grand colony for the Eroxxon Corporation for researching renewable resources. The moon has 88 small oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 88d
  • Iria Gon- An ice planet that is overrun by ice valleys, being affected heavily by a global ice age long ago and left all Ollotheans colonizing it dead, having a deep-blue, indigo, and purple sky of actinium and nitrogen, liquid nitrogen pools, rocky/icy/geothermal valleys and formations, fauna and flora introduced from other worlds, strong weather and superstorms, and is currently inhospitable even to modern inhabitants, so people hardly visit this world. The planet has underground colonies that remained untapped for centuries, and is rumored to have the key to accessing Ollothean DNA and fossils, but the world is so cold and uncharted, it is hard to locate them. The planet has 77 lakes surrounded entirely by icy land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; DC: NE:981d

New Zorzone System.

  • New Zorzone Prime- The new adopted home of the once rightful natives of the previous Zorzone system, or the now named Attyrmena. They were a race of multi-animal creatures that can thrive and adapt in even the most insuitable of worlds. While they can take many shapes, their basis form is at most flouting glowing balls of energy and can take many forms. These balls are called the Zorzoneons, and they are another unknown Teadr 1 race so hyper-advanced that they transsended beyond physical limitations. They once called the Neightbering System home, but the uncaring brutality of the Avatan race and their self-serving queen, even being nothing to them when Teadr tec levels are concerned, had managed to booted out the Zorzoneons using dirty tactics and low-brow stragities that wounded army moral. The Zorzoneons were forced to live in a system with not as many planets as the Avatans ever since. Given that the Avatans have lied about Zorzone's existence as a system, deriding it as a system with no prior Teadt 1 existence other then the Ollotheans, the Zorzoneons' trusted allies, the USRA has been tricked into believing this and thus the Avatans have been allowed the truely unathertised ownership ever since, even in some cases have benifited from it as the crimes and troubles of outsider socity came to what was once their home. In failing to cope with this sadness, the Zorzoneons came to join UIS in an aim to take Old Zorzone back from the Avatan race and get their home back. They are currently waiting for an incredable event, like the reviveal of the Ollotheans, to make their move. New Zorzone is a relitively obscured system due to it's smaller size when compaired to the greater Zorzone system.

(New Zorzone Planets coming soon.)

Gogthis System

  • Mosk- A desert lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Peobos- A humid outback planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Broetis- An Australian outback wasteland jungle planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Solooine- A billabong outback planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Enus- A mountainous outback lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oclyria- A temperate rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tandora- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Precursa System.

  • Precurs- (Coming Soon.)

Voxbani System

  • Beovo Xine- A mountainous barren rocky planet that has gray skies filled with small amounts of, foggy mornings and nights, active weather and storms, land reefs and zooplantae as fauna, and invertebrates as fauna, a gray surface, and large rock/water/geothermal valleys and formations. The world had a high level of water than any other world, and when it is close to it's system's Sun, it became a heavily-humid, stormy, and flood-ridden world. This world was previously being attempted to terraformation by the Voxums until a failure made them leave it alone as it was too hazardous to have civilizations. It isn't to say that there has never been new attempts by others ever since to make the planet theirs, and it's more then for the sake owning it. It is said that a lost Teadr 1 Space Station that weilds the greatest marvels of Teadr 1 tec greater then even the Voxum's is said to be somewhere buried in the planet. It was said to be a colaberation project of many Teadr 1 races back in the day, or even an entirely still unknown Teadr 1 race who had lost it, or even something not of the AUU. It has since been dubbed "The Station of Beovo Xine". The planet has 16 continents surrounding 9 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II (Air has concentration of steam in it making it difficult to breath); DC: NE:149d
  • Ethom- A mountainous junkyard toxic lava planet that has lava/junk/rock/toxin/geothermal valleys and formations, large Teadr 1 subterranean monuments and ruins, surface Teadr 2 cities and megalopolises, flying islands and mountains levitated by lodestone, a red sky due to it's small amounts of neon and helium, strong storms and weather, introduced fauna and flora from the rest of the system, large mountains and canyons, and large war-torn junky graveyards. This was one of the strongest colonies for the Voxums until constant wars left the world into a junkyard wasteland of corrupt looting, trading, corporate scum, and so on even to this day with modern civilization. They invited the MagRyve Corporation to take advantage of this, and they do well in the trading business, all while cleaning and protecting the fragile environment of the world. The planet has 13 continents surrounding 8 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:196d
  • Gec- A semi-temperate lava desert planet that has large lava/rock/water/geothermal valleys and formations, a sky filled with small amounts of xenon and mercury, less-active storms and weather, rich amounts of rarium and other gemstones and rare resources, has elaborate Teadr 1 ruins and monuments, introduced fauna and flora from the rest of the system, junkyards and war-torn graveyards and ship graveyards, , , and . The planet has 8 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:234d
  • Cosom- A temperate moon belonging to a large uninhabitable planet called Mol'weket. It has a large amount of fauna in the form of colorful plants, zooplantae, and land reefs, and fauna consisting primarily of invertebrates, has a deep-blue sky due to it's small amount of actinium, less-active storms and weather, rock/water/geothermal valleys and formations, Teadr 1 subterranean monuments and ruins, and small amounts of junkyards. This was an economic capital for the Voxums where they mined valuable resources, gems, and spices and sold various things for cash, and this was the second biggest manufacturing colony in the system behind Mulluveum, as they manufactured things primarily for the low-class society which is citizenship, which included resources they needed to survive, and though they unintentionally turned the moon into a wasteland through this, they stood strong in preserving what was left of it before their extinction, as it ended up restoring itself to better glory while te modern-day inhabitants did more environmentally-friendly means of consumerism. The moon has 9 continents and 5 oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 15d
  • Yoco- A junkyard moon also belonging to Mol'weket. It has several poisonous swamps and bogs, rock/toxic/geothermal valleys and formations, ancient Teadr 1 ruins and monuments, a green-blue sky due to it's small amounts of xenon and radon, strong weather and storms, and introduced fauna and flora from the rest of the system. This world served as not just a banishment site for the Voxums, but also as a dumping ground as the acidic pools of the world were capable of melting down things into their basic forms that was able to nurture the moon itself. A war ended up causing the Voxums to realize that this banishment world could be used as an enemy base, and since then, every enemy force after that has used the same strategy, thus banning it's use of a banishment site ever since. Modern citizens still use this world as a dumping world, and the MagRyve Corporation had taken interest in using this geological tactic to improve dump worlds with the same function so it doesn't do damage to them. The moon has 18 continents surrounding 7 small acidic oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 21d
  • Vox'xo- A dormant terrestrial junkyard planet that has been abandoned for eons, and is only inhabited by the Thabes, and has invertebrate-based fauna and zooplantae and land reef flora, strong storms and weather, large wetlands, rock/lava/toxic/geothermal valleys and formations, war-torn graveyards, large junkyards and acid pools, slums, a green-blue sky filled with small amounts of radon and xenon, large caves, rich amounts of resources including spices, tradable resources, gemstones, treasure, and others. This was the homeworld of the extinct Teadr 1 ant-like race known as the Voxums, which are considered the 'masters of war', or 'Warmasters', as they developed literally every form of war and military strategy all across the AUU, and have been through the most wars than any other race in the AUU, meaning that they possibly got wiped out by such. They had literally every conceivable form of war technology throughout AUU history, which makes them among the best fighters, though this seems to conflict with them dying from a war unless it was a war against each other. The planet has 87 lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:312d
  • Uebos- An ecumenopolis planet and the second ecumenopolis planet built by the Voxums. The world has the same architecture as much of the other planets in the system with a blend of modern-day architecture, active weather and storms, a colorful sky due to it's small amount of noble gases, introduced fauna and flora from the rest of the system, AFTs of ranging shapes and sizes, a teleportation and military defense grid, a high-tech police force that adopted the planet's leftover military technology, and is populated by the many warlike races that populated the system. The modern-day inhabitants have built a Voxum memorial museum from much of what they and the Yatorans uncovered about them. The planet has 12 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:342d
  • Xoybos- A 75%-ecumenopolis jungle planet that was the first ecumenopolis built by the Voxums, though had a long history of war against each other, among other races. The planet has cities with architecture the same as much of the cities throughout the system including it's modern refashioning, it has much of the same qualities as Uebos, has alien-like forests and invertebrates of Vox'xo origin, has stronger weather and storms, active floods, and a normal sky. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:396d
  • Royze- A semi-temperate desert planet that has a color-changing sky due to it's small amount of noble and metallic gases, strong storms and weather, large rock/lava/toxic/geothermal/water valleys and formations, introduced/native fauna consisting mostly of invertebrates, deep underground caves, a thin semi-breathable atmosphere, high levels of both oxygen and carbon dioxide, foggy nights, Teadr 1 military ruins and monuments that are more or less still functional, rich amounts of gemstones and spices, high and hazardous mountains and deep canyons, flying islands, mountains, and rock fields levitated by magnetanium, and a volatile core that not only makes it dangerous to detonate for the system, but also causes increased tectonic and volcanic activity. This was the Voxums' top military colony and the birthplace of their warlike ways as they built elaborate futuristic subterranean cities underneath it's surface while the surface had military colonies, and it's purpose is now being served for the warlike beings that populate it now, refurbishing it to their own. The planet has 8 large continents surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type II; DC: 30hr:409d
  • Mulluveum- A junkyard planet that has large sandstorms and strong weather and storms, a red, orange, and yellow skies filled with small amounts of neon and sodium, a semi-breathable atmosphere, ancient Teadr 1 ruins, monuments, and factories, acidic pools, red soil, rich amounts of resources that replenished themselves when the world's loss of resources played in the Voxums' extinction, modern Teadr 2 AFTs, rock/geothermal/toxic valleys and formations, and introduced/native fauna and flora from the rest of the system. It was the Voxums' manufacturing colony and the capital of their top scientific corporation, the Arsla Corporation, which had facilities that were replaced by other corporations and made it a corporate world for modern-day inhabitants, adopting the Voxums' technology with their own. Despite the corporate success of this world, Thabes and homeless people have made a living outside the civilized territory as scavengers, criminal syndicates, junkers, looters, and traders in a black market. The planet has 81 lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: 32hr:440d
  • Nesponoe- A dark-blue ice giant which has large Teadr 1 AFT ruins and monuments, artificial continents and islands flying across the surface, an unbreathable atmosphere of mostly water vapor and ammonia, a superstorm on one side of the ice giant and strong weather, little to no life, floating rock fields, and a still-functional teleportation grid. This world was once a military experimental training colony where augmented soldiers, weapons, vehicles, and armor were created in the many wars of their time. Even with the system's modern-day inhabitants, it remains abandoned because of how much had changed to make it inhospitable to live on and is just used for scavenging for the corporations of the modern inhabitants. The planet has 679 artificial continents and 6,809 artificial islands. Moons: 46; DC: 65hr:1708d
  • Nesp V- A junkyard moon belonging to Nesponoe. It is a moon that has an unbreathable smoggy atmosphere, abandoned Teadr 1 factories, ruins, and monuments, deadly storms and weather, a cloud layer surrounding the entire moon, and is currently a scavenging colony for the Thabes, who are smart enough to wear air support in the moon's unbreathable atmosphere. It was a corporate colony of the Voxums until their mass consumerism destroyed it, leaving modern-day inhabitants to try and fail to restore it, and leave it abandoned, save the Thabe work force who established their own community, and still do so, yet have become somewhat xenophobic since attacks from space pirates and raiders have scared them. The moon has 8 acidic oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type III; OT: 238d
  • Proulia- A wetland planet that has large amounts of introduced fauna and flora in the form of invertebrates, ancient Teadr 1 ruins and monuments, most of which are subterranean, large rock/water/ice/geothermal valleys and formations, a white-blue sky filled with small amounts of krypton, and large AFTs with televators (teleportation elevators) that serve as columns. This used to be a popular metropolitan colony for the Voxums until a devastating flood left the population to dwindle, leaving the remnants to spend their last days living here, leaving modern inhabitants to build new communities here from what they left behind. The world has also become rich in cryonite, which could be found in underwater ice caves and are currently being mined by it's new inhabitants. The planet has 18 continents surrounding 7 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 37hr:478d
  • Epraguam- An icy glacier planet that has Ice-Age-like invertebrate life, large rock/ice/water formations, large mountains, canyons, and heights, ancient Teadr 1 ruins and monuments, AFT colonies, a deep/dark blue sky filled with small amounts of actinium, strong snowstorms and weather, war-torn graveyards, crystal forests and formations, and an ice core. This was one of the Voxums' scientific colonies in their earliest days until a devastating superstorm left all the people on the world to die and freeze entirely, leaving the system's modern-day civilizations to excavate the planet and discover fossilized or preserved Voxums. The planet has 16 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 40hr:518d

Oiruta System

  • Oiruta Prime- A mountainous semi-temperate grassland planet which is abundant in wildlife including genetically-perfected megafauna. The Yatorans that colonized this world made it into a world not just as a foundation for multiple large cities, some even being combined into large megalopolises, but primarily for scientific experiments that particularly include genetic engineering, artificial evolution, and trans-being technologies. This was said to be a world where the Yatorans had planned on creating a trans-being to take their place should the Ehswans win the AUU Second Cartoonian War, but the specimens, DNA, and engineering equipment were all destroyed during an invasion of the Ehswans, leaving all hope of the creation of the new race gone. The Yatorans, due to their victory in the war, have disregarded their plans to revive the experiment, and this world resumed genetic work and experiments. The planet has 9 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:286d
  • Aliese- A temperate planet which has a colorful sky as the result of it's small concentration of noble gases, as well as it's richness in plant life and animals. This was a Yatoran world which was abandoned as the result of an attack from the Ehswans leaving the planet's many cities buried underneath miles of dirt. The world was then colonized by billions of space-faring sentient animals in a fleet of 20 space cruisers. These space cruisers became monuments as well as places where inner cities can be held. Though these animals started out with their construction at a tribal scale, they soon grew into a Teadr 4 society. They rarely built spaceships and they had a few wars with each other, and also uncovered several Yatoran artifacts buried deep underground, studying them and applying them to their lives. The planet has been a great significance in sentient animal history, and it's often a tourist attraction to the SSA. The planet has 17 continents and 12 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:346d
  • Primogen- A temperate planet which has a very wet terrain, the soil is extremely rich in fertilizing substances, and thus the plant life is extremely abundant and can grow quicker than their average growth span. This world is also an agricultural center for the Yatorans, and one which the Yatorans have decided to have limited technology on, becoming a Teadr 4 society. Their only known form of space travel is through cargo ships meant to carry crops and supplies across the AUU through the AUU Currency Troupe. The planet has 6 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:391d
  • Caiter Soa- A snowy iceland planet which is noted for it's vast riches in cryonite deep within the ancient Ehswan mines of this planet. When the Ehswans were wiped out, the Yatorans colonized this planet and claimed it's mining colonies, often bringing in Thabes to be laboring members. The planet's core is also known to contain vast amounts of cryonite, and some of it gets pushed up out of the core through the mantle and into the world's many cold oceans. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:442d

Wargald System

  • Sebroy- A semi-temperate desert planet which has a lot of rock and lava formations, geothermal valleys, 41% valleys and sources of plant life, wildlife that is often hostile and monstrous, dunes surrounding most of the land, and the sky changes from purple, gray, orange, and blue due to the sky's ozone layer consists of noble gas that change the sky color almost every day and night. This world was the subject of attacks from the planet's native wildlife, some of them semi-sentient and malicious, and they did what they could to survive, stay out of the inhospitable deserts, and stick to the many megalopolis cities that are spread throughout the planet. Each of these large cities have Teadr 2 technology levels, and sometimes build them around sources of rare resources including spices, fuels, gems, and other valuables. This world mostly has democratic monarchies where people elect their king, which has 75% power over their governments, and each have high-tech guards consisting of augmented and highly-armed knights. Even people without homes have learned to properly live in the dangerous deserts, killing whatever tries to harm them. The planet has 6 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:263d
  • Talachor- A mountainous temperate plateau planet which is a Warbothian colony with large mountains, caverns, rock formations, canyons, waterfalls, large jungles and forests, and has had a previous time of Yatoran activity. As it turns out, Yatorans stored tons of uncovered weaponry in underground vaults during the AUU Second Cartoonian War, and this has since been protected and even utilized by them. However, during the AUU Third Cartoonian War, Byzankans raided the planet for these vaults, and almost won. During the Interuniversal War, they had a brief 1-year war with Xalcrom for what seemed to be an offense and an act of war until a peace treaty was signed upon a misunderstanding. The planet's military technology is similar to Xalcrom and Warboth, but the aid of Teadr 1 weapons have revolutionized this. There are large megalopolis cities that are either rebuilt or revolutionized by the many wars that they went through over the years. These underground weapon vaults are still being protected, and even the Villains Act could never get through. The planet has 8 large continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:243d
  • Icrox- A jungle planet which is lush and serene, having vastly colorful jungles which stand as tall as skyscrapers, and was originally a world terraformed by the Ehswans in an attempt to create yet another world to colonize. However, they needed to create artificial lifeforms that could tolerate the conditions of this planet. Thus they made up to 600 different genetically-blended animals to inhabit this world. However, an accident lead to these creatures' DNA being too chemically unstable, and thus this allows them to adapt rapidly, thus they have the ability to evolve rapidly when consuming any other animals as part of an expansive life cycle. These creatures laid waste to every Ehswan colony, wiping them out entirely, and making it too dangerous for even the Yatorans, and far too dangerous for gladiator hunting. Thus it was considered a death sentence to bring someone here. To this day, nobody has set foot on this planet out of the nasty fear of being eaten. The planet has 20 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:277d
  • Ceith- A temperate planet that has dull-colored plant life, large mutant animals, and very few cities. This world had once suffered a nuclear war caused by the battle between Xalcrom and Talachor, leaving the world briefly irradiated. Luckily, the world recovered and new life in the form of newly-evolved plants and animals arose as the result of being mutated by the radiation. Inhabitants still exist in the form of sentient animals, but some of the sentient animals evolved due to the nuclear war, and formed their own people, culture, religion, architecture, and many others. They viewed themselves as superior, and have gained all the better and more cleaner communities, leaving those they called 'outdates' to be left with what they got, using the excuse that they be grateful for what they have. It wasn't until the outdates declared war on the Ceithans during the late Interuniversal War that a turning point was made to try and give them the rights they deserved on several conditions, which they easily accepted. Ever since, the two have lived in harmony, though conflict and racism with them still existed. Some of these have been wronged by the still-existing racism that they have went back to their old lifestyles and formed criminal syndicates and bounty hunter societies. Though it's not much of a problem since the racism is balanced out, but certain Ceithans still treat the outdates, now called 'Antecedents', like they were still inferior. But there is no true conflict with this lifestyle between the Ceithans and the Antecedents. The planet has 5 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:323d
  • Xalcrom


    Xalcrom- A mountainous humid jungle world that was populated by the people of Warboth, and thus is a militant world with a great significance to the Exo-Wars, the AUU Third Cartoonian War, and the Interuniversal War. It has waged more wars than any other world in the AUU, and it's Teadr 2 warfare technology has been expanded more than others. The world itself has a colorful sky due to it's small amount of noble gases, the plants and animals are colorful and inviting, and the scenery itself consists of rock and lava formations, geothermal valleys, grasslands, shores, and other beautiful landscapes. This world, despite it's long history of war, has had a perfect sense of protecting the environment, and thus has outlawed nuclear weaponry. This world has been known as the World of Advanced Warfare as the result of it's achievements of producing advanced war vehicles, perfected laser technology through this world's rich amounts of laserum, has perfected military robotics and cybernetics, producing loads of drones and robots, created powerful defenses, and the advanced cities are well-protected as the military serves as both the military and the police. This world still wages wars to even other neighboring countries or planets, and it has a population of corruption and tough muggers that can be troublesome in the neighborhood. Globex facilities have made it possible for them to advance even further, and this world offers great pay through war funds and jobs for Globex. The planet has 5 large continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:385d
  • Lipher- A mountainous tundra planet which has coniferous forests, icy valleys, large rock formations, grassy ice wastelands, and a large amount of introduced wildlife. This world was terraformed by Globex to be a great colony which helps Xalcrom and Talachor with military technology of all kinds, but also provides for the people that live on this planet in large megalopolises or normal-sized cities. Globex has become like a megacorporation here as they seem to be in control of this planet including the Omninet. During the Exo-Wars, this planet was attacked and Globex nearly lost control of it and almost lost the people's trust. It would later move on to having a brief war with Corruption Co. which had an equal megacorporation control of this planet for the Villains Act until the corporate war ended, and Corruption Co. was chased off the planet before it started serving the Dark Radicals. The Dark Radicals are considering helping Corruption Co. reclaim it's former control of this planet. The planet has 7 large continents surrounding 4 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:401d
  • Zurce- A snowy planet and yet another colony for the Warbothians. This world has large ice crystal valleys, beautiful cotton-candy-blue trees, old battle fort ruins, old underground weapon vaults that were being preyed upon by evil factions, a purple sky filled with small traces of nitrogen, often-hostile wildlife, underground ice caverns, and domed Teadr 2 cities that are either rebuilt, recovered, or new established colonies. This world has been in battles in the entirety of the Exo-Wars, AUU Third Cartoonian War, the Interuniversal War, and when the Villains Act nearly got their hands on the weapon vaults, they had to be decommissioned and relocated across the AUU for safety. But it didn't stop the Villains Act from retrieving some anyway and laying siege on over a hundred cities and enslaving everyone in them, basically taking control over the planet itself and their far-more superior military overwhelmed even the Zurcian military, or even the military of the other planets in the Warbothians' control. But when the Villains Act was taken down, this planet was freed from their control, and peace prospered. The world quickly recovered, and the world defended itself from even small traces of the Villains Act including the Dark Radicals. The planet has a large supercontinent surrounding a small global ocean. Moons: 3; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:441d

Lemo System

  • Lemo Prime- A semiarid lava planet (Red Dwarf, K2-3b, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: Tier 2; AT: ; DC: 10hr:50d
  • Pyroworld- A small red gas giant (K2-3c, TBC...) Moons: ; DC: 23hr:479d
  • Kosher- A barren solid planet (K2-3d, Human Colony, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: Tier 2; AT: ; DC: 34hr:619d

Zsae System

  • Clecodon- A tropical planet with floating magnetanium soil platforms, and is populated by sentient and unsentient birds. This is a USRA planet, being colonized by all the dominant USRA races, as well as a few other minor races. This is a planet which also uses the GravWing-10 Wing Packs as a form of transportation, but also use hovervehicles for more efficient travel. The Teadr 2 cities have some of the greatest architecture in the AUU, usually containing small AFTs and mobile silver buildings or houses with holographic windows and rooms, holographic display and propaganda, and a 71% abundance of plants. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:301d; Capital City: Cumula City
  • Xarkos- An ecumenopolis planet which is the home of a large variety of sentient and unsentient mammals, and since it is a USRA planet, it is also home to the many dominant races of the AUU. The planet was known to have been a Yatoran planet with Teadr 1 cities that was abandoned due to it being one of their earliest planets and when they had fossil fuels which polluted the atmosphere. However, a few pioneer mammals were able to purify the air once more, and the Yatorans allowed them to keep the planet as an act of gratitude. All the continents have Teadr 1 cities that have varying architecture and appearance depending on which planet they came from when they built it. The planet has 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:457d
  • Glauter- A humid coniferous planet which is known for it's colorful skies, it's massive Exo-War and Interuniversal War battles that left part of the planet in ruins, and for it's large Teadr 2 cities which have large black buildings with holographic windows and rooms, it's massive gardens and parks, it's holographic display and propaganda, it's metro systems, and it's 88% robotic labor. Since the Exo-War battles, robots here make up most of the planet's military and science staff. The planet has 8 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:508d

Beegus System

  • Sporgous- A surreal terrestrial planet which has a red-violet sky due to it's combined concentration of helium and increased hydrogen, and for it's bizarre alien fauna and flora. The terrain and biomes range, and the alien wildlife is surreal and mainly undiscovered, and there exists several wildlife parks and AFT cities that thrive well on this world. Though this world was previously a gladiator hunting world until it ended up threatening the ecosystem. As a result, gladiator hunting was made illegal, and soon the wildlife started thriving well. The wildlife is often passive or aggressive and are rated for their lifestyles, habits, and are studied. The architecture here is semi-Teadr 1, and are durable enough to withstand any damage. The planet has 8 continents surrounding small oceans, and a large icy and rocky planetary ring. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:375d
  • Agrus- A tropical island planet which has remained uncharted and under study for eons. It was once populated by ancient Ehswans who were wiped out during a world cataclysm which left the world under climate change until it became a tropical planet. The wildlife on both land and sea is colorful and is worth expeditions, and most of it's ancient culture remains unknown even for the Yatorans. The planet has over 1,249 islands of various sizes, and a large global ocean. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:396d
  • Maurga- An ecumenopolis planet which is a cartoon world packed with violence and surrealism. Being like an underground comix world like Cool World, this world has a dark tone to it and the cartoons are often out of control. Any normal person wouldn't be able to comprehend what goes on in this world very well, but the characters, despite living in a town of semi-corruption, still have a majority of people with good hearts, and even welcome with sweet embrace and protect any visitors from the corruption polluting the ecumenopolis. This planet has 8 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:422d

Oalivia System

  • Blozeter- A desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Wespypso Zom- A semiarid desert lava planet (Uridian Activity, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Qemon- A semi-temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Thymstice- A quarter-ecumenopolis planet which is rich in valuable resources, has ecumenopolis cities that are very run-down, dilapidated, have screen-based display and propaganda, buildings with holographic windows, AFT platforms, casinoes, gambling rings, and crime-ridden societies, but are still inhabited yet suitable only for outlaws, there are hovering vehicles that are used for different purposes, semi-temperate deserts with slanted, deformed, and bizarre-looking rock formations, land reefs, small amounts of plants and water, and a purple sky as the result of it's small amount of nitrogen. This is a world that was founded by the Hythrope Group, a group of Acrillisapes who founded this world for it's rich amounts of rare resources that are highly-valued in black markets across the AUU. While this world may've grown into a bit of a criminal world where money is thrown around as a result of the massive earnings made through their trades, the world is a tolerable place for many criminals to live in. The city has tough inhabitants, there are high amounts of gambling activity, and some of the Hythropes, such as Vorago the Collector, have their own interests outside of the mining work. The planet has 7 continents surrounding 4 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC:
  • Aolar- An ecumenopolis planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ograytune- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Xascuycury- A humid wetland rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Justagua- A 75%-ecumenopolis planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Frypso XX- A desert lava moon belongong to the fire-colored gas giant Frypsone. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Frypso XXXV- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Frypsone. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Frypso LIX- A temperate moon also belonging to Frypsome. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:

