SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

The Lodgers have to do something about Sillynamia, and the ever bothersome Sillynamia Effect since it's leader President Shamallamadingdong had gone from just banning otherworldly interference due to their oppression, especially since Icky messed up the summit. The people on the world have the most laughable of names and Shama has ended up keeping clear to that. But now Sillynamia has made friends with someone new, a Sillynamian scientist named Doctor Gum-For-Brains, who wants to end laughter forever by the use of mind-control, as his own name cost him a great award on Futuruasia. With Shamal agreeing to this since this will allow them to explore worlds without anybody laughing, and even rounded up people from all over the UUniverses with the same problem, and this especially harms Pinkie. A donkey who hates her named Jack A. Wagon ended up harmed by her antics more than Bonebreaker was and thus he turns her into somepony different. For this, the Lougers get some unexpected help from Outer Force since the effect in on their OF list, dubbed as OF-314. Togather they aim to seek out the external shorce of this effect and stop it from causing Sillynamia to act out like the idiots they are being, as they learn of a Pureblood Mischiver self-refered to as "The Mockery" had cursed the world and general silly names to always be laughed at and for persons to be bemused beyond reason. Their quest leads them into a Mischiverian Temple which holds the external shource, noneother then the meditating state of The Mockery Himself, both chanting and laughing in harmonious unison. But before the Lougers and Outer Force allies can do anything to contain the thing, they were halted by Gums and Jack, preventing both groups from touching the meditating outer because the premature halting the effect, even if it would SERIOUSLY benefit them, would ruin their revenge on their oppressors and risk Shama to stop taking their words seriously. Can the misfits be able to quell the shorce of their needless laughter at stupid names? (Or at least a primal force of it, no serious garrentie it would completely stop it).
