SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Feskulia. A semiarid terrestrial planet which has slimy purple toxic tar pits, large deserts, rock formations, geothermal valleys, decent amounts of fauna and flora such as land reefs and plants, a purple sky due to it's small amounts of nitrogen, rich amounts of valuable resources and gemstones, and it's foggy afternoons. This world is infamous for not just it's high crime rate, it's history of war and Teadr 1 activity, and it's exploited megacorporate activity, but also because, at least according to offitcal reports, it's core being composed of a highly-volatile poison called nitrolysigen, the most dangerous reactive substance in the AUU, capable of destroying an entire planet, when unmodifived. This was quite a dangerous and traumatizing thing to discover. When the first settlers came onto this planet, they built a very strong series of towns and cities. However, 366 years later, the discovery of the planet's "explosive core" caused mass hysteria and panic, causing all civilizations to be abandoned. However, little did anyone realised, that Feskilia's core is, highly exaggerated and misinterperated. The claimed "Nitrolysigen" is actselly a result of a typo, it was actselly meant to spell "Netrolysigin", a harmless and powerful alternative fuel that can make ships run forever and is eviomentally friendly. Thing is, thanks to a computer error and an incompident dolt being incharged to throughly check the paper, Feskulia has been mistaken as a death planet and left to be taken advantaged off by undesireables who managed to know better. Left to be in the hands of such, often criminals and crime lords, all lead by it's crime lord dictator, Bosslord ZJ Yymfoll. This world still prospers in crime, hiding behind the false reputation of death planet to discourage attempts of bring order, and thus, became a restricted site to the AUU Grand Council and the USRA before that. That is, until that security gets challnaged by a Magilo Elder that knows better. This elder, being Elder Hieronymus, a Magilo user capable to sense magic in worlds, who feels tremendus pity for Feskulia and knows that it is not a true death world, came to it on a personal mission to prove that infamous typo wrong by bringing a piece of the feared explosuive core and prove it's harmlessness. However, Yymfoll, knowing that the elder will have great credability, knows that if Hieronymus is allowed to bring this proof back and show that Feskulia is actselly not dangerious, then law and order will come crashing down like a sledgehammer to a glass ball. Yymfoll orders for the elder to be captured and locked up and away from the core. However, all that did was invite even worse trouble for Yymfoll then just an army of enforcers: The Shell Louge Squad and the HA, espeically from Samantha and Merlin! Did Yymboll doomed his own empire, or is his rule the one thing too much for our heroes?


Planning a rescue mission.[]

Hero Hive.

  • Zosimo: "YOU WANT US TO GO WHERE?!"
  • Samantha: ".... You heard right. We need to conduct a rescue mission for Elder Hieronymus on the planet Feskulia."
  • Samantha: "Actselly, Hieronymus himself told me that the planet was victimised by a long uncorrected typo that created that gross misconception."
  • Zosimo: "..... Come again?"
  • Samantha: "You see, the claimed "Nitrolysigen" core, is actselly that of Netrolysigin. A harmless alternative fuel that can make ships run forever and is eviomently benefital. What happened was a computer error and a fool being entrusted to througohly read it that never noticed the mistake."
  • Hudson: ".... You mean, all this time, all that fearing of Feskulia being a death planet.... Was actselly because we were being stupid?"
  • Samantha: "And an error of the computers at the time. Thus, the criminals of the planet, who knew better then to trust the word of a glitched typo, knew the truth. Of which the elder tried to expose, but Yymfoll knew that Hieronymus would be most creditable, thus be able to flawlessly prove that Feskulia was a victim of error, would mean law and order would have no consiquence destroying his criminal empire."
  • Clifton: ".... Wow. He just made that Nukula Clast guy look even MORE stupid now."
  • Nanobyte: "I know, right? And we all know the story. First he went on about how there's supposed to be an astro-laser instailled into a planet that he wanted to use for personal revenge, and doing it via using it to blow up Feskulia and taking the system down with it, of which it turns out that the legendary Ztarblower Planet, NEVER existed, and thus, he and his crew, ended up traveling in space for YEARS on end, exhausting their ship's reshorces and pretty much straving his crew to death, thus, the guy died from a hunger driven revolt. Now, people don't even remember the name of his group, and when his lost ship was found, it was taken to rest into the near by ship graveyard."
  • Magnum: "Admitingly, it was relieving to know that the Ztarblower Planet doesn't truely exist. Too many fanactical groups, nevermind some of the VA's less desireable members, would've LOVED such a concept."
  • Cynmona: "It is espeically reliefing to me that such a thing never existed. Or else the Qoklara would've diffently sought it out. And I shudder about that kind of power being in their procession."
  • Zoismo: "Not to mention that it was theroticly IMPOSSABLE to convert a planet into an astro-laser super-weapon! The Universes would've been a scarier place if it was possable."
  • Xandy: "Oh yeah. That's not even possable for even the most capable of Teadr 1s. Maybe Teadr 0s can do it, but "why would they need to?", is the issue. Converting planets into Astro Lasers isn't possable. Sure, the Zhaerunias turned their planet into a giant moble space station, but it's not capable to destroy planets. If anything, it's a glorifived mothership."
  • Samantha: "Well, it must be reliefing to know that Feskulia is not actselly too dangerious of a world as well as the Ztarblower station's lack of meaningful existence."
  • Syvar: "Well, it is still dangerious in one aspect: Yymfoll's enfluence. Unchecked, the Dark Rads could deside to one day do business with him should they need the means to finally outsmart us."
  • Zosimo: "That is why, we're gonna need the Lougers for this. Time to make that call."

Feskulia Briefing.[]

  • (Calixto): "Here's the fullist briefing of Feskulia: A semiarid terrestrial planet which has slimy purple toxic tar pits, large deserts, rock formations, geothermal valleys, decent amounts of fauna and flora such as land reefs and plants, a purple sky due to it's small amounts of nitrogen, rich amounts of valuable resources and gemstones, and it's foggy afternoons. On top of it's history of crime, wars and Teadr 1 presence of various yet identitived Teadr 1 race presence, it's also it's core of a highly-volatile poison called nitrolysigen, the most dangerous reactive substance in the AUU, capable of destroying an entire planet...... Or, at least, based on what we are being informed, we thought was the case. If what Hieronymus said is proven fact, then the cities the settlers buildt on the planet were abandoned for nothing, and that it was recklessly left in the hands of the crooks that had likely knew ahead of time that it was a mistake and used the mistranslated fear to scare people off of what they created. And Bosslord ZJ Yymfoll, is the primary ringleader of this conspiracy. He knows that for as long as people continue to believe the supposed misconception, his empire would be a remaining safe haven in a United Universes ruled by law absolution that would otherwise see lawless socities crumble. On top of that, with what the core really is in mind, and if Yymfoll ever desided to play nice with the Dark Rads, that kind of fuel would end up giving the Dark Rads the boost they need to get a new VA up, or at the least be on the path to such. And safest bet to assume, we can't have that. The Feskulia misunderstanding has to be corrected before the Dark Rads ever have a chance to benefit from it. Hieronymus must be rescued so he can confirm whether or not this misunderstanding is true!"


Coming soon...