Whallar System

  • Karvaldo- A desert oasis planet where plants make up only small jungles. The planet has small Teadr 3 kingdoms with an Arabian-like culture, and sometimes live in luxury. It has a perfect economy, and money currency has been researched here for hundreds of years. Wars have never been common on this planet, but that doesn't mean wars haven't happened on this planet before. The Interuniversal War has been a threat to their price-friendly government, but the USRA was happy to keep it in check. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:296d
  • Sufoon- A sparse savanna planet with African customs and Teadr 3 cities with golden buildings with durable glass windows, screen displays and propaganda, a 65% abundance of plants, and ground vehicles guided by twisting bridges and roads, but a South-American society. This is one of the many planets populated by the Teadr 2 Atonts. But while they make up the backbone of this planet's inhabitants, other sentient and unsentient animals thrive on the planet. The agriculture is among the best for the soil's rich amount of nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:327d
  • Tau- An ecumenopolis planet which has a large Teadr 2 global city with mile-spanning buildings made out of chrome durable metals and have virtual rooms, holographic display and propaganda, a 72% abundance of plants, flying train stations, and flying vehicles. This world is given the nickname Weaponopolis for being the capital of weapon technology. This has made it a USRA planet, being populated by the dominant races of the AUU, and have established hundreds of Globex facilities to research munitions and weaponry, mostly run by the Teadr 2 Tiikons. They have developed and wielded many forms of weaponry such as plasma, lasers, missiles, energy swords, explosives, and cannons. The main species, a race of Teadr 2 land octopuses called Dodecopuses, are intelligent and have 12 tentacles used for engineering and inventing. This is where the USRA got most of it's weaponry. The planet has 4 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:381d
  • Yorberia- An snowy planet that is in an eternal Ice Age. The temperature is the same as Antarctica and there is ice glaciers and freezing waters everywhere. Sentient creatures there have to adapt in the cold and have warm shelter. Those that are warm-blooded can live in the cold weather in plain villages, but domed Teadr 2 cities with the same architecture and appearance as those of Tau, and underground tunnels have been built because they are inhabited by cold-blooded creatures. Many unsentient creatures there look like mammoths, sabre-toothed cats and Star Wars tauntauns. This planet has a large supercontinent and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:575d

Dorkk System

  • Perachox- A swampy wetland planet populated by mostly amphibians. The planet has a feudal society and a democratic monarchy, containing Teadr 6 medieval villages that can usually be as big as a city, and castles that can reach the size of a skyscraper. This planet hasn't had many visits from other-worldly beings, but several inhabitants have spotted spaceships racing across their system over 350 times, trying to develop their own means of space travel by creating a portal with the ability to jump worlds, but it has been unsuccessful so far. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:285d
  • Oranos- A snowy planet which serves as the AUU's own version of Prison 42. The planet has a climate too cold for most sentient creatures to survive in for more than a month. Unsentient animals, on the other hand, are capable of living in the cold. The planet has no cities, but it contains the most high-tech security prisons for even the most powerful of villains, and a few military outposts and bases. This planet originally started out as a Snowball world covered entirely in ice until the USRA terraformed it at a time close to the violent Exo-Wars. The planet has a large supercontinent and a large global ocean. But little did everyone know or realize that a race of ice-thriving ant/mantis tribal creatures known as the Cryonoids live under the ices of the planet and have been wanting the prisons off the planet because of a special plant that reacts negatively to sin. Moons: 4; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:320d
  • Nonnus- An ecumenopolis planet with Teadr 2 cities with buildings made of a white-green uranium alloy as well as holographic windows and rooms, holographic displays and propaganda, a 67% abundance of plants, metro systems, and flying vehicles. This is a USRA planet that is populated not just by the USRA races, but by sentient and unsentient animals. Their Globex facilities are meant to research containment technology, usually for Oranos. They are even studying the behavior of the people on Perachox, and have tried to keep them from discovering other worlds because they have acted hostile against other-worldly beings thousands of years ago. The planet has 8 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:497d

Ceephem System

  • Antecessis- A temperate jungle planet which has been known to be mainly littered by warzones that were the result of battle during the AUU Second Cartoonian War against the Yatorans and the Ehswans. This is a Yatoran planet which was colonized by them during the war, and it's also famous for being the very world where the Yatorans had won the war against the Ehswans and reduced them to slowly go extinct. This was made a world which celebrates this victory and holds the holiday of Vicher'izani Thaguffis, meaning 'Day of the Victory', celebrating not just the victory, but the guilt of feeling that the reduced such a misunderstood race into extinction, often being around Kraanmas. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:294d
  • Emblem- A rainforest planet which is noted for being mostly stormy, and sometimes floods can be a common occurrence on this planet. The plant life is plentiful, and the wildlife has become adaptable to the water as a result of the floods. This is a Yatoran planet where several military colonies were built during the AUU Second Cartoonian War. All the cities, fortresses, and outposts had to be built above the reach of the flooding waters on high altitudes and elevations. Though several of these cities and colonies were destroyed, the race still prospered well here. The planet has 3 continents and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:362d
  • Escutch- A coniferous cold planet which has a massive abundance of Ice-Age-like megafauna and an average amount of plant life. This is a Yatoran colony which was formerly a colony for the Ehswans where they built several mining colonies for the rich amounts of valuable metals in the ground in volcanic caverns. When the Ehswans disappeared, the Yatorans claimed these mines and started harvesting the metals and trading them with the AUU Currency Troupe on Inorbon and all across the AUU. The planet has 13 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:404d

Nipeis System

  • Jarvix- A large rocky desert planet under the control of the Warbothian Empire. The planet, like Warboth, has been colonized for warfare and defense. The cities are at a Teadr 2 level and have the same architecture and appearance as the rest of the Warbothian cities, but this one has black buildings, and a bigger abundance of plants. This is where many superweapons have been created during the Interuniversal War, and it was considered the best place for searching for weapons that aren't like others. Because of this, the superweapons are stored in underground vaults, and heavily guarded to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. The planet has 8 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:276d; Capital City: Jaraxi
  • Warboth


    Warboth- A lush imperial rainforest planet and the most heavily guarded planet in the AUU. The planet not only has Teadr 2 cities with silver buildings with green and blue lights, holographic windows, screen/holographic displays and propaganda, a 54% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles. It also has among the strongest military forces in the AUU. Because of this, it is a USRA planet that not only allows the dominant races to live there, but also allows them to research their weapons in Globex facilities. It is known for playing a huge role in the Interuniversal War with it's genetic augmentation technologies, medicine, and highly-armed military vehicles, advanced robotics and cybernetics, combat drones, advanced computers and military devices, and accurate laser technology. It and the other 2 Warbothian colonies are also known to have formed Villains Act rebellions. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:344d; Capital City: Gollanna
  • Peryline- A wetland jungle planet also under the control of Warboth. Teadr 2 cities are small and have the same architecture as those on Warboth, but have widespread communities. The planet has over a hundred Globex mobile facilities, and this is where military training is held in virtual training environments which build up strength, versatility, and intelligence. This planet is also noted for it's Globex facilities which research not just weaponry, but robotic technology such as powered exo-skeletons, war robots, and nanorobotics. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:476d; Capital City: Narno City

Ryze System

  • Auspice- A semi-temperate desert planet which has been the sight of several battles across the history of humanity. This was because this was a human military colony which has suffered the most during the humans' wars including the Human-Rabodan War, and this world suffered greatly during the Exo-Wars. Most cities were destroyed, and it took the humans a long time to repair it and were briefly reduced to criminal mafias. It wasn't until the founding of the Human Protection Agency that all these criminal syndicates were destroyed, and technology was restored. Though this world was eventually abandoned when the humans evacuated, leaving sentient animals and other sentient beings to populate this planet. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:361d
  • Jocose- A tropical planet which is a grand vacation spot for the humans who colonized it. The planet has a wide variety of plant life, and is covered 89% with water. The resort cities are massive, and the wildlife is extremely beautiful and often friendly, even in the seas. The planet has 3 small continents, several small islands, and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:395d

Groggograg System

  • Groggograggica- The prime planet of the powerful and large Groggogragicians, a powerful and potaintionally destructive race that have the power to take down any large group they wanted to if given reason to. Thus, UIS and the USRA are contested this race in fearing eachother would use these mighty warriors against one another. It doesn't help that the Groggos favor UIS for having the most bug races while the USRA has little to none, leaving USRA representives fearful of an even more unstoppable UIS thanks to the Groggos on their own.

Hituna System

  • Hituna Prime- A semi-temperate lava desert planet which is filled with geothermal valleys, has a yellow sky due to the small concentration of fluorine, and the wildlife is sparse and includes dinosaurs and prehistoric plants. This is a Seron colony which has multiple durable megalopolises, as well as labs, testing facilities, and mining plants for the planet's rich amount of fossil fuels. This is where Honnus went to play with Breek, and later his girlfriend and eventual wife Siona Segnes. The planet has 7 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:295d
  • Tircon- A temperate planet which is also populated by dinosaurs. It has a wide variety of plant life, has fertile soil, has several large swamps, a few city ruins, and also a few mining plants as the result of the planet's rich amounts of rare resources. This is a Seron colony which suffered a few attacks from the Cunones during the war that lead to their separation. It was also the hiding place where Prince Honnus Paw retreated following his disappearance after the war. It's where he hid out and learned to get along with the race he felt he needed to be with, and where he raised his own family with another Cunone who shared the same sympathies. Their home's ruins are marked in a national park right on this very planet, and the planet itself also honors him as a hero to Serons everywhere by giving him statues of him, his family, and his descendants. The planet has 9 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:342d
  • Surphim- A terrestrial jungle planet with floating soil platforms levitated by magnetanium, and jungles consisting of mainly fungi and plants, and several invertebrates. The terrain is mainly wet and can often by covered with water that goes up to 5ft. This is a Seron colony where all civilization is found on the floating soil platforms, and rarely on the actual surface of the planet. The ground, however, is a good spot for swimming and travelling, especially for Honnus and his family long ago. The planet has 6 large continents covered mostly in water and surrounded by small oceans, and has a large icy, dusty, and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:388d
  • Iau- A wetland rainforest planet which has among the largest abundance of plants and animals in the system, some coming from the other planets. The Serons who colonized the planet built massive megalopolises and mining colonies for the planet's rich amounts of rarium. The deep underground caverns of the planet are rich in this valuable substance and are traded across the AUU in the AUU Currency Troupe. This was usually where the Honnus family gained some of their wealth, often as a reward for their bravery. The planet has 9 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:431d
  • Ottram- An semi-ecumenopolis planet which has massive floating soil platforms which is one of the many patches of wildlife on the planet besides the many forests, jungles, and grasslands found outside the ecumenopolis cities. The Serons built these cities, and have even built several statues of Honnus for his accomplishments in defending this system from rogue or xenophobic Cunones. This is also where Honnus met Siona after she was exiled for showing compassion for Serons and was left to be adopted by the Serons. She then decided to help Honnus maintain peace between their race and the Serons. The planet has 8 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:500d

Krycion System

  • Prime Krycion- A planet that survived beng sliced in half from an exspeariment gone wrong thanks to it's ingenious native race, the Teadr 2 Krycionians. Now the almost litterally devided planet is held togather by littleral bridges between the worlds. They have a kryptoian-eqsed culture and wildlife, from animals that look normal enough to things truely alien. They are a proud Marsheal Law race with strong millaterry power and terraforming machines that can also be weapons when in war. The Krycions, in viewing the USRA as a disgraceful insult to the wider AUU comunnities, joined UIS to make sure they don't have to abide to their "High-Groundisum Nonsense".
  • Lesser Krycion- The Primary UIS base of operations that provided an armada that would block out USRA advancement to now Isolated Worlds.

Isolated Systems-2

Eteor System

  • Ambereus- A prehistoric desert steppe planet of massive rock formations, volcanoes, geothermal wastes, and ancient ruins. The planet is also known for it's magical cave drawings and more exclusively the massive amber glaciers that contain massive amounts of prehistoric monsters. The cave paintings depict that they used to belong to a theropod conqueror named Etiam Permeocrates until a powerful magician ape man imprisoned them by freezing it's global sap ocean. Centuries later, the planet reformed and formed oceans. However, it is now under new conflict with Lord Brac E. O'Saurus seeking out Etiam to recongure the world, but he is halted by a group of heroic prehistorics lead by the Pterasaur Sage Lady Era who wants peace between prehistorics and the modern animals that came to be known in this planet. Usually Lord Brach is kept well at bay, but an outsider ally proves to be a great concern as Brach's Sauropod Army became tougher then ever before with weaponry unfamilier to the planet. The planet has 2 supercontinents on both sides of the planet, 3 continents, and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 34hr:429d

Knoveswolde System

  • Rayscion- A temperate planet that has a yellowish sky filled with small amounts of sodium, large cloud layers, Earth-like biota, ancient medieval ruins, and operated in the palace that used to be the biggest castle built in the planet's history in the capital of Knightsbridge. This is the home planet of a race of furry beings called Rayes, who were once medieval people blessed accidentally with technology that was first shown through their biggest hydraulic robotic creation: The Apex Knight. This machine stopped countless wars until it was finally defeated and decommissioned after it's president was unwilling to submit to UIS because of his ambitions to have his people spread into unisolated space, being arrested for resisting UIS orders and high treason. Thus with the president in prison for attempting to use the Apex Knight to destroy the UIS, the planet came to be UISifived, and the president's name forever shamed. The Apex Knight was defeated because the Brainiacaazk representive of UIS, Cran'ular, was able to use his powers to accreately pinpoint the Knight's weakness and destroyed that beyond repair to forever render the Knight inuseable. The planet has 1 supercontinent, 2 smaller continents, a global ocean, and hundreds of small island. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:386d; Capital City: Knightsbridge.

Fotunon System

  • Ixch- (Ixchean Home Planet, TBC...)

Figans System

Heevo System

  • Hieruce- (Hieran Home Planet, TBC...)

Mergera System

  • Blopea- (Mutant World, TBC...)

Migags System

Kilos System

Jikkkamsan System

Gigogi System

Birollia System (Birols (Third figure))

  • Birollia III- (A small planet with flying island paradises, alien-like biota, and is the home planet of a race of beautiful avian Teadr 2 beings called Birols, TBC...)

Anderem Sector

The Anderem system, founded by Xaro voyager, Xamaros, lead to the discovery of the Bakudan world, the mammal part of the animal Square Provence, the place where Grasser and the AUU Gamerence world have their conflict, and it's very own AUU Mythos.

  • Rontooine- A Mars-like semiarid desert planet that has post-apocalyptic settings, alien biota, active storms and weather, volcanic, geothermal, toxic and rocky formations and wastelands, a thin yet breathable atmosphere, polar ice caps, vehicle graveyards, caves and city ruins, a core of pure copper, and unstable yet habitable tectonic plates. This was once a world with it's own system until an astro-laser strike sent it out of orbit and into an area where there is heat and turned it into a raw desert world as the spontaneously surviving inhabitants made a new society from the chaos. What they didn't know was that a native hired a crime boss from Nicon representative of Chaos Incorporated to profit from this setting as payback for the destruction of his company, as he literally blew all the competition away and leaving the world's currency of technology, as well as stolen outside breakthroughs, in the hands of the native's family, the Apontes. Then the family changed and helped heal the albeit still post-apocalyptic world into hundreds of micronations thanks to the crime being exposed by the Anderem Sector's founder. The world still heals in independence to this day. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE

Oxxtom System

  • Oxxtom Prime- A junkyard wasteland planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Neshiri- A semi-temperate desert lava planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Thuna- A semi-temperate planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oxxtom Minor- A quarter-ecumenopolis planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Vaulea- A temperate planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Gledaphus- A wetland jungle planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iechoth Cu- A humid swamp planet (Gruid, Plasmoid Activity, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ceythea- A coniferous mountain planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Uitis- A canyon ice planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Frodar System

  • Garunox- A reptile-populated desert planet with Western cultures and communities. It has over a dozen towns and Teadr 3 cities with large black, silver, brass, and bronze buildings with colorful lights and durable glass windows, screen display and propaganda, a 49% abundance of plants, underground fusion-cell batteries which provide power to the cities, and ground vehicles. While some mammals, birds, and insects populate the planet, reptiles make up most of the animal inhabitants. The towns are only at a Teadr 7 level, but are able to use highly-advanced weaponry, and can learn how to use other forms of technology easily. The planet has over 52 small lakes. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:265d; Capital City: Charlax City
  • Marbilis- A terrestrial alien desert planet with incredibly sparse vegetation and jungles. The planet is populated by unsentient alien-like animals with a sparse evolutionary history. The main inhabitants are a primitive alien-like humanoids called Marboids, which all live in complex tribes, can learn to speak English, have sparse hunting stategies, and actually display certain advancements including currency, advanced tools, and an understanding of enlightenment. The planet's biosphere has the second most pure genetic codes of any other planetary inhabitants in the AUU, though has an atmosphere that is poisonous to most organisms. This attracted the attention of the USRA, and only Globex facilities were built here to research the animals. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: NE:297d
  • Dinox- A humid jungle planet dominated by dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are intelligent and brutal, and they can come in various shapes and sizes. This planet has small Teadr 3 cities with brass buildings with durable glass windows, screen displays and propaganda, a 79% abundance of plants which means that grass makes up most of the ground, and ground vehicles that are guided by light roads. These cities are protected from hostile dinosaurs by electrical energy shields, and they have vast military forces if the shield fails. The world outside of the cities are considered too dangerous to go without support of tranquilizer guns, equipment, and jetpacks. The planet has 9 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:322d; Capital City: Vlaspin
  • Trexica- A coniferous planet which is known for having massive Teadr 2 cities with black, brass, chrome, and silver buildings with virtual rooms, large casinos which are economically controlled by the AUU Currency Troupe, screen/holographic display and propaganda, a 62% abundance of plants, and air and ground vehicles. It also has underground tunnels which are filled with criminal syndicates and precious stones that are mined and traded. It also has cheap prices thanks to an impressive economy. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:391d; Capital City: Ingsa Yro
  • Erotytox- A wetland humid jungle planet which used to be an ocean world that lost most of it's water as a result of climate change, and now not only is most of the planet's sky filled with vaporous steam clouds that cover most of the sky, but it also has massive jungles filled with land corals and semi-aquatic fish-like animals. The planet is not inhabited since the animals and wildlife are hostile and mostly carnivorous, making this planet an ideal spot for gladiator hunting. It has extremely organic water, sometimes having actual primordial globs buried under the sea floors. The planet has 10 small continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:416d
  • Veintus- A stormy rainforest planet which is a USRA planet, being colonized by all the USRA races, as well as some unsentient and sentient animals. The Teadr 3 cities are massive, can only be found far away from bodies of water, and contain large black buildings with red and orange lighting and durable glass windows which often function as computer interfaces for the AI of certain buildings, screen/holographic display and propaganda, a 71% abundance of plant life, and ground vehicles. There are also Globex facilities that focus mostly on medical technology. They have one of the most advanced medical technology in the AUU, and is the birthplace of oncolytic viruses, viruses that infect and kill cancer cells. The planet has 3 small continents and 2 small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:475d

Ayyon System

  • Ayyon Prime- A lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tofliri- A semi-temperate lava planet (AUU Titanfall, Mech Tournaments, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Soytis- A semi-temperate desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oypher- A temperate planet . It attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists when they established an entertainment-based economy, consisting of casinos, theme parks and pleasure houses. Operational for over two thousand years, the economy flourished over the existence of the USRA. Annexed by the USRA and the Grand Council, it continues to be a haven for gamblers. (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iiuclite- A semi-ecumenopolis planet (AUU TekWar, Tek, Microchip Drug, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Lindora- A temperate jungle planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Yurphery- A subtropical rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Ieerollot System

  • Ieerollot Prime- A stormy wasteland planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Elmoment- A semi-temperate jungle desert planet (Magical Lawless World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Zepra- A semi-temperate savanna jungle planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Thubapra- A jungle planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Abi'uph- A tropical island moon belonging to an uninhabitable ocean world called Abruccle. (Teadr 1 Activity, TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ieerollot Major- A rainforest planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Datov- A crystalline snowy planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Cogmi System

  • Bibelot- A world which literally has a landscape filled with toys which live as the result of an enchantment by the AUU Gods, who know that in UUniverses like these, everything lives, moves, and thinks regardless if it seems impossible at times. This world is a prime example of that, being a world that is inhabited by living live-sized toys, primarily by 4 types of beings: Stuffids, or stuffed animals or dolls which are a prosperous race that have cartoon-like personalities, are naturally flexible, and rarely fight, Plastoids, or plastic dolls which are also flexible though are limited to twists and joints and only 50% of them fight, Actionites, or action figures which are a militant race that make up the planet's military forces, also having joint/twist flexibility, coming in various sizes and forms, often being plastic or machine, and Animatrons, or robot-like toys which are actually a race that have caused a 50-year war against the Actionites after their development of weaponized toy blasters. As a result, the Animatrons were banished to the Tronic Wastelands where they established an evil empire which still aims to take over Bibelot with the always-evolving blaster toys. Though the Actionites have formed the Toy Command Guard to protect it from harm against the Animatrons. The planet has 10 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:398d
  • Iymamus Pi- An ecumenopolis planet which is of Teadr 1 origin, being built by the Yatorans until they abandoned it due to massive seismic activity and left the people of Bibelot to take control over it and repair it as a minor kingdom. The architecture has now been made to fit the toys that colonized this world, and the people have been able to adapt to the Teadr 1 technology. Though the Animatrons have been trying to take over this world and create their own empire out of it, and even started a hundred-year war that nearly wiped them all out. The planet has 14 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:443d
  • Maur Daimen- A semi-ecumenopolis planet which has a semi-polluted sky, has little to no life, and has massive cities. This was once a lustrous world that was founded by the Yatorans until they abandoned it due to a destructive meteor shower. Later, it was dominated by the Animatrons, and despite Bibelot's best efforts, they failed to keep this world from being one that would fall victim to the corrupt Animatron Empire. As such, they started growing in power, though the factories and refineries they built started robbing the world of it's resources, polluting it's ecosystem, and leaving it to be populated mostly by robotic toys. This world would remain forbidden by the people of Bibelot, even for rescuing a comrade because it was too dangerous and had far too many defenses that could destroy in an instant. The planet has 6 large continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: 35hr:466d

Aithenus System

  • Viceroy- A plateau desert planet with tons of hot springs and geysers. This planet has one of the most organic atmospheres of any other planet in the AUU. It has twice as much oxygen in the air than Earth or Marbon, and therefore, the insects and plants become large. Having water that is rich in minerals and organic substances, and soil rich with nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and silicon. This not only makes the planet a good agricultural planet, but it also makes it another good spa world. The planet has 3 continents and a large ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:305d; Capital City: Vryce City
  • Scarles- A swampy planet with large bogs and wetlands. Sentient and unsentient animals that live here are usually religious or technological. Their massive Teadr 3 cities are among the most architectural, and have buildings that are made of tough brass and silver metals, durable glass windows, screen displays and propaganda, a 67% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles. This is a USRA planet, being colonized by all the USRA races, and it has Globex facilities built on it for research on medical technologies. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:478d

Omsrax System

  • Tesult- A temperate planet which orbits a system with a blue star, yet the plant life has evolved to withstand such an intense radiation with aid from the stronger ozone layer. The planet is a world that was colonized by sentient animals which live in a non-technological society where very few machines are used. These animals live a prosperous and peaceful life, and is rarely disturbed, only being disturbed once by the Villains Act yet held back by the Yuruns. This world has since been under the protection of the Yuruns who promised them their alliance in this system. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:322d
  • Weiter- A temperate wetland planet which is filled with small megalopolises the size of average cities, and the planet has a strong enough ozone layer to defend the planet from the intense radiation of the blue sun, thus allowing for plant life and small animals. This is a Yurun colony which is shared by the system's greater population of sentient animals, primarily the rodents that are of similar size. The planet also has a few larger cities for larger sentient animals. The planet has 5 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:381d
  • Pakus- A rainforest planet which has massive wetlands that stretch for several miles, and is far enough from the blue star to actually sustain a normal ozone layer. It used to be a Yurun colony which was ravaged by the Byzankans during the AUU Third Cartoonian War, yet was later colonized and repaired by the sentient animals that populated this system. Thus the Yuruns allowed them to keep the planet for themselves. The planet has several swimming holes and is also rich in valuable gemstones which are traded across the AUU through the AUU Currency Troupe. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:424d
  • Tobfest- An ecumenopolis planet which was actually built by the sentient animals with the assistance of the Yuruns as a reward for their alliance in this system. This is a vastly-populated planet in which the Yuruns are honored for their heroism in defending them against the forces of the Villains Act. This world was also attacked by them and defended, yet was briefly in control of them as well. Though when the Villains Act fell, this world was in the animals control once again. The planet has 12 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:527d

Bakill System

  • Bakuldo


    Bakuldo- A murky swampy planet where sentient and unsentient reptiles thrive. Containing mostly tribes, this planet is of less concern to any of the AUU, being very small, but having a large variety of animals, plants, and fungi. It is an isolated planet, making it likely that technology is extremely foreign to them. The main species, a race of small Teadr 7 reptilians called Bakudans, are very primitive, living in Indian-like tribes, and fear ships as 'demons' even when nothing truly bad happens. They are even known to have attacked these 'demons' head on, which may prove to be a problem. The planet has 4 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:353d
  • Tythos- A wetland planet populated by sentient and unsentient aquatic animals. This is a planet that isn't much concern to the people in the AUU. But regardless, it is considered a good place to go camping in, with it's large trees that provide shelter from rain, the water that reaches depths of 9ft, the wide array of fruits, and the small amount of carnivores that colonize the planet. There are no cities here, but there are small Teadr 7 villages for primitive Amish-like people called Tyths. The planet has 3 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:426d

