SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Lord Felix Twinkles is an alien feline based on the cut plot of the movie It's A Wonderful Sponge. In this cut concept, alien cats are the ones who kidnap Gary and not Neptune, and Gary himself is of extraterrestrial origin and his home planet was lost to the cats. These cats wear strong red robotic armor, fly in 'Catsaucers' and control giant robots. In the SAFA timeline, Twinkles ruled the world of Purria, which was a utopia where nothing bad ever happened. Those who died were always resurrected by cloning technology, machines kept peace, and the race themselves were always free to live without worry. But this utopia was destroyed when Twinkles decreed that they should spread their ways of peace across the entire UUniverses. This resulted in the arrival of a Mischiever called Scumo'Buttus that wanted to destroy this perfect world before it spread it's peace across the UUniverses. When Twinkles refused to do what it asked, Purria was destroyed. Twinkles and a handful of his race survived in a large amount of arks and they have since been intending to find a new world. Twinkles was changed after the destruction of Purria to become more cruel and desperate, turning into a warlord who wanted to take a world by force. But no matter how powerful and great their technology, they always lost against each alien race they fought. Once all aliens defeated them, Twinkles decreed that this realm has all but decreed them insignificant, and decided that they must retreat to another dimension or timeline. They eventually discover one in the form of the Kamp Koral timeline, in which they never existed and yet Purria existed and the Purrians never evolved, still ripe for the taking. However, the same Mischiever that destroyed their planet forbidden them any access to another timeline, especially when they raid The Dragon Temple to get a device that can travel to alternate timelines. Angry and desperate to colonize this alternate timeline Purria, Tinkles decrees that they will go there by any means necessary, even if it means people have to die, and spacetime has to be cracked a little. Twinkles, due to the injuries he suffered from the destruction of Purria including a disfigured face, had been so traumatized that he has lost his Purrian ways of peace along with the rest of his race, and is thus desperate, willing to do anything to get them a new home. Thus he has built himself as a better leader, strategist, opportunist, combatant, and so on. He has great frustration and anger issues due to his long history of failure even when he has the power to do otherwise. He has a serious inferiority complex, even on a universal scale because of the reasons his homeworld was destroyed, fearing that he and his race are more insignificant than any other race, and thus pretends to be great, imposing, wise, and strong even when he has deep insecurities, and yet he wants to desperately find his race a new home no matter the cost, believing that everything else is insignificant and not worth his sympathy. He will thus do anything and everything in his power to save his race, no matter how careless or cruel. He has two assistants in the form of an obese eccentric and naive Purrian named Commandant Feffers and Feffers' more serious and humorless sister Commandant Snowflake.


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Twinkles has a similar appearance to his concept appearance, wearing a suit that holds a heavily-cloaked cape, which is used to cover his partially-disfigured face with a cybernetic cat-like left eye, royal garbs with many medals, and he is an alien-like Sphynx cat with whitish hair, alongside a wrinkly aged appearance. He also has many plates of red metallic armor on his suit.
