SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Krolken dodged a serious bullet on what he pulled in Thunderious Black Hole. No one discovered his nasty trick and went on with their lives. Cause of it, Kafar desided to avoid getting involved with Original Universeals until he knows the lougers can no longer be a threat to them. Kafar instructed Krolken to laungh a dinosaur invadion on Planet Tiyxubos. Krolken readies to once again battle his personally enemes, Commodore Saigon, and his son Harble, and all of the planet's Dinosaur Training Force, DTF in short. Krolken intents to finish what he had long started, by capturing and tameing the rarest and most powerful of alternate pterasaurs: Gold-Ra, A giant Quezalasaurus like alternate dino god creature only known from legends and myths. And Krolken knows where to look. Inside the centar of the planet, in a mythical valley known as "Gold-Ra's kingdom", where he can finally get the perfect beast. However, Gold-Ra is more then just a powerful god-beast. It is a creature of benvolence and it's power is needed in the centar of the world to keep Tiyxubos from implouding on itself and causing mass destruction. Krolken does not realise the stupidy he is about to bring to himself, and now the Lougers, Heroes Act, and the DTF must stop this and nail Krolken down hard! It's time to walk the dinosaur!