Eampapor System

  • Eoton- A desert planet which has a small amount of moisture in the ground which the mammals farm out from the ground. Unlike all other planets in the Eampapor System, the ground here cannot be dug into to create the underground system that the other plants share. Instead, there is just one level of Teadr 3 cities with bronze and brass buildings with durable glass windows and red and orange lighting, screen displays and propaganda, a 52% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 17hr:257d; Capital City: Rodinea
  • Eatitarion- A soiled planet with organic and firm ground which can easily allow for 2 inner levels for Teadr 3 cities with the same common architecture and appearance, give or take golden-alloy buildings with red lighting, and a higher abundance of plant life. This is the agricultural capital of the Eampapor System, whereas mammals that live here occasionally take up hybrid, vertical, underwater, or organic farming. The corporations here watch over these jobs and live in a semi-capitalistic society that allows them limited control of the planet's government behind the Council and ruler. The planet has 50 lakes varying in size. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:289d; Capital City: Uttönir
  • Eandovu- A rocky planet where underground city levels are scarce. This is the military capital of the Eampapor System, having large military bases and monuments, but also Teadr 3 cities with the same architecture and appearance of any other planet. It has also been the victim of one destructive battle during the Exo-Wars which nearly decimated several cities. It is also known for it's rich amount of energy crystals that are commonly used as a power source across the system. The planet has 7 continents, 4 oceans, and a large rocky, obsidian, crystal, and dust planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:316d; Capital City: Mammaori
  • Euvabon- Another tropical planet which serves as a vacation spot for the mammals of the Eampapor System. There are large Teadr 3 resort cities with common Eampapor architecture and appearance, including 3 underground levels which often contain a small amount of criminal syndicates. The oceans, though fun to swim in, can sometimes be dangerous when going too far down into the depths, not just for high pressure, but because of the predators. Regardless, it is a good vacation spot for the mammals that make up the Animal Square Province' mammalian branch. The planet has 78 islands varying from size, and a large ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:345d; Capital City: Äsalag
  • Eafaron- A tropical rainforest planet which has large Teadr 3 cities made of uranium alloys and lighted by neon lights, yet have the same Eampapor architecture, appearance, and underground tunnel systems, only with a 87% abundance of plants, which means that grass makes up most of the ground. This is another agricultural planet that has been known to create genetically-engineered fruits which have been known to be extremely sweet. It is also known to have corporations that research environmentally-friendly technologies. The planet has 6 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:369d; Capital City: Scurite City
  • Ergorox- A coniferous planet with massive Teadr 3 cities with the same Eampapor architecture and appearance, as well as 4 underground tunnel levels which are rich in valuable metals, substances, and an earth jewel called geogol, which is valued in the AUU Currency Troupe, making this planet the economic capital of the Eampapor System. It is also known for it's higher concentration of oxygen, and for the criminal underworld that resides in the bottom underground levels. The planet has 3 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:395d; Capital City: Ifor G'ran
  • Eborade- A tundrous planet which seasonally changes temperatures, and the Teadr 3 cities are made of strong and durable metals, and still have the same usual architecture and appearance, as well as 3 underground levels. This is the capital planet of the Eampapor System, and holds the system's Council and ruler which make up the mammal branch of the Animal Square Province. The planet has 2 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:434d; Capital City: Ursa City
  • Eothor- A snowy planet with large domed Teadr 3 cities which have the same common Eampapor architecture and appearance, and has 2 underground levels in each city. Though some mammals live in non-domed cities for their cold adaptations. The first level of the cities are virtual, and fit the needs of anyone that lives there. The deepest and second level is where mines are found that collect rich sources of cryonite, which are then traded through the AUU Currency Troupe. The planet has a large supercontinent, and a global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:472d; Capital City: Frozzan City
  • Ericort- A frozen snowy planet that is colder than the other planets in it's system. The community is the same as on Eothor, with Teadr 3 cities being either domed or non-domed, yet have 4 underground levels, and have a teleportation grid. The upper 2 levels are virtual and have the same virtual structure as that of the upper level of Eothor. The lower levels are the home of Globex facilities which make this planet the scientific capital of the Eampapor System. The planet has a large supercontinent and a small global ocean. Moons: 3; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 33hr:535d; Capital City: Cryonix

Oosaron System

  • Ooblix- A tropical planet which is populated by egg-laying creatures, and serves as the scientific and military capital of the Ovalman Empire, establishing not just Teadr 2 egg-based cities with chrome-colored houses and buildings with virtual rooms, screen display and propaganda, metro systems, underground catacombs for security and seclusion purposes, a 47% abundance of plants, and air or ground vehicles. There are also Globex facilities and military colonies located here which test out military technology, and store the experiments in underground durable chambers. This is the birthplace of the artificial womb. The planet has 10 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:265d; Capital City: Ovinite City
  • Ovifar- A temperate planet which is the capital of the Ovalman Empire, and is populated by egg-laying creatures. This planet shares the same type of Teadr 2 cities as the ones on the other 2 planets, but it has a different architecture. While the Ovalman Empire was not taken seriously for it's egg-based society and as a result left some members to resort to villainy, but some were too wise to feel the same way. This is where the Ovalman Emperor resides in a metallic castle in the capital city of Ooblitz. The planet has 9 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:304d; Capital City: Ooblitz
  • Oogalon- A temperate planet populated by egg-laying creatures, and serves as the agricultural and economic capital of the Ovalman Empire. The soil of the planet is organic enough to grow sweet fruits and vegetables. The planet is also known for it's large amounts of valuable substances, spices, and gems that are treaded to the AUU Currency Troupe. The Teadr 2 cities have the same Ovalman architecture and appearance, and corporations and banks are found across them and link with the other 2 worlds in the system. The planet has 8 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:376d; Capital City: Ooozer City

Stryme System

  • Exusk- A desert lava planet that has an orange and red sky due to it's small amounts of sodium and neon, large native fauna and flora, less-active weather, foggy nights, ancient Zyaūar and Teadr 1 ruins and monuments, large abandoned cities of a Teadr 2 level, large geothermal, rock, lava, and toxic formations and valleys, large savannas, grasslands, and jungles, underground volcanic caverns, volcanoes and mountains, orgaliths, and large algae-infested waters. Despite air filled with both carbon monoxide and oxygen, this world is still barely habitable, and it is excavated by scavengers and auctioned off for cash. The cities provide plenty to trade and sell, and corrupt business run rampant, including CrimeTech in it's two eras before their downfall. It is now run by Corruption Co, which do effective black market businesses here. The planet has 11 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type II; DC: NE:286d
  • Briggle- A mountainous semi-temperate planet that has cities, active weather, a blue sky filled with small amounts of xenon and mercury, large mountains, rock formations and heights, introduced and native fauna and flora all across the AUU, ancient Teadr 1 ruins, resorts, power plants, jungles and savannas, and a crystalline core. This is a world that is under "the unfortunate" high-tech military "dictatorship" of an "evil dictator" named Overlord Glasser, who was to be stated to have "oppressed many of the people on the planet". However, a freedom fighting group came in from Cromem, using their natural gift of acrobatics and action to avoid his powerful high-tech forces, yet they have difficulty defeating Glasser himself because of being far too powerful for even their skills, and they have struggled to beat him for 50 years. The entire world's cities have a dystopia-like architecture to "compliment" Glasser's rule, as he has an entire army of robots and war machines to enforce his rule. The freedom fighters have constantly evolved in tactics to defeat them as they keep getting stronger. However, the situation with Briggle may not be as clear-cut as the overtly suggestive scenery suggests. The planet has 11 continents, 558 islands, 5 oceans, and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:313d
  • Cromem- A temperate planet that has large amounts of introduced fauna and flora from all across the AUU. There are also large mountains and volcanoes, rock formations, flying islands and mountains levitated by magnetanium, a colorful sky due to it's small amounts of noble gases, active weather and storms, ancient Teadr 1 monuments and ruins, clear waters and water formations, colorful jungles and wetlands, and large elegant cities. This is a world with massive amounts of megalopolises or normal cities, all connected through underground freeways which are highly propagated as the rest of the cities across the planet. The architecture of the cities are similar to the cities of WALL-E, except with larger scale and detail, and common roads with automatic digital-screened sphere-wheeled vehicles, metro stations, large holographic display and propaganda, and large robotic activity and a very powerful all-purpose police force. The people of the world are naturally gifted in acrobatics, stunts, and an instinct of adrenaline, adventure, and excitement, and there are many gaming events that take place every two months in virtual arenas the size of mountains. This is basically the Gamerene of the AUU. The planet has 6 continents, 8 small continents, 6,660 islands, 3 oceans, and a large rocky and crystalline ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:356d
  • Vagora- A jungle planet which has flora consisting of plants, zooplantae, fungi, and land reefs, alien-like fauna and monsters, large caves, subterranean or otherwise, large volcanoes and mountains, crystal-clear water, randomly-active and strong weather and storms, large rock formations and heights, and a colorful sky filled with metallic and noble gases. This is another gladiator hunting world as the wildlife is mainly genetically-engineered monsters that provide a grand challenge for hunters. There are also large amounts of criminal activity as corporations like CrimeTech and Corruption Co. profit from this dangerous sport. The planet has 15 continents surrounding 9 oceans and 409 islands. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:398d
  • Frume Eo- A barren rocky moon belonging to a red gas giant called Gosaburog. This is a moon with massive landscapes, weak gravity, ship graveyards, and no atmosphere. The moon is widely used by Cromemians to train in weaker gravity, which effectively improves their skills, especially when fighting on Briggle. There are large arenas and training grounds that effectively test and train people to fight and do acrobatic movements that aid them well in life. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type IV; OT: 255d
  • Xoxxtuome- A 75%-ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Gosaburog. The moon's cities are of the same architecture as of Cromem as it is one of their well-known colonies, and the ecosystem itself has alternate-colored plants and introduced animals, a red sky filled with small amounts of neon and helium, a thin but breathable atmosphere, brown soil, and Teadr 1 monuments and ruins. The world has a much more efficient economy and business as they sponsor multiple businesses across the AUU. They even step up the sporting as multiple competition tracks are on par with Hot Wheels games. The moon has 8 continents and 4 oceans. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 286d
  • Vadrozume- A temperate toxic wasteland-like planet which has large amounts of cities, a green sky due to it's small amounts of radon, large bogs and swamps, active weather, toxic green slime pools, large mountains, plentiful amounts of fauna and flora, large rock formations, and it has foggy environments. This is a world where the inhabitants get used to odors and smells to the point where they can likely go nose-blind to many things. The world is rich in insects, worms, bacteria, and other invertebrates as the world was around for billions of years and all common forms of wildlife have gone extinct, leaving mostly invertebrates to take the planet over and turn it into a toxic world. Inhabitants make it tolerable however they can, and they make their villages with whatever scraps they can find from the extinct Teadr 2 ruins and cities found all across the planet, as well as the junkyards. There are modern-day Teadr 3 cities that make a decent living tolerating the smells of this planet, and the acidic pools and obstacles that can be found on it, whether it be violent predators, sharp rocks, toxic fields and geysers, and others. Despite this, there are upsides of this world as there are warm geysers and clean water that allows for perfect hygiene. This is the hiding place of former VA member Chuck Le Poi-Son since he devastated Qaclite. The planet has 180 small lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:421d
  • Gammaron- A rainforest planet with ancient Teadr 1 and 2 monuments including large dams meant to seal the intense tides of the planet's two moons, there are large rock formations, mountains, and massive heights, large wetlands, flora consisting of plants and land reefs, and introduced wildlife in the form of mostly invertebrates and small amounts of vertebrates. It is a world where ancient beings competed in large sporting events for corrupt or legitimate reasons and for special rewards, especially when the world was rich in rarium and other gems that were traded and used in currency. Later on, the world became a front for Cromemians who claimed the extinct people's competing grounds, though later on, they became a mostly-competitive people who use Teadr 2 technology mainly for gaming, having multiple AUU sporting events annually. The planet has 6 continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 33hr:476d

Exygue System

  • Prorix- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Exaa Wode- (Examoid Home Planet, Teadr 5 4-Legged Tripod-Like Insectoid Beings, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Blorix- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Skoozuno- (TBC...)Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Leynus- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Smuxecury- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Drion- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Sophotome System

  • Sophotome Prime- A semi-temperate desert lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Jaa- A semi-temperate lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Fulgor- A temperate planet Holoverse Corporation (Founder: CEO Hologomery Alux Anomaly, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Anklinge- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tebruetania- An ecumenopolis planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Jeolo V- A tropical island moon belonging to the dark-blue gas giant called Jeolotoxone. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Jeolo XXIV- A barren moon also belonging to Jeolotoxone. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: Type IV; OT:
  • Truxunope- A cold tundra planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:


  • Bleek-Pleek Prime- The home planet of the Peenikkos, who are sworn allies of the Blublargians who insistently came to their aide the minute the Atonts became a problem to them. This as a result made the planet contested between UIS and the USRA due to their willful involvement in a complicated matter. While the Peenikkos are otherwise neutrol to both groups, they do appresiate UIS for defending them while not exactly having much to say about the USRA positively.

Ackorvinus System

  • Blublarg- A soiled planet populated by sentient and unsentient insects. The insects are carnivorous and live in large hives, hills, and tight spaces. They also live in Teadr 3 underground cities with heavily-built bronze buildings with durable glass windows, red, orange, and green lighting, metro systems, and screen display and propaganda. The plants that grow on the surface provide a perfect agriculture for the bugs that feed on leaves, fruits, and vegetables. This is a planet that was originally going to be inhabited by the Teadr 2 Atonts, but the Blublargians thought of them as very self-absorbed, greedy, and self-centered creatures since they always tried to lure their way into the USRA, so they forbidden them from ever colonizing the planet. To ensure it stays that way, the Blublargians joined UIS to get protection from Atont extremists that may not respect their final word in the matter. Doing so however, ended up making this system an epicenter of USRA/UIS conflict that is going on even to this day, resulting in becoming the most recognized, if in fact considered the most famous of the conflicted systems. The Atonts deemed the Blublargians actions to be hypocritical, in that the Atonts, who are admirers of the USRA, are not allowed to have homes in the planet, but UIS can make as many buildings as they want when they are rampant USRA critics and mass isolators and are considered ten times even more self-serving then what the Atonts been accused off! The Atonts declared war on the Blublargians for their actions of hypocritcy and thus left the system to be in an ideological war between the UISifived Blubargians and those of Nicon, with two unallied planets caught between the ideological crossfire and would run the risks of being made to pick a side to decide a dominant ruler of the system. There has since been a primary alliance faction of Blablargians that came to be known as The Guild Allience Union of Ackorvinus' Independence, or G.A.U.A.I. as an acronym. The planet has 2 continents and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:311d
  • Assicon- A medieval coniferous planet populated by sentient and unsentient animals, and is one of the many planets to use magic. The villages are at a Teadr 5 level, and no cities are found. This planet has a feudal society, and live in a monarchy, containing over 61 kingdoms worldwide. This planet used to be a far peaceful place, but then the kingdoms started to become more and more divided from eachother, as there is kingdoms that supported the USRA, those that came to enjoy UIS' philosophies more, Kingdoms that want independence from BOTH conflicting factions and unify the land in their own independence, and those kingdoms that just want Assicon to NOT be dragged into an outsider war and often work with the independence wanting kingdoms to fight the larger feudulent kingdoms that either want UIS or USRA. The planet has 6 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:343hr
  • Ferus


    Ferus- This is the AUU version of Mythos. A planet populated by mythical creatures. The planet is just like Earth, varying from climate. The mythical creatures here vary in Teadr level, living either in tribes or villages. Cities are very rare on this planet, carrying the planet's only spaceports. The mythical creatures here are usually intelligent, and have self-awareness, and have usually mastered magic from various planets thanks to discovering oracles in their religions. The oracles have allowed the intelligent mythical creatures to build a magic portal that sends them anywhere in the AUU. This is what caused the many visuals of mythical creatures in the years before the Common Era. The planet was eventually discovered by the USRA in 1287 AD, and have made the planet a sanctuary. Ferus is lucky to not have been fully dragged into the UIS/USRA conflict for the system, but there do exist mythic kingdoms that began to lean more into either USRA or UIS support and have began fleets of conquest and war against eachother for the alliances' names, but fortunately are kept in place by larger mythic kingdoms that want to make sure Ferus isn't dragged into a virtually unrelated conflict to Ferus as badly as the neighboring Assicon is. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:389d
  • Nicon- An ecumenopolis planet populated by various sentient and unsentient animals. This is also a USRA planet, being populated by all the USRA races, and having a massive Teadr 1 global city, and being one of the many planets that were colonized by the Yatorans. The brass metals of the buildings are wired with conduction lines that provide them with power, the rooms are virtual, and the lights are very bright, making the city look like a futuristic version of Tokyo. The planet is meant as a place where people should learn self-defense, a minor short-lived pact created by the AUU Grand Council during the Villains Act. But since 20% of the AUU didn't want to learn self-defense, the Council decreed that the pact would end once the last class has been successful. Since then, the planet still contains training facilities, and teaches over 300 martial arts, 28 types of gymnastics, and 5 types of escape artistry. However, when UIS proved to be a slightly greater concern then the VA could ever be, thanks to the start of the USRA/UIS conflict, fear of being booted out of their homes by a known force of isolationism drove people to come in droves to learn self-defense just so UIS can't so easily take away their homes and livelihoods without a fight. As such, the pact was amended, from being to be around until the UIS/USRA conflict is resolved, to then be made a permanent part of Nicon life due to how everyone began to become entertained by their skills and how it kept them fit and healthy. In doing such, Nicon alone is why the otherwise more powerful UIS has yet to fully make Ackorvinus a fully UIS system. Still, UIS found a way to make sure USRA influence doesn't spread beyond this system, via UIS fleets that block out now isolated worlds. The planet has 4 small oceans, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:436d

Isolated Systems-3


  • Clykyor- (AUU Vikings called Clykings, TBC...)

Bnmans System

Arethanch System

  • Mechonon- A wasteland desert planet and the setting of a post-apocalyptic society. Technology has been stagnant for a long time and therefore people steal tech as a currency. Over 800 years ago, this planet was the center of a popular tech combat sensation called Mechamania, where people compete by fighting with the best technology they had. But then tech combat was banned because of the advancement of technology causing serious risks. No longer legally supported, and added to an incident involving a super-dangerious prototype super-robot that caused a robotic revolution where "Crazyed Robots" are still a common problem, the planet drove itself to chaos and dwindled everything into ruins. This still continues to this day, and only one relic of Mechamania remains: the 500-mile-diameter Abducted Arena, run by the last of the event's family line, Marvin Mechson. The planet has 86 lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:472d ; Capital City: Maximus City (In Ruins)

Mecca System

  • Mechtonia- A temperate planet with ancient robotic ruins and a very technopunk society as the home planet of a race of robots with organic cores called Mechtons. Starting out as machines that developed self-evolution by adapting biotic brains and hearts, they continued progressing as unsentient but adaptable machines and became a medieval technomancer society untimely finally colonizing their entire system. Though they are not of direct affiliation to UIS, the Mechtons came to admire their ideology for independence, thus the Mechtons came to be self-groomed to be a future UIS race member and began adopting their societal norms.

Oel System

  • Oeldipus- A toxic wasteland planet that has slimy wastelands, swampy forests, powerful storms, a deep blue sky filled with small amounts of actinium and xenon, and is a quarantined planet. This is the home planet of a race of amphibious Teadr 2 beings called Oeldians, who went into massive life support suits after a cataclysmic outbreak of Adaptovirus, and have been seeking for centuries with their advanced technology to find a cure while the virus ruined their planet. They went into benufactoring UIS with money and tec to get further cure development. The planet has 20 continents surrounding 9 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; DC: 26hr:417d

Jahsgas System

Arcanumbex System

  • Arcaterra- A terrestrial enchanted planet blessed with magic by the Realsh eons ago through 2001: A Space Odyssey monolith-like structures dubbed Arcanuliths, giving the planet a lodestone core, a highly magnetic magnetosphere, and a magical substance called arcanium. The planet also has flying islands and continents, active weather and storms, Earth/alien-like biota including lizard-like dracthons with long deathly tails and horse-wildebeest creatures used as steeds, large mountain ranges, and a very breathable atmosphere with enough oxygen to allow life to flourish and insects to grow bigger, despite the higher concentration of oxygen making the air more flammable to lightning storms. This is the home planet of a race of lion-like primatoid Teadr 1.5 beings called Arcatans, who are prideful beings that live under a kratocratic dictatorship whereas the strongest fighter of the race was king and a rough segregation system of technological availability was based around the strongest to weakest as a rite-of-passage where people became great by becoming adaptable to the rigors of advanced technology and magic. The race is thus famous for being used to any kind of technological level. The planet has a massive planetary ring, a supercontinent, and a global ocean littered with thousands of islands covered with boundless Arcanuliths and arcanium crystals. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:435d; Capital City: Lodestar

Kiaksja System

Uiuyst System

Sanwa-Tegh System

  • Wantagha- A desert planet that has hardy sources of water due to its two suns. Originally named Horna, the planet has been one of the most highly-profitable moisture farms that were capitalized massively. However these farms and many settlers are attacked on a regular basis by nomadic yet somewhat advanced horned but physiologically-inbred creatures called Hornans, or Hornan Raiders, because they believe that water is sacred and a gift promised to them by their gods, which took the form of the two suns, after a fabled story in which water was taken briefly by the gods as punishment for the sin of being too reliant on it, thus they attack settlers because they see the moisture farms as a desecration. Some settlers tried to make contact with outside worlds for help, but this ends up with them getting arrested instead cause often UIS is the first responders that cancels out the contact and gets to the contacter and aggressively arrested them and any that try to protect them. Either way, this had lead to moisture farms being vulnerable to inevitable destruction by the Hornans, which cripples the settler economy, making the colonies poorer and dependent businesses to go under, resulting in having to settle for synthetic water, which isn't all that great in taste, but it does have practicality in that it still hydrates. Either way, farming moisture here is becoming a dying practice, because the settlers were never able to get the help they wanted, and all attempts to get help only lead to the contactors getting arrested by UIS. Thus, the settlers came to have hostile attitudes towards outsiders as a result. The planet has 45 small lakes surrounded entirely by dried-up land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:317d

Bannnag System

4. Ranatos Sector

The Ranatos secter, founded by Count Ranatos of Cunone fame, founded the secter for his people to use, and at least in the Craiti system they are having their reshorse worth. This is also home of the Ichgee system, home of the reptiles of the animal provence, along with a wide-scale organic/bot war in an entire system, a planet with a problem under a conlfict between colonists and the Chaybdrans who had first dibs but the colonists didn't realised this before it was too late, the home system of a famed pro-de-extinctioner, along with a world with an Xcom-like situation, and an entire system of dog creatures.

  • Idion- A rogue planet that has large rocky landscapes, alien biota, dilapidated and cartoonishly wrecked and twisted cities, active storms and weather, large junkyards, flying islands levitated by gravitational imbalances, and an atmosphere of 2% sulfur, 60% oxygen, 8% hydrogen, and 30% carbon dioxide making the air stinky. It used to be a flourishing planetary world that had a population of disabled, moronic, incompetent, and corrupt simpletons who lived in a simplistic society, had wronged many people, and an utter world of idiocy and laziness as the result of progress of the world being stunted by anti-intellectualism, causing the total loss of social responsibility and coherent notions of justice and being rights, thus the laws were often ridiculous, moronic, cruel, nonsensical, and absolutely loathed. As a result, many people, including visitors, were wronged horribly by this world, as they were penalized and litigated for ridiculous reasons, false arrests were rampant, it was easy for anyone to be offended illogically and unreasonably, and many people were robbed of their joyous lives on this planet. The people who were wronged by this planet used a desperate act of astroterrorism to ensure that this planet was destroyed, and despite the interference of the Grand Council of Old, the world was successfully destroyed and sent out of it's planetary orbit, causing all inhabitants to die out and go extinct, until the world found a stable spot in open space. Thus, while this world would be considered open for habitation, the ones who destroyed the planet wish to have it stay barren out of fear of history repeating itself. This force has earned members because the idea of idiots running a world is merely too irresponsible, unacceptable, and impossibly intolerable to live on or deal with, because nobody wants to live on or deal with a world run by idiots, as it risks wasted resources, false charges, random government acts, all of which waste resources at a random pace, and thus these forces, called the Anti-Idiological Movement, would vow to become a fascist movement out to declare a genocide on idiots of any kind, believing them to be a danger to the AUU themselves and using the barren planet they destroyed as the foundation for their new base, unaware of the consequences of idiocy in the definition of the smartest people in the AUU. There are secretly idiots on the planet still alive and became their own underground movement and recolonized the planet outside AIM's watch, and have resorted to rebuilding the world by abducting idiots all across the AUU, and even assimilating other people into idiots. This is the AUU version of Dementia. The planet has 18 continents, 10 oceans, and junky planetary rings. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I

Icrapha System

  • Egypher- An Egyptian desert planet of intense sandstorms, alien biota, intense hot climates, orgaliths, columnar basalt rock formations, high-tech market places, underground cave systems, lava and geothermal wastes and formations, and ancient yet very advanced ruins. These ruins consist of giant black or chrome, fluorescent, iridescent, or shiny pyramids, obelisks, monoliths, cubes, cylinders, cones, cuboids, planetiths (planet-like orbs that levitate across the land), prismatic reactors that are still functioning, polygonal mechanisms, statues, and other monuments. Said to have been one of the earliest advanced colonies after the AUU First Cartoonian War, this was the planet with the earliest use, if not birthplace, of transfusion, which is a mostly-illegal technology that drains health and youth for another's use. Perfected by the infamous pharaoh Youthon I to keep himself alive long enough to take over the AUU, this planet went into a scientific renaissance after Youthon was entombed by the next pharaoh alchemist who developed the planet's trademark stardrones, space diamonds, and the Pyramid Corporation run by Chairman Novus which restores the high-tech ruins built during Ancient Egypher and perks up the dormant yet still-functional ancient machinery. This world is also known for being the birthplace of AUU vampires, which are much different in definition to the blood-sucking type, as AUU vampires are known for consuming anything for sustenance and power, whether it be blood, power, energy, fuel, magic, mana, health, stamina, solar energy, thermal energy, electricity, etc., as this is how transfusion itself evolved on this planet, and legends surrounding so many vampires including the famous Count Draid, King Nosifus, and Carnivetra, and their influence spread to worlds like Wraemontir and Morbius. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:334d; Capital City: Pyramid City
  • Tongo- A Congolese planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Jiger- A Nigerian planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tomobolia- A Somali planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Lycstos System

  • Theripher- A Romanian forest planet known for housing high-tech villages, active weather, alien biota, intense toxic organic conditions, orgaliths, columnar basalt rock formations, high-tech market places, underground cave systems, lava and geothermal wastes and formations, and ancient yet very advanced ruins. These ruins consist of giant white or chrome, fluorescent, iridescent, or shiny towers, monoliths, ziggurats, temples, cubes, cylinders, cones, cuboids, planetiths (planet-like orbs that levitate across the land), prismatic reactors that are still functioning, polygonal mechanisms, statues, and other monuments. Said to have been another one of the earliest advanced colonies after the AUU First Cartoonian War beside Egypher, this was a planet known for bring plagued with toxic biota that used to spread and envelop many areas. This outbreak, which was the result of a spike in evolution as the biota had accelerated from an untapped primordial soup, was unable to be stopped as people ended up suffering to a disease that not only came from the spread, but they ironically used it in their attempts to quell the infection, and later used it to survive. This disease is actually a single-celled organism comprised of self-sustaining cells that hail from other multicellular creatures, called theriocysts, that is capable of making anyone who ingests it turn into an animal or animal hybrid at will, allowing them enhanced senses and survival skill. This eventually became the norm that created the AUU therianthropes, or were creatures, that have a different definition in the AUU besides the most common being werewolves. Stories about the most famous of these therianthropes began to spread, like Caspar and Ranus, and their influence spread to worlds like Wraemontir and Morbius. By present day, the Pyramid Corporation helped colonize this planet for many people in the AUU, as by modern day, the infection had died out centuries ago. The planet has 8 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:495d; Capital City: Therion City

Craiti System

  • Shallin- A temperate planet which is noted for being covered with colorful plant life, it's large amount of wetlands, and it's abundance of fauna. The Cunones that colonized this world made it an economic capital due to hundreds of caves containing rarium and volcanic gems valuable for currency. and are often traded with the AUU Currency Troupe and across the AUU. There are also hot springs located on several areas of the planet, and geothermal wastelands. The planet has 9 continents, several small islands, and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:355d
  • Ruton- A tropical planet which is considered a grand vacation spot for the Cunones, as well as the other USRA races. The planet has many large islands that surround the entire globe, and each island can range in size. The oceans are populated by sentient animals that accompany the Cunones, especially when they're doing water activities. The sentient aquatics have built large metropolitan cities in the coral reefs, and some diving and often times snorkeling USRA races pay a visit to these cities. The land has several resort cities which can span for miles, and often be combined a few times. The planet has 97 islands and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:396d

Ichgee System

  • Ivitos- An arid desert planet which is currently being terraformed to create seas and provide drinking water. Yet still during the process, the planet still has a breathable atmosphere, and the reptiles have built Teadr 3 cities with Australian cultures, black buildings with durable glass windows, screen display and propaganda, metro systems, an 80% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles. While it has no water, it makes up for with valuable metals and spices to trade. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:198d; Capital City: Jabor City
  • Irigand- A desert planet with Teadr 3 cities that have the same architecture and appearance as those of the rest of the system, only there is less plant life. There is less surface water, and most of the planet's water is found deep in the ground for farming. Some of the reptiles here are tribal and ride on large monitor lizards, have advanced weaponry, and are often hostile against more advanced races. The planet has a large supercontinent and a small global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:233d; Capital City: Anor Iza
  • Iogataia- A mountainous steppe planet which is noted for having over 20 extinct volcanoes, large geothermal fields, and dull clouds. These geothermal fields are known to carry valuable minerals and substances that are used in certain appliances across the AUU, and are mined out by robots. There is also Teadr 3 cities with common Ichgee architecture and appearance, only it is much more advanced having holographic windows and rooms. This is the capital planet of the Ichgee System, containing it's Council and ruler which make up the reptile branch of the Animal Square Province. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:249d; Capital City: Sauro City
  • Iuagorn- A tropical planet with tropical islands and massive oceans populated by reptiles and dinosaurs with a Hawaiian culture. This planet contains dozens of Teadr 3 resort cities or plain cities with the same architecture and appearance as any other Ichgee city. This is the agricultural capital of the Ichgee System which helps grow plants and meat for themselves, and sometimes others, containing large corporations that provide good pay for farmers and agriculturists. The planet has 60 small islands. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:296d; Capital City: Liz'zida
  • Ithoron- A coniferous planet with sparse plant life and lush forests and swamps. The reptiles that live here have not only built Teadr 3 cities with the same common Ichgee architecture and appearance, aside from a few differences in plant variety and the brass metal that makes up the buildings, but they have developed easy methods of travel through riding the dinosaurs that live on their planet. Dinosaurs on this planet tend to be sentient or unsentient. This is also the economic capital of the Ichgee System for it's rich amounts of volcanic gems, spices, and valuable metals. The planet has 8 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:324d; Capital City: Scallar
  • Isonia- A wetland planet with coniferous forests, and Teadr 3 cities that share the same architecture and appearance as the other Ichgee cities. But this planet is widely known to have dangerous waters filled with monstrous meat-eating predators swimming inside. However, these water are known for it's rich amounts of energy crystals which the Ichgee System uses as a power source, yet it is a challenge to collect them. The planet has 6 continents, 4 oceans, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:375d; Capital City: Dyinose
  • Iconos- A tropical rainforest planet which is known for it's dangerous environment caused by it's 2 moons. Terrain dams have been created to block off destructive tidal waves, and the Teadr 3 cities, which have the same kind of architecture and appearance as all Ichgee cities, have protective durable glass domes to prevent their homes from being washed away in case of a failure in the dams. It is also known for it's reptilian underwater predators that had, at one time, bitten a spaceship out of the sky. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:402d; Capital City: Cathar
  • Iwiha VII- A mountainous desert moon belonging to the grayish-green gas giant Iwiha. This moon is not only colonized for being the scientific capital of the Ichgee System, but it is also known for it's geothermal steam vents that moisturize the atmosphere of the moon. This is where the technology of the Ichgee System comes from. No cities are found here, but various factories and companies are found here. The moon has 14 large lakes surrounded by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 236d
  • Iwiha XI- A canyon moon also belonging to Iwiha. It is recognized for it's rich amounts of astronium which are mined for currency in not just their society, but for the AUU Currency Troupe. This is where the system's digital banks are located, transporting astronium to the planets that require them, and doing banking services across the planet. The Teadr 3 cities that are found here are either on AFTs or on the ground, each sharing the same architecture and appearance of the other cities in the system. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 311d

Pholaros System

  • Socrass- A humid wetland planet with jungles similar to Carboniferous forests. The bugs grow very large due to the large amounts of oxygen in the atmosphere. Other sentient and unsentient animals like mammals and reptiles thrive here. The Teadr 3 cities are massive, have black buildings with yellow and green lighting, durable glass windows, holographic display and propaganda, a 73% abundance of plants and land corals, ground vehicles, and are built inside domes to protect them from the dangerous predators that lurk in the outside world. A few tribes have been known to be on this planet as well, some friendly, some hostile. The planet has 5 small continents and 3 large oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:237d; Capital City: Exoene City
  • Zernus- An ecumenopolis planet populated by sentient and unsentient animals. 78% of it is covered in water. The Teadr 2 global city has 3 levels, black, chrome, and silver buildings with durable glass windows, screen/holographic display and propaganda, a 61% abundance of plants and land corals, and flying vehicles. The upper 2 levels are for land creatures, the bottom one being virtual. The bottom 2 levels are for underwater civilizations, the upper one being virtual. The planet's moon, Zenzo, is colonized for Globex research facilities to be housed. The planet has 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:298d
  • Tarkilios- A medieval planet with 16th century Teadr 7 customs and cultures. This planet is known for it's many religions and source of alchemy. All villages exist in the trees and the castles can be found around them in small spots and the architecture can be huge. The main species, a race of Teadr 7 rodent-like mustelid beings called Tarkiloids, are excellent alchemists, and some have even built magical portals that send them to Verus, where alchemy is one of the greatest cultures. They have even built many other magical weapons that are either displayed safely in museums or still lost on this planet. The planet has 6 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:341d
  • Dixar- A Greek planet populated by mythical creatures. This is one of the many planets to use magic. The planet was apparently a form of colonization for the mythical creatures of Ferus, and they claimed this planet as their own before an ancient race could. They faced a brief feud with each other, but decided to reconcile and leave the race to go away. The fate of this unknown race is unclear, but it is said in legend that they would return. But the race was, in fact, the Yatorans, who have introduced their new friends in the USRA to the Dixarians, and have been given full permission to colonize the planet. The planet has 4 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:378d
  • Tryvinatos- An ocean planet where Teadr 3 cities with silver buildings with window holes, colorful xenon-krypton lights, screen displays and propaganda, and a large abundance of coral reefs, are inside deep caverns, and sentient creatures avoid predation from large outside predators. The cavernous cities are usually right near underwater volcanic tubes. However, the planet was nearly destroyed after the Villains Act established factories on the planet to mine the radioactive crystals inside the caves using the planet's core for energy, almost causing the planet to superheat and explode. But when the Villains Act fell, the factories were destroyed, and the planet was saved. From then on, the volcanic tubes were plugged up, and order was restored. The planet has 2 moons. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:419d

Ocqua System

  • Struucury- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Veanus- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Drotooine- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Eyliv- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Giotune- (Ocean Medieval Kingdom, TBC...) Moons: 2; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Urgle- An ocean moon belonging to Giotune. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Lub- An ocean moon also belonging to Giotune. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Whojowei- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ostroagawa- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Seella- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:

Helsen-Vertse System

  • Gurdek- A desert lava planet which has native invertebrate fauna and flora consisting of land reefs and zooplantae, large lava/rock formation, crystal-clear waters and wetlands, active weather, grasslands and prairies, alien-like jungles, and geothermal valleys. This is secretly the hiding place of the remains of an extinct race of Teadr 2 beings called the Aylubes, which have gone from technophiles to technophobes since their last surviving colony of Birce was overtaken by the Biobes. Now they exist as a primitive society which destroys any technology they see, all while using primitive weaponry such as slingshots, gliders, catapults, and other non-technological devices, yet retain intelligence but have an animalistic behavior against technology. The Helsen Group claimed this planet to establish high-tech cities, towns, lava refineries, and robot factories, all of which are terrorized by the Aylubes. Even with high-tech security, these beings are far too experienced with them to be stopped by them, and thus they always get away with a high level of destruction. These beings even refuse to share the reasons as they fear they would be shunned and declared sociopathic menaces. They still continue this and have repopulated just enough to make a suitable population on this planet. The planet has 69 small lakes surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:282d
  • Tibbon- A semi-temperate desert lava planet which has a red-violet sky as the result of it's small amount of hydrogen and neon, a large amount of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, ancient Uridian monuments and ruins, large flying mountains and islands levitated by magnetanium, a rare amount of uridium, rich amounts of rarium and laserum, large rock and lava formations, introduced fauna, and active weather. This is a world where a war between the Vertse Group and a previous founding group known as the Helsen Group, who claimed that the system belonged to them, and thus a 7-year war erupted between the two groups until a peace treaty was signed. Thus the two shared their system with each other, as the two groups would share sides, being separated by the system's laserum-rich asteroid belt. This world became the Helsen Group's economic capital as mining colonies and refineries, often trading what they find to the AUU Currency Troupe on Planet Inorbon. The planet has 9 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:314d
  • Helsen- A temperate planet which has arid landscapes, red-violet sky due to it's small amount of hydrogen and neon, large amounts of introduced fauna and flora, large rock formations, active weather, purple tar pits, animal graveyards, common signs of fog and mist, an extremely thick atmosphere, and large Teadr 1 monuments and ruins. This is the capital of the Helsen Group's co-control over the Helsen-Vertse System as it was the first planet they inhabited as a result of being one of the richest places of Uridian activity. The Uridians, in their time, have made this world one of which they trained in their phasing powers, and due to high amounts of their use, uridium is said to be found here, but none have been found for years. Yet some hints of it's presence are seen as the result of purple glowing tar and phase-powered fauna. Here, the Helsen Group has established a decent community of megalopolises and small towns, mining colonies for gemstones such as diamonds, a robotic police force, cantinas, parks, and large arenas. The planet has 8 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:354d
  • Eork- An ecumenopolis planet with a sodium-filled yellow sky, oddly-colored plants, and an artificially-built fauna. It has been in major issues with megacorporations since the Exo-Wars. The Globex bankruptcy left it to shut down on this planet, leaving the door wide open for other companies to provide for the people. What followed was 5 megacorporations trying to earn the trust of the people, including corrupt officials from the Helsen and Vertse Groups. As a result, they had a war with each other for their trust until the war ended with them occupying each of the 5 continents on the planet. Regardless, each still believe they should control the planet itself, and still fight against each other. This fight still goes on to this very day as each megacorporation has formed their own robotic armies to combat one another. But these robots are programmed to never bring harm to innocent civilians and thus they are ordered to protect any who get caught in the crossfire of their battles. These megacorporations have their supporters or their enemies, as the enemies have formed an underground movement to end the multi-corporate war because they believe that this war is doing more harm than good as they keep destroying property and threatening their way of life and their free will. The planet has 5 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:376d
  • Sphae X- A terrestrial jungle moon belonging to the purple gas giant called Sphaese. This world has large jungles populated by introduced fauna and flora, ancient Teadr 1 Uridian ruins, purple tar pits, geothermal/toxic valleys, large rock formations, and active weather and storms. The Uridians colonized the moon for it's rich amounts of energy crystals, yet abandoned it after exhausting it completely. Later on, the Helsen Group colonized it for it's enhanced soil which allows for easy genetic farming, thus making this moon an agriworld, as well as establishing several wildlife sanctuaries and reserves. The moon has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 207d
  • Sphae XXII- A lava moon also belonging to Sphaese. The moon is distinguished for it's ancient Teadr 1 Uridian monuments and ruins, lava/geothermal valleys, volcanoes and mountains, large rock/lava formations, flying islands and mountains levitated by loadstone, and a large population of Plaentoan tribes and small grasslands and jungles which actually photosynthesize and make the planet breathable, as well as introduced invertebrates. After the Uridians abandoned it due to a superplume event, Qaclitians attempted a terraformation process using the Plaentoans, but the Plaentoans claimed the planet for themselves, and they bloomed over a hundred colonies of plants, and thus they became a bandit tribal community that considers all grounds on the lava planet sacred. Thus attempts by the Helsen or Vertse Groups only ended in a few deaths in the hands of these cultivated beings. It even ended with them stealing and utilizing a handful of their advanced technology, turning them from Teadr 7 into Teadr 5. The moon has 28 lakes surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 486d
  • Sphae XXX- An icy moon also belonging to Sphaese. It has a deep-blue sky due to a small amount of actinium, large foggy icelands, intense snowy and cold conditions, underground aquifers filled with native invertebrate wildlife, most being predatory, and some of which venture on the cold land, large glaciers and rock formations, abandoned military bases, small towns, and large mountains and volcanoes. This is a world of which the Helsen and Vertse Groups spent their brief feud fighting. Afterwards, most of the bases ended up abandoned, while the rest are factories and barracks for defending the system against evils like the Villains Act. Though Uridian technology has been found here, it is proven that no Uridian activity has been found on this moon, possibly using this world to dispose of unwanted objects, though it's still unspecified. The moon has 18 oceans surrounded entirely by land, but connected through the underground aquifers. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 544d
  • Bisiyus- A 75%-ecumenopolis planet which has a yellow-to-blue sky due to it's small amounts of sodium and mercury, small rock and lava formations, chrome, gold, white, or black buildings with yellow, blue, or red pigmented plating, holographic/plasma/computer interface windows, red, yellow, or blue lighting, a high amount of robotic activity, large amounts of introduced plants and land reefs, screen/holographic display and propaganda, ground/hover vehicles, and AFT platforms of all shapes and sizes. This is a world that was originally a home for the extinct Teadr 1 Uridians until the Vertse Group rediscovered it and restored it to a new Teadr 2 composition. It is one of the many prominent worlds of the Helsen-Vertse System, and one of the many sanctuaries from the Vertse Group's ruined capital of Vertse. The planet has 9 oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:403d
  • Rhatch- A scarlet gas giant which has a zoeosphere that was founded by the Vertse Family Group, as they created artificial islands and mountains, AFTs, and the most elegant gas giant environment in the system. They colonized it primarily to mine the natural gas that can be used as fuel, as well as the rich amounts of gemstones formed by the chemical reactions in the lower zoeosphere, and for metallic gases. The planet has a decent amount of megalopolises, cities, and towns, and is often a unique shelter from the terrors of Vertse. Robotics are much more balanced on this gas giant than on Vertse. Storms are very intense on this planet, but not destructive. The planet has over 50 artificial continents, 6,009 artificial islands, and over 100,909 AFT platforms of all shapes and sizes. Moons: 56; DC: 48hr:771d
  • Rha XIII- A semi-temperate lava moon belonging to Rhatch. This world has a yellow sky due to it's small amount of sodium and sulfur, there is active acidic weather, introduced fauna and flora which are genetically-bred to resist the acidic weather, large robotic graveyards, large rock/lava formations, large volcanoes, and small traces of water. This is a colony for the Vertse Group as they have built moisture farms and lava refineries to mine for the precious and indestructible metals found within, as well as for building large robot factories and science facilities. The only cities are found on AFTs and range in size and shape. A problem with this world is that it's also a world populated by the Biobes, which snuck here on spaceships and do a small amount of damage to multiple areas, only being quelled by advanced security forces. The moon has 78 small lava/water oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 271d
  • Rha XXIV- A lava moon belonging to Rhatch. This is a world with no plants, and thus no breathable atmosphere, yet contains a high amount of robotic, ship, and mechanical graveyards, is rich in rarium, has domed Vertse cities, large rock/lava formations, geothermal/toxic valleys, large flying rock fields levitated by loadstone, and intense storms. This is a colony for the Vertse Group where they mine the precious amount of rarium, and utilize them within their currency system. However, this world is also inhabited by Biobes that made their way here through stowing away in spaceships, and thus they terrorize the mining colonies, only being stopped by the security forces. The moon has 6 large continents surrounding 4 small lava oceans. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type III; OT: 320d
  • Rha XXXV- An ecumenopolis moon belonging to Rhatch. This is a moon with an architecture common to the Vertse Group, having yellow, white, gray, or gold buildings with red, yellow, and blue lighting and/or pigmented plating and holographic/computer interface/plasma windows, large AFTs, a large amount of robotic and AI activity, hover/ground vehicles, a large amount of Thabe labor, decent amounts of Vertse-native fauna and flora, as well as some from the Vertse Group's abandoned homeworld, holographic/screen display and propaganda, and cascading scenery such as crystal-clear waterfalls and artificial oceans. This is where robots are highly-marketed and utilized for most of the jobs all across the moon. However, this sometimes makes their creators and masters very lazy. Though this almost caused the robots to turn on their masters and swear loyalty to VertSpek, they decided to change a lot of things to avoid a deadly civil war. Though half of the population is still lazy, they are still respecting their robotic crations as they should. The moon has 16 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 390d
  • Rha XL- A temperate moon belonging to Rhatch. This world has ancient Teadr 2 Aylube ruins and monuments overcome by nature, still-functioning robotic monuments, a yellow sodium-filled sky, active weather, introduced fauna and flora, large and bizarre rock formations, toxic valleys, and large mountains. This is a Vertse colony that tries to co-exist with the hostile Biobes that stowed away from Birce to this world. Thus megalopolises and Vertse-owned communities are well-protected by Great Walls armed with turbolaser turrets. The cities have the same architecture and appearance as those of Vertse and Rha XXXV. Robot graveyards litter the borders of the Great Walls, and many people are lost in the wrath of the Biobes. People in the cities are given a right to bare arms in order to defend themselves as best as they can. However, some people, except of dying, are assimilated into new Biobes. A police force run by the Vertse Family are doing what they can to protect this world from these cybernetic abominations. The moon has 9 oceans surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 440d
  • Rha LIII- A semi-ecumenopolis moon belonging to Rhatch. This is a world which is 50% covered in an ecumenopolis with the same architecture and appearance as Vertse, and the other 2 Rha moons, yet it has a white-blue krypton-filled sky, introduced fauna and flora, geothermal valleys, large rock formations, jungles and rainforests, robot graveyards, and large canyons and mountains. On this world, the Vertse Group discovered rich amounts of rarium which are used for the system's currency system, as well as laserum which is used in weaponry, and other gemstones and metals. This is also an agriworld which has fertilizer-rich soil, growing crops much wider than usual. The moon has 7 continents surrounding 3 small oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 486d
  • Vertse


    Vertse- A semi-arid wasteland planet that has ancient cities, factories, refineries, facilities, and an abandoned quarter-ecumenopolis, basalt columnar rock formations, lava pits, glowing colorful crystals, underground caverns, large desert dunes and rock formations, geothermal valleys and wastelands, alien biota, and powerful storms, which keep in mind was always like this before the ever infamous Vertbot revolt happened and that is was only the once beautiful buildings that are in ruins. Years ago, the planet was inhabited by a cyberpunk explorer group called the Vertse Family Group, which had abandoned their original home planet after a deadly disease called the Dust Demon wiped out most of it's population, and used their own robotic-manufacturing business to earn the money to found the ecumenopolis on the planet, which grew into a big high-tech society which was constructed mostly by robots which they named the Vertsans, or Vert-Bots to some, which have made a living and invited new people to move into the cities. However, things went downhill when construction and progress on this planet was halted when the Vert-Bots' Internet of Things dataface network, called VertSpek, was seemingly corrupted into the interest of self-preservation after the Vert-Bots ending up horribly disfiguring the system's leader, causing it to conclude that all organic inhabitants would attempt to destroy it and impede its capability in safeguarding the world. Thus, it seemingly commanded an entire siege to the planet, causing massive evacuations. Only a select few made it out alive while the rest were cut off by the rampaging robots. The survivors of that very day, including over 27 surviving Vertse family members, had to take matters into their own hands and take their own creation down for good. The Vertse Family went their separate ways and created 27 countries which would inspire their own inhabitants to fight for themselves and for their community, doing whatever they can to survive the tyranny of the rogue AI network. The remaining citizens have made a life of their own gaining tough personalities as a result of the trauma caused by the ruining of the planet, though the Vertse Leaders, which have been able to turn themselves into androids, have given everyone strategies on how to beat every model they encounter, making and selling shock and EMP weapons to combat the rogue machines. Though the Vertsans have adapted too, managing to come up with new strategies when fighting the survivors, like creating cybernetic organisms disguised as an individual survivor. But both sides have adapted so much, they can counteract each other, either by hacking Vertsans into fighting with them, giving themselves eye implants to detect positronic or organic brains, and using whatever they can. People make their homes in whatever secluded shelter they can find, and are easily capable of relocating themselves and their belongings through ISD ports. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding 5 small oceans, and has a large icy, rocky, and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 34hr:444d
  • Birce- A snowy dune planet which has large cold sandstorms, dull-colored sandy dunes, mechanical graveyards, ancient Teadr 2 ruins, alien-like flora consisting of land reefs and zooplantae, large rock/lava formations, underground volcanic caverns, geothermal valleys, active weather, and a white-blue sky due to it's small amount of krypton. This was the last surviving colony for an extinct Teadr 2 race called the Aylubes that was wiped out due to a robotic crisis. This world has since been a graveyard for the race itself and the robots that died out due to an intense superstorm. Centuries later, the Vertse Group would utilize this lost technology for their colonies, and it would later be discovered that the rogue machines still partially lived, yet have turned into cyborg abominations called Biobes that eventually became intelligent fauna that are hostile to anyone. This made salvaging the technology further extremely difficult, as the Biobes declared the planet their property, and intruders were to be executed. Even the Vertsans, under orders of VertSpek, have successfully stolen captured Biobe specimens from Vertse labs and used them to create similar superweapons and their own biosphere. Though VertSpek couldn't leave Vertse to get more because it was only restricted to Vertse. The Biobes here continue to thrive and make what was once an easy salvage operation impossible. The planet has 8 continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 36hr:477d

New Helsen-Vertse

  • New Vertse- The refugee colonised planet of the many insectiod races that once colonised the old Helsen-Vertse before the VertSpek revolt. The Biggalos, The Auuts, and the Skoriats are the main founding races of the disenfrancised bug races, which include The CnoriThe Wisermizz, and the Multi-racial natives from Vertse named the Vertsmites, (Pretty much these chamers). Because the Vertse Family were USRA supported, these troubled races blamed the USRA for ever allowing the Vertse and the Helsens to ruin their homes like they did with the dishastorious VertSpek revolt, implying that they don't know the full story. But sadly, even when they would learn the truth, these insectiods already came to have STRONG UIS-prefering values in thanks to the ever Sympathic and stragitgeticly diplomatic Zhaerthis. Thus, this system has came to be contest between UIS and the USRA as well.

Bosethus System

  • Zyreo- A desert lava planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ondora- A semi-temperate desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Goyvis- A orange desert wasteland planet (AUU Pariah, Post-War Wasteland, One Habitable Land, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tyworld- A temperate desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iuskoutis- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Sesha System

  • Sesha Prime- A semi-temperate lava planet which is noted for it's introduced fauna and flora consisting of plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, it's large volcanoes and mountains, large Teadr 1 monuments and ruins, large amounts of gemstones, laserum, and rarium, large flying rock fields levitated by magnetanium, and active thunderstorms. This was a former colony for the extinct Teadr 1 Uridians for mining of rarium, and later on a colony for the Gruids, who declared this a good colony for Huncus Facilities and Factories, and for massive trading industries, and is also a secret colony for CrimeTech, which manufactures weaponry for bandits and pirates using stolen technology from this world. This is a corporate world owned by Huncus, Armatage, formerly CrimeTech, and many other minor manufacturing companies. The planet has several large cities and towns for the Gruids, as well as other beings and sentient animals. The planet has 6 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:311d
  • Quber- A mountainous semi-temperate planet. This is a colony for the Gruids until other races including humans, Cunones, Rabodans, Xurons, Acrillisapes, Serons, Kraetans, Chrogtons, Telepulans, Spidklons, and so many other races have already been arguing for control over the planet until they started thinking about declaring war. But the humans later declared that a multi-racial war would be too exhausting, they instead decided to tone down said war and have an annual public war competition which would get less violent as years passed. These various races eventually shared the planet with each other, and had either public wars as a sport or a means of challenge and competition, giving each household virtual chambers for such a purpose. This has become so popular, these races hold annual arena virtual war competitions against each other's races. Though other sports used for competition between each other's bigotry and differences include races of all kinds, the most popular being combat races, board games, 2-team ball games, and role-playing games. Though criminal syndicates can be formed to take advantage of these competitions as money can be involved. The planet has a large supercontinent covering most of it's surface, and has a small crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:343d
  • Briwen- A temperate planet which has nutrient-rich soil, and thus is an agriworld, most of the wildlife is introduced from other worlds, has large mountains, active weather, wet forests, and several rundown towns. It is a world of poor farmers that had been plagued by pirates for decades. One day, a Villains Act member used an entire army to cleaned out the pirates in a five-month-long operation, hoping to earn the people's trust for a split second until they reveal their true nature of using the planet's nitrogen-rich soil to create plant-based superweapons. The truth was discovered too late as augmented Plaentoan Soldiers began to wreak havoc, and turn the planet into a dystopia that would be owned by this sole dictator. But when the Villains Act fell and the dictator got arrested, he was quickly replaced by Corruption Co., which was hired by the Dark Radicals to preserve any trace of Villains Act power left. They may not have as much power as the dictator did as the dictatorship was wiped out, but Corrupion Co. formed an underground society that stole all the bioweapon formulas the dictator's scientists created. These formulas are stored within highly-protected underground vaults guarded by armored Plaentoans. The planet's police force is still seeking to take this down to this very day. The planet has 8 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:376d
  • Osbroy- A temperate wasteland planet which is a desolated in sandy dunes, small traces of fauna and flora, land reefs, rock and lava formations, and ancient Teadr 3 ruins. Years ago, this planet suffered a superplume that nearly destroyed all life on the planet, reducing all civilization into dust. The world recovered into new civilizations, but they have all depleted their resources within the next 10 years. Abandoning the planet seemed to be the only avenue for survival but not all could leave. Those left behind, dubbed the Forgone, have become united in their struggle. However, before the Forgone could claim the civilizations for their own, a new faction, called the Reclaimers, hunger for supremacy and power in equal measures. A war started in order to fight for control. The Reclaimers and Forgone suddenly became evenly-matched in technology and power, and each have claimed their own territories, and continue to fight for world domination to this very day. The planet has 6 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:395d
  • Sispice- A temperate planet which is a world "under siege" by a race of adaptive sentient creatures known only as the Chaybdrans, but in truth, the Chays are the ones who had first dibs, it's the colonists of sentient aliens and several mixed racial beings that are the ones placing it under seige, but by VERY dumb accsident that they didn't know Sispice had takers and mistook proof of the claim as anichent Teadr 2 ruins. The Chays, which hails from a destroyed planet from an ancient war long ago, have retreated to this planet, one of which had been one of their colonies before sentient animals colonized it and began to build around their ancient towers, which they have been doing research on for the past thousand years. With no planet, the Chaybdran species, which had a hive mind and little understanding of morality, where as far as the colonists claim to believe, intended to "purge the planet and claim it as their own". The race, only thriving by absorbing DNA and taking a shape through it, has been fighting the sentient animals' Chaybdran Defense Force for control over the planet for centuries, resources being supplied through Globex and the Federations. Besides the war against this symbiotic race, the planet itself has many underground cities and underground road tunnel systems to protect from the Chaybdran-infested wastelands. All outside surface communities have been all but destroyed by them, and the Defense Force does what it can to place all citizens into the quarantine zones, place borders across the planet, and fight off the Chaybdrans until they can find a suitable planet so they won't have to attack the coloniests anymore, that is if they can convince them to do so with their limited intelligence and inability to speak or understand English. The planet has 6 large continents surrounding 4 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:416d
  • Gertick- A swampy wetland planet which has large rainforests filled with a variety of fauna, and flora consisting of zooplantae and land reefs, active rainy weather due to the high amount of water vapor in the sky, a green sky due to it's small amount of radon, large rock formations, toxic valleys, crystal-clear bodies of water, beautiful cascading water formations, and ancient Teadr 1 ruins. Being a former colony for the extinct Teadr 1 Uridians, this world was later colonized by Grutts and Gruids, who both shared the planet and were often intolerable of each other due to the differences in their societies, and briefly had a feud here until signing a peace treaty. While the Gruids would be the public race that would share it with other sentient beings and sentient animals, the Grutts would have a criminal grip on the planet due to it's rich amount of treasures in the form of the valuable Uridian technology hidden underground. Smugglers, bounty hunters, and pirates would be apparent on this planet and often times work for the Grutts, some including the Gruids due to their military prowess. There were large cities and towns, and the Grutts would live in the most secluded areas of the planet, containing casinos, cantinas, shipyards, large tunneled freeway/metro systems, and multiple factories for the Huncus and Armatage Corporations. The planet has 6 large continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:446d
  • Tamiltey- A rainforest planet that was similar to Gelucia in size, color, and being completely covered with flora and fauna and overgrown with life. There is highly-active storms and weather, the fauna consists mostly of invertebrates of multiple shapes and sizes, flora consisting of fungi, plants, land reefs, and zooplantae, there were large flying islands and mountains levitated by magnetanium, ancient Uridian ruins and monuments, and large tar pits and quicksand. This world was inhabited and terraformed by Gelucians to be similar to their home planet, as they wanted to get away from the criminal activity caused by the Pharcums. This world's terraformation process even mutated the wildlife and made it much more different than that of Gelucia. This world eventually served to invent biotics, a non-polluting substitute of average technology using bioengineered lifeforms that did the same jobs as machines. This eventually made history when the technology was inherited by the Auphans, which became a much better and much more natural race. This world also became the race's adopted home planet after their original home planet got so polluted, the wildlife got wildly out of their control as it was claimed completely by nature. The planet has 8 continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:472d
  • Zeten- A mountainous icy planet which has a large amount of plants, having large amount of cryonite and diamonds, has introduced Ice Age-themed wildlife, icy caverns, an indigenous Eskimo-like population, and large Uridian ruins and monuments. It was a Uridian colony until their extinction left it abandoned, and later on it was locked in an Ice Age after being pushed into a wider orbit by an asteroid impact. The impact wiped out 93% of the wildlife on the planet, and later on the Gruids populated the planet, introduced new animals, and establishing mining colonies to mine the rich amounts of diamonds and cryonite to use in either their own currency, or to trade it through the AUU Currency Troupe on Inorbon. There are over a hundred Gruid towns surrounding the entire planet. The planet has 6 oceans surrounded entirely by frozen land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:502d

Orill System

  • Ralchum- A quarter-ecumenopolis planet which is a world with 25% of it's surface covered with an ecumenopolis city, while the rest has alien-like fauna and flora, there is a purple sky due to it's small concentration of nitrogen, there are large rock and lava formations, colorful jungles, and large mountains. This has been a world under a huge war since the AUU Third Cartoonian War against a Byzankan-founded alien alliance known as the Conglomeracy, which consists of aliens with destroyed worlds, including the gray-alien-like reptomammals called the Aectoids, the metamorphic amphibious Vukulans, the warlike spider-like aliens called the Spidklons, the highly-augmented crocodilian Genons, the armed snake-like Slurhyms, the mammal-like synapsid purple-masked Mepheans, and the ultra-powerful and ultra-intelligent Ethercons. Because the Human Protection Agency and the Federations were incapable of fending the Conglomeracy off because of their superior technology of war robots, cybernetic constructs, advanced weaponry, transbeing technology, and for their vast superior war vehicles, they instead commanded the president to establish a special military defense force called RALADCOM, or Ralchum Alien Defense Command, to combat this threat anyway they can, learning their weaknesses and strengths and using them against them. The Byzankans were formerly the leaders of the Conglomeracy until their exile at the end of the AUU Third Cartoonian War, but the powerful Ethercons instead took their place and continued the war for the planet, as it was formerly property of them before it was colonized and the optimum choice since all other planets couldn't possibly accommodate. Both sides use evenly-matched technology, and they continue to fight to this very day. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 35hr:500d; Capital City: New Province
  • Orill Prime- A semi-temperate desert lava planet that was filled with sharp rocks, violent introduced/native predators, poisonous air filled with oxygen, carbon, teusten, arsenic, and nitrogen, lava and geothermal valleys, high mountains and volcanoes, strong weather, and a red sky due to it's small amounts of neon. This is the capital world for the Conglomeracy, where they command their invasions on the Planet Ralchum. The world is hospitable enough to support their headquarters. Much of the wildlife on this planet is introduced from the Conglomeracy's home planets, destroyed or otherwise, and thus they have formed the planet into one they can call their own. The planet has 67 small lava lakes surrounded entirely by land. While the Conglomeracy don't exactly enjoy a good reputation, though it's not inaccreate to consider them an agressive unpredictable allience, the Conglomeracy only believe in looking out for themselves their way, hence why they created the Conglomeracy Consitution, an offictal legal binding statement that the Conglomeracy are not to be abided to the likes of the USRA, espeically if the USRA's "Ill-Placed Moral High Ground" commonly conflicts with nessersary survivelist desires and/or the USRA's failure to respect their customs, moral concerns aside, in that they have no right to judge clearly different ways of thinking when alot of other races sometimes aren't so moral-highgrounder themselves. Alas, the Conglomeracy's amoral-darwinisum, instintly made them unpopular in the system, having their name besmirched as "Evilness Apologists" and "Uncaring Tormentors", which only prove the Conglomeracy's point of view correct on the AUU's tendingcy to find more favorable beliefs more "feel good sounding" then "doing good", believing the USRA-Runed universe to be spoiled and cushied up on deisres of going against "Naterol Selection" and "What the Universes ultamately deems a winner and a loser", siting that such beliefs are always in danger of shattering when should an unstoppable force takes down their idolised USRA way of life, and at times, such things almost always accure, though often the Conglomeracy are left unamused that people still cling to the USRA races even when proven failures. In considering that the planet Ralchum would seek revenge should it ever win the war for the planet, the Conglomeracy have allied with UIS for further protection against USRA and/or Pro-USRA or USRA Leaning forces that would aim to challnage the allience. It's not that they aren't incapable to handling such issues themselves, but the Conglomeracy simply believe in being "safe then sorry", knowing that it is not always wise to simply trust your own current streagth, even if it is well known. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:203d
  • Vaotis- A semi-temperate lava planet filled with native/introduced fauna and flora, ancient Teadr 2 ruins, large rock fields and boney graveyards, orgaliths, active storms, and a red sky filled with helium and a thin but breathable atmosphere. This is the scientific capital for the Conglomeracy and where they mine the metals they need in lava refineries. The world itself started out as an elegant world until a solar flare ravaged it into a lava world rich in metals and gems used currently by the Conglomeracy. The planet has 28 lava oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type III; DC: 22hr:259d
  • Orgelle- A red semi-temperate desert planet that has red desert dunes that are hot in morning and cold at night, having large land reefs and plants, introduced and genetically-improved wildlife, colorful skies due to the small amounts of noble gases, large rock/lava/water formations, lava/geothermal valleys, and active weather. This world is best known for being the capital world of Helix Transgenics, founded by famed geneticist CEO Pirchoch Helix, who discovered an ancient underground cavern filled with primordial pools containing massive tons of genetic material from virtually every living organism, alive or extinct, in the AUU, and aims to seek an ambitous and beloved project called "Project Re-Genesis", though prior to this it started out on making genetic technologies that made Helix Transgenics popular AUU-wide, creating several genetic technologies, and briefly had various controversial periods that got it in trouble with the Globex Confederacy of Corporations and almost getting it shut down. The world has cities and megalopolises that ultimately sponsored Helix Transgenics and thus utilize it's products, and thus their products are widely used by them. However, though not by all means the same primordial pools Pirchoch found, which have been proven harmless, there was also a simular but less health friendlly primoridal pools found a mile off from Transgenics that gained unwanted attention from drug peddlers thinking that it's like Transgenics' ooze. They started to take advantage of this as they start to take the simular ooze and added them in secret drug, genetic serum, and poison labs found in the underground levels of the cities. Helix Transgenics, in response to this, have funded a police force to respond to this, and they were able to shut down many underground genetic labs. Mainly, this world relies on and supports Helix Transgenics as it has made their lives very successful. The planet has 3 large continents, hundreds of islands, and a small global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:296d
  • Curus- A semi-temperate mountainous forest planet that has alien/Earth-like fauna and flora, many introduced or native, having active weather including more-active snowy weather, swamps, foggy nights, a green sky due to it's small amounts of radon, and Teadr 1 monuments and ruins. This is the home planet of a deer-like Teadr 1 beings known as the Curuons, which have horns that have a symbiotic relationship with expansive algae that sprout leaves and not only give it sugars to add new flavor through their salivary glands to their diet, and during the Kraan Epoch, that indicated that they are heavily connected to nature, which was too true as they were herbivores and had been great warriors for nature in their Teadr 7-5 days. Though currently at endangered status, they are protected by Helix Transgenics and much of them work for Helix as famed and beloved as "Cure Makers", which was fitting that they have been said to have managed to created cures for virtually every disease known to the AUU, and in the past, aided in the cures that stopped 7 of the diseases that caused the Adapting Plagues. However, ironically, the reason for their endangered status is that they were befallen by a disease in the form of a ringworm-like fungus called 'Fungworm' which is an airborne expansive slime mold that is common on cattle and other ungulates, including the Curuons, as the disease was only slightly-known to the Curuons since they didn't get to know about it considering it's resilience and regenerative properties, yet knew that it was a rare disease that mysteriously spread because of one possible means: someone unleashed it as a biological weapon, it being spread by a mentally-disturbed prankster. This beloved and endangered race has been made a top priority for Transgenics to bring back and make sure that the disease that took them down is kept from wiping them out, and until then, they had to keep them a secret. The planet has 18 continents and 10 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:302d
  • Faglatis- A mountainous semi-temperate canyon planet that has large sandstorms and moderately-strong weather, desert-like alien fauna and flora, orgaliths, large rock and toxic valleys, a red sky due to it's small amounts of neon, it's Teadr 6 villages consisting of semi-technological people that make a living surviving in the hostile and hazardous land. Other civilization includes criminal getaways, scavenger markets, and otherworldly criminal businesses, formerly including CrimeTech. This is a world that is rendered this way because of a distant war involving the Conglomeracy during it's beginning years. In contrast to what the Conglomeracy is steriotyped for, the presence of Congomeracy members, retired or otherwise, do offer a good law and order preasence here and do bring forth decent order to the world. There are ship graveyards that came out of that distant war which is scavenged for resources for money, and is also rich in gemstones. The planet has 7 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:328d
  • Randora- A temperate planet filled with ancient treasures, small continents and hundreds of islands, and evidence of an ancient Teadr 2 race inhabiting it, as all that was left of them following their extinction was their monuments and technology. This technology, now rusted and inactive, is researched by hundreds of archaeological adventurer colonies who are armed and dangerous to any hostiles. The world is noted for it's high amounts of humidity and it's water-vapor-filled sky, which also causes intense storms which make it partially dangerous to sail across the seas. The adventurers of the planet are armed because the world has another population of criminals, mercenaries and shipwreck survivors who have formed a corrupt community and want the technology for themselves as it is said to bestow untold power that could be used for great good or great evil. So the adventurers consider it a priority to keep this criminal community from doing just that, and thus a conflict between the two sides have been going on ever since. The criminals themselves come from Teadr 2 colonies which have advanced technology to show their superiority over the planet, and will try to kill anyone who tries to pose a threat to their plans. The planet has over 12 small continents, 914 islands, and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:387d
  • Dasceotis- A rainforest planet that has large colorful fauna and megafauna and flora consisting of plants, zooplantae, and land reefs, has active 24/7 rainstorms and monsoons, large mountains and canyons, rock formations and orgaliths, and clear wetlands. This is a world that was a wildlife sanctuary for the Teadr 1 race known as the Ollotheans, yet when they went extinct, the USRA labeled it a USRA wildlife sanctuary as many ecotects used it to build environments on terraformed worlds. The world itself has USRA-funded tours in large AFTs and flying monorails. The planet has 27 continents surrounding 1,400 islands and 18 small oceans, and has a large rocky and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:424d
  • Taekith- A temperate planet which is noted for it's alien-like flora, it's introduced/indigenous fauna, it's land reefs, it's very active weather, and for it's hundreds of megalopolis cities with neon-lit streets, it's massive amount of public robots, it's AFT platforms and structures, it's holographic/screen display and propaganda, it's metro stations, it's ground-based traffic, and it's underground virtual catacombs. This is a world with a president that also runs a megacorportation called Connetic Cybernetics, which has control over the media and created the planet's main police force which consists of biologically-enhanced robots all connected to a single AI. The planet's megalopolis cities are riddled with crime, which Connetics resolved this problem in the name of bring order to the world, while making it also an act of self-reward and profited from this by having the police force also serve as a mercenary group that executes the worst of criminals and are paid for the kills. Some saw this as helpful to balance out crime, others saw it as overkill, and went on a strike to end this regulation. The corporation complied, but to make sure criminals don't take advantage of this forced act of neutering their forces, and still maintain profit, they made a new independent top secret mercenary force called Dis-Connetics, that to this very day continue to do the job that was forcefully forsaken from the duties of the main police force. Dis-Connetics is only called when the criminal commits acts that go beyond the limits of tolerable crime, and also are often hired to execute terrorists, overlords, invaders, fanatics, and mad people who commit barbaric deeds for selfish reasons. They are only known to the public in conspiracies as the 'Mercenaries in the Shadows'. Apart from doing this to make themselves rich, Connetics is by no means malevolent as they mainly did what they did in both of the name of order, while also doing it in a way like a business does. At best, they're semi-benvolent but simply treat life like business. However, they know they're playing a dangerious game to only imply they denounce the practices in the average police force and know one mere exposure that can't be quickly censored is a stepping stone to revolution that'll end up putting the planet into choas, and in both their moral and businessy thinking, that would do more harm to Taekith then any mistaken good should the megacorp be mistaken as "Lying Tyrants" by any would-be revolution sparker, whether they would have good intentions or even the very criminals that would like a free shot at crippling Dis-Connetics for good. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 32hr:449d
  • Ammouse- A swamp planet which is famous for it's hundreds of extinct and active volcanoes, toxin-rich soil, large amounts of water, active weather, a dark-green sky due to it's small amounts of radon and metallic gases, large plant wastelands filled with plants and zooplantae and introduced/native fauna, large rock formations, and ancient Teadr 7 ruins. Once a flourishing world of Teadr 7 tribes, a volcanic toxic superplume ravaged the world in 1908 and thus the world is still recovering from a ravaged wasteland of plants and life. They continue to do so while the Conglomeracy is quick to claim the resources and even individual citizens as slaves on their capital world. Cruel as it is, with the Conglomeracy protected by a consituntion that means USRA or other outsider laws don't apply to them, that meant that Ammouse was automaticly fair game to their control, and that in tecnical terms the Conglomeracy's control of the planet ended up being what the Ammouse people needed since their old rulerships were lost in the dishastor and needed a new leadership, forceful as they are, which cowinidentaly they don't mind as the tribes actselly have a history of enjoying physical punishment and demanding leaders. The Ammouse people were, weird like that. The planet has 8 continents surrounding 3 small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:486d
  • Volon- A canyon ice planet which is noted for being a partial Snowball planet where the surface is covered 85% with miles of ice and snow, few plants exist, indigenous animals are aggressive, and the canyons span for miles. The world is noted for it's large holes deep enough to reach the viable soil, called terraholes, carved in through advanced equipment, as the nitrogen-rich soil allowed the colonies to plant temperate ecosystems, entire jungles and rainforests, and many other viable habitats. There are also cities, megalopolis cities, towns, and many other civilizations located within the holes, each being connected through metro stations that were drilled through the ice. There are some other areas carved underneath the ice including areas for criminal underworlds, sewage systems, penal colonies, and so on. Many of these terraholes are connected through the many canyons. The planet has a large icy planetary ring. Moons: 5; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 44hr:856d

Sycom System

  • Ijeda- A desert planet which is the third in it's planetary system, yet is far enough from it's three suns to actually sustain a small amount of wildlife. The planet has a massive amount of jungles with colorful plants and large amounts of wildlife, there are geothermal valleys and volcanic fields, as well as massive rock formations and plateaus. This is a colony for the Paedians where they have established several mines for the volcanic gems that can be found in the underground volcanic caverns and the volcanic fields. There are also large national parks and cities. The planet has 6 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:273d
  • Rol- A temperate planet which is known for it's massive amount of land reefs and it's flying islands with vast amounts of water. This was a world which used to be an ocean planet with flying islands until the temperature cooled due to an ice age that left the planet's global ocean dried up and the corals to adapt to the land. This is a colony for the Paedians which is actually a military training planet where the land reefs provide perfect cover during training with guns. This world has produced many elite fighters throughout the races' lifetime that have become excellent fighters during wars such as the Exo-Wars and the Interuniversal War. The planet has 5 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:296d
  • Paedier- A wetland planet which is far enough from it's three suns to sustain massive bodies of water, as well as large amounts of rainforests and wildlife. Almost all land on the continents are covered entirely with water where several archipelagoes of small lands can be found. The grasses are primarily blue, there are several massive land reefs, and there are several forms of fish and amphibians. This is the home planet of a race of Teadr 2 human-like amphibians called Paedians, which spend their childhood and sometimes a quarter of their adulthood underwater. Their massive cities can exist on both land or in the seas. Their technology is very top-notch, and their culture and architecture is similar to that of China or Japan, and they live in an imperial society where the Emperor rules the three primary branches of government. The planet has over 6 small continents, and several large continent-spanning archipelagoes of up to 596,200 islands ranging in size. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:356d
  • Iooger- A temperate wetland planet which has a large amount of high-altitude rock formations which often form cascading waterfalls, and a few other beautiful and massive formations. The air is humid, there is a ton of water vapor in the air and rain often creates rainforests full of lichen-based trees, large land corals, and there is a large amount of wildlife. This is a colony for the Paedians which is known for being where they discovered underwater farming, and thus they farm seaweed and edible algae in water farms that are up to 7 feet deep in water. The rain also aids in creating the many fruits that are indigenous to this planet. These goods are traded across their own colonies, or through the AUU Currency Troupe. The planet has several bodies of water ranging in size and are surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:388d
  • Orvinon- A taiga planet with large geothermal valleys, and a few signs of tectonic activity. Lava, hot springs and geysers are found all over, and some of them are safe enough for baths. There is also a large amount of Ice-Age-like wildlife that comes in various sizes. This is a colony for the Paedians due to it's rich amount of volcanic gems that are the combination of the volcanic substances freezing in the cold weather, and are commonly used as currency for the Paedians. This is the banking economic capital of their system. The planet has 3 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:462d
  • Tilnmis- An icy snowy planet which has been known to have been void of life for centuries since a massive Snowball planet event left the underground to be infested with frozen creatures. There are some spots of plant life still in existence as there is still soil, but most of the planet is covered entirely by ice. This planet has been in the study of not just the Paedians, but also Globex and other scientific communities. Though very few extinct DNA had been collected for almost it's entire study. The planet is covered mostly in ice and has small bodies of water. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 35hr:515d

Gochtus System

  • Hesmon- An Egyptian desert planet where the ruins are more like an ancient Teadr 2 civilization than that of other primitive ancient ruins like Invervitrax. All the ruins and modern-day cities are composed of a golden alloy and are massive. The ruins are famed for their elegance and how they inspired the architecture of the modern-day cities. This was originally an Angellan colony which was abandoned due to a distant war, leaving the ruins to be tourist attractions, and while some are considered being restored, others are left in the dust. The world has several large megafauna that are mainly hostile and domesticated for riding and meat. The planet has 7 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:310d
  • Persene- A Persian semi-desert planet which has massive dunes, several patches of plants, jungles, and oasis, and several kinds of wildlife. This planet has a similar atchitecture, culture, and art as modern-day Iran, and they live under a republic government. Though this world has it's own advanced spin to it, having golden and bronze cities, and a few ancient ruins populated by Golden Age people who, despite having a bit of prejudice with modern-day society for several reasons, still exist in harmony with them. The planet has 6 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:343d
  • Rhapsody- An ecumenopolis planet which has buildings, AFT monuments and platforms, and orbital stations of Teadr 1 Yatoran origin, this being a Yatoran colony which was made into a bustling USRA planet where all known USRA races lived and shared with other beings and sentient animals across the AUU. It has the biggest population of any planet in the AUU, as well as being the second-biggest populus in the Yatoran colonies before even joining the USRA and the Yatorans' most populus planet, Meridia Jix, and it's cities contain a steady amount of plants and animals to keep the planet thriving and breathable. The planet also has several lower underground levels where criminal activity gets even worse the deeper it goes. The planet has 8 oceans surrounded entirely by land, and has a large icy, dusty, and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:382d
  • Sarac- A swampy marshland planet where several wetlands, bogs, and plants exist, as well as several forms of swampy wildlife. There is often storms and fog that cover the planet, and even the water, though sometimes clean enough for drinking and swimming, are also sometimes filled with dangerous predators such as reptiles, aquatic predatory mammals, and predatory fish. This world has a bit of a hillbilly society where several villages exist in a West-Virginian-like society. Sometimes these societies are hostile to other-worldly beings as trespassers, or even each other through small feuds, which this planet has had a small history for. The planet has 5 large continents surrounding small lakes and oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:441d
  • Mystrum Fhase- A quarter-ecumenopolis rainforest planet which has a massive amount of wetlands, a few deserts, and several lava formations. This planet is known to be famed by the Yatorans due to being the place where they made first contact with the Augurans who populated this planet before they could, and thus, after a brief feud, the two races signed a peace treaty to avoid an all-out war. The two shared their skills in science and magic ever since, the Augurans perfecting Teadr 1 technology while the Yatorans perfected magic and would soon learn to apply it the same way their predecessing Ehswans did to make contact with the AUU Gods on several other planets. The planet has 10 continents and 7 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 32hr:486d

Cyrimu System

  • Nemer- A tundrous planet which remains semi-frozen because of the system's star is a neutron star that resulted from a supernova that destroyed one solar system and created another. This new solar system became worlds of ice and life was able to evolve in the many oceans. These worlds went through an eternal Ice Age, and thus only those that could stand the cold would survive. This world is noted for being the scientific capital of the Crythan Alliance. This is where they founded the Crythan Research Centre which they developed their weapons, and all the military equipment they used during their civil wars and the wars after that. This is also where they outlawed nuclear weapons since it nearly destroyed Eorfue, and also limited weapon manufacturing to prevent any thefts and conflict. The planet has 14 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:322d
  • Oragam- A semi-icy planet which is distinguished for it's many war-torn frozen graveyards, it's deep-blue sky due to it's small amount of actinium, and for it's small amount of plant fields and Ice-Age-themed fauna. This was a world which is actually property to the Migellans after they won a war for this planet, and thus the many survivors here struggle to find a way back home to civilization without being captured as prisoners of war to the Migellans. Luckily, there are search parties to help these people get to safety, and there are still gun battles that take place here. Several people get killed here, and so it's dangerous to even set foot on this planet. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:356d
  • Eorfue- A semi-icy planet which is a former colony for the Crythans, but following one of the civil wars causing a series of nuclear strikes across most of it's continents that killed over 14 million people, this world was abandoned and never set foot on again. Now, this world has been irradiated by the nuclear strikes, and most life is extinct. This world has a red sky due to it's small concentration of helium, there is little life left here, and this world has recently become a garbage world for the Crythans since the revelation that there was no hope left for it. All the life that remains have started thriving well on this garbage, and it's too dangerous for travelling because it has an irradiated atmosphere, intense sand and snow storms, terrain that is almost impossible to survive in, and the wildlife is almost entirely carnivorous. The planet has 8 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type IV; DC: 25hr:396d
  • Cryther- A frozen ice planet which is noted for it's military imperial government, and has a white-blue sky as the result of it's small concentration of krypton, has a small amount of plant life on it, and it also has a significant amount of Ice-Age-themed wildlife. This is the home planet of a race of Teadr 4 penguin-like beings called the Crythans, which live in 6 militaristic empires that are each ruled by the Crythans' 6 breeds. All have made peace since over 100 civil wars have rose from problems of racism and segregation, yet one breed, the Migellans, have remained hostile because they have been through the worst of segregation, and thus were exiled to their homeland. To this day, they have never struck back, yet is watched over by the Alliance. Ever since they made peace with each other, the Crythans have fought in several outside wars including the AUU Third Cartoonian War and the Interuniversal War. The planet has a large supercontinent, a large global ocean, over a thousand icy islands, and has an icy and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:435d

Boasar System

  • Bulech- A junkyard planet similar to Raxus Prime (Star Wars), and is populated by sentient animals that recycle the planet's rubble and debris. This planet has been given the name 'Stomach World II' for it's similarities to Pharagu. But this planet in particular, because of it's much breathable atmosphere, is still capable of having Teadr 3 cities of different architectures and appearances built here. The planet also has clean water, and no acidic content, making it drinkable and good for swimming. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:301d
  • Cruiter- A humid temperate planet which is known to be a planet where raw and valuable materials are traded across the AUU. This is the home for several criminal syndicates and black market businesses. The Villains Act briefly owned this planet for just a year until their downfall. Some of the remaining crime lords that worked for them reside here. This is where capitalism, illegal trades, and arena betting goes crazy. People can get prizes here for competing in several sports such as gladiatorial matches, robot or mech-wrestling, combat racing, and several other sports. The planet has a large supercontinent and a large global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:366d
  • Gozweri- A wetland rainforest planet populated by sentient and unsentient animals. Their cities are African-based and the environment they live in is drenched in so much water, depths ranging from 2ft to 15ft, forcing the animals to evolve into an aquatic lifestyle. The planet contains millions of animal and plant species, and this makes it an ideal place for USRA beings to live in, building cities which range in architecture and appearance. The planet has 3 small continents and 2 large oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:395d
  • Arsecar


    Arsecar- A planet with one large supercontinent which is called Race World for it's advanced racecar designs and it's fame of being the top place for sports, mainly racing. With climates varying, the planet is the greatest place for racing and other vehicle sports in the AUU. The planet's Teadr 4 cities are retro-themed, and contain a wide array of street gangs, greasers, and celebrities, and even criminal underworlds which profit from races and other sports, yet have a reliable police force in case of law-breakers. The planet has and a large metallic, crystalline, and rocky ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:426d; Capital City: Retro City

Sagtan System

  • Goowix- A humid jungle planet with large geysers and lakes. This planet has among the most nutrient-rich soils of any other planet in the AUU. This makes it good for agriculture, and even makes it a good place for a spa or vacation. The ground is so moist, it's almost covered entirely of clean and warm water, the geysers are among the most active, and the volcanoes don't erupt for more than a million years. The planet has over a dozen mountains and volcanoes, and even the caves contain Teadr 2 cities with black buildings with durable glass windows and red and orange lights, screen displays and propaganda, 65% robotic labor, a few spas, and flying vehicle hangars. The planet has 11 continents and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:353d; Capital City: Vullicas
  • Medoozum- A lush forest planet populated by sentient and unsentient animals. The planet contains some of the largest varieties of plant and animal life ever known, and Teadr 3 cities tend to be only in the trees. This is the only planet known to have the Norshyrteru tree, the tallest tree in the AUU. The forest floor of this planet is incredibly dark, and is considered to be very dangerous to wander in. This is the homeworld of the Wookiee-like Teadr 3 beings called Medoozkies, which were very strong and ruthless creatures that rarely speak English, and had almost gotten the chance to be part of the USRA if it wasn't for their hard-to-learn language. The planet has 9 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:422d; Capital City: Rawookarro

Colli System

  • Colli Suprime- A monarchy ruled planet of dog creatures currently suffering from a great rebelion over the sacred artifact capable controling fate itself. A self-indugling king uses it to prevent his death from cancer to prevent his popular son from taking over so he can stay powerful. The Collians never knew peace ever since.
  • Colli Minor- A peasent planet living in the gripping pain of Colli suprime's unbearable taxes and phsyically abusive soldiers and over-seers.

The UIS Boundery Wall.

  • Station UIS Prime- In due to how messy of a secter Ranatos is, and given that Colli is too realitvely primitive to be of any true help, UIS desided to just build a great Boundery wall that blocks out any USRA, as well as any of the secter's problems from expanding into now isolated systems.

Isolated Systems-4

Tonka-Cronst System

  • Tonkana- A humid desert planet and the home planet of 15ft yellow crocodilian technopunk beings as powerful and strong as a hundred construction vehicles called Tonkans. (TBC...)

Rayce System

  • Certatus- (UIS Arsecar, TBC...)

Zotra System

  • Zotius- (AUU StarCraft, TBC...)

Gigahs System

  • Gigahontas- A large jungle rainforest planet with extremely strong gravity, complex geological and geothermal formations, and a series of tropical alien jungles. This is a very hot and humid planet where volcanic activity is active and plate tectonics are faster. But the biota of the planet have adapted to avoid these changes. Plants reproduce by simply export large flying flowers inside a balloon floating above the poisonous skies and destruction. This ensures that forest always grow after a volcanic eruption or earthquake. The indigenous race, the Teadr 4 Gigohontaurs, large dinosaurian-horned beings with spined backs and small tails, have adapted to live in these conditions. (TBC...)

Retronce System

  • Retropia- (Retro World, TBC...) Capital City: Amber City

Kingo System

  • Kingo Major- A rocky plains planet which has large rocky mounds of gold that scatter the land. This world had thus become the location of a small Medieval semi-tech society by people who were stranded there by a crashed giant space cruiser. Gold, alongside other metals, are very rich on this planet, made them powerful and restore their greatness as well as build new societies and adapt to the alien conditions. (TBC...)

Furgentus System

  • Furia- (Furian Home Planet, TBC...)
  • Fury V- (TBC...)

Jajsas System

Linous System

ZXVC System

  • Instius- A geothermal planet that has endless deserts, alien climates in the form of extremophilic flora, and fauna consisting mainly on arthropods, and dominantly larviforms, or insects that evolved to stay in their larval forms and have skin-like physiology. The flora of the planet consist of plants that look like corals and have similar physiology, and the alien arthropod fauna thrived from the massive amounts of oxygen on their planet, making them grow to great sizes. The indigenous race is a race of grey-aliens with mantid insectoid heads, the Teadr 4.5 Instids, who evolved to survive entirely on the often-poisonous chemicals like normal beings do with salt or other compounds, as each brought special needs for the Instids. (TBC...)

Nucus System

  • Nucus II- A wasteland planet which used to be a thriving megalopolis world that was so rich, they exhausted all their resources, raising prices for their rarity, especially since the world was a testing world for weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, meteor missiles, antimatter weaponry, etc. This ended up causing the inhabitants to use the weapons on each other and turn the world into an irradiated wasteland where mutants reign supreme. People survived thanks to global bomb shelters, and they all have constant battles against the surface threats in an effort to start a future of their own, finding whatever they can salvage and do whatever they must. (TBC...)

Tennile System

  • Technoclea- (Technocle Home Planet, TBC...)

5. Lariclum Sector

Founded by the famed female Cunone explorer Lady Lariclum, she found the secter to continue the family tradition of exploring, and she did not disapoint the family one bit with the secter's discovery. It is however, the secter is where the Weeviods lived in, who kinda don't enjoy a decent reputation at the moment.

Nellicum System

  • Nello- A desert planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Sobbrull- A desert oasis planet (AUU Primordia, Ship graveyard wasteland, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Gobromy- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Biaze- A temperate planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Mimmige- An ocean planet (Ocean Medieval World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Beruscus Tao- An ecumenopolis wasteland planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Gruse System

  • Coatlichue- A large red desert planer (Red Dwarf (X-Rays), Gliese 832 b, Rabodan, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC: 131hr:3416d
  • Trance- A brown temperate wetland planet (Gliese 832 c, Human Colony, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC: 160hr:3709d

Jork System

  • Jonorx- An ocean ecumenopolis planet where sentient and unsentient aquatics thrive. Teadr 2 global cities with Chinese-like architecture and culture, brass and chrome buildings with holographic windows, green and blue lighting, holographic display and propaganda, a 82% abundance of corals and plants including some large patches of coral reefs, and metro systems, surround this planet, and like almost every ocean planet, has air pockets in the lower areas of the global city for air-breathing visitors. This planet's cities actually aren't that deep, so pressurized suits aren't really acquired when visiting this planet. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:275d
  • Eurocov- A bizarre wetland planet where sentient and unsentient animals survive in toxic pools, tar pits, quicksand, poisonous fungi, and a wild climate. It's harsh climate makes it difficult to live in, and there are a few Teadr 4 cities that can be found here. This planet has a couple of gymnastic classes, and have small villages. The cultures vary from place to place, and some cities tend to be protected in glass domes. The planet has 7 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; DC: 23hr:366d
  • Acbrade- A temperate planet that serves as one of the many colonies of the Zewinsaurs. It is noted not just for it's massive parks and national monuments, but for it's golden cities with massive buildings, palaces, temples, and even their famous preserved ziggurats that are still standing today. Some of these ziggurats are still in use today as elevators to the underground catacombs that were built in underground caves that serve as makeshift cities and make for some vast flying space. The planet has 4 continents, 2 oceans, and a large rocky, crystalline, and dusty ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:396d; Capital City: Dal Facho
  • Yortex- A stormy ocean planet similar to Kamino (Star Wars), but this is not a cloning planet. Instead, it provided many robotic technologies for the Villains Act after it enslaved the planet, but it went back to normal when it was destroyed. It has massive Teadr 2 AFT cities which have chrome and black buildings with holographic windows, red, blue, and white lighting, screen display and propaganda, robotic factories, a 28% abundance of plants, 40% robotic labor, and flying vehicles. The main inhabitants, a race of Teadr 2 semi-aquatic amphibians called Yortles, are skilled in robotic technology and have even helped the USRA with the Exo-Wars by building tons of robotic soldiers. The planet has 2 moons. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:441d; Capital City: Tinöza City
  • Urchoniz- An ocean planet where sentient and unsentient animals live. The planet is known for containing sentient echinoderms, cnidarians, or other invertebrates, which have evolved to become heterotrophic creatures, developing swimming structures, and creating sensory organs. The main species, a swimming fish-like Teadr 6 urchin called Spoutsters, live in Teadr 6 communities, and are currently in an Industrial Era, developing new technologies. The planet has no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:506d

Warus System

  • Warus Prime- A semi-temperate desert mountain planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Foiwei- A semiarid desert lava planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Scaehiri- A humid desert planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Euvis- A temperate lava planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Warus Minor- A temperate planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Goan V- A barren canyon moon belonging to the red gas giant called Gaonocord. (Gruid, TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Goan XI- An ecumenopolis moon also belonging to Goanocord. (Gruid, TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Goan XXI- A lava moon also belonging to Goanocord. (Gruid, TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Warus Major- A stormy rainforest planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iiyria- A forest planet (Gruid, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Tobbu System

  • Ipymeus- A scorched uninhabitable lava planet which has barely any life left on it. It used to be a Naroudan planet with large bustling trees and plentiful plant life until a solar flare from the system's red star left the planet scorched, and the Naroudans were forced to evacuate, leaving much behind. Some of these monuments are still preserved, yet forever remain drenched in flames and an uninhabitable surface with an unbreathable atmosphere. The planet has little water left and the sky consists of water vapor, all that's left of the planet's oceans, and the planet is covered entirely of scorched ruins and burned remains of trees and animal bones. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type IV; DC: 18hr:279d
  • Aphtite- A temperate lava planet which, like Ipymeus, has suffered damage from a solar flare which almost left it barren and desolate. However, it still survived, yet the planet was left barely breathable, and as a result, most of the population, due to exposure of the chemical gases, suffered anarchic chaos on the ground. This is a Naroudan planet where, while the upper cities would be bustling and peaceful and have plenty of air to go around, the ground would remain in a lawless state where the Naroudans of those places developed a wicked criminal society, with crimes ranging from assault, destruction of property, theft, and even murder, yet there are police forces who try and limit this since the Naroudans there were just too maddened to be brought back to the light. The planet has 7 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; DC: NE:368d
  • Jilar- A temperate moon belonging to an orange gas giant called Jillius. This is a USRA moon which had established several Globex facilities, many of them being war machines for the battle against the Villains Act. Though this moon did suffer a few attacks from the Villains Act who wanted to steal this technology for themselves if it wasn't for the great arsenal and defenses. These defences proved effective and made sure many of Jilar's wepaony has not fallen into undesireable hands. As such, a successful raid of their weaponry is STUPIDLY rare to the point that the idea of it is laughable. The moon has 6 continents and 3 oceans. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 456d

Flume-Ajirix System

  • Flume Prime- (Laserum Mining Clony, Flume Weapon Corporation, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Roce- (AUU Robo Recall, A recent barrage of defective, homicidal robots has created openings in RoboReady’s perpetually underfunded and suddenly swamped Recall Department. Thrown into the fray as a Recaller, you must rely on your wits, reflexes and a vast arsenal of weaponry to eliminate the robot uprising. Robo Recall is an action-packed VR first-person shooter with visceral Touch gameplay and an in-depth scoring system. Earn the high score by using creative combat tactics and skill shots as you teleport through city streets and rooftops in an awe-inspiring ballet of bullets. Tear apart your interactive robot foes and use them to fend off the enemy onslaught. Unlock, customize and test weapons before taking on advanced challenges that put your newfound skills to the test!, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Porolloa- A temperate planet (AUU Portal, Extinct Technological Company, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Seodoreox- (Seodoh Home Planet, Teadr 2 Lasat-like Beings, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iechysha- (Iechyan Home Moon, Ewok-Like Beings, TBC...) DT: Tier 4; AT: ; OT:
  • Thezalia- (Wildlife Sanctuary, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Grorth- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Togho- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Clegotune- (Lawless World, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Moscorth- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Mos V- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Mos X- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Mos XV- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Mos XX- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Bollerworld- (Dutch, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Brakuria- Mutant Zombies (AUU Killing Floor, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Dearia- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Xaunus- DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Nustrade- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ceunus- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Yeeg System

  • Demonio- A lava planet populated by magical elemental beings. The planet has a hot and unbreathable atmosphere of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and ammonia, and is unable to be terraformed due to the magical lava monsters. This was once an inhabitable planet that was accidentally ruined by the Mordoids and their small amount of powerful magic spells, which had somehow transformed the planet's structure into creating magical beings that manipulated fire and lava. The planet has 3 moons. Moons: 3; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type III; DC: 19hr:300d
  • Modos- A coniferous medieval planet populated by sentient and unsentient mammals. This is a world where technology plays a small role on this revolutionizing world. Though this word lives in a feudal society, where the citizens that live in villages and do manual work are at a Teadr 6 level, and royalty that live in the kingdom castles and use magic are at a Teadr 5 level. Though it might seem bad to some, this world does sustain a sense of honor, and very few visit this planet. The main species is a race of Teadr 5 gargoyle-like beings called Mordoids, which are nocturnal creatures that, despite being victims of prejudice for their beastly forms, are still prosperous, having a king and queen rule, and an elite praetorian guard be perfect law enforcement. Though they have wings, they are actually not useful for flying, but only for gliding across gaps after climbing the immense structures and monuments of their large villages. They are also known for their soft, harmonic, and relaxing screech, which have random effects ranging from relaxation, daydreaming, soothing thoughts, and even sleep. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:346d
  • Larcodon- An ecumenopolis planet where water covers 82% of it's surface. Having 4 levels, the top for air-breathers, and the bottom for aquatics. This is a USRA planet, being populated by not just the USRA beings, but by sentient and unsentient animals. It's massive Teadr 2 global city which only covers 80% of the planet's surface, is made of precious and durable silver-based metals, and it's architecture was similar to Indian civilizations. The planet lives in a democratic oligarchy, being ruled by 8 people. The planet has 8 oceans, and no moon. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:396d
  • Surbalis- An ecumenopolis temperate planet that is known for it's fine fashion designs, giving it the name Fashion World. The reason being it is populated by the Rabodans, who have been known to have the most unique fashion designs other than their military prowess. Their fashion designs are among the most complex, and the Yuruns are around to make the clothes at several sizes. The Teadr 3 cities are massive and only take up 75% of the planet's surface with brass and silver buildings with durable glass windows, screen display and propaganda, a 48% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles, while the rest is temperate climate with flourishing wildlife. The planet has 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:437d
  • Driicon- A terrestrial rainforest alien planet with incredibly bizarre jungles and animals. This planet's life has the most complex genetic codes of any other life in the AUU, and thus Globex facilities are established here to research them. However, they are mobile or rest on AFTs to avoid being invaded by the usually hostile aliens that live there. The main species is a race of primitive alien-like humanoids called Driiyans, which have no advancements in technology and have the intelligence of an Australopithecus. It is considered one of the most distinguishable creatures on this planet. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:511d
  • Gofonav- An icy moon belonging to the orange gas giant Gofon. While the moon may be extremely cold, it can house many Globex facilities which research different kinds of scientific applications. The moon has no oceans, and is covered entirely of ice. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 251d
  • Goffux- A lava moon also belonging to Gofon. This moon is covered entirely of hot rocks and lava. The Teadr 2 cities that have the same architecture and appearance as the city of Larcodon have to be built on mobile AFTs for protection, and the moon is known to contain small crystals that are considered valuable and nearly indestructible. It is also a military moon which has large floating military bases that have also formed a rebellion against the Villains Act. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type II; OT: 318d; Capital City: Pargosa

Tefrao System

  • Tefrao Prime- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Jesco- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tuoger- (Tuog Home Planet, Teadr 3 Trilobite-Like Race, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Far Watra- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tefrao Minor- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Tefrao Major- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Sogluna- DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Tiucury- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ocrore- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Mapriymia- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Sufreilea- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Aigawa- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

Glarm System

  • Qandora- A semi-temperate mountainous plateau planet which has vast gray-to-brown deserts, colorful day-and-night skies due to it's small concentration of noble gases, colorful plant life, often-hostile wildlife, megalopolis cities, villages, and minor communities, and a long history of tough inhabitants and criminal activity, being named after a Crucyd titan of ultimate crime, injustice, and immorality. In the past, Teadr 1 beings mined it for rarium until, following it's exhaustion of the gem, was abandoned and utilized by the Uridians and many other Teadr 1 races as an exile location, which, added with the activity of CrimeTech, the Villains Act, the creation of a 'virtual hell' beneath the surface where people go to avoid the harshness of a criminal wasteland, the capitalism of Cruiter, the ruining by a corrupt police force, a war-scaled past competition with Globex and other corporations like Outerlock, SpatiaCorp, MagRyve, Gallick, RyzeCorp, Huncus, Armatage, Trumper, Xoothos, Krooger, Cypherion, Mezzerland, Sussles, Knoxtroy, Croy, Volcove, Dohl, Ecotheymus, Eudoxus, Gunn, Lazrov, Chemzthem, Czeck, Flume, and Tormage, and many other factors, turning it into a mostly-lawless society with a balanced-enough justice system funded by the corporations. These corporations, following their past war, are currently evenly-matched in manufacturing, and their balanced budget seems to make them have little to no competition. But even though they still do not get along at times, they don't care as long as the business on their planet is up and running. They store a ton of recovered technology underground from the ancient Teadr 1 colonies that were established on this planet eons ago, and they profit from these. Though so does the black market and smugglers. This world has a dirty reputation of raiders and criminals who raid others for their resources, cash, and recovered technology, and their way of life seems semi-primitive, including a balanced eye-for-an-eye regulation which has even been responsible for spawning several criminals and deaths in the first place. Though laws do exist to balance this so crime cannot grow, including an advanced police force called the Justice Organization, that patrols nearly every corner and creates boundaries around restricted areas and surveillance police drones that are ordered to either police, judge, or execute whoever tries to cause any harm to an innocent civilian. However, even this can be avoided in one way or another as crime seems to evolve here, creating criminal syndicates and beyond. Though the only places where crime is mostly void is in the megalopolis cities, where the police forces are the most active and diligent. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding 5 small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:301d
  • Sajgon- A Caribbean tropical island planet that has dense wetland forests, colorful wet plant life, dense coral reefs and land reefs, large rock formations, volcanic peaks, beautiful shores, and large resort cities, they are usually raided once every month by pirates. This world has had a long history of piracy since it was first founded, as the oceans used to be rich in rarium and other precious gems that would've made a fortune until people resorted to stealing fortunes from one another, giving birth to the pirate way of life. Later on, this world was inhabited by more settlers and resort cities were built, and a special police force was made to protect from the pirate raids. Even with this police force, the pirates still adapt because they have been through it so much, they became masters. However, not all pirates here are evil, and have even taken a grand life protecting the resort cities and providing for them by stealing evil pirates' treasuries and giving them to them. This world has ranged cultures ranging from Bahaman, Cuban, Haitian, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Hispaniolan, and Guadalupan. The world does have trace bits of ancient native tribe ways including magic from a time long before piracy occurred. These countries all live under the protection of the global police force and is still at the mercy of these pirates to this very day. The planet has over 16 small continents and 781 small islands. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:343d
  • Vurgo- A tropical island planet that is a colony of the same expeditions that inhabited Abydothrax. They molded a grand prosperous society, and even allowed Freeland Amusements to establish an equal amount of amusements there, and practically run one of the small continents on the planet. The cities are similar in architecture and society to that of Abydothrax, having casinos, hotels, restaurant, and pleasant beaches. The coral reefs are nearly similar to those of Abydothrax, and are equally as beautiful. The islands are filled with colorful tropical jungles with flourescent plants and small amounts of land corals. The planet has 1,025 islands and 6 small continents. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:376d
  • Oegeta- An ocean planet which has only 5 small prosperous island spread across the planet, while the rest is covered entirely by ocean. Underneath the surface rests colossal reefs that span miles and is filled with a ton of aquatic wildlife. This is a USRA planet where several aquacities have been built, all being surrounded and bordered by coral reefs. This world is one where Globex researches aquagenic technologies, producing aquagens that allow for long periods of aquatic respiration. The planet is inhabited by all the USRA races and other minor races, and sentient animals, mostly semi-aquatic ones. The oceans are a rich source of rarium inside underwater caverns, but the caverns themselves are too hazardous to navigate without assistance, as hostile lifeforms exist inside waiting for prey to enter. The oceans themselves are equally as dangerous at night like all other ocean worlds, and like all other ocean worlds, a curfew exists to protect the people from the predators that are more active at that time. The ocean world is actually more beautiful at night as most of the corals are bioluminescent, regardless it is still illegal to explore them at night. Most wildlife is actually introduced from over a hundred ocean worlds, and the USRA have actually had a period of making this ocean planet as beautiful as it can to attract people to their popular aquacities. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 27hr:397d
  • Tava- An Indonesia tropical island planet which, like Sajgon, is also a world that started out with an ancient native people, grew into a world of piracy, and later became a world of paradise where resort cities, casinos, amusement parks, historical landmarks, and a global police force was formed that benefited the pirates. And just like Sajgon, there are pirates that aren't very evil and steal from evil pirates and provide for the community. However, a large difference is that this is more Pacific than Atlantic in culture as various totems and ancient ruins have been found among the islands, and the ancient people have worshipped the Ehswans as gods since several times in pre-AUU Second Cartoonian War times they have arrived and left treasures that were cleverly protected within booby-trapped tombs, the physics of which the pirates of the planet use to this very day. The cultures are commonly known for being like Sumatran, Javan, Guinea, Bornean, Timoran, Papuan, Malaysian, Singaporian, Vietnese, and Australian in comparison, and all are equally battling against the criminal activity of the pirates and the criminals within the resort cities. The planet has over 9 small continents and 6,077 islands. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:421d
  • Aybdothrax- A tropical island planet which was first colonized by a popular amusement park corporation called Freeland Amusements, thus spawned several amusement parks all across the many islands. There also exists many independent colonies which created resort cities filled with casinos, hotels, restaurants, massive skyscrapers, famous landmarks and monuments, and various others. There also exist megalopolis cities that are large enough to balance out overpopulation. Some of the many megalopolises can encompass entire islands and be linked by underwater road tunnels. The coral reefs and land reefs on this planet are also equally similar in appearance and beauty. Freeland Amusements basically runs the entertainment business on this planet, and have run it for so long, they became experts in it, inventing good rides and attractions, and easily building them anywhere. Though they may be technically called a megacorporation, they do not own the planet itself as it has an independent president. This world is also very cheap with it's services, and had it's economic inspiration from other worlds. The planet has over 7,805 islands and a global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 31hr:454d
  • Syphrek- A jungle planet which is sparsely populated by introduced fauna and flora. This world was founded long ago by the sentient animal community as it became an easily-prosperous world that supports all sentient animals of all kinds. However, it still has racial tension problems against predators and prey, and though they eat the meat of only unsentient animals, they still used to have a time where they both enslaved each other through the last few centuries until they eventually declared equality. The cities still remain standing after years of civil war, and the civil war only halted because of the Society of Sentient Animals and the Animal High Command of the Oikon System in response to concerns from other-worldly beings. This world went under the jurisdiction of the Animal High Command as a result, and is under their steadfast protection. Despite the fact that racism still exists, it is still balanced out by the Animal High Command. The planet has 8 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 33hr:486d
  • Olathamis- An ecumenopolis planet which is a very metropolitan and sparsely-populated planet, and is specifically distinguished by it's worldwide AI network called Aigor, which is an incorruptible network that everyone on the planet uses, controlling even the Omninet and the media. It serves literally everyone at once as it was programmed to have a hive mind, controlling everything through robotic mobile units or data interfaces. The city itself has windows with data interfaces, has chrome and black shiny buildings, screen display and propaganda, a community of public robots who do unique services, AFT structures and platforms, hovering/ground vehicles, and a unique and refined global police force. The planet has 5 large continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 35hr:505d
  • Exyrton- A rainforest planet which is a wildlife sanctuary with ranging environments. It started out as a barren inhospitable planet with an intolerable atmosphere. It was later terraformed to become a life-rich sanctuary for all available wildlife across the AUU. There are no cities, but there are tour services across the planet where the wildlife is available for display, but it is still illegal to even feed the wildlife, being almost like a global zoo. Gift shops and other services exist, and tour vehicles exist in flying monorails. The planet has 9 continents and 7 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 37hr:524d

Kitoka System

  • Zirciania- An ecumenopolis planet populated by almost every species there is in the AUU. This was a Yatoran planet that had a massive Teadr 1 global city made out of conductive metals, and containing one of the most advanced architectures the Yatorans have ever created. Since the USRA discovered the Yatorans, they made this planet a USRA planet, being colonized by all the USRA races. This planet has one of the biggest populations in the AUU for it's New York-like style and successful economy. The planet has 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:304d
  • Prodectidon- A toxic uninhabitable planet that used to be the homeworld of the Teadr 2 Psychozoans, a race of flying eels with telepathic powers, until a nuclear accident ravaged the entire planet, forcing them to retreat to the Original UUniverses to colonize a new planet. The planet's Teadr 2 cities used to be bustling with life and are now reduced to ruins, and the life is now composed of poison-reliant monsters that do nothing but mate and eat each other. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type III; DC: NE:333d
  • Kikkali Mimn- An ocean planet which has several small archipelagos consisting of land reefs, flying islands levitated by loadstone, and amphibious wildlife. This is a world where Teadr 1 cities exist, and despite having once been populated by Yatorans until being abandoned due to mysterious seismic activity and repopulated by sentient animals, they are not of Yatoran origin. Some claim that it might have something to do with rumors that this world is said to hold the lost city of Atlathinus, the AUU version of Atlantis. After the Yatorans confirmed it, both them and the new sentient animal inhabitants have started research on this lost city, especially since there have been sightings of Teadr 1-based war machines as well as smaller fully-sentient mermaid-like robots. So far, the only one who had discovered all secrets had been missing for 30 years, and wrote all information in a holo-diary. This diary secretly claims that the sentient robots are actually the remnants of the builders of Atlathinus who transferred their consciousness into AI units, and the large machines are guardians of the city. This race has it's own language, fish-like vehicles that can travel in air and sea, disintegration weaponry, it's own network system, and their leader is an AI ultracomputer in the middle of Atlathinus which controls the network and keeps the other robotic inhabitants alive. This city and the holo-diary are still being searched for even to this day. The planet has a maximum of 719 islands and a global ocean. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:398d
  • Xaridon- An ecumenopolis planet with advanced Teadr 3 cities with gold buildings with durable glass windows, screen displays and propaganda, a 79% abundance of plant life, and flying vehicles. This is also a planet that has a wide knowledge of magic spells. The main species, a race of yellow Teadr 3 reptiles called Saurocones, have developed a religious yet technological culture, believing in the life on their world and other worlds to be sacred and miracles of the AUU. They believe technology is a gift granted to dozens of other races throughout the AUU by Gods, as well as their cultures, magic, and intelligence. They even pledged themselves as minor allies to the AUU Grand Council, as well as a few other races. The planet has 2 oceans and a large icy, dusty, and rocky planetary ring. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:419d
  • Tairo- A magical wetland planet populated by mythical creatures and deities. This is also a planet discovered by the Ferusians, and have been colonized by them. The planet has been easy for them to adapt in, and have even allowed them to discover stronger forms of magic with the use of holy crystals called 'holystals', which were actually filled with radioactive energy which allowed them to develop supernatural powers such as magic. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:451d

Myst System

  • Mystifus- A temperate planet which is noted for being one of the many planets, as well as the most common, to use magic, all being crafted by the Yatorans who colonized it. This world has the most powerful magic spells that the Yatorans have ever conjured up, and it even matches the powers of Magelio. The planet's many castles are the size of an asteroid and contain inner villages. The magic Yatorans were called mages who have helped the Yatorans with magic all over their colonies, though it is still rare that Yatorans use magic. This is where several magical experiments take place, and it's also the world that inspired Recex to replace technology with magic. The planet has 6 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:323d
  • Sathram- A humid wasteland planet which was a former colony of the Yatorans until it was evacuated as a result of the damage left by the Ehswans during the AUU Second Cartoonian War. It was later rebuilt by the humans and re-colonized, but then was ravaged again by the Byzankans during the AUU Third Cartoonian War, leaving this planet once again abandoned. No such actions have been considered to repopulate this world again for decades. The planet has several pressurized activity involving gets of hot steam from boiling volcanic aquifers underground, the remains of what used to be rarium mines, which is considered suicide to go in and collect, though only a few people have ever accomplished it, and the Teadr 1 ruins are still present. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:367d
  • Girses XIII- A temperate moon that belongs to a red-and-pink gas giant called Girses. This moon was a former Yatoran colony that was abandoned due to the sheer chaos that the Byzankans caused during the AUU Third Cartoonian War. But later it was rebuilt and repopulated by sentient animals who learned how to adapt well with the Teadr 1 technology. The moon has among the most colorful skies in the AUU due to the sky having some noble gases contained within, and the plant life is as plentiful as it is on Marbon. The moon has 5 continents and 3 oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 413d
  • Girses XV- A barren mountainous moon also belonging to Girses. It was once a mining colony for rare resources for the Ehswans, but when these resources were exhausted, this world's mining colonies were put out of business, and thus the moon became one for bustling cities. When the Ehswans got destroyed, the Yatorans colonized the cities, and have even found rumors of rich amounts of gemstones and even some missed quantities of those resources in the mines, and thus excavations are meant to search for them. The moon has 4 small oceans and several lakes surrounded entirely by land. DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; OT: 498d

Weeven System

  • Zaccon- A claimed swampy semi-lava desert planet with a high amount of toxic swamps and pools, geothermal valleys and rock/lava formations, a red sky due to it's small concentration of neon, and for it's many wastelands in the form of abandoned Yatoran military forts. This was one of the many world that the Yatorans and the Weavoids fought on during the Weaving Wars, and the devastation that the Weavoids caused left this world the way it is today, and is still owned by the Yatorans with forbidden entry, but far too few realise that something isn't right. The planet has 6 continents surrounding 4 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: NE:256d
  • Weavii- As Yatoran Exilers offitcally discribed it, A swampy semi-desert wasteland planet which is infested with ravenous insects, has a green sky as the result of it's high concentration of radon, which also makes the atmosphere toxic to otherworldly beings, has massive wastelands and scrap-yards that are crawling with giant predator bugs, the flora is all over the place, and it is a restricted area covered by a Yatoran exile shield, powered by an exile sheild station manned by Yatoran soldiers lead by Exilist Leader Oakaan. This is the home planet of a "hostile" spider-like semi-sentient Teadr 7 race called the Weavoids, which are known for infamously causing the 50-year Weaving War that the Yatorans fought and had to protect the AUU from being taken over by "these beasts", and even a 2-year war against the Ehswans before that. Their abilities make them a powerful and deadly force of nature, and they can spread their infectious disease very quickly through their bites, slime, and webbing. However, dispite this, they're actually a friendly race that just has a bad habit of expressing themselves through physical contact and friendly gestures, though rather poorly organised and poorly planned gestures, cause some of the jestures were mistaken to being violent, helped little by that their "love bites" were mistaken as an act of being hostile, made worse by the fact that they aren't exactly pretty to look at, they weren't capable to speak english and only speak in their own hard to well understand languise, and the fact they reproduce too quickly, which is a problem even to the Weavoids, which was the main reason why they wanted to have homes outside of Weavii to avoid contributing to over-population, and the "trouble" they caused are either accsidents or out of self-defence from "Xenophobic meanies". In fact, in truth, the planet is not poisionus to otherworlders at all, it is more of a forest-jungle planet then a swampy desert, the sky is only green because of green plant pollen, and the insects are actselly incredability harmless dispite thier nasty looking appearence. Oakaan knows this and lied about what's really in the planet for 3 reasons: One, the planet has an unbelieveable high consintraction of Rarium, as Oakaan from a long time ago in his youth (He was one of the long-living Yatorans) found one such gem and didn't wanted to have this discovery be ruined by the fact that in USRA law, the Weavoids are the ruling sentients, there for, the rarium belongs to them, so he needed a way to make the Weavoids extinct without everyone giving a damn about them, which luckly for him unfortunately, he didn't had to think hard as he heard about the natives trying to spread to the universes to escape their over-population problem, and it helps that they ended up basturdising themselves with their social awkwordness and their "friendly gesture" being mistaken for being violent. Oakaan became a war hero from the Weaving War, which leads to the second reason: his status as a hero is clearly a lie borned from misunderstanding, where had anyone realised that the Weaviods are actselly harmless creatures trying to avoid being a burden of an over-population problem, and in light of the fact that alot of these creatures were murdered in being mistaken for murderious killer monsters, an even greater number by Quarantine Laser, of which was Oakaan's idea, would mean that the actions that were considered heroic are actselly evil and almost genisideal, and that would end poorly for Oakaan's reputation as well as it would be a painful slap to the face to the credability of the Yatorans, and the punishment for Oakaan's actions will most likely be death! And finally the 3rd reason: Oakaan wanted to have a legacy as a hero after being nothing but a nobody loser all his life, so he ruined the lives of a misunderstood race to atthive this. Someday, Oakaan will no longer be able to enjoy the sinful fruits of his labor. The planet has 7 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type IV; DC: 25hr:354d
  • Daethecar- An ecumenopolis wasteland planet which was once a bustling Yatoran metropolis until the Weaving Wars left the Weavoids to terrorize this planet and, accurding to offical reports, make it inhospitable, having toxic swamps and flooded streets, a semi-toxic atmosphere, infectious disease, and little to no wildlife. Although..... Nothing feels consisently right all things considered. This world, like all the other worlds in this system, is owned by the Yatorans and is a forbidden site of entry. The planet has 5 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type II; DC: 27hr:396d
  • Ulcrom- A swampy rainforest planet which used to be a science research colony on Yatorans which they were using for the sole purpose of researching the Weavoids before they wreaked havoc. They didn't realize too late that it was a race the Ehswans fought for the preservation of the AUU, and so the Weavoids ravaged the planet from the inside out, making it too toxic and slimy for re-colonizing, or so claimed. As a result, the Yatorans labeled this world a forbidden area. This world has started getting void of life for the next few millennia until it became populated by nothing but insects and other invertebrates. The planet has 5 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type III; DC: 30hr:405d

Zhaer System

  • Zhaer I

    Zhaer I

    Zhaer I- Home of the Zhaerthis race. The Mantis-Eqsed creatures have been known to sympathise with bug races victimised by non-bug cruelty, espeically more so to the neightbering Weaviods. This often lead them to cause all sorts of problems to those that victimised bugs, even to the USRA races. When their continuious harassment would meant exile sheild, the Zhaerthises thought ahead and joined the Union of Independent Systems and gained protection from such things, thus allowing them to cause as much trouble as they want.
  • Zhaer II- The Mobleised Homeworld of the Zhaerunia race. The Teadr 2 race has alot of ferece tendingcies, being tec sagingers, pharana people, and everything else, only those that survived fights from them, even won them, earn thier respect, like the Zhaerthis. Once so, the Zhaerunias happly do business with them, even if they don't enjoy a decent lifesytile.
  • Zhaer III- The Homeworld of the Zhaerks. The Zhaerks are shark people that live in a socity where having the geatest weapons is what matters in life. And the Zhaerks are wildly determined to do so. In thanks to this, they became allies to their neightbers in Zhaers 1 and 2. This resulted in the Zhaerks having their weaponry become a faverite in UIS.
  • Zhaer IV- The Homeworld of the Zhnakes, the ultamate serpent malmaginations of all serpents of the AUU. They are snake purists and consider themselves the greatest snakes of all. They have the combined constricting steatgh of all constriction spieces and a venom with the powers and fatalness of all fatal spieces. The venom is so intense, a cure is never made because it can kill instently. Only the Zhnakes are ammuned to their own venom. The Zhnakes once attempt to take over all of Zhaer, but the Zhaerthis, with UIS aide that was required recently at the time, pasifived the Zhnakes into living under the Zhaerthis rules. A peace treaty would lead to better and improved relations.
  • Zhaer V- The Homeworld of the Zhaeer, a pasifistic but well armed and self-defense effictent race of deer who's horns can reach the length of their bodies. The Zhaeer live in an egalitarian socity were all rights are granted, corruption is non-existent, and the planet has never known war in over a millenda. The Zhaeer further ensured this by issuing a peace treaty with  their three less gentle neighters in the other Zhaers with the Zhaerthis' help, earning their respect.
  • Zhaer VI- The homewolrd of the Zhaergles, Prison-savy AUU Eagles that are heavly about law and order to a massive T. Thus, they came to have an allience with the Zharethis race and came to start to accept UIS enemy prisoners into their homeplanet. The Zhaergles are netouriously merciless to any that end up in their prisons, so Zhaer 6 is actselly considered a last resort.

(Other Zhaers coming soon.)

Quaestor System

  • Quaestor Prime- A mechanical aritificial jungle planet residing in the farthest edges of the Eta Universe. It is infamous for being an ancient mechanical aritificial world built by an unspecified Teadr 1 race, and was later used by infamous ancient space pirate Captain Quaestor, who used an ancient teleportation matrix to plunder across the AUU stealing treasure of all kinds, stashing it all within the planet's core. Besides that, this world is home of several hermits and tragic souls who consider this teleportation matrix sacred and Quaestor using it was a blasphemy to it's holy creators. However, many corrupt space pirates, including those from Ovenga, have continued to search for a way to get to this planet's core and find the treasure, but the map that unlocks the key to unearthing the treasure has been lost for millennia, and any pirate has done nothing but fail to find the map. (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iice Loy- A wasteland swamp planet (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Iice I- A jungle moon belonging to Iice Loy. (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:

Honorma System

  • Honorma Primus- The Home planet of an alien race with a culture simular to the Predatory Insectiod Aliens with a matriachal socity, called The Honormaians. They pretty much mirror the Predator spieces in all but appearence. Like predators, they are dictated by a tribal sense of honor, thus they only hunt prey that can fight back and often for sport or rites of passage. The Honormaians have a mixed reputation with both USRA and UIS races, yet they are contested none the less because this race is undeniably powerful, and having these beings on your side could spare you from being considered prey thanks to that sense of honor.

Hermitia System

  • Shellcost- The Shelled Home Planet of easily intimidated Teadr 2 race of Hermit Crabs that are afraid of virtually any force not trusted allies like the Zhaerthis race. Cause of persaudsion from the Zhaerthis, the Hermitians came to trust other UIS races as well, but came to always panic at the sight of USRA races. As a result, they easily agreed to build a giant shellwall that blocks out entry to now isolated systems.

Isolated Systems-5

Commonion System

  • Commanitiosis- (Comman Home Planet, TBC...)
  • Ommoion- (Coming soon...)

Hoooka Hooja System

Mooka Sooka System

Jookie Tookie System

Knooki Kookie System

Cronuloxin System

  • Mactos- (Macton Home Planet, TBC...)

Cani System

  • Cann Min- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Cann Max- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Canivatosis- (AUU Buzz Lightyear Raenoks) A desert planet that has massive wastelands, a green sky filled with small amounts of radon, powerful storms and weather, and bizarre alien biota. It is the homeworld of the Canivators, a race of Raenok-like beings that advance through an economy based entirely on doing outside jobs, starting out as bounty hunters and mercenaries and moving onto omnitaskers, or people who do any job they can find for a limited time. (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Ca Nar- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Carto- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:

6. Isheegus Sector

The Isheegus secter, actselly accsidently founded by a runaway troubled young Rabodan named Tyler Isheegus because he was depressed by his parents deaths in a ship accsident, inadvertingly discovered the system that belonged to a very mercenary minded race, known, as the Pharcums, the less glarmerious residents of the Eta universe. And you'll soon see well enough why. It is also where one would locate the entirely of the Grutt race, a double-whammy of a furtherly tainted part of the Eta universe. On top of that, there's even a death cult next door to the Pharcum's main system even THEY are afraid of getting anywhere near. And you know that's trouble when a usually fearless fearsome race has something to be afraid of.

The Non-Pharcum Zone System

  • The Station of Isheegus- The Space Station the size of a planet buildt by the reshorseful race of multi-racial birds known as The Ishgeeons. They once have full rulership of the Isheegus system in the once beautiful jungle planet of Taurgon pre-Pharcum uprising, as the Isheegus system was once a place of paradise. However, ineditably the Pharcums began their uprising and ended up having Taurgon being usurped from them as the Ishgeeons were forced to flee. For many years, as Taurgon gets turned into an artifical far-cry, the Ishgeeons had planed to one day chase the Pharcums all the way back to their planet with a planet-sized space station that would allow them them to over-wealm the Pharcums into submission. However, their plans were finally gonna meet fruition around Oswin's very bad timing of introdusing the ban on Forced Relocation, and unfortunately, since Taurgon had long been under Pharcum rule, that tecnecally means that the Pharcum rule of it is protected by Grand Council law and thus any action to take it back will be illegal. To the Isheeons, they saw that as legitamising the Pharcums grip on Taurgon, thus, the distrot and betrayed avians turn to favor UIS in having hopes to take Tuargon back. Alchourse, this is contested by the USRA in trying to make amends for this accsidental betrayal and prevent a once prime USRA canadate from becoming UIS bound with many many promises, some simple like negosiating Taurgon's return and restoration, to even something radical like pasifying the Pharcums' ways. Alll promises, the Ishgeeons fear to be empty and sweet-sounding. Of the contested systems, this one is considered among the most tragic of them.

Gerbige System

  • Taurgon- A semi-ecumenopolis planet which has terrain surrounded entirely by semi-technological cities. This is the most populated planet in the Pharcum Empire, and it's held several monuments centered across Pharcum history including those of ruthless leaders, warriors, and mercenaries. The planet has an orange sky as the result of it's small concentration of neon and hydrogen, and the plant life is extremely plentiful, and megafauna rules the population of unsentient animals. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:324d
  • Geng- A barren desert planet which has a red sky due to it's small concentration of bromine, as well as colorful plant life, and vicious megafauna. This world used to be a colony for the Pharcums until the planet became overwhelmed with climate change, leaving the in-adaptive Pharcums to leave it behind, allowing it to be populated by other mercenaries, which consist mainly of bounty hunters, criminals, and murderers. The planet has 10 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:384d
  • Poisgard- A wetland swamp planet which is known for it's toxic sludge ponds and rivers which the life on this planet rely on for survival. This planet is a colony for the Pharcums which they have used the toxic sludge in their weaponry, as well as for several death rituals. There are also several churches and cities found on this planet, and there is a small amount of plant life, and the sky is yellow-to-dark-green as the result of it's medium concentration of radon and fluorine, and keeps a steady supply of water. The planet has 11 continents and 7 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: NE:481d

Gertuone System

  • Iaucury- A mountainous desert planet with a climate similar to the Gobi Desert, only having tall mountains, geothermal valleys, and a small amount of grasses and trees. This was a planet that was colonized by the same Zewinsaurs that lived on Acbrade. They built larger golden cities that are still alive today, bigger ziggurats that are still in use as elevators for the underground catacombs, and large palaces that can stand up to 80ft tall and some are in ruins. This world is attacked a few times on a regular basis by the Pharcums who want to steal treasures and valuable relics, yet the Zewinsaurs prevail in every attack with their magic and abilities. The planet has 2 large continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:288d
  • Anhis V- A desert moon belonging to the green-blue gas giant, Anhis. Once being a colonization for a Teadr 2 civilization of sentient animals that discovered jumpgates to travel to other worlds, the moon was abandoned due to an attack by the Pharcums. The moon was once an old colony of the Veexomites, which had declared war on the USRA races before they ever established the USRA. But when the race was wiped out, this moon was colonized by sentient animals, and later abandoned and left to the Pharcums. The moon has no oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 275d
  • Yetion- A tundrous planet populated by sentient and unsentient mammals. This planet has temperatures that are not very cold, but are usually seasonal. The planet has a wide array of Teadr 3 cities that are composed of tough durable metal buildings with durable glass windows and advanced yellow lighting, flying train stations, holographic display and propaganda, a 56% abundance of plants, and flying vehicles. The main species, a race of white Teadr 3 primates called Yetords, are among the most well-known non-USRA beings ever known, for their great technology, common culture, imperial government, and impressive biology. They also seem to persevere against constant invasions by the Pharcums who wanted to steal their technology and weapons. The planet has 2 large continents and a large global ocean. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:562d; Capital City: Inirilles

Loscket System

  • Locco- A swamp planet that's at best was too swampy for it's benifit that once apawn a time, was once an uninhabitable wasteland planet which has ancient city ruins, boney graveyards, gross-looking swamps, small traces of fauna and flora in the form of nasty vermin, junkyards, and also has a crust poisoned by a space storm that actually cloaks it, making it invisible to space-travelers. This is the actual planet of origin of the Grutts. Like the Grutts themselves, it's not exactly a pretty to look at planet. As a result of the apocalypse, the Grutts decided that an ugly, ruined, and non-locatable planet is hardly a good place to live in and have desided to move over to a distant planet of Yol Grutta. Locco has since became litterally abandoned and almost forgotten. The planet since then did recover from the damages and new life has florish, though the Grutts choose not to return because they're litterally embarrised of Locco otherwise still being a very ugly swamp planet, so the invisable planet would remain the Grutts skeleton in the closet for a long time. However, little did the Grutts even realise, they had potainionally left alot of their powerful tec there on the planet that would be capable enough to exsellerate any un-expecting creature's evoulion. And that's what happened. One such of the planet's nasty pests, Musqetio-like creatures, ended up having a run in with an exspearimental device of the Grutts called "The Evolver", a machine designed to exsellerate evoluion. The device evolved them into super-sentient beings, and turned them into a new, and secret, teadr 1 race who improved apawn the forsaken tec of the Grutts and worshiped the Evolver as a devine, becoming the Loccoians, the beings of the invisable planet. They did more then clean up the planet and make it an at best ok swamp planet, they even made it actselly inhapitable again and cleansed away the poisons from the space storm that still cloaks it from being noticed. There is little to not telling what would happen if the Grutts ever realised that their old home planet now houses new residents who did more then just made the ugly swamp planet better looking, but given their hapit of not nessersarly believing in morals and that the fact they're usually crime bosses, you can bet they would brutishly capitalise on the poor unwitting race unless outside intervention comes into the poor creatures' defences. The planet has 8 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:348d

Goobit System

  • Dortum- An inhospitable lava planet which has an irradiated landscape and only a very few remnants of life. This used to be a Pharcum colony until it was atomized by the Bulliarns during their war against each other. Now the planet is no longer able to be terraformed and can't support life anymore. Even landing on this planet can get you killed due to the radiation. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type IV; DC: NE:272d
  • Thilerog- A mountainous desert canyon planet which is noted for it's many large cliffs and canyons, as well as it's average amount of plant life and animals. This is a Pharcum colony where they have built large cities either on the surface or near the cliff-sides of the planets. The Pharcums here have learned how to ride flying animals, which is their main form of transportation on this planet. Most civilizations are underground and accessible through the cliff-sides. The planet has 7 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:299d
  • Pabemus- A temperate semi-lava planet populated by dinosaurs and other megafauna, and has a purple sky due to the argon in the atmosphere. It also has a few underground caverns which are mined for the precious metals and gemstones, which the sentient animal inhabitants have used as their main form of currency on this planet. However, the Pharcums came in and took over the planet, making the sentient animals slaves in both their jobs and the mines. All cities were taken over, and they are being fought off by the OIPD which had freed several slaves. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:349d
  • Noom- A temperate semi-desert planet which is a world with several military graveyards, and uninhabitable spots. This used to be a Bulliarn colony where the Pharcums, during their war against them, have killed hundreds of them and when the Bulliarns were forced to retreat, the planet then belonged to them as a training planet for several Pharcums who have proven their worth to fight for their race. This is also where Bulliarn technology is stolen by the Pharcums, and used for their own nefarious purposes. Though the uninhabitable areas of the planet are the result of the war battles being ravaged by nuclear attacks by the Bulliarns, where nothing can be found for miles. The planet has 1 massive supercontinent and a medium-sized global ocean and several small lakes. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:410d
  • Battimus- A tundrous planet which has a massive amount of plants and megafauna. This is a world which used to be a bustling world with sentient animals until the Pharcums attacked and killed millions of people. As a result, this planet became a militant world where the sentient animals have fought for their freedom against the Pharcums that dominated over 67% of the planet. Most of the military soldiers here come from Warboth, as well as many other military planets across the AUU. The planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 32hr:467d

Nugus System

  • Nugus Prime- A semi-arid desert planet which is considered the gladiator capital of the Pharcum Empire, as it is where the biggest gladiator competitions are held, as well as other rites-of-passage which determine worth and usefulness in fighting for the Pharcum Mercenary Guild. This planet has several abandoned Yatoran fortresses and monuments which the Pharcums have stolen before the Yatorans could think about claiming back. This planet has the most dangerous Pharcum megafauna in all of their colonies, most of them being used in the gladiator competitions, and some outsider mercenaries or trespassers are often dragged here and forced to fight to the death with other Pharcum gladiators. The planet has 3 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:290d
  • Sacciphus- A semi-wetland outback planet which has a fair amount of plants, bodies of water, and wildlife. This is a marsupial-populated world dominated by the Pharcums where they built massive civilizations, some being taken over from other sentient animals. The sentient animals were nothing more than slaves, and the Pharcums do nothing but oppress and abuse them. There are a few small rebellions that have challenged the Pharcums, and their main base is here on this planet where they still fight them. The planet has 4 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:341d
  • Galisem- An ecumenopolis world which is actually abandoned and barren, where no inhabitants exist at all. This world was abandoned during the rise of the Pharcums, and when they attacked this planet, all the inhabitants were forced to evacuate, leaving the cities and their resources to be scavenged by the Pharcums. This planet still remains a scavenging area for the Pharcums today. Some Pharcums even live on this planet. The planet has 6 oceans surrounded by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:410d
  • Barsincrum- A humid temperate world which had a historical significance that made the Pharcums so fearful from the beginning. This was a former colony for the feared Bulliarns, and it's where the Pharcums declared war on the race, and actually won against them with only a few casualties and loss of colonies. Since then, this world is where the Pharcums have stolen Bulliarn technology and planned to use them for their takeover of the AUU before their exile to the sector. Most of this planet is in ruins, and the ruins are scavenged for any signs of Bulliarn technology, while some others are colonized and have labs for applying the Bulliarn technology to theirs. The planet has 9 continents, several islands, and 6 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:500d

Asyorn System

  • Sancsard- A desert planet which has a yellow sky due to it's small concentration of sulfur, and has a small amount of plants and animals in a few small oasis and jungles. This is a Pharcum planet which houses several gladiator and sport tournaments, where Pharcums can place bets for money on them, and the planet itself is also looted with rare resources that are anonymously traded to the AUU Currency Troupe. This is basically the Pharcum's own Cruiter. The planet has 4 large oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 19hr:288d
  • Bosadirce- A mountainous plateau planet with several jungles with colorful plants and Pharcum megafauna. This is where the most revered and blood-hungry of Pharcums are given their own shrines as a reward for their kills and accomplishments. These shrines are shown in the planet's many cities in either museums or in the public, as well as artifacts from ancient Pharcum history. The planet has 3 continents and a medium-sized global ocean. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:329d
  • Ricarcon- A semi-arid temperate planet which has a colorful red sky due to it's small concentration of neon, has a rich amount of Pharcum wildlife and is abundant in plants. The Pharcums that colonized this planet have established mines filled with valuable gemstones and metals that are used for currency and machinery. Though some volcanic activity can occur, it only occurs at a small degree, and most of the volcanoes on the planet are extinct, and mainly hold massive coliseums for sports and gladiator competitions. The planet has 7 oceans surrounded by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:386d
  • Canir- A jungle planet which is known for having a great number of wildlife. The sentient animals that live here are mostly enslaved by the Pharcums that dominated the planet in constant battles against the OIPD, and while certain slaves would be freed, others would escape and form an underground railroad and several resistances to fight against the Pharcums. The OIPD considers these escapees a priority to rescue, or maybe even protect if they don't wish to leave. Most of these resistances and hidden societies are perfectly capable of defending themselves against Pharcum attacks, and either have to relocate or scare off the Pharcums depending on the strength of the battalion. The planet has 6 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:405d
  • Vongus XX- A temperate moon belonging to the gas giant Vongus. This is a moon which was a former colony of the Pharcums until it was taken by the Vikoreans during the Vikorean-Pharcum War. Ever since, all communities and cities were claimed by them, as well as their technology. With this technology in their hands, the Vikoreans were difficult to defeat to the Pharcums in their attempts to get their moon back. The moon has 8 continents and 5 oceans. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; OT: 452d
  • Donifos- An ocean planet populated by sentient and unsentient aquatic animals. The Teadr 2 cities are among the most high-tech, with buildings being made of tough durable gold-based alloys and virtual rooms, holographic/screen displays and propaganda, an 81% abundance of corals and sea plants, and containing air pockets filled with cities for semi-aquatic animals to live in. The planet's main form of transportation is the ocean currents, which go extremely fast, and travel through millions of cities. This planet is the most uniquely-safe from the Pharcums because it turns out they don't have many aquatic transports, and their ships are not able to handle deep underwater pressures and could collapse on their passengers when going to deep, so underwater civilizations here are safe from them. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:521d; Capital City: Typhoon City
  • Ibindair- A snowy planet which has a large amount of Ice-Age-like megafauna and a small amount of Pharcum wildlife, and the sky is deep blue due to it's small concentration of actinium. This is a Pharcum colony where several underground cities are found, many of them being taken over from sentient animals that are made slaves in the planet's underground cryonite and rarium mines. The planet has 4 large oceans surrounded by icy land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: NE:543d

Ithagorem System

  • Imiphose- A semi-lava desert planet which has an orange sky due to the blended amount of neon and sodium, has several lava fields, geothermal valleys, rock formations, and a massive amount of fauna and flora which make up jungles and oasis, and there is a balanced amount of water that allows the planet to sustain it's life. Some of the wildlife has been introduced from Vikoreas. This is a colony for the Vikorean which they had obtained before the Pharcums were forced into exile in their own sector. The Pharcums did serious battles with them during the Vikorean-Pharcum War, and some of the cities and villages were left in ruins, and thousands were killed. Eventually, the Vikorleans overwhelmed the Pharcums enough to drive them off the planet and never invade it again. The planet has 10 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 16hr:265d
  • Aurgind- An arid desert planet with only a small amount of plant life and animals, some being of Pharcum origin. This is a Pharcum colony where several large monuments and cities are found, and some of the cities suffered great damage during the Bulliarn-Pharcum War. Though the planet only has one irradiated area on one continent that is considered too dangerous to be in, and though it's forbidden to citizens, going there is considered a rite-of-passage for some training to be part of the Pharcum Mercenary Guild. The planet has 5 continents and 2 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:284d
  • Tijira- A Japanese-like temperate planet which is populated by sentient animals, and has a deep-blue sky due to the actinium in the atmosphere. The planet has great defenses and military and has fought valiantly against the Pharcums that attempts to take them over. These defenses were given to them personally by the OIPD, and it seems to work perfectly for them. Even the citizens themselves are allowed to carry guns for self-defense against mercenaries or Pharcums. The planet has 5 small continents and a global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:301d
  • Optimum- An ecumenopolis planet which has a massive bustling population, and an underground level full of mercenaries and criminals. This is a USRA planet which was actually in charge of keeping peace in the apparently-lawless Isheegus Sector which crawls with mercenaries, especially the Pharcums, having a police force called the Optimum Isheegus Police Department (OIPD). For the most part, the OIPD does a great job helping the Gamma Federation keep the Pharcums and the mercenaries in the sector from causing too much trouble. The OIPD often has to battle the Pharcums on Optimum where they try to wipe the police force out, but they never failed to protect themselves from the race. The OIPD is dedicated to helping planets that are unable to handle the Pharcums by themselves, and planets that are good at dealing with the Pharcums don't exactly need them unless necessary. The planet has 7 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:346d
  • Phasgith- A temperate jungle planet which has a massive amount of Pharcum wildlife, and the plants are extremely plentiful. The Pharcums that colonized it made this a scientific capital where they would develop weapons and other technologies, as well as several factories for munitions and so on. The planet also researches several scavenged Bulliarn technologies to fit them for the Pharcums. The planet has 2 large continents and a large global ocean, as well as a crystalline, icy, and rocky planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:372d
  • Mygon- A jungle planet which is noted for having large jungles, and a massive quantity of life from Pharcum planets. This is a USRA planet where several Globex facilities are found, yet because of the risks of mercenaries and the Pharcums coming to try and steal them, all experiments and facilities have to take place inside underground fortresses, heavily defended and guarded all day long. The Pharcums and many mercenaries populating this sector have never broken through these defenses. The planet has 9 continents and 4 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:435d

Minseadu System

  • Gaturus- A desert planet which is a volcanic oasis filled with plants and animals, and the underground volcanic caves are a massive source of rarium, and thus the sentient animals that previously colonized this world established mines to harvest these gems. However, the Pharcums eventually laid waste to the planet, took it over, and made slaves of the inhabitants, stealing all the rarium and keeping it for themselves, cutting off all trade routes to Inorbon and the AUU Currency Troupe. The cities were taken over by the Pharcums, and sentient animals' work bosses were replaced by slaving Pharcums who forced the animals to work for free. Thus, rarium became this planet's main currency. The planet has 8 continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:293d
  • Fijnir- A temperate planet which started out as a desolate uninhabitable planet until it was given life from Vikoreas and made into a similar planet filled with mostly oceans and small continents and archipelagos. There are also massive rock formations, mountains, geothermal valleys, and forests, as well as wildlife all hailing from Vikoreas. The ones that terraformed it were the Vikoreans, which made this world a great duplicate of their own home planet, and despite several attacks by the Pharcums that still occur even before and after the Vikorean-Pharcum War, this planet does sustain a grand amount of defenses. The planet has over 17 small continents, and over 829 islands. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:304d
  • Iaslion- A mountainous humid planet with floating magnetanium soil platforms, and a very abundant biosphere. It has been abandoned by the USRA long ago due to climate change and volcanic activity, and it's Teadr 3 cities have been left abandoned in ruins, and often get scavenged by the Pharcums. Steam jets shoot out from the ground and destroyed a majority of these cities, yet there is still life that flourishes here. This is also the home of several criminal syndicates, some being of Pharcum origin, and serves as a hiding place for several Villains Act villains. The planet has 3 large oceans surrounded by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:362d
  • Gelucia- A largely unsettled terrestrial jungle planet which is similar to Felucia (Star Wars), having a diversity of bizarre land coral, plants and fungi, which were also rubber-like and translucent, and when sunlight shone, they glittered like multicolored glass. While only a few Teadr 3 cities with varying architecture and appearance are found on this planet, the community is very modern, and very large. Many of the inhabitants have learned gymnastics unlike any other seen before, and the soil is very organic, allowing for a wide array of plant life. This planet does suffer several attacks by the Pharcums, and several cities have been taken over by them, whereas the inhabitants still try their best to both fight and provide for the battles against them. The planet has 5 continents, 2 oceans, and an icy, crystal, and rocky planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 23hr:391d; Capital City: Kward Coa
  • Spubble- An ocean planet which has a countless amount of life, more than any other few ocean planets combined. This is a USRA planet which is a perfect place for former slaves to safely live on since, according to the OIPD, can hold the same security as the Planet Donifros, because the Pharcums have little access to water travel, nor are they good swimmers, they cannot attack underwater colonies, and thus several large domed Teadr 2 cities have been established here, and even the sentient aquatic animals help aquatic OIPD patrols scout the oceans for any aquatic spies for the Pharcums or other mercenaries, and for years, this strategy has been an absolute success, and the former slaves have continued to be safe from them. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 1; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:396d
  • Bingard- A snowy coniferous planet which was an abandoned USRA planet left to be in control of the Pharcum, and over the years, the planet developed a rich source of cryonite, which is this planet's main form of currency, and is applied to the services in the many abandoned USRA cities that the Pharcums now colonize. The planet is also known for it's geothermal valleys which can often be found over and under the ground in caves or ice canyons. The planet has 9 medium-sized continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 30hr:441d

Speerus System

  • Speerus Prime- A 75% lava desert planet which is rich in volcanic gemstones and metals, and thus the Grutts have established lava refineries and mines here to collect them and use them within their currency and metal stock. The planet's atmosphere is too toxic and reactive, and thus it was too dangerous to enter without support. The Grutts have Thabe slaves do the mining and operate the refineries, and have Pharcums act as the slavemasters. The planet has a large rocky and crystalline planetary ring. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type III; DC: 18hr:268d
  • Tathillon- A desert lava planet which is home to several land reefs, introduced wildlife, alternately-colored flora, junkyards, and a high level of criminal activity. This is where the Grutts have taken over the criminal activity and offered greater lives for all criminals. They gave their employees and slaves homes in the form of slums for the Thabes, and large cities for their employees. As for the criminals, they were allowed to live wherever they wanted. The planet was rich in precious metals, spices, and gemstones, and thus their employees and slaves were in charge of extracting them through refineries and mines. The planet has 8 large continents surrounding 6 small lava/water oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 20hr:298d
  • Paevis- A desert lava planet which is littered with Yatoran technology, land reefs, biolminescent and alternately-colored plant life, introduced animals, large rock and lava formations, a red sky due to it's small amount of helium, and it's many amounts of extinct or active volcanoes. The world was abandoned long ago by the Yatorans due to a superplume event, but later, the Grutts colonized it, and took all the technology for themselves, obtaining some parts including the technology necessary to create AFTs the size of continents and can sustain soil and plants. They would use this to produce AFT continents above the planet's surface safe enough to sustain homes for hundreds of their employees and slaves, and still go to the surface to mine for it's rich amounts of spices and metals. The planet has 6 lava/water oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 22hr:332d
  • Ebreyyama- A semi-temperate desert planet which is extremely rich in valuable gems and spices, and is also covered in junkyards, large rock formations, orange-tan ground, dull-colored plant life, passive-aggressive introduced wildlife, and a sky that replaces xenon with mercury. This is a world where the Grutts introduced the Thabes and is thus one of their greatest slave colonies protected by an advanced security network. The Thabes, while not doing their slave shifts, are living in artificially-built slums or scavenging the junkyards for machinery for either tinkering or profit. The Grutts restrict the Thabes' entry in restricted areas with their security network protected by motion-sensing pulse turrets. Outside of these borders are towns where the Grutts and their employees live, gamble, and collect profit. The planet has 8 continents surrounding 5 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 25hr:356d
  • Yol Grutta- A semi-temperate desert lava planet which has massive mountains, rock and lava formations, land reefs, geothermal and toxic valleys, alien fauna and flora, a red sky due to it's small amount of neon, and it's nitrogen and water-rich soil. This is the adopted home planet of a race of Teadr 2 gastropod beings known as the Grutt, which are at the top of organized crime in all of the AUU, as they have formed an alliance with the Pharcums that have allowed them to expand their reach across the AUU. They are a very bitter, greedy, gluttonous, and cruel race that are partially immobile, and are experts in the field of crime. It has been unknown for millennia on how they became a criminal race, possibly because of exhaustion of resources from their original home planet, or even the bad influence of another race that enslaved them. The history remains unknown even to them. Whatever it was, it made them greedy and sadistic to people across the AUU. They established a criminal empire thanks to the influence and trades of the Pharcums, and the Grutts themselves show many forms of Pharcum technology, which was already stolen from Bulliarn technology. Though the Grutts are not a warmongering race because they are not that fit for combat, though have means of self-defense. Though nothing can be done about it because the Grutts have a legacy of killing people who enter their home planet, and because it's in the Isheegus Sector, which is strictly prohibited for it's oppression by the Pharcums. The planet has 7 oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: NE:387d
  • Unus- A soiled temperate planet which is known for it's red-brown ground, it's introduced fauna and flora, it's rich amounts of rarium, it's large rock formations, it's red sky due to it's small amount of neon, and for it's less-active weather. This is a gambling planet partially owned by the Grutts, as they remain underground in a complex syndicate extorting, smuggling, and taking good advantage of any money-making opportunities. The megalopolis cities located across the planet is lit with lights of all colors, the buildings range in metal composition, and are rich in casinos and massive hotels, there is screen/holographic display and propaganda, the planets have been under the jurisdiction of the OIPD, and sporting is a grand tradition on the planet. This world is home to many non-USRA beings and sentient animals including the gambling-obsessed Weollans. The planet has 20 small continents and 9 small oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 29hr:410d
  • Oyzepheltune- A purple gas giant where the Grutts have used the Yatoran technology they recovered from Paevis to build over 2,515 artificial continents that have made the planet's habitable zoeosphere breathable as it was originally filled with methane, carbon dioxide and monoxide, nitrogen, iridium, and boron, making it inhospitable. Yet plant life absorbed the carbon dioxide and filled the air with oxygen suitable for life as other gases were pushed into the lower heavy zone of the gas giant. This allowed the gas giant to be inhabited with megalopolis cities, cities, towns, mining colonies for natural gas fuel, and a lot of homes for the Grutt's employees and slaves. Moons: 26; DC: 72hr:516d
  • Oyzuno IV- An ecumenopolis moon belonging to Oyzepheltune. This world has been an ecumenopolis since before the Grutts claimed the system for themselves. Thus, the ecumenopolis grew under their criminal empire as they all reside in the lawless underground catacombs swindling and earning money through extortion, smuggling, slavery, and bounties. Despite this, the rest is peaceful, the cities having large chrome and black buildings with holographic windows, AFT platforms, air traffic, red and orange lighting, holographic display and propaganda, a decent amount of introduced fauna and flora, robot activity, and metro stations. The world lives under the protection of the OIPD, though even they are quickly outwitted by the Grutts as they have proven to be far more cunning than their focusing race of the Pharcums. The moon has over 10 small oceans surrounded entirely by metropolitan land. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 319d
  • Oyzuno VIII- A lava moon belonging to Oyzepheltune. This is a world which is mined by the Grutts for it's rich amount of spices and volcanic metals and gems through mines and lava refineries. This world also has small traces of Yatoran technology as the Yatorans used to mine and extract the resources from this moon as well, though had to abandon it as the result of the atmosphere growing too toxic for them. This toxic atmosphere is still around today, and all that reside on the moon have to wear oxygen support, and the Grutts have enslaved Thabes to do the work for them. The Thabes live in breathable domes filled with artificially-built slums run by the Grutts. DT: Tier 2; AT: Type III; OT: 423d
  • Oyzuno XII- A temperate moon belonging to Oyzepheltune. The moon has a lot of mountains, rock formations, introduced fauna and flora, ancient Yatoran monuments, as well as ancient sentient animal ruins, and large colorful rainforests. This is a colony for the Society for Sentient Animals that was populated by sentient animals twice, one time by native sentient animal tribes, and second by civilized animals. They later on became subject to the criminal empire of the Grutt, though the OIPD have claimed jurisdiction of the moon to protect them from them. The moon even got a lot of the Grutt's culture rubbed off on them, and became obsesses with gambling and crime, leaving the OIPD to constantly deal with it. The moon has 6 large continents and 4 oceans. DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; OT: 489d
  • Partooine- A planet that was a prosperous peaceful world filled with yellow grass, alien-like flora, introduced wildlife, dark soil and oceans, a gray sky due to it's small amounts of metallic gases, large rock and lava formations, and geothermal valleys. Long ago, it was inhabited by sentient animals that went through ages of prosperity and grew into a Teadr 3 society. Their prized and most sacred possession is a special white substance called glassum, which was a substance that the planet's crust was rich in and could harden to indestructible proportions as it aged. Using this to build their many civilizations, the Partooians found it's many fountains as sacred sites. However, they were tricked into indentured servitude to the Grutts through a treaty as they had hoped it would better them. The people have become slaves for them for years until the treaty was deemed null and void when the Grutts desecrated their glassum fountains hoping to gain access to the precious and sacred substance, all with the help of the OIPD. This lead to the Partooians to revolt against the Grutts, where even dispite the Grutts superior weaponry and even Pharcum aide, the Grutts were forced to deside that the "Business plan in Partooine has failed", and the grutts retreating from the place. The planet is recovering from the Grutts' actions still, their sacred foundtons still ruined, but luckly, the Partooines long understood that the Grutts didn't do it out of true evil and acknowledged that they're survivalists at heart, this is proven by the fact some Grutt presence is being allowed, epsiecally in the form of a certain Grutt crime lord named Lubbloge the Notorious, a technical 'ruling' crimeboss of the planet cause of his celeberty status and powerful stripper club francise, in due to Partooine not having a goverment of their own, where they don't really believe in having a ruler of a world "That follows no being", though they only took Lubbloge seriously because he offers a chance to advance the socity's technology. That's not to say that the people are still wary of the Grutt's presence, espeically for the well being of the foundtons of this sacred subtence. Fortunately, Lubbloge knows to not repeat history, if mainly cause he's more interested in businesses that "He CAN maintain". The planet has 5 small oceans surrounded entirely by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 34hr:567d
  • Qochilia- A coniferous tundra planet that is a former colony of the Yatorans until it was abandoned due to a superstorm causing the already-cold environment to get even colder. Despite the superstorm still being active, it's reach doesn't spread across the entire planet, as the areas that are habitable enough have been claimed partially by the Hutts, who sometimes send their most cold-tolerating alien employees to venture into superstorm territory to claim whatever was lost in the Yatoran ruins, despite the risk that the superstorm could kill by freezing people to death. Though the Grutts have been able to use technology to find ways around the superstorm through uncovered subterranean catacombs which remain out of the wrath of the superstorm. Normally exposure to the intense temperatures would cause death in merely half an hour even with the best support money can buy, which is why it is a priority to be cautious when scavenging. The planet has 6 large continents surrounding 3 partially-frozen oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type II; DC: NE:596d

Schpreen System

  • Astergus- A desert planet which is filled with ancient Pharcum ruins, as well as several large oasis patches and jungles. The Pharcums that colonized this planet had made massive cities and have made slaves of several kidnapped sentient animals from all over the system which work in underground mining colonies for precious gems. This world is known for several deaths to slaves because of similar conditions to Jamestown, Virginia. There are infectious bugs everywhere, the harsh temperatures make slave labor difficult, and not many food and water was available to keep the slaves alive. Though the Pharcums do help them stay alive in order to keep them loyal. The planet has 5 small oceans and several lakes surrounded by land. Moons: None; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 18hr:266d
  • Mio- A semi-arid plateau planet where only a few plants and several oasis are found, as well as a few Pharcum wildlife. This is a Pharcum colony, as well as the capital of the Pharcum Mercenary Guild, where the greatest and most powerful of enforcers for the Pharcums are based. Several PMG bases are found here, as well as several large villages. This world is the most heavily-defended in the Pharcum colonies, and even the OIPD has trouble going there to even save some slaves. This was the perfect location for POWs and VIPs to be hidden due to the difficulty of rescuing them from the defenses. Only 3 people have been rescued from this planet out of sheer luck. The planet has 6 small oceans surrounded by land. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 21hr:324d
  • Gacollo- A semi-temperate desert planet which has a large storm circling above the planet's global ocean and often comes into contact with the continents on the other side of the planet. Some areas of this planet have rainforests where most have deserts with bodies of water and plant life growing next to it. The Pharcums colonized this place for them to live in massive cities. This planet was also attacked by the Bulliarns and thus a few areas of the planet are irradiated, and are often wandered across as a rite-of-passage for strength. The planet has a large supercontinent and global ocean. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: 24hr:422d
  • Pharom- A desert plateau planet which is contained in a forbidden system crawling with mercenaries and murderers, particularly of this planet's main race, a race of Teadr 3 boar-like creatures called the Pharcums, which were aggressive and deadly creatures which had been troublesome and believed that death was not a big deal because it was just a part of nature, or because they were just surrounded by it. Pharcums dedicate themselves to nothing but killing, and thus they hold gladiator shows, and even do many rituals that involve death. They were sent to exile in the Isheegus Sector by the Legion for their crimes on the AUU long ago, and they have since been hostile to any who entered the Isheegus Sector, or rarely attack the other planets in the Isheegus Sector depending on the reason. This planet has 5 continents and 3 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 26hr:501d ; Capital City: Gothamax City
  • Vosilath- A temperate planet which has been a vacation spot for it's rejuvenating geyser baths, geothermal valleys, and precious organic compounds. The Pharcum Mercenary Guild often comes here to heal or rejuvenate certain injured members who have suffered some serious infections and wounds. The spas are also available to other mercenaries who are able to pay big money for the services, the services often being expensive. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: 1; DT: Tier 2; AT: Type I; DC: 28hr:564d
  • Gothamir- A temperate planet which has a dark gray sky due to the small amount of metallic gases in the atmosphere, though the sun does give enough sunlight for plants to flourish in this often-dark planet. This is a Pharcum planet which is named after it's infamously cruel mistreatment on slaves. The cities are known for having the worst criminal activity of all, and the streets and buildings are brewing with anarchy and chaos, though maintain a steady balance of order. This world is also infamous because this is where the slaves that have done things such as murder or assault on a Pharcum are taken here, and given the harshest treatment of any slave colony in the sector. Some of these slaves end up dead as a result of the abuse, and several whip wounds end up infected, especially since this world is known for a few infectious diseases that the Pharcums are required to build an immunity to. The OIPD does consider this a serious crime, and thus most slaves here are rescued from captivity, and put in healing tanks to repair their bodies from the whip wounds. The planet has 8 continents and 5 oceans. Moons: None; DT: Tier 3; AT: Type I; DC: NE:596d
  • Daege- A snowy planet which has a small amount of plant life and Ice-Age-like wildlife as well as Pharcum wildlife. This is a Pharcum planet where several secrets concerning the Pharcums' history are kept, and are unreachable to even the OIPD. The secrets contained within often hold sensitive information that could crush the Pharcum Empire if it is leaked out, and death is the most common act of keeping them secured, and several OIPD officers have been killed trying to get to it. The planet has 3 large continents surrounding small oceans. Moons: 2; DT: Tier 4; AT: Type I; DC: 35hr:676d

Grimus System

  • Grimus- A planet ruled by a sacriviceal cult that named their planet and system after the death god "Grimus" that do ritualistic sacrivices of virgins and unsentient animals. The Grimuons are a fearsome race of anthro-spiders that even the Pharcums of the neightbering system prefer to stay the hell away from.

Mogron System

  • Clodawei- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Fafloiliv- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Mogokratise- (Mogok Home Planet, Bartokk-Like Teadr 2 Alien Insectoid Hive-Mind Invaders, TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Swuzalara- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Kushyke- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Dosweuturn- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Resteahiri- (TBC...) Moons: ; DT: ; AT: ; DC:
  • Oy'ta- (TBC...) Moons: ; DC:
  • Oy- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:
  • Ta- (TBC...) DT: ; AT: ; OT:


  • U.B.W.S.- The UIS Boundery Wall Suprime is not just buildt to block out USRA forces, but the Pharcums espeically! With both the Grimus system and the Mogron system not exactly UIS friendly or UIS accessable, UIS desided to wing it alone and create the greatest isolating wall to keep both USRA and Pharcums out of the now isolated systems.

Isolated Systems-6

Pzerbis System

  • Pzerbia- (AUU ELEX, Knightan Home Planet, Magalan was a planet looking to the future. Then a comet hit the planet, causing massive destruction. Those who survived are now trapped in a battle to survive, and a struggle to decide the fate of the planet. At the center of this fight is the element ELEX, a precious and limited resource that arrived with the meteor, which can power machines, give magical powers, or re-sculpt life into new, different forms. The protagonist is a former member of the Albs, who consume ELEX as a way to rid themselves of emotions and enable them to make decisions based on cold logic alone. Recovering from a crash in his glider jet, the protagonist goes through withdrawal from ELEX, experiences emotions for the first time in his life, and is classified as a traitor to the Albs. A central conflict of the story will be the player character's history with the Albs and the need to hide his former identity from the factions he previously fought with. The player can cooperate with and eventually join one of three factions in the game. The Berserkers have renounced modern technology and the use of Elex, instead finding a way to purify the substance into Mana to weave magic and restore life to nature. The Clerics fanatically worship a god called Calaan and operate like a religious police state where consuming Elex is expressly forbidden but it is used to power complex war technologies. The Outlaws have no formal leadership and operate with a "survival of the fittest" mentality, using improvised and deadly weaponry, and consume Elex in the form of specialized stimulant drugs, TBC...)

Zentus-Parcht System

  • Parachra- (Parach Home Planet, Paracas Skulls, TBC...)

Domn System

  • Domn Max- (Domic Home Planet, UIS Grutts, TBC...)

Terwan System

  • Terwan Minor- (TBC...)
  • Wakeworld- (AUU Wakanda, TBC...)
  • Terwan Major- (TBC...)

Delgin System

  • Derva- (Teadr 5 Delgo Nohrin-like Dervan Home Planet, TBC...)

Deathos System

Livas System

Torrinya System

  • Torring- (Torran Home Planet, TBC...)